
  • Hi. Hey and hello.

    This is series eleven, episode nine of the Lifestyle First podcast and today is all about emotions and I come to you with mixed emotions, a touch of sadness mixed with the taste of excitement. So let me explain. Come back with me to December 2019. The air is crisp, the sky is blue. There's frost on the windows and as I look out over the fields at the back of the house, I hear myself say out loud, I'm launching a podcast. I'm not sure who I'm saying that to. There is no one else in the room with me. No one's listening but now I've said it out loud, it feels like a declaration, a slightly crazy one, because the voice of doubt quickly creeps in. What do you know about podcasting? You don't know anything about mics or lighting or editing. There is no way you're going to get to grips with the tech and who's going to listen anyway? Now, maybe I don't know any of this, but what I do know is that there are messages of health that feel so important to share that I can't keep them to myself. Rock on three weeks later. It's the first Sunday in January. I master the tech, and the Lifestyle First Podcast hits the airways. 

    Podcasting and YouTubing is hard work and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Yes, it's fun and it's interesting, but there is more to it than meets the eye. I call it a labor of love, and because I love it, I keep doing it and now rock on exactly two years after I made the declaration, 'I'm launching a podcast' and the podcast has now traveled around the world. There are thousands of you listening from everywhere. The UK. The US. Slovenia, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Poland, Spain, Greece, Portugal, China, South Africa, even New Zealand. Wow and the Lifestyle First Podcast is now ranked in the top 5% of all global podcasts and think about it, with over 2 million podcasts worldwide, that is also a wow and look, I've been touched by so many messages that you sent me, telling me of the difference the show has made, the small things that have resulted in you thinking differently or doing something different that's then had big effects and the reviews have been just amazing.

    I'm so grateful and after reading all your comments and talking to you, so many of you, I'm sure you can understand why I feel sad telling you that today is the last episode of The Lifestyle First podcast. As you know, it. Series eleven, episode nine, the end. 117 episodes. It's a wrap!

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:

    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist

    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 8 of season 11 of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the L in the Lifestyle First Method.


    This is the bedrock of change. Habits are behaviours you do with automaticity. Are your current habits serving a useful purpose?

    * * * * *

    In this episode I explore how to form positive habits around movement & incorporate exercise into your day to day life with the founder of Slope Health, Andrew Lecocq.

    We discuss the difference between exercise & movement & question whether there is a difference at all. This concept of removing the cognitive divide between exercise & movement lies at the heart of Slope Health. Slope health is an app focused on creating habits related to exercise and physical activity. And Andrew is focused on changing how we think about exercise so that physical activity becomes a habit and a core component of preventative medicine.

    The two research studies we reference in our conversation are:

    Definition of exercise:

    We follow the advice of Dr. Jack Berryman's perspective: “Mowing the grass, raking leaves, washing the car–all that’s exercise...Physical activity includes all movement, not just throwing a ball through a basket.” -



    This is one of the most important drivers for long-term success. There are many types of motivations- weight, mental health,etc.


    * * * * *

    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:

    1. Do something every day. Whatever that may be. The best exercise is the one you are willing to do.

    2. No stress or pressure to make purchases or big changes. Start wherever you are & organically build better but sustainable habits.

    3. Let get of ego & truly consider 'why' you want to build better habits connected with movement.

    * * * * *

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:

    You can find out more about Andrew & his work at:





    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist

    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

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  • Episode 7 of season 11 of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the Y in the Lifestyle First Method.
    Social connectivity is directly linked to longevity. The blue zones are areas in the world with the longest living people and these zones have been shown to have one thing in common – community spirit, belonging and connectedness.
    * * * * *
    In this episode I explore the nature of societal definitions of masculinity & femininity with founder of Nobul Men, Simon Wisdom.
    We discuss what these definitions mean to our closest relationship, the one with ourselves.
    * * * * *
    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:
    1. Focus on your personal brand & know what your personal values & boundaries are.
    2. Recognise the ability to ‘dance’ with each other. Our energies are constantly changing & recognising that in our relationships will make those relationships more fulfilling.
    3. Attraction is always in ‘flow’ - there is no right or wrong answer & intimacy is a constance dance as we try to understand each others needs in a relationship.
    * * * * *
    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:
    You can find out more about Simon & his work at https://nobul-men.newzenler.com
    Or get in touch at [email protected]
    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:
    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist
    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/
    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk
    * * * * *
    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 6 of season 11 of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the T in the Lifestyle First Method.


