
  • A debate featuring Matt Dillahunty and Inspiring Philosophy's Michael Jones on the question "Is religion a positive influence on society?"
    Matt Dillahunty is an American public speaker and Internet personality. He was the president of the Atheist Community of Austin from 2006 to 2013. Matt has hosted the Austin-based webcast and cable-access television show The Atheist Experience since 2005 and formerly hosted the live internet radio show Non-Prophets Radio. He is also the founder and contributor of the counter apologetics encyclopedia Iron Chariots and its subsidiary sites.

    He is regularly engaged in formal debates and travels the world speaking to local secular organizations and university groups as part of the Secular Student Alliance's Speakers Bureau. Alongside fellow activists Seth Andrews and Aron Ra, he traveled to Australia in March 2015 as a member of the Unholy Trinity Tour. In April 2015 he was an invited speaker at the Merseyside Skeptics Society QEDCon in the United Kingdom.

    More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Dillahunty

  • Rev. Stephanie Clarke started the first multi-racial, metaphysical, community in Johannesburg in the year 2000 with the intention of healing the wounds of Apartheid. It was totally successful but, as a one-woman show, I burnt out and left S. Africa. From 2005-2015 I taught and marketed English language programmes in Europe and Japan until Spirit called me back to S. Africa to take care of my elderly parents. That was in 2015. I am delighted to be home and to be back in the spiritual saddle. I regularly offer the Sunday talks at Soul Home and enjoy giving my support to Rev. Gerd Pontow, my student and successor, and our amazing rainbow community, so deeply anchored in unconditional love. It is truly a prototype for what is possible in South Africa. Learn more here: www.soulhome.za.org

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  • A Live stream with Dr. Richard Carrier and Dr. Kenny Rhodes on the Evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ.
    Richard Carrier is a world-renowned author and speaker. As a professional historian, published philosopher, and prominent defender of the American freethought movement, Dr. Carrier has appeared across the U.S., Canada and the U.K., and on American television and London radio, defending sound historical methods and the ethical worldview of secular naturalism. His books and articles have received international attention. With a Ph.D. from Columbia University in ancient history, he specializes in the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, particularly ancient philosophy, religion, and science, with emphasis on the origins of Christianity and the use and progress of science under the Roman empire. He is also a published expert in the modern philosophy of naturalism as a worldview. He is the author of On the Historicity of Jesus, Proving History, Sense and Goodness without God, Science Education in the Early Roman Empire, Not the Impossible Faith, Why I Am Not a Christian, and Hitler Homer Bible Christ, and a contributor to The Empty Tomb, The Christian Delusion, The End of Christianity, and Christianity Is Not Great, as well as copious work in history and philosophy, online and in print. He is currently working on several projects, but also teaching affordable online courses in secular philosophy, history, and methodology at The Secular Academy, and blogging and speaking about history, philosophy, feminism, and other moral causes, as well as his past in the military and his current life in polyamory.
    Dr. Kenneth W. Rhodes, II is Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Scofield Graduate School and Theological Seminary in Modesto, California. Dr. Rhodes (Pastor Kenny) also serves as the founding President of Scofield Seminary with Dr. Mal Couch serving as Vice-President. Pastor Kenny is Sr. Pastor of Mable Avenue Ministries, a ministry that oversees a number of church plants, para-church ministries and educational institutes around the world. Dr. Rhodes is also the Host and Bible Teacher for the "Reason for Hope" TV program that airs locally in Modesto, CA as well as online. He has been with M.A.M. since 2000 and is an ordained SBC pastor. He has been in the ministry since 1991 and has two earned doctorates, the PhD and DRE. Pastor Kenny is married to the former Tami A Russell of Manteca, CA whose father, grandfather and great grandfather were all ministers of the Gospel. Tami and Kenny were married April 16, 1994 and have three wonderful children, Tajiana (b. 1996), Micaela (b. 1998) and Kenneth III (b. 2000). Dr. Rhodes ministry philosophy is, "the heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects." He is committed to ministering to both the mind and heart of man. He is committed to Christian Apologetics and giving "an answer" to everyone. He is also involved and committed to the study of Hermeneutics, Calvinistic Dispensational Theology, and Creation Science. Pastor Kenny is part of a growing number of young theologians who have embraced true reformed theology and its implications for all doctrines of Scripture namely, that God elected Israel and their election is not subject to their sin "un-electing" them. Therefore, Israel is not replaced by the Church. This "new" historical theological view has been coined "Calvinistic Evangelical Dispensationalism." It is truly in the spirit of the premillennialism of the early church fathers, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Scofield, Chafer, Ryrie, S. Lewis Johnson, and so on. Special Guests: Kenny Rhodes, Ph.D and Richard Carrier, Ph.D.

