
  • Ever felt church hurt? Ever had an experience of your faith where it hurt but you didn't know why?

    Maybe you're actively deconstructing your faith, or maybe you've had an experience of being burnt out from ministry and you can't figure out how the way people treated you reconciles with the Jesus you know.

    If any of these things are true, you may have experienced religious trauma. In this episode, we discuss the viewpoint that if you just had the right teaching and knew enough of the right stuff...then you wouldn't have been hurt.

    We dissect the toxicity of this belief system and the experiences that both Kam and Karla have had with well-meaning people who minimized the hurt or trauma.

    In this episode, you'll discover:
    - Why "knowing the right things" can't possibly prevent hurt (and how to respond to people who put this on you)
    - Why you can "have everything right" and still create an environment where dysfunction and pain arises
    - How to have hope in the midst of healing from religious trauma and searching for Jesus

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group:


    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow
    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow
    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • We took a break from the podcast for 2 months, somewhat unintentionally. In this podcast episode, we provide an update, including: why Karla struggles to call herself a "Christian", why Kam isn't a fan of "deconstruction" and where we're going with this podcast and community.

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group:


    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow
    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow
    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

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  • What do you do when you your business feels stagnant? There's just a "stuckness" that's going on and it's keeping you from accessing a higher level of your calling & passion. Why does this happen? And what specifically is going on when you're a recovering Christian, trying to untangle twisted belief systems you got from church culture? And most importantly, how do you break through that to create resonance in your marketing that calls in the right people to work with you. We talk about this and much more in this episode of the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur Show. Plus, we talk about the brand new "Make a Ton of Money Masterclass" which will be on May 18th at 12pm CST exclusively for members of the Recovering Christian Entrepreneurs group. If you'd like to attend, just join the group at bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneur group. Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Is yoga demonic? You've probably heard this mentioned in church or even in Christian subculture. And yet in the online coaching/entrepreneurship world...things like meditation are widely accepted as common-sense practices to get your mindset right so you can be effective as a business leader. So what's the truth? Should Christian entrepreneurs practice yoga? You may be surprised at our answer. Check out the episode and let us know what you think. Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Looking to explore the world of meditation but unsure if it's right for Christians?

    If you've been in the entrepreneur space for more than a few minutes, then you've likely encountered meditation talked about as a way to regulate your mindset in order to be more effective in your business.

    In this episode, Kam & Karla dive into this topic and dispel some common misconceptions surrounding the practice.

    What are the some myths surrounding meditation and Christianity, and how can they be addressed?

    How does meditation relate to prayer, and can it actually help Christians connect with the Holy Spirit?

    What are some practical tips for Christians who want to explore meditation and stillness, but are unsure of how to proceed? We dive into meditation and stillness and whether or not God wants us to meditate.

    We break down the distinction between "Christian meditation" and "Eastern meditation" (and why we think the distinction is misplaced).

    Plus, we dig into the fear around meditation and what really matters. If you're a recovering Christian entrepreneur and you want to honor God but are also curious about meditation...

    ...this is the episode for you.

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Mindset, and Marketing Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup

    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow

    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow

    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • How often have you heard that money is the root of all evil? Or that if you give when you don't have much, God values that more?

    There's a lot of misconceptions and mistruths about money and the Bible.

    In this short segment, we take a look at the story of the Widow's Offering, found in Mark 12:41-44.

    The popular interpretation of this passage is that it's about giving to God...even if you have nothing left. But what if there's more to this story than the popular narrative we've heard in church?

    And for entrepreneurs...what if some of the toxic money beliefs we have in our head were in part fed by this narrow interpretation?

    We dive into 3 toxic beliefs that stem from this story. 

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Mindset, and Marketing Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreurgroup

    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow
    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow
    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Have you ever found yourself on the other side of tens of thousands spent on business coaching programs... ...and feel like you're no closer to your breakthrough than when you started?

    How is it that we can invest so much into our business development and feel like we've barely developed?

    It's almost like you're still trying to solve the same marketing and sales problem that you thought you were going to solve with that first program you bought back in the day.

    So what's that about?

    What happens when you're still looking for your big breakthrough?

    The one where you can finally feel secure knowing that you're doing the right thing.

    We dive deep into this topic and mined a LOT of golden nuggets for you.


    Here's a sneak peak at what we covered:

    - The masculine and feminine dynamics in your marketing that keep a lot of entrepreneurs stuck

    - A practical approach to sharing your story and how to know what story to start with

    - Karla's "4 bodies approach" and how your identity plays into your success as an entrepreneur

    - How the invitation of Jesus interrupts our obsession with growth and calls us into a more meaningful relationship with ourselves, our work, and each other

  • TRIGGER WARNING: This episode deals with subject material of a sensitive nature, including suicidal ideation and self-harm. As entrepreneurs, we're always trying to refine what the ESSENCE of our work really is. "What do I REALLY do?" is a question we often ask ourselves. Well, Karla and I were having that conversation about Karla's work and the answer came back as: I help people relax in the middle of extreme pain. Oftentimes, we give the medicine we crave for ourselves and in this episode, we dive into Karla's story of leaving the cult she grew up in and having to re-build her entire sense of identity. Entrepreneurship makes it impossible to hide from yourself, and having a stable sense of identity is crucial to making empowered business decisions. So what do you do when that sense of self has been smashed by life? Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepre... Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Sharing your message can be one of the hardest things you do as an entrepreneur... Especially when you're motivated by transformation and impact, and not necessarily money.

