
  • In this episode I am answering the following 3 questions from you:

    1. What were the most challenging physical changes you went through in recovery and how did you navigate them?

    2. How do I know if I actually have disordered eating or if I just prefer to eat a certain way?

    3. Did you deal with binge eating in recovery? If so, how did you go about it and when did it stop?

    More about Rini:

    Access my Body Image Video series:

    Weight inclusive treatment and resources

  • This week’s episode is with a dear friend of mine Caitlin Greene. Caitlin runs a Food Blog and and Instagram account (@starinfinitefood) with over 100k followers. Her food is truly a piece of art. If you look at her Instagram you will know exactly what I’m talking about.

    Caitlin suffered from a severe eating disorder that – just like in my case – started as an innocent attempt to ‘get healthy’… I think it’s so important to raise awareness about the fact that most eating disorders start this way. It’s just an innocent attempt to ‘clean up our diet’ or any other terms that we throw around when it comes to food, until it snowballs into chronic dieting, disordered eating or a full blown eating disorder.

    Caitlin is a food blogger specializing in a Whole Foods and holistic approach to eating and recipes. With a blood-line of chefs, she learned how to cook at a young age, and what began as a hobby has blossomed into her passion. The kitchen is the one place she feels at home, no matter where she is.

    Her mantra is Balance. She says: "Life is about balance – be it food, flavor, fitness, faith, fun, etc."
    She is an eating disorder warrior, and through healing her disorder she rekindled her love for food and cooking. She started her Instagram account as her own record for healing and to hold herself responsible. Through her blogging journey, she not only rekindled her relationship with food, but she fell in love with food styling and food photography.

    Hope you enjoy this week's episode and if you do, please leave a quick rating and review on your Podcast app to help me spread the word and continue creating free content for you every single week.


    Caitlin's website: www.foodinfinitude.live
    Caitlin's Instagram: https://instagram.com/starinfinitefood

    Follow Rini on Instagram at https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
    Access Rini's Body Image Pep Talks at https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

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  • In this episode I am answering your questions and talk about:

    * My vacation in Mexico and what my bad body image moment taught me

    * How I shifted from body hate to pure joy and self love with just one step

    * How to deal with the constant desire to change your personality based on not feeling enough - aka how to step into your truth and be the badass woman you're supposed to be

    * How I handled relapses in the past and overcame my mindset of "I will never recover from my eating disorder"

    * "Is it worth it to stress over processed vs. non-processed foods?" My honest thoughts on this.

    Follow Rini on Instagram at https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
    Access Rini's Body Image Pep Talks at https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

    Disclaimer: This episode is not a substitute for medical advice or eating disorder treatment. It is meant for informational and educational purposes only.

  • Alissa Rumsey MS, RD, CDN, CSCS is a nationally recognized and award-winning registered dietitian nutritionist and the founder of Alissa Rumsey Nutrition and Wellness.

    Alissa specializes in Intuitive Eating, body acceptance and disordered eating recovery. Her philosophy is rooted in the anti-diet and Health at Every Size (HAES) movement, as she believes true health comes from nurturing behaviors to enhance physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

    Through her writing, speaking and one-on-one client work, she helps people who are frustrated with dieting rediscover the joy of eating and cultivate a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. She is a monthly contributor to US News and World Report and has appeared in over 100 media outlets including NBC Nightly News, CNN, CBS News, ABC News, Prevention, Health Magazine, SELF and Women’s Health.

    Topics in this episode:
    * The difference between physical and mental food deprivation
    * The connection between restriction and binge eating
    * The important distinction between mindful- and intuitive eating
    * Understanding thin privilege

    More about Alissa
    Website: www.alissarumsey.com
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alissarumseyrd
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/alissarumseyRD
    Private FB group: https://facebook.com/groups/ditchthedietsupport
    Twitter: @alissarumseyrd

    More about Rini
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/ownitbabe

    Access my Body Image Tutorials:

  • I am constantly working on ways to manage my anxiety and seasonal affective disorder ('Winter Blues') and it's safe to say that I manage well...most times.

    In this short episode, I am sharing with you the one most important step I take every single time I struggle with my mental health and how I turn the bad days around as much as possible.

