
  • Ever wondered how we've managed to keep the podcast fire burning for 200 episodes?

    Let's take you on a nostalgic journey from our humble beginnings as the Adkins Highlight Reel to becoming a steadfast voice in the podcasting realm. In this milestone episode, we reflect on our mission of bringing real-life stories that resonate deeply with our audience, celebrate with a special $200 giveaway, and share an intimate family update about juggling life with three kids once again.

    Mental toughness isn't just a buzzword; it's a lifeline in the chaos of family life. We unpack our experiences with the 75 Hard program, detailing its role in forging mental resilience through structured routines and accountability. We explore how personal development literature has profoundly shaped our path, underscoring the transformative power of intentional living and meaningful habits.

    Seasons change, and so do our strategies for self-care and personal growth. We recount our journey from the depths of stress and exhaustion to a renewed sense of energy and positive routines. We delve into living for God's purpose and the importance of spiritual growth over material possessions.

    Join us as we honor military sacrifices on Memorial Day and extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our listeners. Here's to reflecting, growing, and celebrating many more episodes together!

    Episode Highlights:

    It’s our 200th episode!Life update.What we are reading.Habits and routines.Seasons come and go.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!Find Brain Maker on Amazon HereFind Habits of the Household on Amazon HereFind Shoe Dog on Amazon Here

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Remember the raw, unfiltered conversations we used to have in the early days of our podcast?

    That's where Corey and I begin this heart-to-heart episode, reflecting on how our discussions have matured alongside our audience's growth. As we've welcomed more listeners into our fold, the balance between honesty and discretion has become a dance we constantly refine. We're peeling back the layers on the evolution of the podcast, sharing the delicate art of preserving candidness while respecting the privacy of those stories intertwined with our own.

    We then stroll down memory lane, examining how our personal dreams and goals have shifted. Drawing inspiration from Dean Graziosi's "Millionaire Success Habits", we dissect the evolution of ambition, questioning whether the change in our dreams is simply a facet of life's natural progression or a settling into complacency.

    Finally, we navigate the idea of societal norms and the quest for a life with intention. We're getting real about finding our 'why' and shedding light on our true motivations, encouraging our Christian listeners and all seekers of purpose to reassess life with a transformative lens. From personal revelations to biblical principles, we're sharing stories that underscore the serenity found in aligning with God's plan. It's an episode that promises to be an anchor amidst the swell, guiding you toward a life of authentic fulfillment.

    Episode Highlights:

    Taking time to reflect.Do you care what people think?What is your why?How do I know I’m going where God is leading me?We get one life to live.Thin threads.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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  • Have you ever pulled off a prank that left everyone better off than before?

    Join us as we recount our weekend filled with 'kindness pranks', a unique way of spreading joy and laughter to our friends. This episode is full of parenting, friendship, and a whole lot of love rolled into a series of heartwarming stories that affirm the beauty of giving back, even if it means the occasional tumble down a hill.

    Life can throw curveballs, especially when it involves opening your home and heart to foster children. We get real about the emotional roller coaster that comes with the territory, discussing the last-minute nature of placements and the delicate balance of knowing when to say yes and when to reluctantly decline. It's a raw look into the decision-making process, underscored by faith and the support of a partner who helps navigate the blurred lines between emotion and practicality. You'll hear how we, along with our listeners who may be considering foster care, grapple with these life-changing choices.

    Finally, we bare our souls about the internal struggle of finding peace amidst mental chaos. From the quiet refuge podcasts provide to the importance of counseling, we unveil strategies for managing the relentless noise in our minds. It's an episode not just about the laughter of our weekend adventures but also about the quieter moments that push us to seek balance between rest, productivity, and our spiritual walk. So, come take this journey with us—it's messy, beautiful, and absolutely worth every moment.

    Episode Highlights:

    Catch up with us.Kindness pranks with Corey & Beth.These are the golden years.Foster care update.Looking to God for clarity.Living out God’s will in our lives.Resting and recalibrating.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Ever found yourself in an argument with your spouse over something trivial and wondered how it escalated so quickly?

    We, the Adkins, open up about those little marital tiffs that can teach us a lot about the bigger battles within ourselves. Our latest episode peels back the curtain on navigating disagreements with humor and grace, and we're letting you in on the secrets to turning conflicts into opportunities for growth. We also dive into the importance of communication and the art of the apology, sharing a personal story that proves even the most mundane days can lead to profound insights.