    It’s so important to have some reflective space in your day, some “me” time. Focus on enjoying the moment – be mindful. Do you have space in your day to slow down your breathing? Do you journal to write down ideas, thoughts, feelings, goals and affirmations?

    * * * * *

    In this episode I explore the nature of rest & recuperation & answer the question what constitutes a true restorative behaviour?

    I explore 7 types of ‘rest’, many of which may challenge our traditional idea of what constitutes taking time out.

    * * * * *

    The two references I explore are:

    1. The real reason why we are tired and what to do about it (TedX with Saundra Dalton-Smith - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGNN4EPJzGk

    2. Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton-Smith - https://www.drdaltonsmith.com/publications


    As always I give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:

    1. Step outside every day & connect with nature to get your creative rest.

    2. Reduce sensory overload by limiting your exposure to notifications, screens & sources of information.

    3. Do something for someone else with no expected reward to support your spiritual rest.

    * * * * *

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:

    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist

    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 5 of season 11 of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the S in the Lifestyle First Method.


    Sleep is absolutely critical to health. Sleeping better for a healthier life can be achieved through simple, regular modifications to allow yourself to tune in to your natural sleep rhythms.

    * * * * *

    In this episode, to help me explore the 'Which spices can help me to sleep better?' I invited along Anna Wood.

    Anna Wood is the founder of JUX food, a startup on a mission to redefine sustainable super-seasonings.

    Anna has worked in the music industry for 8 years & recently completed an MBA at Cambridge University before founding her startup seasoning business JUX.

    * * * * *

    The two references Anna & I explore are:

    1. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995283/

    2. Effects of saffron on sleep quality in healthy adults with self-reported poor sleep: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32056539/


    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:

    1. Fit herbs & spices into your weekly Veg target. Make one addition of a herb or spice into your daily routine. Use creative methods such as including saffron in your mash or peppermint leaves in your tea. As a top tip if you are using dried herbs in your cooking, cook for about 20 minutes to allow them to rehydrate to get the full flavour & nutritional benefits.

    2. Erase one of your food waste habits. For example chopping parsley & popping it in a container with some oil, makes a tasty salad dressing that will last an additional week.

    3. 1 in 4 of us in the UK have herbs & spices that are over 5 years old. When recycling the packaging of these date expired herbs & spices consider whether your local council can recycle that packaging or does it need to be taken to different facility.

    * * * * *

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:







    Contact Anna at [email protected]

    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist

    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 4 of season 11 of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the E in the Lifestyle First Method.


    Exercise is key to health. Our bodies are designed to move and we’re getting too comfortable being comfortable. If there’s an opportunity to move, seize it, and remind yourself of the basics – balance, agility, strength, intensity, cardio and stamina.

    * * * * *

    In this episode, to help me explore the subject of exercise & how to develop sustainable lifestyle change I invited along Scott Harrison.

    Scott Harrison is a fitness and nutrition Expert, life Coach, motivational speaker, black belt karate instructor, chef, author, founder of The Six Pack Revolution and SPR Juniors, Scott has helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.


    In the episode Scott & I discuss the question “how do you sustainably integrate exercise into our lives?”

    The two references Scott & I explore are:

    1. Healthy body fat percentages - The Journal of Exercise Rehabiltation

    2. The effect of acute exercise on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and cognitive function



    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:

    1. Drink more water.

    2. Find a physical activity that you enjoy and initially start with just 20 minutes. Make your changes sustainable.

    3. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Negative self talk can have a detrimental impact on our ability to achieve our goals.

    * * * * *

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:






    Contact Scott at https://www.instagram.com/iamscottharrison/

    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist

    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 3 of season 11 of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the F in the Lifestyle First Method.


    The big questions I get asked all the time are “What’s the best diet?” and “What should(n’t) I eat?” It's complex, there’s no perfect diet. There’s always so much emotion associated with eating, and what you need to do is give yourself unconditional permission to eat and to see food as your life source and energy source. Talking about food as carbohydrates, proteins or fats is not talking about real food. Food is a package, not an isolated nutrient – food is packed with nutrients, flavours, smells, textures, colours – all of which add to the sensory and nutritional input of your food experiences.

