
  • If you're feeling like you're repeating the same day over and over again, stuck on a hamster wheel of working, completing chores, and taking care of kids, one of the easiest and fastest ways to break up that cycle is to celebrate the small wins. We're taught to celebrate the big milestones in the life - birthdays, anniversaries, holidays - but what about all of the other amazing, beautiful, everyday things that we do and experience? What might shift if we focused as much on those celebrations as we do on what we didn't do? This episode will help you see how powerful everyday celebrations can be for feeling good about your life and progress, despite it being busy and full! From personal anecdotes to client experiences, you'll learn practical tips on simple yet meaningful ways to celebrate. And bonus, learn how that can impact your kids and your family culture. Key Takeaways: 00:28 The perfect poem to inspire you to celebrate more 03:26 Why celebrating matters 05:03 How celebration helps get you off the hamster wheel of daily life 07:44 What it means to create a culture of celebration 09:11 Personal examples of the impact of celebration 17:47 Practical ways and ideas for how to celebrate 26:37 Your coaching homework Resources + Links: A Bit Much by Lyndsay Rush Find Lyndsay Rush on Instagram @Maryoliversdrunkcousin Episode 3: Creating a Monthly Wrap-Up Process The Elated Coupe Application for Coaching

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • Health is everything and yet, when you're a busy, working mom it can be so easy to let the everyday habits of self-care fall to the backburner. Seemingly basic healthy habits like drinking water, brushing your teeth, and getting enough sleep can be hard to keep up with when you just don't have the time or the energy. Through real-life examples, including the story of a client who struggled to drink enough water, Katelyn walks you through the exact strategies she uses with her clients to make healthy habits and self-care more manageable and sustainable.

    Key Takeaways: 01:13 The Importance of what I'm calling, "healthy habits" 06:04 Real-life examples that my clients are working on 11:06 Step-by-step process for troubleshooting and following through 16:42 Adapting to life changes 22:40 Get support with your healthy habits with a Planning Intensive session Resources + Links: The creatine supplement Katelyn is currently taking* Stanley water cup Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Wellbeing Planning Intensive - 90-minute session Apply to Work With Me *Talk to your healthcare provider about any new supplement you plan to take.

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
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  • Everyone dreads the question, "What should we have for dinner?". After a long day, the last thing you want to do is make another decision, especially one about what to eat. So, if you want to get out of the nightly scramble to figure out what to have for dinner, you'll need a meal plan. In this episode, Katelyn teaches you a super simple way to think about and create your own meal planning routine that will free up stress, relieve some of your mental load, and make evenings easier. Whether you’re new to meal planning or looking for ways to improve what you already do, this episode is sure to give you some fresh ideas and super simple actionable steps.

    Key Takeaways: 01:18 The what-to-have-for-dinner dilemma 02:37 The basics of meal planning 07:06 Creating your family's go-to meal menu 11:24 Implementing your meal planning process 15:11 Advanced meal planning tips 19:47 Ways to get support Resources + Links: Episode 1: The Power of a Simple To-Do List to Lessen Your Mental Load Blog Post: My 10 Favorite Make-Ahead Recipes for Easy Weeknights Planning Intensive Sign up to receive Working Mom Wednesday emails Learn more about coaching with Katelyn Coaching Application

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • Do you ever find your day completely derailed after a challenging parenting moment? Or maybe you're in a tough parenting season and those feelings are bleeding over into all the other areas of life, impacting your productivity, focus, and mood. In this podcast episode, Katelyn relates, sharing a recent chaotic parenting morning and offers some ideas on how to manage yourself and reset your day so you can still do what needs to be done. She explores practical steps to transition from parenting to work mode and from work to parenting mode. Katelyn also highlights the interconnectedness of family and work life and shares how coaching can support busy working moms in navigating these complexities.

    Key Takeaways: 00:47 This topic came from the community as a question 02:54 Real-life example of a tough parenting experience 05:44 Emotional aftermath and what actually worked 11:11 Practical steps to reset and refocus on the rest of your day 15:31 How to transition intentionally and check-in with yourself first 17:19 What clients bring to coaching Resources + Links: Connect with me on LinkedIn Follow me on Instagram Submit a question/topic for a future podcast episode Book: How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen Dr. Becky Kennedy: Good Inside book Coaching Application Get weekly coaching emails from Katelyn

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • Are you tired of the laundry piling up? Of the soccer socks or the dance leotard never being clean when you need them? Learn how to create a routine that puts laundry, or any other mundane chore, on autopilot so it's not something you even have to think about. Because for most of us, laundry will always be something we have to do. But that doesn't mean it has to be frustrating. Tune in for some practical tips, encouragement, and a fresh perspective on the "mundane" tasks of life.

