
  • I’ve decided that sustainable time management is my new goal rather than focusing on productivity.

    In this episode, we’re exploring what that means to have a system of sustainable time (and life!) management.

    Listen in to hear:

    Why sustainability matters more than productivity 3 ways we can start creating a more sustainable system for time management The most important thing to include in your time management strategy, no matter what season of life you are in

    This episode is the last in our series on time management! I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.

    I don’t have any current plans for more episodes in the near future, but make sure you are signed up to get emails from me HERE so we can keep the conversation going about time management (after I have a baby)!

    I'd love to hear any thoughts or insights you had while listening to the episode. Say hello via DM on Instagram @kristinbrown.

    Helpful Links:

    Add your name to the email list Get the Time Management Guide for Creative Moms Kristin’s Instagram @kristinbrown The Progress Project Website Do Less by Kate Northrup
  • This episode is for anyone who feels trapped by a life of perpetual busy-ness and craves a simpler, calmer experience of their life.

    A common theme I see among the overstretched business owners I've worked with over the years is their tendency to take on way more work than they actually have capacity for. They feel like they're never doing enough, yet they're busy all the time.

    They say yes to every job, client, and opportunity and don't stop to make sure all that work actually fits within the limited hours in a day or week.

    This leads to a life imbalance and a lack of personal wellness that gets worse the longer it goes on.

    But this doesn't just happen to business owners – we ALL can fall into the trap of taking on more than we have capacity for.

    In this episode you'll learn why we do this, how we can use constraints to maintain balance, and practical examples of what it can look like to introduce the concept of "enough" to different areas of your life.

    I'd love to hear any thoughts or insights you had while listening to the episode. Say hello via DM on Instagram @kristinbrown.

    Helpful Links:

    The Progress Project Website Time Management Guide for Creative Moms Kristin’s Instagram @kristinbrown
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  • How often do you mentally jump ahead to a future time when things are sure to be better than they are today?

    I am so guilty of this and it's something I'm working through right now as I impatiently wait for the end of this pregnancy.

    I'm re-learning (this is definitely not my first time struggling with trying to escape the present moment!) what I can do to stop fretting that the future isn't coming quickly enough and find joy and beauty in this current day/week/month/season.

    Listen in to learn my simple (but not necessarily easy) trick for instantly focusing back in on the present moment instead of resisting or avoiding it.

    I'd love to hear any thoughts or insights you had while listening to the episode. Say hello via DM on Instagram @kristinbrown.

    Helpful Links:

    The Progress Project Website Time Management Guide for Creative Moms Kristin’s Instagram @kristinbrown
  • I've been noticing lately that there are two activities that pay major dividends in every aspect of my life. Two activities that, when I take time for them, create MORE time and energy.

    Yet they are also the very first things that I drop when things get hectic or stressful (which happens to be right when I need them the most).

    Listen in to hear what the two activities are and why they're so useful. You'll also hear why I think doing BOTH activities is 10x as powerful as just doing one or the other.

    I would love to hear your response to the episode! Say hello via DM on Instagram @kristinbrown.

    Helpful Links:

    The Progress Project Website Time Management Guide for Creative Moms Kristin’s Instagram @kristinbrown
  • The Progress Project is back! Well, kind of. ;) After a couple years away, Kristin is back to share a new limited series on time, time management, and productivity. (More episodes or short series might happen later, possibly? We’ll see!)

    In this episode, I’m sharing an update on the last couple years, plus the insights on time/life management I picked up from working at (and eventually leaving) a demanding marketing job.

    You’ll hear:

    Why I left my dream job All about the book that completely changed the way I think about time and how I spend my days Why my goal is no longer to be productive and what I focus on instead What everyday changes I’ve made in my life this year for more fulfillment and satisfaction

    I would love to hear your response to the episode! Say hello via DM on Instagram @kristinbrown.

    Links Mentioned:

    Kristin’s Instagram @kristinbrown Time Management Guide for Creative Moms The Progress Project Website Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman Die With Zero by Bill Perkins The Summer Day by Mary Oliver
  • This is our FINAL episode! We hope this last episode serves as the perfect way to wrap up everything we’ve shared over the last 3+ years.

    Listen in to learn:

    The 6 areas you can choose from to start your own progress project Over 20 examples and inspiration ideas to choose from for your project Next steps to actually GET STARTED taking action Where you can find resources for each of the 6 areas of growth The perfect tool you can use again and again for each new goal you set

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/175

    FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER: Now more than ever, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on our email list! After this episode, you'll only catch us via email and Patreon. You can sign up at https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/email to get fun, curated, exclusive emails.