    * * * * *

    In this episode, to help me explore the subject of food & in particular the subject of sugar I invited along MasalaBody.com founder Nagina Abdullah.

    Nagina Abdullah is on a mission to help ambitious women lose weight sustainably without sacrifice through her coaching business https://masalabody.com

    Nagina was 40 Pounds Overweight with an incredibly demanding career and two small kids and went from feeling tired, sluggish, and frustrated to melting off 40 lbs in 9 months and her sustainable approach has helped keep the weight off for years.


    In the episode Nagina & I discuss the question “how do you get rid of sugar cravings?”

    The two references we explore are:

    Robert Lustig . Metabolical: The truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet


    Sweetening of the global diet, particularly beverages: patterns, trends, and policy responses by Prof Barry M Popkin, PhD & Corinna Hawkes, PhD



    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:

    1. Focus on what you can add to your diet to satiate your craving for the sweet rather than focusing on what you have to remove. Spices such as cinnamon can be a great place to start & can give a 'sweet' flavour whilst actually reducing your blood sugar.

    2. Focus on a 'Protein More' approach. Protein creates satiety & a full feeling that can help keep cravings at bay.

    3. Drink 'de-bloating' water. Add 2 lemons, 1 cucumber & 10-12 mint leaves to a 6 glass pitcher of water & allow them to steep over night in your fridge. This is not only a great tasting drink but can also help avoid that need for a sweet fix.

    * * * * *

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:


    Get your copy of the 'SWEET SPICE CHEAT SHEET' for free at https://masalabody.com/sweetspicepdf/





    Contact Nagina at [email protected]

    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist

    Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapat... https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 2 of our brand new season of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the I in the Lifestyle First Method.

    I is for IDENTITY: WHAT IS YOUR DAILY AFFIRMATION THAT ENFORCES YOUR IDENTITY? Having a strong sense of identity links very closely with your behaviours. Simply put, you act out our beliefs. These are often negative beliefs – I’m so disorganised, I’m terrible at art, I can’t sing. But the brain is a very clever piece of kit! By creating a positive identity with regular positive mental affirmations, you can reprogram your thinking patterns so that over time you think and act differently.

    * * * * *

    In this episode to help me explore the subject of identity I invited along the incredible Adele Hartshorn.

    Adele is a Mindful Leadership Coach, a clinical hypnotherapist , an NLP Master Coach, a Mindful Leadership coach, a Yoga Teacher and a Professional Speaker. Adele has so much expertise in so many areas.


    In the episode Adele & I discuss the question “how does your identity affect your success?”

    The two references Adele we explore are:

    Gordon Livingstone . Too soon old. Too late smart. 2006. Hodder Paperbacks.


    Dan Gilbert TED 2014. The Psychology of Your future self



    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are:

    1. Start journaling – committing to 63 days can have a powerful & transformative impact.

    2. Create 5 daily desires and ask what do I need to believe about myself to create my desire?

    3. Be grateful

    * * * * *

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:

    You can discover more about Adele at






    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below:

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist Website: https://dralkapatel.com/

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapateluk/ https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk

    * * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • Episode 1 of our brand new season of The Lifestyle First Podcast is centred around the L in the Lifestyle First Method.

    L is for LIFE'S PURPOSE: WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? Your life’s purpose is the central motivating aim of your life – the reason you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behaviour, shape goals, offer a sense of direction and create meaning. Defining what your purpose is in life is important to leave a legacy and live a legacy.

     * * * * *

     In this episode to help me explore the subject of Life's Purpose I invited along the inspirational Keely Woolley.

    For Keely, there is nothing better, than seeing the shine in someone’s eyes, when that light-bulb moment occurs and they re-discover their “Why”. Keely, is an Executive Leadership Coach, Mentor & Trainer, International Speaker & #1 International Best Selling Author and a Business Strategy & Programme Delivery Executive. After 23 years’ experience within a global manufacturing environment, Keely decided take a leap of faith and step away from the corporate world, so that she could help to inspire other Female Executives and Leaders to live and love their WHY, with Passion and Purpose and be even more fulfilled & successful in their lives, personally & professionally. Keely is a proud nan, mum and wife of 30 years, living in Kent, U.K.. With two extremely cuddly German Shepherds and an independent cat.