    In a world where smartphones often replace heart-to-hearts, we tackle the challenge of reclaiming family time to make a Kingdom impact. Transitioning from a bustling household of nine to just the five of us has taught us the power of intentional habits. We share valuable takeaways from resources like "Parenting Mentally Strong Kids" and "Habits of the Household," aiming to guide your family to more meaningful interactions in the digital era.

    Moreover, we reframe the way we view the Bible, discussing how it can serve as a roadmap for life's journey rather than a list of rules to follow. Join us as we explore creating a legacy of purposeful living and leading by example for our children.

    Episode Highlights:

    Bethany doesn’t back down from a fight.Let’s play a little game.Does anyone else just feel off?Staying afloat and shepherding the hearts of our kids.We’re called to be different.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!Get a copy of Habits of the Household Here

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Have you ever flown a kite?

    Let's take a moment to appreciate the simple joy of watching a kite dance in the sky. There's something magical about it, right? It's like a metaphor for life itself – a delicate balance between control and letting go.

    We'll share personal stories like our son's leap into independence, his challenges grasping the strings without guidance, and the triumph of his eventual success. It's a narrative that mirrors our own struggles as we explore the lessons hidden in the simple moments.

    We'll chat about everyday leadership and parenting, finding that sweet spot between holding on tight and letting our kids soar. And oh, let's not forget about that one time our kite decided to take off on its own adventure! Through that experience, we learned the power of acceptance and finding peace in things beyond our control.

    So, grab a cup of coffee and join us as we unravel these stories. Let's embark on this journey together, spreading the joy and wisdom one kite tale at a time.

    Episode Highlights:

    Be humble enough to learn from others.Sometimes you have to let go of (some) control.Making lemonade out of lemons.Getting back up and learning from your mistakes.Leading our kids by example.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • How do you process your emotions?

    Amid the predictability of daily chores, we find a treasure trove of life lessons and laughter. We chat about transitioning back to a family of five, invoking both humor and heart in the routine of life. This episode is a reminder to cherish the moments with loved ones and a nod to the swift passage of time we all face.

    Striking a balance takes work, especially in the throes of family commitments and emotional well-being. We explore the idea of slowing down, saying no, and the diverse ways in which we all process emotions, sometimes quietly and other times with the help of counseling. The power of prayer & faith is woven throughout our discussions, lending solace and support when we need it most.

    Tune in for a heartfelt message and the reassurance that it's alright to enter a slower season, carefully selecting what we take on next.

    Episode Highlights:

    Pushing through the difficult moments.Updates on our family.Being intentional with our family time.Saying ‘no’ to major commitments for 3 months.Everyone processes things differently.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • How has foster care affected our kids and our family as a whole?

    Join us as we sit down with our kids, Carter and Liberty, as they open up about the rollercoaster of emotions and the surprising ways in which fostering has reshaped our lives. This isn't just about the love we share; it's a raw and authentic look into the real-life effects of opening our hearts and our home to children in need.

    Our journey through fostering is one that interweaves laughter with tears, teaching us about strength, empathy, and the profound impact we can have on each other's lives. From the initial excitement of becoming a foster family to the difficult goodbyes and the lessons in between, we peel back the layers of our experience. Listen to personal stories that reveal the challenges and rewards from the varied perspectives within our own family, offering insights that may resonate with anyone considering this life-changing path.

    As we wrap up our candid conversation, we reflect on the growth and gratitude that fostering has instilled in all of us. It's about more than just our story—it's an invitation to recognize the transformative power of love and care in the foster care journey. We share experiences that have not only changed the trajectory of our lives but also the lives of the children we've been privileged to foster. This episode is an open book to our hearts and an exploration of the undeniable impact foster care has on individuals and communities alike.

    Episode Highlights:

    Meet our special guests!What our kids' first thoughts were about foster care.Is there a need for more foster families?What has it been like for our kids to share our home?Would our kids choose foster care if given the choice?The effects foster care has had on our family.What has been the hardest part?

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!Episode 58. PARENTING: Our Family Pledge

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Have you spent quality time with your loved ones this week?

    This week, we're unraveling the importance of being intentional with our family time, especially during transitions and the regular evolution of our home dynamics. We explore the power of everyday moments, like dinner around the table and car rides without the radio, to foster deeper bonds and create a lasting sense of belonging.

