
  • This is the reminder we all need. Nursing culture often becomes about hierarchies, competition, or "who has it worse" and it's burning us out. Listen to this one when you need to remember your freaking worth as a nurse. Regardless of what kind of nurse you are.


    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • Hi friends! I am EXHAUSTED. We have spent the last five days unpacking, building furniture, shopping, and just generally putting together an entire 2 bedroom apartment from scratch. Today I just wanted to say hi and give you a quick recap before I pass out on the couch for a minute.

    More to come!

    **DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE!


    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • Mangler du episoder?

    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • Hey friends! Grab a tea or coffee and join me for a little chat/celebration for 365 days without alcohol, AND a new chapter for our podcast community! This is definitely a casual episode, so pop it on on your way to work or while your cooking dinner, and let's dig into it.

    I'd also love to take a second just to share my gratitude that you are here. It means the world to me to hang out with you each week, and I really hope you get something out of your time here too.

    **DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE!


    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • Today I am sharing an amazing conversation I had with registered dietitian Katy Harvey! Katy is a non-diet dietitian who teaches women how to ditch dieting and trust themselves with food by learning to listen to their bodies again. She's passionate about intuitive eating, weight neutrality and finding effective ways of taking care of our health without being on and off diets and "healthy eating" plans for the rest of our lives.

    We dig into all of this and more in our conversation today, and as an incredibly busy nurse with zero time for weighing, measuring, or following a bunch of food rules, this episode is meant for YOU.

    Connect with Katy:
    IG: @katyharvey.rd
    Podcast: Rebuilding Trust With Your Body

    **DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE!


    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • Today is a BIGGIE - because I am bringing on one of my favorite humans, RN and now AUTHOR Ashley Chancellor! Ashley and I first met when we started working together to help her heal through burnout, and a beautiful friendship formed. As part of her journey through burnout, recovery, and growth on the other side, her new book, Just A Nurse, was born.

    I was lucky enough to be a beta reader, and I couldn't put it down. Just A Nurse is the book I wish I had when I first became a nurse, because Ashley puts into words the feelings I was unable to, and it just makes you feel seen. This book is where we can actually start to heal, once and for all.

    Be sure to share your takeaways on IG to be entered to win a FREE signed copy!

    Grab the book and connect with Ashley:
    On Amazon: https://a.co/d/eoz6GOC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/rodeowish_rn/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justanurse_rn

    **DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE!


    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • HAPPY NURSES WEEK! 🎉🎉🎉 Today I wanted to share a little bit about my week in Barbados and some of the juiciest takeaways from this epic experience. PLUS - I have a special deal for 1:1 coaching packages for the entire month of May in celebration of Nurse's week that I don't want you to miss out on!

    Apply here: https://forms.gle/VFJsbH2j2syjahXcA

    Stay tuned for Wednesday's episode with AUTHOR and Nurse Ashley Chancellor - along with a special giveaway!


    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • It sounds simple, but the clothes we wear on our weight loss journey can make a huge difference. Too often, our tendency is to hide our body in baggy clothes, dark colors, and clothes that just don't fit "until we lose the weight." This sets us up for failure, and impedes any progress we might make. It's the classic "I'll be happy when..." idea, and it doesn't work.

    Dressing in clothing that fits your body, gives you shape, and aligns with your individual style can make an enormous impact. It's time we honor your incredible body, and stop trying to hide out of fear of "unworthiness." We explore this idea in-depth on today's episode, and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts!

    Join the email list HERE and let's connect!

    Have you heard the news?!

    On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses -> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • Today's episode is raw, real update on a brand new chapter for the business AND what the heck has been going on with my health! Think of this as a coffee chat with your bestie where you just play catch up on life and work. I'm sharing about two big changes in our community:

    1. On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses -> Go FOLLOW
    2. This podcast will come to a close by June 😱 - BUT our new podcast will launch immediately afterwards (called The Healing Healthcare podcast)

    And I also share about concerns for a hormone imbalance and the journey to diagnosis and treatment. I promise, this one is worth the full listen for the complete inside scoop!

    Check out the new website

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • If you have ever found yourself asking, "is this career I have built really the one I want?" then this episode is meant for you! We are digging into how to make difficult decisions in your career that align with your values, managing your time when you are juggling a million things, and finding yourself when you feel like you have lost who you are in this profession. Karen Hart has been a nurse for almost 24 years and has managed to build a career that actually feels aligned, even when the pivots have been hard to make. From the ED, to leadership, and back to nightshift, she has so much incredible experience for us to learn from.

    Now, Karen has stepped out of management and went back to night shift to study and grow her own business as a coach supporting other high-performing women who want to find the path to their purpose with energy and clarity.