    Learn more about Rini: https://ownitbabe.ca
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
    Access my Body Image Video Series: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

  • "What is it actually like to be an open book on Instagram?
    How has it changed you for better or worse?"

    A lot of people have asked me what it's like for me being so vulnerable and honest online and sharing my story with almost 150 000 people on Instagram.

    In this episode, I am taking you behind the scenes of Own it Babe and sharing my journey with you, the good, the bad and the ugly parts of being vulnerable on the 'gram and everywhere else online and in real life.

    Learn more about Rini: https://ownitbabe.ca
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
    Access my Body Image Video Series: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

  • I used to suffer from severe binge eating episodes and thought I would be doomed forever. There was no way I thought I could break the cycle of binge eating and finally feel free around food.

    However, I found a way and I want to share with you the exact steps I took to finally liberate myself from this prison I felt I was in for over a decade.

    More about Rini: https://ownitbabe.ca
    Access my Body Image Video Series: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

  • Kayla is the author of “Damn the Diets,” founder of damnthediets.com and course instructor of two online e-courses "Find YOUR Balance" and "Get Your Period Back!" She is a non-diet Holistic Nutritionist who’s sick of women and men struggling and suffering from restrictive eating disorders caused by unrealistic and unsustainable diet culture and beauty standard demands. I want to show people there’s more to life than food and looking a certain way.

    More about Kayla
    Website: damnthediets.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KAYLAROSEKOTECKI?sub_confirmation=1
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/damnthediets/
    E-Book: http://damnthediets.securechkout.com/ebook

    More about Rini at https://ownitbabe.ca
    Access my free Body Image Video Series at https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

  • In this episode, I am sharing with you how I overcame my mindset about attaching my self worth to this silly number on the tag.

    More about Rini: https://ownitbabe.ca
    Access my Body Image Video Training Series: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

    Size inclusive clothing brands:

  • I used to identify as a "sugar addict" and was convinced that I had to avoid sugar at all costs, in order to get over my "addiction". However, I wasn't aware of the whole truth behind the "sugar addiction" research. Once I educated myself on the big picture of this study, I was able to heal my relationship to sugar once and for all.

    In this episode, I am sharing the other side of the "sugar addiction" story with you, as well as the reasons you might feel out of control or addicted to sugar and, finally, how to overcome this mindset and make peace with sugar once and for all.

    Access my Body Image Video Series at https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies
    Learn more about Rini at https://ownitbabe.ca

    Scientific Resources:

  • As we're heading into the new year, weight loss talk is all around us. I want to give you a different perspective and help you understand that shrinking yourself is not a sustainable New Year's Resolution, because it is way too focused on 'fixing' things you perceive as 'broken'.

    Aside from talking about all the things my weight gain gave me back (aka my life!), I am also teaching you how to set goals/intentions for the new year instead.

    Learn more about me at https://ownitbabe.ca
    Sign up for my free Body Image Breakthroughs Video Series at https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

  • Dr. Paula Freedman is a licensed clinical psychologist who treats adults with anxiety disorders, addiction, and eating disorders. She enjoys helping her clients connect with their inner wisdom in everyday life, and is a big fan of mindfulness practices. She currently works in private practice in Chicago, Illinois. As a 3rd generation Holocaust survivor who has researched the ways mass social traumas impact physical and mental health across several generations of families, she is a passionate advocate for social justice. She sees the HAES movement as an opportunity to become more aware of unconscious bias. Dr. Freedman is also an approved facilitator for the Body Image Resilience Program, a research-backed curriculum developed by Beauty Redefined. Her first book, The Addiction Recovery Workbook, is for sale on Amazon starting 12/25/18.

    Instagram: @mindful.drpaula
    Website www.drpaulafreedman.com

    Access The Addiction Recovery Workbook on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Addiction-Recovery-Workbook-Powerful-Preventing/dp/1641521171/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1544481892&sr=8-7&keywords=the+addiction+recovery+workbook

    Join the Chicago Area Nondiet, HAES, and Intuitive Eaters Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2175725622754253/

    Talk space for texting a therapist: https://www.talkspace.com

    Join my self love jump start course: courses.ownitbabe.ca

    Read more show notes and details on https://ownitbabe.ca

  • In this episode, I am diving deep into… guilt. Whether this is guilt over eating certain foods, guilt over eating too much food, guilt over not exercising enough and generally guilt over not being a good enough mom, sister, partner, friend, … human.