    By stepping in to your message, you're acknowledging the responsibility that you've had in restricting your own freedom.

    By saying yes to your calling, you're taking ownership of where you've allowed your experiences to keep you from feeling truly free.

    That's why something as "simple" as creating content can feel like a giant roadblock. How do you share your message in a way that resonates with the people you're trying to reach?

    How do you help someone see for themselves the shifts they need to make to improve their life & business?

    And how does finding your voice and sharing your message change as a recovering Christian entrepreneur?

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup

    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow

    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow

    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Ever felt like you had to show up in the middle of exhaustion for your business?

    Well...on this episode of The Recovering Christian Entrepreneur, we dive right in.


    Because we were a little toasted after a rough week with neither kid sleeping very well 😂

    It turned into a pretty juicy discussion about what happens when your business doesn't "feel good".

    What's the difference between alignment and resistance?

    When should you make a move and when should you wait on God?

    When do you need to stop and listen to your emotions and when do you need to just push through?

    And when is your "exhaustion" actually because you're expending all of your energy fighting mindset battles? 

    Kam shared a detailed struggle when it came to writing a new sales page for a new offer, and what transpired when Karla stepped in to help identify the underlying pattern that was causing the resistance.

    This opened up a new conversation about, "What is resistance and what causes it?"

    We talked through the 3 Core Lies that we as entrepreneurs deal with, and how they show up in business, as well as the confusion we have between "seeking clarity" and "feeling ambivalence".

    If you've ever felt lost when it comes navigating your feelings in business...give this episode a listen.

  • If you've spent more than 5 minutes in the "grow your business" space online... ...then you've probably encountered business coaches and entrepreneurs talking about manifestation or crystals or New Age things.

    There's a whole side of the business coaching world that's dubbed as "woo woo" (which is simply a term used to describe the "spiritual, but not religious" crowd). That's why we wanted to open up a conversation around some taboo topics for Christian entrepreneurs, starting with crystals and "energy".

    So what's the deal with crystals? Why do so many business coaches seem to use them and talk about them? What does "using" a crystal even mean? And, are they "OK" for Christians?

    Kam and Karla give a little bit of background on their experience in the business coaching space as it regards crystals and energy, and talk about their journey on this topic. 


    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup 

    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow 

    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow 

    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • For many of us, there's often a huge gap that exists between information and action. In this episode, we explore how this shows up for recovering Christian entrepreneurs. We look at religious upbringing and the belief systems we were taught and how that impacts what kind of action to take. Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Ever freeze up when talking about money? Well, have you ever frozen up and got triggered while recording a podcast episode? This episode is a real-time reflection of what it looks like to work through your Christian beliefs around money. We began recording the episode and got about 3 minutes in when it was clear Kam was SUPER triggered. So naturally, Karla stopped the recording and instead, recorded a session where she coaches Kam through his money beliefs and why he got triggered. We cover how we relate money to authority in our life...why so many Christians struggle with making financial decisions...and why so many of us have a hard time trusting ourselves. Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Have you ever struggled with creating your vision for your life...and had that nagging feeling of, "Well, God's probably not going to give this to me anyway..." Ever felt like God CAN get you the things you desire...but He probably won't because why would He do that for me? That's what this episode is about and how this affects entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to creating a compelling vision for their business and how setting goals. If you've ever wondered if God actually has your back...check out this episode where Karla shares her background of growing up in a cult, learning her gift for vision, and then how she suppressed it for a long time. If you've ever wondered if God actually has your back...check out this episode where Karla shares her background of growing up in a cult, learning her gift for vision, and then how she suppressed it for a long time. She shares her journey as an entrepreneur and Mom, and believing that God didn't want her to be a mom. She talked about the anger she had about her vision that God put into her heart because it contradicted what she believed He would provide. Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneurgroup Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • Why is "recovering" as a Christian so important when you're an entrepreneur?

    Because the performance of your business is closely tied to your faith.

    Or at least it can be.

    Kam dives into his personal story of growing up in a Calvinist-Reformed environment (as well as in broader evangelical America), and how that shaped some of the beliefs he had about business and the impact that had.

    If you grew up in a conservative church...you'll likely resonate with this story and discover why some things in your business haven't gone the way you planned.

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group: https://www.bit.ly/recoveringentrepreneur


    Follow Kam on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.snow

    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow

    Follow Karla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlathena

  • What do you do as an entrepreneur when your faith breaks?

    Welcome to the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur show where we talk about money, marketing, and your message.

    In this introductory episode, Kam & Karla talk about why they needed to recover from Christianity to have a real relationship with Jesus.

    We dive into the story of how entrepreneurship and faith collided, and the real cost in the business when those faith principles broke.

    If you're a Christian in entrepreneurship and you're trying to reconcile the beliefs you got from church and the ones you're installing to be successful as an entrepreneur (because as we all know, mindset is everything)...

    Know that you're not alone.

    You don't need to abandon your faith in order to grow your business.

    Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Marketing, and Your Message Facebook group:



    Follow Kam on Facebook: facebook.com/kameron.snow

    Follow Kam on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kameronsnow

    Follow Karla on Instagram: instagram.com/karlathena


    Want to explore working with Kam & Karla? Apply here.