    Connect with Karen:
    Website: https://www.karenhartcoaching.com/coaching
    Instagram @karenhartcoaching


    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Today we are digging into belief, grief, loss, and how to navigate the heavier parts of life as a healthcare professional. Reverend Christine is an experienced hospital chaplain, and joins us to discuss her role as a chaplain, some of the misconceptions around when to use this resource, how nurses can feel empowered in their own role as spiritual care generalists, and how to create a boundary between the weight of our work and our lives at home.

    Rev. Christine Davies runs the hospital chaplaincy department at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. She is an ordained Presbyterian Minister, a Certified Educator with the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, a Seminary Professor and a trained Spiritual Director. Christine earned her Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Master of Social Work degree from Rutgers University.

    Connect with Christine:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rev-christine-davies/


    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Nena Hart PhD RN, BC-TN, CDONA, CHPN is a dedicated Registered Nurse based in Tennessee, and is committed to supporting struggling healthcare providers and empowering fellow nurses. Through mentorship and coaching, she equips fellow nurses with the tools and mindset necessary to transcend barriers and embrace entrepreneurship. Her unwavering belief in the limitless potential of nurses inspires others to pursue their dreams with courage and conviction

    Today we discuss how healthcare workers can diversifying their income, create passive income streams, craft a career that works for them, and own their contributions as nurses to advance their own career and ask for what they need in the process. After all, there is no guarantee in any job, and so it's time we ensure that we are protecting our own legacy throughout our journey.

    Grab a pen and paper (you're going to want to take all of the notes!), and SHARE this episode with someone who needs to hear it!

    AND make sure you follow Nena:
    Website: https://www.harthealthcaresolutions.com/
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @harthealthcaresolutions
    Self-Employed Nurses Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/nursesmakingwaves


    I'll be announcing our next Nurse Coffee Chat soon! These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse. In the meantime, if you aren't already on the list, join HERE!

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Let's dive into a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately: weight loss gaslighting. I may have made this term up, but the impact is very real. It's a critical look at how the weight loss industry has a habit of pointing fingers at individuals for their weight loss challenges, completely overlooking the myriad of underlying health issues that could be at play. Instead of looking at flaws in our programming, obstacles we need to overcome, or root causes in the body that need to be addressed, the industry calls you lazy, unmotivated, or undisciplined. It's a narrative that's all too common, and it's time we rewrite the story.

    It's not just about the numbers on the scale; it's about the overall well-being of the individual. No one knows your body better than you do (even if they have more certifications, degrees, or letters after their name) and it's time we advocate for ourselves and learn how to trust our own intuition.

    Next week we will be answering more of your questions, so ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • In today's episode we dive deep into two crucial aspects of your weight loss journey: sustainable calorie deficits and the importance of preserving muscle. *Hint - your deficit doesn't have to be as big as you think*

    Episode Highlights:

    Understanding Calorie Deficits: We start by breaking down what exactly a calorie deficit is and why it's essential for weight loss. Learn how to calculate your own calorie deficit based on your goals and body composition.Achieving a Sustainable Deficit: We discuss strategies for creating a calorie deficit that is sustainable in the long term. From adjusting your diet to incorporating physical activity, discover practical tips to help you maintain your deficit without feeling deprived.Importance of Muscle Preservation: One of the key factors in successful weight loss is preserving muscle mass. We explore why muscle preservation is crucial for not only achieving your desired physique but also for overall health and metabolism.

    Ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Shelby Forsythia is a grief guide, author, and podcast host, and today she joins us to share a brand new perspective on GRIEF. Shelby helps us welcome grief as a teacher and explains how we can create meaningful lives that honor and include the heartbreaks they’ve faced.

    We discuss how healthcare workers can help support patients who are facing turmoil, how we can process the grief we experience every day as nurses, and the relationship between grieving and burnout. Grief is not a topic that most of us feel comfortable talking about, but that's Shelby's magic - she makes it feel safe.

    Grab a pen and paper (you're going to want to take all of the notes!), and SHARE this episode with someone who needs to hear it!

    AND make sure you follow Shelby:
    Website and free workshop: https://www.shelbyforsythia.com/free-workshop
    Instagram: @shelbyforsythia
    Check out Help Texts! https://helptexts.com/shelbyforsythia


    I'll be announcing our next Nurse Coffee Chat soon! These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse. In the meantime, if you aren't already on the list, join HERE!

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • There’s a pretty popular quote out there that says - “the only person you should be comparing yourself to is who you were before." Today I'm offering a heartfelt rebuttal to this quote. Too many of us spend our energy thinking about who we used to be, what we used to do, how we exercised in the past, or what we used to weigh...and it's holding us back MORE than anything else.