  • In 2016 Hughes launched a failed fundraising attempt for a rocket that earned only $310. After converting to believe in a flat Earth later that year, Hughes gained support of the flat-Earth community. His post-flat-Earth fundraising campaign made its $7,875 goal. He intends to make multiple rocket journeys, culminating in a flight to outer space, where he believes he will be able to take a picture of the entire Earth as a flat disk. He claimed in November 2017 that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) had given him verbal permission more than a year ago to launch his rocket, pending approval from the Federal Aviation Administration; however, a BLM spokesman said its local field office had no record of speaking to Hughes at the time. According to the BLM, after seeing some news articles about the planned launch, a BLM representative reached out to Hughes with concerns. The rocket launch was originally scheduled for the weekend of 25 November 2017; Hughes then rescheduled for 2 December, blaming ongoing difficulties in obtaining permissions. Hughes moved his launch pad four miles so that he will take off and lands on private property; however, the BLM maintains he still needs to fill out permits. Hughes defiantly stated the dispute would not stop him flying: "I'm a daredevil. I'm not much for authority or rules." The untested initial rocket is intended to reach a speed of 500 mph; further rocket trips, to be launched from a balloon 20 miles up, are intended to reach above the atmosphere into outer space. Hughes acknowledged there are risks, telling the Associated Press: "It's scary as hell. But none of us are getting out of this world alive." A fundraising campaign to cover the costs of the delay raised only around 100 of its 10,000 USD goal. On 3 February 2018 Hughes live-streamed another attempted to launch in front of spectators, but the rocket failed to ignite.
    Special Guests: Aron Ra and “Mad Mike” Hughes.

  • Anthony Magnabosco is a worldwide promoter and practitioner of Street Epistemology, which is a conversational method for respectfully challenging claims by asking probing questions to uncover the reliability of one’s belief formation process.
    He has appeared on The Thinking Atheist, The Atheist Experience, The David Pakman Show, Cognitive Dissonance, The Friendly Atheist Podcast and blog, as well as several other podcasts and shows. Anthony has inspected hundreds of people’s beliefs using this approach, frequently uploads videos of those discussions to his YouTube channel (magnabosco210), and has given several talks, interviews and workshops on the subject. Be prepared to question your own conclusions on how to effectively engage with a God believer or anyone else who happens to make a claim! Special Guest: Anthony Magnabosco.

  • Aron Ra and Kent Hovind have their long awaited discussion today, March 2nd (for real!)to discuss evidence for evolution vs creationism. We invite all to listen live to this historic event as well as to share the watch link, like and subscribe. (Hosts: Kyle Curtis and Steve McRae). Special Guests: Aron Ra and Kent Hovind.

  • Aron Ra has been an political activist for more than a decade. He is an international public speaker, advocating science education, skeptical thinking, humanist values and secular policies all over the country and in twenty other countries--as a former regional director of American Atheists and now president of Atheist Alliance of America. He has over 144,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, which has millions of views. He hosts the Ra-Men podcast, spotlighting progressive people--inventors, performers, politicians, pioneers---who are taking action to make things better. As a science communicator, he produces a video series of classroom supplement biology lessons for middle school and high school students with the help of his wife, a science teacher and curriculum specialist with the Next Generation [national] Science Standards. Aron Ra is the author of the book, Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism. He is also director of the Phylogeny Explorer Project--an effort to depict the entire phylogenetic "tree of life" as a navigable online encyclopedia--as an educational reference to be used by scientists, teachers, and students.
    Aron Ra has lived all over the western states, and has been a Texas resident for the last twenty years. He currently lives in Garland in an almost empty nest: his blended family of two biological children and three step-children being mostly all grown.
    Special Guest: Aron Ra.

  • We've all had thoughts, felt desires and committed sins we would never speak of. We bury these skeletons so far deep in our cerebral closets that we almost forget they ever existed in the first place. The thought of them ever being resurrected from memory's abyss is enough to make us curl into the fetal position...
    Unless your name is Alex Botten. Special Guest: Alex Botten.

