
  • JOHN LEWIS was a Canadian-born music composer who gained a bachelor in Music, along with several awards and distinctions.

    As the 1970s got underway John came to London and was commissioned to compose music scores for the renowned Ballet Rambert. A chance encounter at Rambert Studios and an interest in buying a synthesiser led John to join Brian Hodgson at his established, Electrophon Studio in Covent Garden. The pair composed music, released albums, and worked with well-known names from the music scene.

    Little did John know that with all the trappings of London’s gay scene and the creative circles he no doubt mingled and networked. That there was a silent and deadly pandemic looming which would end his life just as he was near completing a score for BBC’s Dr Who.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:



    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS and the works of John Lewis, featured in this podcast. No copyright infringement intended -

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersDr Who - Mark of the Rani / BBC Radiophonic Sounds ©BBCWhere Are We Captain? by Wavemaker Hodgson/Lewis © Polydor RecordsNew Atlantis by Wavemaker Hodgson/Lewis © Polydor RecordsI'm a Computer ©Pete Davies - Goo-Q WebsiteHolberg Suite, Grieg - Performed on Piano by Gerhard OppitzThunder & Lightning (© Unknown) - by John Lewis, Gareth Marshallsea & C.Platt
  • It was one thing to have your HIV/AIDS diagnosis and your private life dragged through the British press. It was another if you were a respected medical or healthcare professional with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis.

    In 1992 & 1993 Dr. Curran, Dr. Clayton & Dr. Shuttleworth were not only vilified for their private lives but had their professional reputation scrutinised by the press causing widespread panic among their patients and the public. It is unforgivable that their reporting of these men didn’t show them the same level of care and compassion the Doctor’s showed their patients.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:



    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers
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  • Martin Johnson met the late Diana, Princess of Wales on her first visit to the UK’s first AIDS hospice in February 1989.

    But no stranger to the press Martin was ‘outed’ as a gay man when subject to a police “raid” which saw him arrested along with 36 of his birthday guests in 1982. Accused of hosting an “orgy” Martin put his case before the European Court of Human Rights, but what did they rule?

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:



    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersBBC - Princess Diana's visit to Mildmay Hospital 24 February 1989
  • In 1992 Roy Cornes was a 24-year-old haemophiliac, infected with HIV through contaminated blood products. Through no fault of his own he then found himself at the centre of a worldwide media frenzy.

    Roy’s life was turned upside down by one woman who alleged Roy was “knowingly” and deliberately spreading HIV to women. The media dubbed him a “maniac”, a “monster” and the “AIDS Casanova”. With plans for “hits” on his life & MPs raising urgent questions, we look at what happened next!

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - ROY CORNES


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersITV News - Online Video ReportChannel 4 News Report
  • “DO NOT REVIVE - AIDS” was the suicide note left by grammar school teacher John Hutchinson in August 1986. John's friends told the inquest he hadn’t seemed himself days before his death. John perhaps foreseeing his recent HIV test result being positive, without ever learning the outcome of his test.

    We also look at two young men who took their own lives merely for ‘suspecting’ or ‘fearing’ they had HIV/AIDS. The coroner giving his verdict alluded to the then-recent 1988 AIDS campaigns and the fear and stigma they whipped up as not being helpful. With both young men testing negative for HIV post-mortem, we learn they had nothing more than minor, common ailments.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - "DO NOT REVIVE - AIDS"


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    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic.

    In a series finale Will & Gloria head to Brighton for the bank holiday weekend. Through the papers, the pair learn about the life of the UK’s first openly gay football referee, Norman Redman from West Sussex. However, very little is made of his years of campaigning for gay rights and HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Norman had to first contend with teams refusing to play because he was “homosexual”. Then teams refused to play when they learned Norman was “an AIDS carrier” as they deemed him “a health risk”.

    The pair also uncover stories from the newspaper archives which include a visit to Brighton AIDS centre by the late Princess Dianna in 1990. A young man convicted of wielding an HIV-infected needled when challenged for stealing a bulb of garlic. And a new game being played in the school playgrounds of West Sussex called “AIDS”.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:



    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic.