    I am teaching you how to finally let go of this crippling feeling, so you can live your truth and feel liberated!

    My online course Self Love Jump Start is still on sale until Jan. 3rd, 2019, so make sure you get your hands on this powerful material at courses.ownitbabe.ca/courses, before the value of this course goes up. This is a perfect companion for this busy holiday season, because it teaches you how to set a solid self care and self love foundation, as well as how to manifest and create more joy in your life.

    Learn more about Rini Frey at https://ownitbabe.ca or on Instagram at https://instagram.com/ownitbabe

  • Jess is certified Athletic Therapist, Kinesiologist and Pilates Instructor with a Masters Degree in Kinesiology and Health Science.

    Topics we talk about in this episode:

    *How her supposed healthy lifestyle affected her health and her body
    *How it affected her fertility journey
    * The one thing that helped her get her period and fertility back and get pregnant
    * Her pregnancy journey while being in eating disorder recovery
    * Her number one advice for someone that is trying to get pregnant, but is still recovering from an eating disorder
    * Her best advice to feel better in your current body

    Links and Resources from this episode:

    Jess’ Website: www.thehealthysweetpotato.com
    Pilates on Demand: www.pilatesondemand.ca
    Intuitive Eating Starter Pack: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies

    Subscribe and Review this Show:

    Subscribing and leaving a rating and review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow. So grateful for you!
    Simply hit the “subscribe” button in your Podcast app, then click “Ratings and Reviews” and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.
    Share a screen shot of this Podcast Episode to your Instagram stories and tag me, @ownitbabe, so I can personally thank you and say hi!

  • This episode is part of a Q and A series that I have started through my Instagram account @ownitbabe and I have picked out 5 questions to answer today:

    1. How do you get rid of the black-and-white mindset around food?

    2. How long did it take for your weight to stabilize and what were some helpful steps you took to accept your weight gain and natural body shape?

    3. How do you overcome the mentality of having to exercise every day?

    4. Do you ever catch yourself thinking “Life will start for real once I lose X pounds?”

    5. How can we raise children with a healthy body image in this weight-obsessed world?

    Links and Resources mentioned in this Episode:

    Grab my freebies at: www.ownitbabe.ca/freebies

    How to get rid of your perfectionist-mindset: https://ownitbabe.ca/3-reasons-why-perfectionism-is-the-enemy-of-joy/

    Raising children in diet culture:


    Subscribe and Review this Show:

    Subscribing and leaving a Rating and Review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow.
    So grateful for you!
    Simply hit the “Subscribe” button in your Podcast app, then click “Ratings and Reviews” and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.
    Share a screen shot of this Podcast Episode to your Instagram stories and tag me, @ownitbabe, so I can personally thank you and say hi!

  • Jessica Rothley is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach who specializes in Functional Endocrinology. She shares science-based women's health and hormone info that is weight inclusive and diet EXCLUSIVE.

    Topics we talk about in this episode:

    - Why our struggles with food and our body are usually not about the food

    - Why she used sex as a coping mechanism to feel validated and how she transformed her mindset into seeing sex as a way to create mutual (or solo-) enjoyment and love

    - How to stop judging yourself and your thoughts with a powerful mindset shift

    - The truth about hormone imbalances and the best action step you can take to support your body in balancing out (spoiler alert: its not about cutting out foods or food groups)

    Links and Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Jess' website: whollyhealed.com
    Jess' Instagram: https://instagram.com/whollyhealed
    Melissa Fabello's work on "skin hunger": http://www.melissafabello.com
    Join my Self Love Jump Start course at https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/self-love-jumpstart/

    Subscribe and Review:

    Subscribing and leaving a rating and review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow. So grateful for you!

    Simply hit the “subscribe” button in your Podcast app, then click “Ratings and Reviews” and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.

    Share a screen shot of this Podcast Episode to your Instagram stories and tag me, @ownitbabe, so I can personally thank you and say hi!

  • This episode is for you if you feel like you might have taken your exercise habits too far. We are always told that exercising MORE and eating LESS is the secret to being healthy, right?