    Key Takeaways: 00:19 Personal update: piano lessons 03:00 Why laundry matters 05:12 The mental load of laundry 11:44 Breaking down the laundry process 20:05 Ideas for involving kids in household chores like laundry Resources + Links: Plenty of Time group program Planning Intensive Sign up to receive Working Mom Wednesday emails Learn more about coaching with Katelyn Coaching Application

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • Do you wish you had more patience or that you were more present when you're with your kids? Have you ever felt guilty for how you reacted in the moment and then spent hours reading and watching parenting experts to learn what to do differently next time? You could learn all the skills and have the best tips and phrases at your fingertips, but if you're overwhelmed by work and life it will take so much more effort to respond patiently. Because that patient version of you is buried underneath the mental load of all that's on your plate. If you want to put those parenting skills to use, the best thing you can do is create mental space. Put the autopilots tasks of life on autopilot so you have the capacity to respond patiently and the peace of mind to be present with who is in front of you. This week's episode is all about creating mental capacity so you can be the parent that you've always wanted to be. This one is a must-listen. Key Takeaways: 01:35 Teaching and modeling patience to our kids 03:31 Patience is a parenting skill 05:21 The guilt most parents feel is not what you might think 06:57 Having the skills without the environment is like diving with an inner tube on 08:42 Creating an environment where you can be successful 12:30 What to do in the moment when you notice you're distracted 14:35 It's not just about lists and organization 16:54 Resources Resources + Links: Good Inside Podcast with Dr. Becky Kennedy Episode 1: The Power of a Simple To-Do List Bluey Sign up to receive Working Mom Wednesday emails Learn more about coaching with Katelyn Coaching Application

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • How often do you carry-over tasks from day to day? Your to-do list is so long, and you never have enough time to get to it all so those items sit for days or weeks never getting crossed off. It's defeating and makes you think that you're "behind" or not doing enough, which is not the case at all. But if you want to feel differently about how efficient and productive you are, you have to change the way you plan your days. In this episode, I walk you through a different approach that will have you feeling accomplished and proud as you wrap up your days. You'll learn how to look more closely at your time, decide what your priorities are, and then shorten your plan to be reflective of the time you actually have. Ready to seize the day? Listen in.

    Key Takeaways: 00:00 Katelyn's personal back-to-school transition updates 02:26 Navigating long daily task lists 08:19 How to create a realistic to-do list 09:42 Practical examples and tips 18:11 A resource to help Resources + Links: Episode 1: The Power of a Simple To-Do List Episode 2: Finding Time for Your Goals Download the free guide on how to use your to-do list to plan your days Learn more about my Planning Intensive service
  • Whether you're in back-to-school season or navigating another change in your weekly schedule, transitions are a constant in life, especially as a working parent. In this episode, I'm walking you through a few simple steps that will help you plan for and adapt to changes in your routine with confidence and ease. Maybe you're taking on a new project at work, transitioning your kid from a crib to a toddler bed, weaning your baby, or starting a new class or sport, whatever the change, it starts with understanding the dates and data, creating a plan, anticipating obstacles, and making proactive decisions. If you're not in the middle of a transition now, chances are you will be soon. So, tune in and learn how to plan for and adapt your routines for life's transitions.

    Key Takeaways: 00:00 Back to School Season and other examples of life's transitions 01:57 Navigating transitions and changes 04:53 Practical tips for managing change 07:54 Embracing and planning for change 12:57 Supporting yourself through transitions 20:20 Looking ahead and finding perspective 23:06 How coaching supports working moms through big changes Resources + Links: Lazy Genius Way Podcast: Back to School Checklist Episode #1: The Power of a Simple To-Do List to Lessen Your Mental Load Sign up for my Working Mom Wednesday email Learn more about coaching and apply here
  • If you're always looking for the next app, a better planner, or the productivity hack that will help you fit it all in, you might actually be avoiding having to decide what your priorities are and what you're going to let go of. Choosing what your priorities are in this season and letting go or setting aside those things that don't make the cut is an incredibly tough thing to do. But it's the fastest way to stop feeling so rushed, stretched thin, and overwhelmed. In this episode, I want you to explore the freedom that comes with deciding to not do everything and the relief it offers once you make that decision. I'm sharing practical examples and strategies to help you identify and let go of extra commitments and unrealistic expectations so you can create more space in your life. Tune in to learn how confronting decisions can transform your life from an endless to-do list to a fulfilling experience. Key Takeaways: 00:00 The decision you might be avoiding