    In the episode we discuss how finding your purpose or your 'WHY' is integral to your growth, development & success in every aspect of your life. From the personal to the professional if our true purpose is not clear to us we can often find ourselves busy, burnt out & feeling rudderless. Keely & I discuss how to find your 'why' and identify what it is that truly ignites the passion within so that all aspects of our lives contribute to our greater purpose.

    * * * * 

    As always we give you three actions to take away from the episode which are: 

    1. Monitor your stress and anxiety levels. Notice and record when you feel stress, unease and anxiety. 

    2. Consider what are the triggers for you to feel stress and anxiety. When do they occur? Who are you with when you feel these feelings surface and what activities are you undertaking in those moments? 

    3. Having monitored your stress levels over a sustained period and considered the causes, the third action is to identify the pattern of behaviour that underpins the stress in your life. So often we find that the aspects of our lives that are causing us the most stress are those that are barriers to us working towards our purpose. These three steps will therefore help us get closer to finding our 'why' as we identify and remove the barriers to living a purpose driven life. 

    * * * * * 

    Find Out More/Contact/Follow: 

    You can discover more about Keely at https://www.metamorforsuccess.com https://metamorforsuccess.newzenler.com/f/daily-stress-monitor-tracker https://www.linkedin.com/in/keely-woolley-leadership-trainer-coach-uk

    You can discover more & connect with Dr. Alka at the links below: 

    Newsletter: https://dralkapatel.com/mailinglist Website: https://dralkapatel.com/ 

    Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralkapateluk/ https://www.facebook.com/dralkapateluk https://www.instagram.com/dralkapateluk https://twitter.com/dralkapateluk 

    * * * * * 

    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

  • #10.09: E: Emotions: “How can you find joy?”

    “Joy is something you find within yourself.”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast isKath Wynne-Jones, who is a TEDx speaker with her talk, “The 3 F’s of resilience,”and author of the book “Finding Joy Within.”

    In this episode we:

    · Deconstruct the meaning of joy

    · Highlight inner peace and inner centredness

    · Explore joy in the big things and the small things

    · Explore words for joy in different languages – shinrin yoku, fjaka

    · Consider happiness dependent on external factors and joy dependent on internal factors

    · Discuss meditation and the awareness it gives you about yourself

    · Explore creating time to do nothing and having both scheduled and unscheduled time

    · Consider the human need for certainty and variety

    · Highlight the need for joy to have intentionality

    · Consider the question – how do I intend to feel today?

    1. The one question we discuss is “: “How can I find more joy?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    · Tim Lomas et al. Happiness – Found in Translation. 2019

    · Kath Wyyne-Jones. Finding Joy Within. 2022

    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Connect with self- notice what you’re feeling and how can you change or maintain your emotional state

    · Create a ritual to start the day

    · Do what you love for 30 minutes a day.

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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  • #10.08: L: Learning Habits: “What habits can boost your memory?”

    “Learning is a skill that can be mastered.”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Giulia Remondino, TEDx speaker with her talk,Alter Your Past, Replay Your Future, and author of the book Genius By Choice

    In this very interesting episode, we:

    · Discuss learning to learn

    · Highlight the connection between learning and confidence

    · Discuss the difference between learning and recalling

    · Explore the ability to create mental representations of what we learn to build retention

    · Discuss the language of our brain based on images

    · Explore 3 phases of memory – encoding, storage, retrieval

    · Understand the 3 characteristics of memory based on images, association and emotion

    · Highlight 4 key emotions for memory – funny, scary, romantic, and disgusting

    · Discuss the immense capacity or our brain

    · Explore effective storage for memory

    · Highlight the importance of breaks at least every 90 minutes

    · Highlight the importance of sleep in processing memory.

    1. The one question we discuss is “What habits can boost your memory?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    · Giulia Remondino. Genius By Choice. 2020


    · The Memory Capacity of a Human Brain. CNS Clinical Neurology Specialists. https://www.cnsnevada.com/what-is-the-memory-capacity-of-a-human-brain/

    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Turn concepts and words into images

    · Add emotion to learning – funny, scary, romantic or disgusting

    · Start from a trigger – create an association

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.

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  • #10.07: Y: Your Connections: “How can I connect better with myself and others?”

    Connect With Your Higher Self

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Irini Michaelidis, who is a global business leader, coach and educator who develops leaders to take a holistic approach to leadership.