    Well, in my case and many other cases, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this episode, I am going to break down the 5 biggest symptoms of over-training and how you can reverse the damage and create a peaceful, balanced relationship to exercise and movement.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Secure your early bird spot in my online course Self Love Jump Start here: https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/self-love-jumpstart

    Overtraining and metabolic damage: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435910/

    Subscribe and Review:

    Subscribing and leaving a Rating and Review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow.
    So grateful for you!
    Simply hit the “subscribe” button in your Podcast app, then click “Ratings and Reviews” and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.
    Share a screen shot of this Podcast to your Instagram stories and tag me, @ownitbabe, so I can personally thank you and say hi!

  • Leslie McDonald is the face behind the social media account @balanced_life_leslie. She is a sound healer, reiki practitioner, and certified holistic health coach with a passion for creating community, sharing recipes, and meal prep tips as well as making wellness accessible to everyone.
    Her work has been featured in Mind Body Green, Thrive Global, Greatist, and Whole30recipes.

    Trigger warning: Leslie has suffered from some autoimmune conditions and has found eating Paleo to be very beneficial for her, however, this is not her way of saying that everybody should follow a Paleo style eating pattern. This is strictly due to her autoimmune condition.

    Topics in this episode:

    - How diet culture shames girls/women for their appetite

    - How quitting alcohol and suffering from an autoimmune condition triggered her disordered eating

    - How taking time off from exercising helped her get her period back and heal her body image

    - Her 3 biggest takeaways from her journey of making peace with food and her body

    - Her favourite practical tips to turn bad body image days around

    - Why reiki helps move our emotions through our body and finally release the ones that have been stuck in our body for years

    And so much more!

    Links mentioned in this Episode:

    Leslie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balanced_life_leslie/

    Leslie’s Website: http://balancedlife-leslie.com/

    Join my brand-new Self Love Jumpstart course at https://courses.ownitbabe.ca
    or https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/self-love-jumpstart

    Subscribe and Review:

    Subscribing and leaving a rating and review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow. So grateful for you!

    Simply hit the “subscribe” button in your Podcast app, then click “Ratings and Reviews” and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.

    Share a screen shot of this Podcast to your Instagram stories and tag me, @ownitbabe, so I can personally thank you and say hi!

  • This will be a quick episode, because I want to get straight to the point today and share my personal experience with fear.

    In this episode I share:
    - How my fear of not being enough sneaks into my life and what I do about it
    - How I channel this fear into courage
    - What courage feels like and how exactly I build my self-confidence through feeling my fear
    - How to unleash your inner superhero

    Links mentioned in this Episode:

    Join my brand-new Self Love Jumpstart course at https://courses.ownitbabe.ca
    or https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/self-love-jumpstart

    Subscribe and Review:

    Subscribing and leaving a rating and review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow. So grateful for you!

    Simply hit the "subscribe" button in your Podcast app, then click "Ratings and Reviews" and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.

  • The episode everyone keeps asking me about is finally out!
    I am interviewing my husband Shaun and we are having a very juicy and honest conversation about body image, diet culture for men, supporting a loved one through an eating disorder, mental health, sex and much more!

    Some of my favorite topics we covered

    - The “movie-version” story of how we met and why we didn’t start dating until 18 months later

    - My rock-bottom moment and eating disorder from his point of view

    - Men and diet culture/body image

    - The biggest change in our relationship since I recovered from my eating disorder

    - How our sex life has changed throughout my eating disorder recovery and mental health journey

    - Relationship- and dating advice for someone with bad body image or “body image anxiety”

    - Shaun’s advice in supporting a loved one with an eating disorder and with their mental health

    Subscribe and Review

    Subscribing to this show will ensure that you never miss out on an episode that you have been waiting to hear more about, because I know that there will be a future episode where you’ll think: “YES, this is exactly what I’ve been struggling with / what I want to know more about!”

    Also, I want to know what you love about this Show and what you want to hear in future episodes. The best way to ensure I see your feedback is to leave a quick Rating and Review. Click here, select “Ratings and Reviews” and click “Write a Review”.

    It only takes a few seconds but will help this community out so much! Thank you for all your support and feedback so far!

    Links mentioned in this Episode

    Pursuit to Freedom Work Sheet: https://ownitbabe.ca/pursuit-to-freedom/