    JOIN OUR PATREON CLASS: Join this month’s class and learn how to make “what could be” a reality for you in your own life! We’ll dive deeper into this topic and give you specific help with whatever it is you’re trying to create in your life. Learn more HERE.

    OUR FAIL-PROOF GOAL SETTING GUIDE - Grab our 5 step framework that helps you make progress on any goal or area you want to focus on.

    6 Areas of Personal Growth -Browse the 6 areas of personal + creative growth and find the best resources to help you start your very own progress project.

  • Today we’re talking about how you can actually create the life you dream of living. Discover how to envision the big picture growth you want for your future and the 4 ingredients needed to get you there.

    You’ll also learn:

    Where to start in determining what matters most to you How to incorporate those things into your everyday life—and your goals for the future The mindset possibility work that has to take place before any of your goals become reality Why love, grace, and worthiness are essential parts of any personal development plan

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/174

    FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER: Now more than ever, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on our email list! We’ll be here on the podcast for one more episode, but after that you’ll only catch us via email and Patreon. You can sign up at https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/email to get fun, curated, exclusive emails sent right to you.

    JOIN THIS MONTH'S CLASS: Dive a little deeper into the topics that matter most for your personal and creative growth through our audio lessons. We'll give you specific help with whatever it is you’re trying to create in your life. Learn more about our Patreon classes HERE.

  • You don’t want to miss today’s episode! We have some big news to share and we’re spilling it all in this conversation. Find out the changes coming to the podcast and what’s next for The Progress Project. We can’t wait to let you in on what’s to come!

    SHOW NOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/173

    JOIN OUR PATREON CLASS: Join this month’s class and learn how to make “what could be” a reality for you in your own life! We’ll dive deeper into this topic and give you specific help with whatever it is you’re trying to create in your life. Learn more HERE.

    FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER: Now more than ever, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on our email list! We’ll be here on the podcast for a couple more weeks but after that you’ll only catch us via email and Patreon. You can sign up at https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/email to get fun, curated, exclusive emails.

  • In this episode, we’re teaching you how to grow your self belief. Not just in the vague “believe in yourself!” kind of way we tell little kids but about believing SPECIFICALLY that you can achieve the things you really want. That you can take any desire you have for your life and figure out how to obtain it or bring it into reality. Usually that means DOING, BEING, or HAVING something that you want.

    You’ll learn:

    The difference between action and belief (and which one is most important) What is possible when you truly shift your beliefs about yourself and your capabilities How to begin shifting those beliefs The next-level step you can take to take this self-belief work further

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/172

    JOIN OUR PATREON CLASS: Join this month’s class and learn how to make “what could be” a reality for you in your own life! We’ll dive deeper into this topic and give you specific resources to help you achieve what you really want right now. Learn more HERE.

  • Communicating better begins with clarity—knowing what you want FIRST and then clearly sharing that with others.

    Listen to this week’s episode to learn:

    How to gain clarity over what you want in the first place How you can be more confident in asking for what you want or need How to be less vague and more concrete by being your own editor Why it matters who you’re communicating with

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/171

    Funny meme from the notebook that we mentioned in this episode;) "What do you want?!"

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Check it out today.

  • More faith can help you obtain ANY desire, reach any goal, or solve any problem. Today’s conversation will show you 4 ways you can develop your faith to create actual, tangible results in your life.

    Listen in to learn:

    To expand your definition of faith to increase your creative power The best question to ask to discover exactly what to do next Why you might be putting forth the wrong kind of effort and what to do instead How you can look at what already exists in your life to cultivate even more faith

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/170

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Check it out today.

  • Do you ever feel guilty that you want MORE when you “should” be content with what you have? Or maybe you feel like you “should” be making more progress than you currently are in a given season of life.

    In this episode, we’re talking about contentment vs. progress and why we feel like we’re doing it wrong, no matter which phase of life we’re in.

    You’ll learn:

    Why our brains default to wanting the next thing, even after achieving a big goal How to decide if you should be in a growth mindset or a contentment mindset How you can take time to celebrate goal achievement (even if you’re already thinking about the next one) How you can expect and accept that reaching your next goal won’t make your life any happier than it is today

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/169

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Download it here.

  • In this episode, Laura shares her best tips for planning your week. There’s no set formula to follow, but prompts to help you decide what is most important to you and how to incorporate it into your plan.