  • The Thinking Atheist shares his journey from christian broadcaster to atheist activist in this inspirational interview on doubt and how it can lead you to truth.

    Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet, Seth Andrews brings a polished format, a relaxed environment and a rage-free challenge to the religious beliefs that defined his youth. Special Guest: Seth Andrews.

  • In this episode, we are joined by the membership director and editor-in-chief of American Atheist Magazine, Pamela Whissel to discuss the efforts the AA is implementing to normalize and remove the stigma associated with the word "Atheist."
    In addition we talk about the buzz surrounding this year's American Atheist Convention in Oklahoma City and which one of TV's most notorious doctors will be making a "House Call" as the key note speaker. Hugh won't believe who it is. Special Guest: Pamela Whissel.

  • Facing the prognosis that he will eventually lose his sight, Hans Jørgen Wiberg sets his sights on an idea that would change everything...
    Be My Eyes is a free mobile app designed to bring sight to the blind and visually impaired. With the press of a button, the app establishes a live video connection between blind and visually impaired users and sighted volunteers. Every day, volunteers are lending their eyes to solve challenges both big and small in the lives of the blind and visually impaired. With over half a million users across 150 countries, Be My Eyes has grown to become the largest online community for the blind and visually impaired. The app harnesses the power of generosity, technology and human connection to help blind and visually impaired individuals lead more independent lives.
    In April 2012, he presented his idea for an application at a startup event in Denmark. At this event, he connected with a team, ready to make Be My Eyes a reality.
    On October 4th, 2013, Hans presented the Be My Eyes idea in an impassioned Ted Talk, which continues to resonate with hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the globe.
    The app was launched the 15th of January 2015 and within 24 hours had 10,000 users.
    In October 2015, Be My Eyes received one of 7 spots in Singularity University’s accelerator program, as the only Scandinavian company. See the full list of companies here.
    Be My Eyes was a 2015 Index Awards finalist and has also been featured on Popular Science’s list of best apps of 2015.
    Furthermore, Be My Eyes is in the top ten of the Disrupt 100 2017. World-leading entrepreneurs, investors, and business people name the businesses on the Disrupt 100, to be the ones with most potential to influence, change or create new global markets.
    In September 2017, Be My Eyes, wins the Oslo Innovation Week Award.
    Later in September, Be My Eyes is selected to participate in Expo2020 in Dubai.
    On, 5th October 2017, the Android version was launched – With Be My Eyes available for Android, we will are able to reach even more blind and visually impaired people across the world and help them to lead more independent lives.
    In November 2017, Be My Eyes wins the CER prize 2017
    In November 2017, Be My Eyes wins World Summit Award 2017 in the Category Inclusion and Empowerment.
    In December 2017 Be My Eyes was chosen as one of Google Play’s Best Apps of 2017 in the categories “Most innovative” alongside Google Earth, Pinterest and Snap Chat, “Daily Helper” and “Hidden Gem”
    Special Guest: Hans Jørgen Wiberg.

  • Go beyond the stage with an intimate look at stand-up comedy through the eyes of two of the industry's staples, Tony Deyo (Conan, CBS The Late Late Show, Sirius XM, HBO) and Steve Lesser (Executive Producer-North Carolina Comedy Festival / Idiot Box Comedy Club). We explore the process of turning an idea into a laugh as well as style, writing material and working the live performance. This episode is filled with great advice for anyone looking to take the stage, or those who love the art of stand-up.
    Special Guests: Steve Lesser and Tony Deyo.

  • The NonSequitur Show presents a spirited and passionate debate between Dr. Herman Mays and Kent Hovind on the evidence for a common ancestor.
    Herman Mays Jr. received his bachelor of science degree from the University of Kentucky in Biology with a minor in anthropology in 1992 and his PhD from the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Kentucky in 2001. Dr. Mays has developed a significant public outreach program in natural history and evolutionary biology with numerous public lectures including an invited talk to the first TEDxCincy conference in Cincinnati.
    Kent Hovind is known for his Dr. Dino web site and for producing articles and selling video tapes, books, and fossil replicas. Hovind has held numerous speaking engagements (around 700 in 2004) at churches, private schools, and other venues each year, in addition to hosting a daily internet radio talk show and establishing Dinosaur Adventure Land in Florida. Special Guests: Herman Mays, Ph.D and Kent Hovind.