    Through laughter and deep recollections, we discuss the strategies that help us turn the mundane into the memorable. And it's not just about us; we're also unpacking the broader implications of family connections for personal growth and societal well-being.

    Lastly, we're getting practical, sharing some of our favorite ways to engage with our kids—from chore involvement to candlelit dinners. We even throw in some recommendations for fun, easy games that can transform a simple night in with the family into something special.

    So join us, as we tackle parenting, the pursuit of meaningful relationships, and the small actions that can lead to big changes in our lives—and maybe yours too.

    Episode Highlights:

    Making the best of each situation.We have some reconnecting to do.Things we do to spend intentional time together.Creating a space for our children.We’re raising the next generation.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Ever accidentally shatter a full glass bottle of kombucha in Marshall's?

    We have! In today's episode, we take you through life's everyday laughter and trials, swapping tales from bathroom disasters to the quirks of marriage. As we navigate the tender complexities of fostering, parenting, and the relentless passage of time, we invite you to join our conversation and embrace the journey of life with us. This is not just an update—it's a chapter of our lives, shared candidly with hopes to spark inspiration and sprinkle a bit of joy in your day.

    Delving into the bittersweet realm of fostering, we balance the laughs with deep reflections on the emotional rollercoaster of transitioning children back to their biological families. Savor the sweet tales of our kids' growth, the challenges of being intentional with our time, and the therapeutic steps we take toward healing.

    As we wrap up this heartfelt episode, gratitude takes the spotlight. We share about our community's overwhelming support, especially when nurturing goes even beyond our own family. Whether it's furnishing a home for a mother in need or fighting for the rights of kids in our care, we're reminded of the impact we can have together.

    So come along for the ride; it's more than just our story—it's a testament to the power of community, the resilience found in gratitude, and the joy discovered in the little things. Join us as we explore these chapters of life, seeking solace and joy in the shared human experience.

    Episode Highlights:

    Should Corey apologize for his comments in Parents Google Everything?Kombucha taste test.What are you eating under there?Life update.Has our foster care journey ended?God’s call on your life is always worth it.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • What are your thoughts on bell-bottoms and landline phones?

    Get ready to laugh and nod along as we unveil our "Parents Google Everything" segment, where we dive headfirst into the quirkiest corners of the internet. It's a weird world we live in.. with Gen Z dialing up on landlines and sporting mullets and people smuggling snakes across the border in their pants—yep, we're scratching our heads too.

    Join our light-hearted debate over the allure of 90s fashion's comeback and why nostalgia seems to have a grip on the new generation, all packed with anecdotes to keep you company whether you're tackling chores or braving the daily commute.

    From the lighter side of life to the pressing issues that spark national debates, we don't skirt around the big topics. We have a candid discussion on media bias, the hunt for unfiltered truths, and the critical role of upholding constitutional democracy.

    The focus shifts to the financial obstacles that constantly trip up millennials, comparing their economic struggles with those faced by older generations. We discuss everything from the oppressive weight of student loans to the real value of college degrees in today's job market.

    We wrap up the episode by sharing some recent embarrassing moments that remind us all to face life's curveballs with a hearty laugh. So plug in your earbuds, and let's get through this together—after all, life is too short not to share a giggle over our collective embarrassments.

    Episode Highlights:

    Parents google everything.Gen Z is bringing back the nostalgia.Smuggling Burmese pythons.Is Tucker Carlson a ‘useful idiot’?Why Millennials are poorer than their parents.Advice from Corey.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!Gen Z Nostalgia ArticleSmuggling Snakes ArticleTucker Carlson ArticleMillennials Article

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • What role do sports play in your family?

    In this episode, we lace up our cleats for an in-depth exploration of youth sports, family life, and living out Christian values in modern society. We're not just talking about juggling schedules; we're diving deep into how these elements weave together, shaping lives and strengthening families.

    From coaching as a mission to prioritizing faith in the whirlwind of athletic pursuits, we're tackling tough questions and sharing personal insights to support and inspire those navigating the same playing field. Everyone has their own view on the place sports should take in their lives. Some make it a high priority, while others find importance in other things.

    We invite you to take a listen while you're on your way to the field, doing dishes, or just getting things done around the house and take an in-depth look at the role youth sports play in your family.

    Episode Highlights:

    Our recent speaking engagement.Diving into a hot topic on sports.Year round sports & church.Coaching good attitudes & life skills.Putting faith into action.Sports are an outlet for kids.Evaluating what works for your family.Saying ‘no’ to good to say ‘yes’ to great.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • How do you handle disagreements in your marriage?