    I want to talk about the real strength and growth that only comes when we can be humble enough to be a beginner again and again. It's HARD to start again knowing where you have been in the past, but we cannot let that hold us back. It's time to shed the weight of our former selves in order to step in a new chapter.


    Ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Join me in welcoming Dr. Christina Fontana, whose mission mirrors our community's - to help heal the world. Christina is a pharmacist, holistic healer, award-winning rapid transformation business coach, speaker, and 5-time author. In this episode, we discuss what self-healing can look like, how to start tuning in and listening to your intuition, healing your nervous system, and preventing burnout all together.

    You don't want to skip this one, and be sure to share it with your friends in healthcare who need the reminders too!

    AND make sure you follow Christina:
    Instagram: @thepharmacistcoach
    Youtube: www.youtube.com/@ChristinaTarantola
    Free Facebook group, Monetize Your Magic: https://www.facebook.com/groups/244625093553163/

    Curious about Type 1 and Type 2 decisions? Here's the podcast episode we discussed on the show!


    I'll be announcing our next Nurse Coffee Chat soon! These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse. In the meantime, if you aren't already on the list, join HERE!

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Monday's are for YOUR questions! I was recently answering a really good question in my DMs and thought to myself: "why don't I answer this on the podcast?" It was then that I realized that I get SO many excellent questions from you all in my DMs, on my stories, and from my clients directly - and we are going to start answering them LIVE here on the podcast, so we can all share the knowledge!

    - Ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

    Today's questions:

    Megan - "I don’t know where to start when it comes to building healthy habits. My weight has been creeping up since I became a nurse 5 years ago, and it feels like it’s just an inevitable thing that happens in healthcare. I don’t feel like myself anymore but nothing I try seems to stick. Help!"

    Ashley - "I graduate from nursing school in May and I am starting to get really scared about joining the profession. All I see on TikTok is how bad nursing is and how miserable people are. They all seem to tell you not to become a nurse. Should I be regretting my choice?"

    [3:26] Where to start when you're trying to build healthy habits?
    [16:12] Should nursing students regret choosing nursing?


    Join us for our next Nurse Coffee Chat, TONIGHT Monday March 11 @ 730pm EST. These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse.

    If you aren't already on the list, join HERE

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Today, my husband Daniel is joining us for a casual chat about what it looks like to love a nurse. You guys submitted your questions on Instagram, and we are answering each one, raw and unfiltered! I have to say, you guys asked some DEEP questions, we probably could've spent hours digging into each one. From the story of how we met, to how to support a partner working in healthcare, we cover it ALL. Cannot wait to hear your thoughts!

    - Ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

    Listen to the last episode Daniel was featured on


    Join us for our next Nurse Coffee Chat, Monday March 11 @ 730pm EST. These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse.

    If you aren't already on the list, join HERE

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Monday's are for YOUR questions! I was recently answering a really good question in my DMs and thought to myself: "why don't I answer this on the podcast?" It was then that I realized that I get SO many excellent questions from you all in my DMs, on my stories, and from my clients directly - and we are going to start answering them LIVE here on the podcast, so we can all share the knowledge!

    - Ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

    Today's questions:

    Amy - "Hi Ashley! I’ve been listening to the podcast for years, you’re often on my commutes with me! I am wondering how you knew that nursing wasn’t right for you? I have been a nurse for 2 years and I’m just not happy. But I feel like I am too young in my career to decide that this isn’t right for me. What do I do?"

    Sarah - "How on Earth do I get enough protein without guzzling down 400 protein shakes?"

    [5:50] How do you know that nursing isn't the right profession for you?
    [24:29] How to get enough protein without relying on protein shakes?


    Join us for our next Nurse Coffee Chat, Monday March 11 @ 730pm EST. These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse.

    If you aren't already on the list, join HERE

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

  • Today I'm bringing on a nurse who is making HUGE waves in the nursing profession: Nurse Caroline Danna! We explore how hospitals might create a more magnetic nursing culture, the ins and outs of travel nursing, the power of pivoting to build a nursing career that works for you, and so much more! SHARE this episode with your nursing friends and let us know what you thought (and tag us so we can thank you)!

    Caroline is a former Nurse Manager and Travel Nurse Recruiter turned Nurse Career Coach. Her mission is to help nurses “Level Up” their careers. She specializes in coaching new graduate nurses on how to land their dream job and teaches travel nurses how to evaluate travel contracts and negotiate pay. Caroline thrives off of connecting with other nurses and helping them navigate the job market.

    Connect with Caroline over on Instagram @levelupnurse (she LOVES connecting with nurses in the DMs) or reach out to [email protected].


    Join us for our next Nurse Coffee Chat, Monday March 11 @ 730pm EST. These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse.

    If you aren't already on the list, join HERE

    The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at [email protected].