    In 1985 a 29-year-old man named Roger Youd was subject to a court order to be detained in Monsall Hospital when expressing he wanted to merely “go home”. Manchester council stated the order under the Public Health Act 1984 was sought because Roger was "bleeding" and given he had “AIDS” he was in their view “very dangerous” to the public. Little did they know the story would cause a national "furore" and Roger would eventually appeal to the Crown Court.

    Staying in Manchester the pair look at the story of Angela Wilson who was diagnosed HIV positive in 1988 while on remand for shoplifting. Angela shares her story with a tabloid that dubs her "The AIDS Timebomb" before sharing Angela's heartache of becoming a drug addict at the hands of her abusive partner, turning to prostitution, and attempting suicide after her son is put up for adoption after she is diagnosed with "AIDS".

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - ROGER YOUD


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersAudio 'It's a Sin' [Episode 3] by Russell T Davis/Channel4 - Watch 'It's a Sin' - HERE
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic.

    In a series of child first’s, we hear the emotional accounts from brave parents who sadly lost their child to AIDS.

    Irene, a mother who only learned she was HIV positive days before delivering twins discovers she only passed HIV to one of her twins. Doctors said only one of the twins contracting HIV was an “amazingly unusual case” and said to be a ‘first’. We also hear the story of one-year-old Antony Thorpe who was the first child in the UK to die due to AIDS after receiving contaminated blood in America when he was born 14 week premature.

    And Eileen and Billy Quirk share how their 10-year-old son Stephen Quirk, was the first child living with haemophilia to die of an AIDS-related death after receiving contaminated blood products in the UK.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:



    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers'News at Ten' - Antony Thorpe report believed to be BBC
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic.

    Two men around 30, each with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis are on the same hospital ward. One is a patient and the other, a nurse. Both men were photographed with the late Diana, Princess of Wales as she opened the UK’s first HIV/AIDS ward at London’s Middlesex Hospital in 1987.

    The patient on the ward only agreed to be photographed if he had his back to the camera in fear of being identified due to the rhetoric and stigma at the time. The nurse of the ward openly shared his HIV status with the waiting news cameras for the first time. But who were these courageous men, what happened to them and what impact did they have on HIV/AIDS stigma?

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - Ivan Cohen & Shane Snape


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersITN News archive reports 'Princess Diana/Broderip Ward' 1987BBC news archive / BBC Sounds 'Witness History' interview with nurse John O'Reilly [2017] FULL EPISODE HERE
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic.

    Scottish artist Edward Cairns, 34, who was also a gay man was found dead at his London home in October 1984. Edward’s untimely death which was thought to be AIDS-related, fell under the scrutiny of the West London Coroner Dr. John Burton. And it didn’t go unnoticed by the Coroner, the sensational headlines in the tabloid press along with the media presence at the inquest.

    Given ‘Eddie’ was a very talented up-and-coming artist Will & Gloria also looked at how the press covered HIV/AIDS-related ART exhibitions within the UK and some of the people behind the ART.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - Artist Edward Cairns


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers
  • Will heads to Slough to surprise the hosts of The HIV podcast, Sarah & Jess. The trio then take a look at the HIVstory of the charity behind the podcast, ‘Thames Valley Positive Support’.

    Between them, they unearth articles long since forgotten from the newspaper archives spanning the last four decades. Articles that include letters from readers with language that leave the pair spitting feathers. Sarah & Jess are then surprised, if not overwhelmed, to hear from two very special guests that were at the heart of it all in the 1980s & 90s.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - TVPS 'This Is Your HIVstory'


    Thames Valley Positive Support (TVPS) HIV Charity Est: 1985

    'The HIV Podcast' Sound bite: 'Sean-It's a Sin Special'

    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE

    'This is your Life' Theme Tune - BBC


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersThis is your Life' Theme Tune
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic.

    When London dentist Vikram Advani died of AIDS-related complications in 1993. Every major newspaper up and down the land seized the opportunity to vilify and stigmatise his good name and besmirch his reputation as a dentist and the memory of those closest to him.

    Mr Advani’s former lover and loyal friend Dr Keith Watts, also diagnosed HIV positive and later dying of AIDS-related complications attempted to set the record straight by sharing his story in a major tabloid.