    In this episode we:

    · Discuss genuine human connection to oneself

    · Discuss the need to connect as a biological imperative

    · Explore awareness, knowing, being

    · Highlight the need to increase observations of self first before co-connecting with others

    · Explore the need to slow down to speed up

    · Highlight how silence and stillness enhances productivity

    · Talk about creating rituals for personal space

    · Explore creating intentions when on digital platforms

    · Discuss loneliness and burnout

    · Explore energy as a connecting force

    · Explore Intention. Information. Interaction

    · Explore connection disconnection

    · Understand desire for connection as a signal to take action

    1. The one question we discuss is “: “How can I connect better with myself and others?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    · Redcay E, et al. Live face-to-face interaction during fMRI: a new tool for social cognitive neuroscience. NeuroImage.2010; 50(4), 1639-47


    · Saxe, R., et al. Acute social isolation evokes midbrain craving responses similar to hunger. Nature Neuroscience. 2020; 23: 1597-1605


    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Connect with self- create rituals to get centred

    · Connect with others - notice how you connect with others

    · Notice who you connect with- be intentional

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


    Find Out More/Contact/Follow:





    [email protected]













  • #10.06: T: Time Out:” What are the benefits of safe, regular breath-work?”

    The Power of Breath-work

    “Breath is our lifeforce.”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Breath Coach and Yoga and Massage Expert, Lyyne Matthews

    In this episode we:

    · Discuss the origins of breath-work to sustain life, gain energy and expand consciousness

    · Explore the connection between breathing and feeling

    · Highlight how to use breath to support you in any situation

    · Discuss the popularisation of breath-work

    · Explore simple breathing practices to create space for unresolved challenges

    · Discuss parts of the brain that connect breathing to states of mind

    · Explore the breathing pacemaker in the brain

    · Discuss nostril predominance at different parts of the day and the impact on productivity

    · Simplify breathing

    · Highlight how simply bringing attention to the breath can make a difference to how you feel

    · Explore alternate nostril breathing - nado shodhana pranyama

    · Discuss our cooling moon side and heating sun side

    · Consider depression and anxiety and how different breathing techniques can harm and heal

    · Highlight the importance of learning about breathing through practice rather than through books

    · Discuss regular practice and incorporating breath-work into daily life

    · Highlight the importance of talking to a breath specialist for specific challenges


    1. The one question we discuss is “what are the benefits of safe regular breath-work?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    · Melnychuk, M. C., et al. The bridge between the breath and the brain: synchronisation of respiration, a pupillometric marker of the locus coeruleus, and an EEG marker of Attentional Control State. Brain Science. 2021. 11(10): 1324


    · Yackle, k., et al. Breathing control centre neurons that promote arousal in mice. Science. 2017. 255(6322): 1411-1415


    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Keep it simple, keep it soft – slow deep breath in, in for 4 out for 8, find your own natural rhythm

    · To build a regular practice, clear a physical space that you learn to recognise as a place to focus on your breathing

    · Enjoy the discovery that breath-work gives you.

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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  • #10.05: S: Sleep: “How can I stop my racing thoughts from preventing me sleeping?”

    “The heart beats, the mind thinks”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Sleep Science Coach, Dr Kimberly Lemke.

    In this episode we:

    · Discuss the thoughts that keep us awake

    · Explore night times routine to quieten the mind

    · Highlight the concept of cognitive distraction and how to use your 5 senses to be in control of what you want to think about

    · Discuss normal night wakenings

    · Consider how we reinforce night wakening’s by worrying about them

    · Explore the concept of constructive worrying in the day to relive worrying in the night

    · Discuss how to stop worrying about not sleeping


    1. The one question we discuss is “how can I stop my racing thoughts from preventing me sleeping

    2. The two references we look at are

    i.  Quiet your Mind and Get to Sleep: solutions to insomnia for those  with depression, anxiety or chronic pain. Manber, R and Carney, C. E. 2009


    ii. Behavioural and Hypnotic Treatments For Insomnia Subtypes: Behavioural Sleep Medicine. 2003. 1 (2): 81-101

    i. The three actions to take are:

    · Don’t catastrophise – your brain knows how to sleep

    · Control what you think about – replace what you don’t want to think about with what you do want to thing about to self soothe

    · Prethink your worry – identify your two best next steps to deal with what’s worrying you

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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  • #10.04: E: Exercise: “Why is pelvic floor exercise the forgotten exercise?”