    In this episode, we explore the intricate dynamics of managing disagreements within our marriage while maintaining a cohesive partnership. Anchored by prayer as our guiding principle, we examine our strategies and techniques to find common ground amidst differing viewpoints. By prioritizing open communication, empathy, and compromise, we illustrate how we strive to reach a balanced resolution that honors both individual perspectives and our shared commitment to unity.

    Get ready for a heart-to-heart on keeping faith at the forefront while embracing the digital age, and how aligning with biblical values can guide your family through the complexities of today's parenting landscape. We're peeling back the curtain on how we tackle those make-or-break family decisions.

    From setting boundaries on dating to managing screen time, we're sharing the strategies that keep us patient, prayerful, and united—even when we don't see eye to eye. With a little wisdom, a dash of biblical perspective, and the insights of trusted friends, we're taking you step by step through creating an environment that's not just about making the right choices, but also about growing in faith and love as a family.

    Join us for a deep dive into cultivating a household where healthy debate leads to even healthier relationships.

    Episode Highlights:

    Sharing about how we resolve conflicts in our marriage.How we handle decision-making in parenting.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Are you aware of the calling God has on your life?

    Our family's dance with the unpredictable rhythms of foster care has been nothing short of a transformative adventure. As we open the doors of our home and hearts, we've been graced with bonds that weave us into the fabric of our community like never before. In this episode, we take an honest look at how fostering has anchored us not only to each other but, more importantly, to our faith in God.

    From the quiet whispers of prayer before bedtime to the laughter that echoes through our home, fostering has filled our lives with compassion and strengthened our faith. We've watched our biological children rise to the occasion, building bunk beds and sharing spaces, embodying the very essence of love as Jesus taught us. It's a conversation about the raw and real impacts of opening your life to others and the surprising ways it can draw a family closer, deepening connections and compassion in ways you couldn't have fathomed.

    Join us as we recount heartwarming moments of spiritual growth—like the child in our care whose Christmas wish was a Bible and who has now given his heart to Jesus. It's a reflection on the call God has placed on our lives, one that we're eager to continue sharing through our YouTube channel and right here, in the stories we tell and the lives we touch.

    Come along, and be part of the story that's still being written in the lives of our family and the children we embrace in our home.

    Episode Highlights:

    Sharing a Life/Foster Care Update.How we began our Foster Care Journey.Questions to ask yourself when you’re getting started.What is God calling you to do?Teaching our kids how to lean on the Lord.Loving like Jesus.Encouragement for anyone facing tough decisions.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsFind us on Youtube!Visit Hope Bridge’s Website HereFollow Hope Bridge on InstagramFollow Foster Our Community on Instagram

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • As we shift into 2024, what is your focus?

    We hope you had a great holiday season and are settling nicely into the new year. This year, we're embracing the guiding theme of 'Nourish,' focusing on the wisdom of cultivating what's already in our care.

    We've all had moments of biting off more than we could chew, and in this episode, we recount those personal tales of ambition and the subsequent burnout that taught us the importance of balance. From our home to our health, we're talking about the power of appreciating and enhancing the commitments we've already made, fostering a more enriching life without falling prey to the constant chase for something new.

    We’re so glad to be back and grateful you’re here!

    Episode Highlights:

    The importance of being true to your values.The importance of being good stewards of what we have.A call for families to join us.Encouragement for being consistent.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsListen to Episode 160 HereListen to Episode 161 HereFind us on YoutubeThis show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.
  • Do you remember when you were a kid and Christmas felt all warm and cozy?

    Sometimes, as adults, we can get so wrapped up in the hustle & bustle that we forget to slow down and just be present. When you think back to your favorite Christmas memories growing up, are they of big extravagant gifts? Or are they memories of traditions enjoyed with family?

    We're peeling back the layers on our unique Christmas traditions, discussing ways to make the holidays memorable without the pressure of perfection, and sharing personal stories about our themed movie nights and Christmas Light Extravaganza. With us, it's not just about the lights and decorations, it's about slowing down and being present.

    But the holiday cheer doesn't stop there. We've got a Christmas giveaway in the works and a Christmas playlist that's sure to get you in the festive spirit. You can find our Christmas playlist and giveaway details below!