    Listen in to learn:

    How you can change your mindset about planning your week so it doesn’t feel restrictive, but exciting and inspiring instead How being strategic about when you plan so it actually happens each week Where you can find some extra guidance in making this plan 5 questions you can ask in a weekly review

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/168

    FREE RESOURCES: Grab our best free resources and anything else you might need to help you make time for what you love on our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/

  • Today we’re talking about how you can get to the “good stuff” of life, whether it’s in your creative work, relationships, spiritual life, or anything else.

    Listen in to learn:

    How you can enjoy more meaningful conversations Conversation-starting prompts to go deeper in your relationships How you can do creative work that is more aligned with your purpose A few tricks to go deeper in any area of your life that has potential for more meaning

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/167

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Check it out today.

  • If you ever find yourself feeling totally overwhelmed with everything you have to do, decide, and worry about, you might need to declutter your mind!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    4 different strategies to use to declutter your mind Where to start if you’re too overwhelmed to decide Ideas for systems you can create to prevent overwhelm in the future Examples for one-time decisions you can make to avoid decision fatigue

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/166

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Check it out today.

  • Today’s conversation is an unstructured exploration of a question we’ve been pondering: How do you experience your life?

    We talk through a new way to visualize concepts we’re always talking about: the power of our thoughts to create the intentional life we enjoy the experience of living every day.

    Listen in to hear:

    How thinking of a foundation and a home can help you better visualize your circumstances and emotions How you can find ultimate freedom in your emotional life Experiencing ease, contentment, and happiness in the present moment Why it is that you truly can feel good despite negative circumstances

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/165

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Check it out today.

  • In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to navigate all the big emotions that come up when utilizing your creativity.

    We want you to find the tools to navigate the thoughts and feelings that arise during the creative process.

    Listen in to learn:

    How to not let anxiety or mind drama stop you from creating the work you want to do Stop ignoring the signals these emotions are bringing up for you Specific steps you can take to deal with anxiety, worry, and drama How you can separate a bit from your inner critic How to step into emotions that will serve you and your creativity well

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/164

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: You’ll find a few extra hours for you and your creativity starting this week, no matter how full your schedule already is. Check it out today.

    CHECK OUT THIS MONTH'S CLASS: Every two month's we dive deep into helping you nurture your creativity. Our classes our fun, simple & help you make a ton of progress! Join for just $5!

  • Today we’re talking about how you can give your creativity some extra attention and create your very best work.

    Listen in to learn:

    How creativity can help you feel more connected to yourself spiritually A powerful journal prompt to discover a powerful creative experience in your past and how it can serve future creative work A bunch of strategies we have used to create our best work that you can steal and try for yourself How you can devote a little extra time to your creativity this month

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/163

    CHECK OUT THIS MONTH'S CLASS $5: Every two month's we dive deep into a specific topic like time management or creative work. We'll give you all the tools you need to make progress you're proud of in a fun & simple way! Learn more HERE.

    FREE TIME BLOCKING TOOLKIT: Grab our 3 favorite tools to block out time for your creative work, no matter how full your schedule is!

  • This episode is a free audio chapter from our ebook, Time Management for Creative Moms. You’ll learn 5 mindset shifts about time management that will help you take the strategies we’ve taught you so far and become even more effective with your time.

    You’ll also learn why time management is about SO MUCH MORE than getting things done or checking everything off a to do list.

    We want you to discover the freedom that comes when your schedule allows you to fulfill your purpose, use your gifts, and reach your goals and dreams.

    For a roundup of time management resources and notes from the episode, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/162

    FREE Time Management Toolkit Time Management for Creative Moms Ebook Past Time Management Episodes + Blogposts Maximize Your Magic Hours - Patreon Class
  • You have a unique set of gifts that are meant to bring you joy and serve the world! Today we’re chatting about how you can uncover those gifts and use them to their fullest potential.

    Listen in to learn:

    What to do if you’re not sure what your gifts are How to actually use your gifts more regularly Why you should never wait to start the project you dream about starting How your gifts will be revealed along the way -- with ACTION Why we are sometimes afraid to take action on our gifts How to stop comparing your gifts to others

    FREE TOOLKIT: Don't forget to grab our awesome FREE Time Management Toolkit to get 4 new free resources to help you make more time for what you love! Download HERE.

    SHOWNOTES: For a recap of the episode and any links we mentioned in our conversation today, head to our website at: https://www.jointheprogressproject.com/podcast/161