    “I can tell how well your pelvic floor’s working by the shape of your butt!”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Pelvic Floor Trainer, Jenni Russel.

    In this episode we:

    · Explore the pelvic floor as the foundation holding up your trunk analogous to the foundations of the house.

    · Discuss the position of looks over function in society

    · Explore the role of the pelvic floor as related to sex and babies

    · Highlight the difficulties having conversations about the pelvic floor in relation to continence, constipation and childbirth

    · Consider the need for pelvic floor education in school years

    · Explore the role of the pelvic floor in movement and injury

    · Explore the pelvic floor as the cornerstone of stability for the body

    · Consider the rewards of a strong pelvic floor

    · Discuss the connection between confidence and a weak pelvic floor and impact on social decisions and personality.

    · Highlight how 1 in 3 women are affected by pelvic floor issues.


    1. The one question we discuss is “why is pelvic floor exercise the forgotten exercise?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    (i) Jenni Russell. Can a vagina buy a Mercedes? 2005


    (ii) Jenni Russel. Pelvic Floor Secrets.2019. Filament Publishing


    3. The three actions to take are:

    · The cough test: lay down put your hands on your tummy and cough – what happens? Your tummy should draw in

    · The breath test- stand and inhale – what happens? Your abdomen should expand out.

    · The lift- lift the perineum upwards

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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  • #10.03: F: Food: How does the food I eat affect my metabolic health?”

    Eat Well. Transform Your Body

    “What you measure you can improve”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guests on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast are Dr Estrelita van Rehnsburg and Issy Warrack

    In this episode we:

    · Discuss metabolic health and metabolism in the context of energy

    · Explore misconceptions about food and health

    · Highlight the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases

    · Discuss dietary guidelines

    · Explore theories related to eating less fat and more carbohydrates

    · Discuss the myth eating fat makes you fat

    · Explore the food industry

    · Consider the role of hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance in multiple diseases

    · Discuss continuous glucose monitoring

    · Consider supplementation with various diet choices


    1. The one question we discuss is “how does the food I eat impact on my metabolic health?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    (i) Eat Well or Die Slowly, Your guide to metabolic Health. Dr Estrelita van Rensburg and Issy Warrack. 2020


    (ii) Lore of Nutrition. Challenging Conventional Dietary Beliefs. Tim Noakes and Marika Sboros. 2018


    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Determine your waist:height ratio, aiming for <0.5

    · Count your carb intake (not calories)

    · Eat natural fats

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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  • #10.02 I: Identity : “How does your super-ego influence your identity?”

    “We are not human beings, we are human becomings”

    Take Control of Your Super-ego

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Ashton Smythe, Love and Mindset Coach

    In this episode we:

    · Explore Freuds theory of the id, the ego and the superego

    · Discuss borrowing identities from our parents and society

    · Highlight how identity is controlled by our belief systems

    · Discuss morality and reality

    · Explore quietening the ego and silencing the ego

    · Explore fear-based thinking

    · Consider widening perspectives when making judgements

    · Discuss the power of the spoken word

    · Consider the evolving identity


    1. The one question we discuss is “How does ego influence your identity?”

    2. The two references we look at are:

    (i) Jonathan Gravenor. The Other Side of Ego TEDxOcala


    (ii) Todd Herman. The Alter Ego. 2019


    (iii) The three actions to take are:

    · Ask yourself a powerful introspective question – if my identity was changeable, how would I change it to have a more empowered life

    · Quieten your ego

    · Think of yourself as a human becoming, not a human being

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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    Podcast: OrangeTintedGlasses

    Ebook: The-alchemy-of-romantic-love-e-book £5.00











  • #10.01: L: Life's Purpose: Why is curiosity the route to finding your purpose?

    Use curiosity to find your purpose

    Curiosity is the engine and fuel that helps us to find what we seek

    ”Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guest on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast is Curiosity Coach, Melinda Mulcahy

    In this episode we:

    · Discuss the omnipresence of curiosity

    · Explore triggers that ignite thoughts

    · Highlight brain activity and discuss dopamine as a desire chemical for seeking information

    · Explore the connection between learning, retention and curiosity

    · Explore curiosity at the intersection of passion, purpose, meaning and creation

    · Consider curiosity in the workplace

    · Discuss using curiosity to navigate uncertainty


    1. The one question we discuss is “why is curiosity the route to finding your purpose?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    (i) The Business Case for Curiosity Harvard Business Review. Francesca Gino.