    So grab your hot cocoa, settle down by the fire, and let's navigate this journey together. We can't wait to celebrate the end of the year with you, share our holiday traditions, and look forward to the exciting changes coming to our podcast in the new year.

    Episode Highlights:

    Sharing a quick life update.Winning ‘one play at a time’.Why is everything that’s good for you such a struggle?You get a fresh start every day.Let’s finish the year off strong.We’re doing a giveaway!Remember when Christmas felt warm & cozy?It was never meant to be a burden.Auditing your Christmas traditions.Fun & simple traditions we love.Slow down & be present.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsJoin our FREE Patreon!Listen to our Apple Playlist here!Give to Hope BridgeFoster Our Community Giving OptionsFollow @shewhocreatesforhim on InstagramFind Emily’s bracelets here @wordsthatshinebyem


    We are giving away a $400 Cash Prize to One Grand Prize Winner & 5 other winners will get their choice of a $20 Amazon OR Starbucks Gift Card!

    Here’s how to Enter:

    Leave a comment review on Apple Podcasts.Comment ‘reviewed’ on Bethany’s Giveaway post on Instagram here - @bethanyadkinsBONUS ENTRIES: Every time you share one of our episodes on your stories & tag @bethanyadkins. Also, every time you tag a friend on the Giveaway post.

    *Winners will be announced on 12/24!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Have you ever witnessed a crime?

    As just a young teen, not only had Ronald Olivier witnessed crime, but he had been convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. He was a product of a broken home, a crack epidemic, and a society that had turned its back on him.

    This harsh lifestyle ultimately resulted in Ronald killing another young man on Christmas day.

    In the absence of a father figure, he found guidance in unlikely places, proving that a helping hand can come from the most unexpected corners.

    From a haunted past to a transformative future, Ronald Olivier's story is one of remarkable redemption. He was serving a life sentence in Angola Prison, but he found his freedom in forgiveness and faith. Ronald narrates an emotional encounter with the mother of his victim, a moment that broke walls and built bridges.

    He stresses the importance of faith, urging listeners to remember God's endless grace. Get a glimpse of Ronald's inspiring journey in his new book, which is available on Amazon. Embrace the power of change, forgiveness, and second chances in this powerful episode.

    Episode Highlights:

    Introduction to Ronald.Where is Ronald today?Ronald’s upbringing.His father, his hero.The crack epidemic.The day Ronald’s life changed forever.Turning to Jesus.Sentenced to Louisiana State Penitentiary.The conviction of the Holy Spirit.Kids need a father figure.The people God placed in Ronald’s life. Education and open doors.Mission work and pastoring a prison church.Breakthrough in the law.Speaking to the victim’s mother.God’s grace & goodness.

    Find More on Ronald:

    Follow Ronald on FacebookFind Ronald on Instagram @ronnieslim75Order 27 Summers Here!

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsJoin our FREE Patreon!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Do you have someone in your circle who inspires you by the way they live their life?

    When we think of heroes, we often picture individuals in capes saving the world, but my friend and inspiration, Lisa Robertson, is a hero in her own right. For nearly a decade, Lisa and her husband opened their hearts and their home to foster children, impacting countless lives in the process. Facing the difficult decision to close their home, Lisa shares her emotional journey, the difficult conversations, and her courageous step into a season of rest.

    As we navigate through this emotional rollercoaster, we uncover Lisa's continued impact on the foster care system through her work with Hope Bridge. This non-profit organization has given Lisa a platform to share transformative stories of hope, demonstrating that closing her home has not meant the end of her contribution.

    What's life like after leaving foster care? We explore this adjustment period, the mental and emotional toll it takes, and the importance of intentional presence.

    Lisa shares her adjustment process and how she was able to find value in her new season of life. So, join us for a conversation filled with raw emotion, deep insights, and a testament to the impact of faith.

    This episode isn't just a chat - it's an exploration of the human spirit, the struggles we face, and the hope that sees us through. Come, be inspired. You don't want to miss this!

    Episode Highlights:

    Lisa Robertson is back for another episode!Lisa shares a life update.There’s value in every area of your calling.If I don’t do this, who is going to?Learning how to rest in the midst of the chaos.About the mission of Hope Bridge.Hope Bridge is launching a podcast!How to be intentionally present.

