Hver uge mødes Sebastian Lynggaard med ph.d. i socialpsykologi Jytte Vikkelsøe, og sammen med to gæster stiller de hinanden alle de vigtigste spørgsmål om kærlighed fra deres eget liv: Skal man nødvendigvis bo sammen med sin kæreste? Er utroskab en del af parforholdet? Og findes kærlighed kun i tosomheden? Få svarene i Hjerteflimmer for voksne.Hør alle afsnit i DR Lyd.
Best in Tabletop is an entertainment network dedictated to inspiring players to be their best in every aspect of their game.
En spin-off til Han Duo podcasten, hvor Elias Eliot og Jacob Ege Hinchely udvider holdet med Maria Månson, og Danmarks dygtigste Gamemaster Morten Greis, og spiller forskellige rollespil.
Sith Takers Snap Shots is a podcast dedicated to the X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games run by the Sith Takers based in Stockport, North West UK. The goal of the podcast is to release three podcasts a week of a short duration (approx 10-15 mins) discussing a single topic in detail with different members of the Sith Takers team.
We will discuss news on upcoming releases and their impact on the game, our experiences attending and preparing for tournaments around the world, list creation and tweaking, meta breakdowns, and much more. -
Podcast med fokus på garn og de mennesker, der omgiver sig med garn. I hvert afsnit får jeg en snak med en ny gæst, der fortæller sin unikke garnhistorie. Det kan være fx en designer, garnfarver eller noget helt tredje.
Podcasten er produceret, tilrettelagt og redigeret af Emilie Tholstrup, som også er podcastens vært. -
Hvem er din helt? Det spørgsmål har vi stillet til en række kendte danskere, når vi i podcastserien “Heltemøde” giver dem muligheden for at bruge en dag sammen med en person, der betyder noget helt særligt for dem - deres helt.
Weekly, episodes about board games and the board game hobby.
We dive in to a wide selection of game mechanics, themes, and reviews. We discuss game news, gaming highlights, and the people who make our games amazing.
Come join us at the game table.
Hosted by Nathan Howard, Andy Holliday, Douglas Stewart, David Holliday, and Logan Howard. -
ManFred - lyt til formiddagsprogrammet Manfred på Uniradioen, alle hverdage fra 9-11. Her får du den sprødeste start på dagen.
mceventyr følger en flok venner og deres eventyr på motorcykel. Alt hvad de foretager sig omkring motorcykler bliver filmet. Det er den evige motorcykel tv, som du har ledt efter. Kristian, Allan, Stinus, Rune og Mads byder dig velkommen til mceventyr.
A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition podcast where co-hosts, Will and Brian, explore all things D&D including lore, game mechanics, character creation, and lots of other creative concepts. Join in on conversation about the world's most popular tabletop role playing game in a casual, educational, and humorous conversation in an inclusive setting. Together we'll delve into the endless possibilities and unforeseen challenges of role playing, creating characters, and dungeon mastering. New episodes of The Dungeoncast will air every Monday on YouTube, iTunes or anywhere else podcasts can be found!
Three best friends gather to play video games and talk gaming news and culture.
A show that's a mix of escape room puzzles and tabletop role-playing.
Lured Up is a weekly podcast dedicated to the game, culture, and community surrounding Pokémon GO. Hosts Ken and Adam offer insight from multiple perspectives in an uncensored format. Lured Up covers topics that are relevant to both casual gamers and hardcore Trainers, while providing a heaping dose of entertainment as well.
Lured Up - The Podcast where we take Pokémon GO way more seriously than we do ourselves. -
A podcast by women about motorcycle culture.
An Appendix N literary podcast for players of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Reviewing classic fantasy and helping to bring it to life at the gaming table.
3 guys occasionally talking about MCP. Formerly Chicago's premier Guild Ball podcast.
A podcast about Old School Magic: The Gathering.
We are the Legendary Creature Podcast. We're a few dudes that just want to play Magic: the Gathering. So we talk about EDH when we're not slinging spells.
If you love PUCL, you will love PUCL Plus, the show where you can get a more in depth dive of what is discussed on the podcast. Whether it be keeping up to date with the team's opinion on the newest TCG card, the current state of the video game meta, or just expanding your Pokemon trivia knowledge on GameCorner. We have it all here for you!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A live YouTube podcast were Burky (Kevin Burkhardsmeier) and Badger (Barry Doublet) babble about board games. We chat with guests as well as the live audience. Play game show games and babble...about board games, of course (sometimes).