    01:01 The productivity obsession

    03:16 Understanding yourself and your priorities

    06:28 The cost of doing it all

    08:26 The freedom of letting go

    10:22 Making tough decisions

    12:19 Commitments and activities to reconsider

    19:11 Managing expectations

    22:08 Practical experiments that you can implement

    Resources + Links: You Are Allowed to Change Your Mind

    Give Yourself Permission to Say No

    Apply to work with me

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/

    Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/

  • You know those life admin tasks that are a step beyond basics like grocery shopping, paying bills, and taking out the trash? The things that you'd like to be doing more regularly, but when life gets busy they fall to the backburner. Things like checking in on your finances or reviewing your budget, sorting kid artwork, cleaning out your inbox, managing photos on your phone, or adding notes to a keepsake journal or memory book for your kids. All things that aren't necessary for daily life to run, but things that make you feel like you really have it together. I like to call these tasks "next-level adulting". In this episode, I walk you through a monthly wrap-up process that I've been using for the last 5 months as a way to make sure I'm not forgetting about these "next-level" tasks. This wrap-up has also become a fun ritual that helps me review all the progress I've made and also appreciate life and the passage of time. I'm sharing exactly what's on my month-end checklist and tips for how you can create your own. Key Takeaways: 01:52 What is "next-level adulting" and how to differentiate between daily admin and life admin 02:05 Introducing the Monthly Wrap-Up Process 08:12 Ideas for What to Include on a Monthly Wrap-up Checklist 18:39 Next Steps and Additional Support Resources + Links: Podcast Episode 1 on To-Do Lists Podcast Episode 2 on Finding Time for Your Goals Planning Intensive Apply For Coaching Remarkable Everygirl tech backgrounds YNAB Let's Connect on Social: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/

  • Feeling frustrated that you don't have enough time to accomplish your goals like you did before kids? In this podcast episode, we discuss how to take on those things you really want to do, like exercising more, improving friendships, job searching, or just getting your family photos organized so you can finally order that album. By breaking down your big goals into smaller, manageable steps, you'll be amazed at how much progress you can make even with a busy schedule. I'm sharing real-life examples of what this looks like in action so you can apply it to your own big goals. By the end of this episode, I want you embracing the idea that something is better than nothing and celebrating every bit of progress along the way. Tune in to discover how you can start achieving your goals today.

    Key Takeaways: 00:00 Introduction and episode overview 00:13 Identifying common goals and challenges 01:17 Reframing time and how you think about goal setting 03:41 Personal example: tracking steps - how Katelyn went from 2,500 to 7,000 daily steps 11:58 Client example: fitting in physical therapy exercises to regain strength postpartum 14:58 Client example: job searching when you're working full-time and parenting young kids 18:11 How to break down your big goal and celebration as a success strategy 21:17 Your action plan & next steps Resources + Links: Withings Watch (Katelyn's step counter) NEAT (NPR Article about Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) IG Accounts that talk about strength training: Paige | Gym Nurse | Ana Katic Importance of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Learn about 1:1 Coaching with Katelyn Apply to work with Katelyn (1:1, Group, and Strategy Sessions available) Let's Connect on Social: • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ • Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • Do you ever feel like your brain is about to explode from holding onto too much? All those reminders, dates, errands, messages you need to send, and things you need to order run like a ticker in the background of your mind. Well, before you can even think about how and when you're going to get all those things done, you need to ease the overwhelm and create some mental space. And the easiest way to do that is so simple that most people skip over it in favor of more complicated processes. It's a to-do list. In this episode, I explain why the first exercise I do with all my coaching clients is an audit of their to-do list. When you're feeling overwhelmed by your mental load, the best thing you can do is get everything out of your head and onto a list so you can make sense of it and make a plan. I walk you through how to get started today, even if it's just by grabbing a piece of paper. I also share some of my favorite to-do list tools and how to choose the one that's right for you. Pop in those earbuds and get ready to lessen your mental load. Resources + Links: Trello Asana ClickUp TeuxDeux Todoist Passion Planner Panda Planner Monk Manual reMarkable Digital Notebook OneNote Working Mom's Guide to Getting It Done

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/
  • Welcome to the Life Coach for Working Moms Podcast! Settle in and get to know your host, Katelyn Denning, as she shares her journey from writer to podcaster, from professional to working mom of 3, and from the corporate world to now supporting working moms as a life and executive coach. This podcast will be your guide to effectively managing your time, learning to set boundaries, navigating career changes and opportunities, and prioritizing the most important things in your life. Get ready for actionable ideas, relatable life stories, inspiration, and a supportive community.

    Resources + Links: Join the mailing list and receive my Working Mom Wednesday emails every week - https://themothernurture.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?id=cbbe8eb5be&u=307a1f56d5f05b4cecdb91b3e

    Let's Connect on Social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemothernurture/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themothernurture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelyndenning/ Website: https://www.themothernurture.com/