    Find More on Lisa & Hope Bridge:

    Hope Bridge Podcast: RestoriedFind Lisa on Instagram Here!Trusting God with the Unknown with Lisa RobertsonRooted Pt. 1 with Lisa RobertsonRooted Pt. 2 with Lisa RobertsonThe Unexpected Road to Infertility and Foster Care with Lisa RobertsonHope Bridge WebsiteFind Hope Bridge on Instagram Here!

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsJoin our FREE Patreon!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Have you ever felt like God put a desire on your heart that you just couldn't ignore?

    Here at Adkins Media Co., each of us have had that undeniable nudge on our hearts. We've navigated the rough waters of juggling our professional aspirations and raising our families, but all throughout our journeys, there was a fire on the inside that just couldn't be ignored.

    Join us as we share how we transformed from our previous careers to create Adkins Media Co, a family-first business that perfectly strikes the balance between work and home life. This business has been built around our families, not the other way around. Be a part of our journey as we talk about the hurdles we tackled, the faith we mustered, and the dreams we pursued.

    Without further ado, I invite you to meet the other two minds behind Adkins Media Co. - Whittni and Victoria who took the leap of faith, trusted in God to guide their decisions, and said goodbye to the 9-5 to become a part of the Adkins Media Co. team. Their stories are not just inspiring, but they're real and raw, filled with personal challenges and massive faith.

    Tune in to an episode that makes you rethink that dream God has placed in your heart, whatever it may be... and maybe, just maybe, inspires you to make a leap of faith of your own.

    Episode Highlights:

    My time in nursing and the desire to be primarily home.Finding balance between being home and creating.Starting a podcast and getting my first client.The growth of Adkins Media Co.What can happen with one little act of obedience?Meet the Adkins Media Co. Team.Being good stewards of our blessings and keeping priorities straight.Encouragement for those who are facing decisions.We are A Force to Be Reckoned With. Discussing our Patreon.Silencing the chaos with Truth.

    More on Whittni & Victoria:

    Find Whittni on Instagram Here!Find Victoria on Instagram Here!Visit Victoria’s Journal Page on Amazon

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsJoin our FREE Patreon!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Would you believe it if we told you our family has grown since the last episode?

    We now have 8 kids in our home. You heard right... EIGHT!

    In this episode, we take a trip down memory lane, filled with funny stories, including the surprising moment we found out we were expecting our first child.

    Ever wondered how this family handles bedtime, meetings, unexpected sickness, and the arrival of four additional kids in under 90 days? We'll bring you along on this wild ride – and what an adventure it's been!

    We're also discussing the invaluable support we've received from our friends, family, church, and community. Laugh along with (or AT) us while we play a game of lip-reading, and listen in as we reflect on the importance of quality time and setting healthy bedtimes for kids.

    We wrap up the episode by discussing the concept of living an unhurried life, pruning the things that hold us back, and being obedient to God's calling. Oh, and we couldn't resist adding a dose of laughter and fun with a game of 'Bible character guessing.'

    So come along with us on this journey. We promise there's never a dull moment!

    Episode Highlights:

    Working the night shift in college.Our Foster Care update.God is faithful.Finding ways to laugh when life gets hard.What do you look forward to most in your day?Let’s play some games.The craziness of life.What is God teaching you right now?Always make time to laugh.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsJoin our FREE Patreon!Link to the Surrender NovenaPsalm 46 by Shane & ShaneListen to our Spotify Playlist!Listen to our Apple Music Playlist!Check Out This Episode of That's So Random

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

  • Do you believe in miracles?

    From four kids to six in just 45 days, it's been an overwhelming and yet deeply humbling experience. But how did we cope with such a radical change? As we share these stories, we hope you, too, can recognize the divine interventions in your life and appreciate the magnitude of miracles God is capable of.

    Things happen in life that are out of our control, but with prayer and surrender, we can open our hearts to His work and create space for miracles. We share about the importance of finding your people and how we draw strength and support from our tight-knit community.

    Join us as we reflect on the magnificence of God, His unwavering presence, and the comfort we receive from His word. Remember, no matter the battles you face, with faith, community, and a little music, you are never alone.

    Episode Highlights:

    Sharing our foster care update.God is still doing miracles today.Surrendering our cares to God.Finding your people.Refuse to give anything but glory to God.Never lose hope.Handling our struggles with integrity.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

    Jointheforce.usFollow us on Instagram @bethanyadkinsJoin our FREE Patreon!Link to the Surrender NovenaPsalm 46 by Shane & ShaneListen to our Spotify Playlist!Listen to our Apple Music Playlist!

    This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.