    Will & Gloria also step back to 1987 and the reporting of the UKs first AIDS-related hospital ward, the Broderip Ward at London’s Middlesex Hospital.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - Vikram Advani


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / NewspapersITV/ITN News Channel
  • Will & Gloria once again delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic. Featured in this episode is prisoner Del Sinclair, by his own admission had a string on convictions behind him. In 1985 he was featured in a national newspaper declaring he intended to ‘go straight’ and even publish a book on Prison food with a working title ‘The Good? Prison Food Guide’. However, 4 weeks later back on remand he routinely tested HIV positive and faced threats of violence from other inmates.

    Other articles covered are those of a highly regarded Home Office pathologist refusing to carry out a post-mortem on a young man for merely “suspecting” the young man had AIDS. Another national newspaper ‘outs’ another man as being gay and being the 38th person in the UK to die of AIDS. Then in 1987 two gay men from Soho, London said to be “friends” were also denied a post-mortem when they died 3 weeks apart.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - Del Sinclair


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers
  • Will & Gloria delve into the British newspaper archives and attempt to unpick the real stories, of real people behind the sensational and attention-grabbing headlines of the 80s and 90s AIDS pandemic. Featured in this episode is the moving story of a 25-year-old man from Portsmouth, Paul Somes who died in Police custody in 1987.

    Two national newspapers published articles devoid of any sympathy and instead chose to vilify and humiliate Paul for being an "AIDS sufferer" [living with HIV] before the entire nation. Will & Gloria seek to find any surviving family to give Paul a voice, perhaps share what happened, and a greater insight into what Paul was actually like.

    All articles and relevant documents from this episode are available on the:

    XTRA Tea Blog - Paul Somes


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research relating to HIV/AIDS.

    British Newspaper Archives / Newspapers
  • Before delving into the British newspaper archives and their reporting of the AIDS pandemic in the 80s and 90s. Will & Gloria first spill the tea’ on the press of today and ask why the gay media particularly, remained silent when asked to support the official UK Government HIV Stigma Petition.

    XTRA TEA BLOG POST: The HIV Stigma Petition

    The HIV Podcast

    AIDS 1987 Monolith 'Falling Tombstone' TV Campaign UK


    Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats 'A Sin' + WEBSITE


    Third-party media: Used under 'fair use' for the sole purpose of education, criticism and/or research.

    UK Government Public Health - AIDS Monolith TV Advert ft. John Hurt 1987TikTok Article by Pink News 2024
  • Gloria spills the tea with author William Hampson on World AIDS Day 2023. They discuss his experience of HIV stigma over the last three years and why he started a UK government petition calling for the government to 'finish what it started' after being silent for almost 40 years since the 1987 AIDS tombstone campaign. And asks why the gay/LGBT media has been unwilling to cover the petition?

    SIGN THE HIV PETITION: Launch a campaign on HIV to tell the public that Undetectable = Untransmittable - Petitions (parliament.uk)

    THE HIV PODCAST: Don't Die of Ignorance - the leaflet - The HIV Podcast | Acast

    JET2HOLIDAY ADVERT: Jet2holidays Younger Couples TV Advert - September 2018 - YouTube

    UK GOV 1987 AIDS TOMBSTONE ADVERT AIDS - Monolith (1987, UK) - YouTube

    THT SCOTLAND ADVERT 2023 Stigma is more harmful than HIV (TV advertisement) - YouTube

    NOVEMBER RAIN 1989 by Ivor. Full story on Kevin's instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CZJ-nOxIb2L/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==

  • Gloria gets Will to spill the tea on his working relationship with the actual ‘Lost Boys’ of Soho. And in an added surprise Gloria and Will find themselves hosting ‘The Shadey’s’, the shadiest awards on the airwaves.

  • Gloria invites Will around for tea and cake and talks about his and ‘Lost Boy’ Adam's working relationship. Will and Adam initially get along well until Adam accuses Will of being Covid-19 positive at work. Their working relationship takes a dramatic nose dive when Will insists on proving his covid-19 status.

  • Gloria invites Will around for a brew and talks about his and ‘Lost Boy’ Jack’s relationship. Will talks about how his HIV diagnosis was delivered over the phone and the colleague who blackmailed him to either quit his job or be exposed as living with “AIDS” [HIV]. Gloria talks about that moment on the sofa and how it gave Gloria “fanny flutters”