    (ii) Matthias Gruber. TEDx UCDavisSalon. This is Your Brain on Curiosity.


    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Ask “What is it I’m really seeking”

    · Ask “What makes me feel good?”

    · Ask “What can I learn?”

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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  • #9.11: Bonus: “Be an action taker.”

    Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    In this episode we take a look back at the highlights of this season with a reminder of the key actions from each season.

    Episode 1, Life’s Purpose.

    1. Know your why feeling- feel that warmth and contentment- when you make a decision, ask yourself, is this going to give you my why feeling?

    2. Visualise having already achieved what you want to achieve.

    3. Ask yourself what happens if you don’t do what you have set up to do.

    Episode 2, Identity.

    1. FHB Practice – Feet on Floor, Hand on Heart, Body on Breath.

    2. Do a gratitude practice - write down 3 things that made you feel grateful.

    3. Take care of your limiting I Am statements- move a negative statement into the past tense or release it into a potential.

    Episode 3, Food.

    1. Move to a plant based diet.

    2. Spend time with friends and family – experience the joy of living and connecting and not the fear of dying.

    3.  Pay attention to how you feel with whatever changes you make- whatever you do has a corresponding benefit, if is pleasureable and meaningful you’ll do more of it.

    Episode 4, Exercise.

    1. Focus on your core values and lend these values to your fitness routines.

    2. Find the playful elements – connect fun to your goals to soften your goals.

    3. Make the time- prioritise time for exercise and repair because it’s important to you.

    Episode 5, Sleep.

    1. Don’t be fooled by the feeling of sleepiness- even if you don’t feel sleepy, you still need sleep.

    2. Eat fruit high in antioxidants.

    3. Eat yoghurt with friendly bacteria.

    Episode 6, Time Out.

    1. Find a way to connect with yourself everyday – try journaling or writing a letter to connect with your core inner self.

    2. Ask yourself “what else is possible?” – create a headspace of curiosity and possibility and openness rather than judgement and closed thinking.

    3. Find a way to be useful to another person.

    Episode 7, Your Connections.

    1. Practice good connection when interacting and focus on creating trust and security instead of just focusing on issues and concepts and ideas.

    2. Use touch and proximity in interactions when you can- closing the distance changes the meaning of a conversation.

    3. Remove distractions when communicating- be present in the moment, pay attention.

    Episode 8, Learning Habits.

    1. Break your challenges into small chunks.

    2. Reward yourself for your actions.

    1. Create a short, middle and long-term goal.

    Episode 9, Emotions.

    1. Build moments of reflection into your working day.

    2. Build mental fitness gradually.

    3. Work with someone who can help you navigate your internal landscape.

    Episode 10, First Motivation and Mindset.

    1. Recognise imposter syndrome in yourself, be self-aware.

    2. Be willing to entertain other perspectives.

    3. Keep a praise file to draw yourself back to the positive.

    What one action will you take?

    Leave your comments below.

  • Take the LQ test: https://dralkapatel.com/lq-test/

    My guests on this week’s episode of The Lifestyle First Podcast are Lea Sellers and Rosalind Adler from The Confidence People Lea is a media trainer and communications consultant and has been a producer on programmes such as Question Time, Newsnight and Channel 4 News,

    And Rosalind  is a trainer specialising in communications skills and her work is informed by her parallel careers as an actress and writer.

    In this episode we:

    · Discuss how to define imposter syndrome

    · Explore the disconnect between perceived and actual performance

    · Highlight the root of imposter syndrome in fear

    · Explore gender differences in the manifestation of imposter syndrome

    · Explore varying presentations

    · Consider self-doubt as a strength and recognition of humility


    1. The one question we discuss is “how can I banish imposter syndrome?”

    2. The two references we look at are

    (i) Dr Denise Cummins - Do You Feel Like an Imposter? https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/good-thinking/201310/do-you-feel-impostor

    (ii) Valerie Young. The Secret Thoughts of Successful


    3. The three actions to take are:

    · Self-awareness: noticing characteristics

    · Willingness to entertain other perspectives

    · Keep a praise file

    Which of these 3 actionable tips will you implement?

    Leave your comments below.


    DISCLAIMER: This content does not constitute or substitute personal one-to-one professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care professional with questions about your health.


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