If you're sick of saying, "I'm so overwhelmed!" this episode is for you. Sam Bennett helps creative people get unstuck so they can do their best work. She's the author of Get It Done and Start Right Where You Are, and in this episode, she gives us her advice for making time for work that energizes you.
Show notes:
Get It Done by Sam Bennett
Start Right Where You Are by Sam Bennett
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
When it comes to setting goals, we think a lot about how we want to feel once we achieve them, but very little about how we want to feel while working toward them.
In The Desire Map, author Danielle LaPorte suggests an alternative: making goals centered around what she calls your "core desired feelings."
Show notes:
The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals With Soul by Danielle LaPorte.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
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Negotiating is crucial for workaholics, who have a tendency to say yes to everything. Negotiating your time, salary, and workload gives have more control over your work situation. And that control gives you the freedom to decide on your own relationship with work. In this episode, we cover a number of strategies for successful negotiating.
Show notes:
Secrets of Six-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny
Tandem Anchoring: Information and politeness effects of range offers in social exchange by Malia Mason
Ladies Get Paid
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
What does it look like when workaholics become parents? In this episode, working mom-of-four Rebecca Ford sheds some light on the myth of "having it all." She tells us what it's like to balance an obsession with work – which often feels like freedom – with being present at home.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Being a control freak and being a workaholic go hand in hand. When you're addicted to work – and when your work defines you – chances are, you have a hard time allowing others to contribute to the work you do. In this episode, we talk about learning to let go of our control freakery so we can have a healthier relationship with work.
Show notes:
Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less by Tiffany Dufu
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
In today's episode, we talk about the difference between being a "workaholic" and being legitimately addicted to work. We discuss research from psychologist Mark Griffiths, who defines six traits of behavioral addiction and how they relate to work.
Show notes:
Workaholics Anonymous
Work Addiction and "Workaholism" by Mark D. Griffiths, Ph.D.:
6 Traits of Behavioral Addictions
Is There Really Such a Thing as a "Workaholic"? by Jordan Weissmann
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
From saying "no" to juggling multiple projects, we've learned a lot about managing our workaholism over the past few months. So what's helped us the most? And where do we go from here?
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Digital detoxing is the default solution to burnout, stress, and overwork. But is disconnecting realistic? And, more importantly, does it truly get to the heart of the problem?
In this episode, we talk to Tim Herrera, editor of the New York Times Smarter Living, about how to stay connected without letting connectivity control your life, why you shouldn't think of your workplace as your family, and what leaders can do to establish less toxic work environments.
Show notes:
Your Workplace Isn't Your Family (and That's OK!) - The New York Times by Tim Herrera When You Track Oreos, Exercise, and Everything Else by Tim Herrera Photographic Memory study by Alix Barasch Sleep Cycle alarm clock (iPhone, Android) Lose It weight loss app (iPhone, Android)Special thanks to our sponsor, Everlance. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Learning to say "no" is crucial for workaholics, who have a tendency to overcommit. In this week's episode, we cover some criteria for deciding when to say "no" and when to say "yes." We also discuss some research-backed strategies for being direct and effective with your no.
Show notes:
Essentialism by Greg McKeown Why You Should Learn to Say No More Often, The New York Times, Kristin Wong I "Don't" versus "I Can't", Vanessa M. Patrick and Henrik Hagtvedt Year of Yes by Shonda RhimesSpecial thanks to our sponsor, Everlance. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Is there a productivity trap? Is our culture obsessed with getting things done and checking tasks off lists? Kristin asks her former Lifehacker editors if we have a productivity problem.
Alan Henry (New York Times editor) and Whitson Gordon (writer, New York Times, Popular Science) make the case for productivity...with a purpose. They offer some concrete, actionable tips, like the Daily 3-Task Method, to make sure you don't fall into the so-called "productivity trap." Instead, productivity should be about making time for the things that truly matter to you.
Show notes:
How to Prioritize When Everything Is Important, Alan Henry Three Tasks You Should Do Every Day to Stay Productive, Whitson Gordon In Defense of Life Hacking, Whitson Gordon How to Turn Your Laziness Into Efficiency, Alan HenrySpecial thanks to Everlance for making this podcast episode possible. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
We tend to think of success linearly, in terms of how we'll feel once we reach the finish line. But what if the way we approach success actually leaves us feeling distracted, unfocused...and maybe even unsuccessful?
In this episode, we consider a different way to think about success: not just and end goal, but also a process.
Psst! Enter our book giveaway by Sept 19th! Leave us a review on iTunes, then Tweet us a screenshot of your review @nonworkaholics for a chance to win The Year of Less (Cait Flanders), How to Be Everything (Emilie Wapnick), and Get Money (Kristin Wong)!
Show notes:
The Desire Map, Danielle Laporte Cyclical Thinking Helps Achieve Goals, ShapeSpecial thanks to Everlance for making this podcast episode possible. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Are you a multipotentialite? In this episode, author and TED speaker Emilie Wapnick explains the concept of multipotentiality: the idea that you can be more than one thing in your career. We talk about how to pursue and explore your many interests without burning out.
Show notes:
How to Be Everything, Emilie Wapnick Emilie's TED Talk: Why some of us don't have one true calling Emilie's website: Puttylike Refuse to Choose, Barbara SherSpecial thanks to Everlance for making this podcast episode possible. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Not getting enough sleep. Eating lunch at your desk. Skipping lunch altogether. When we're overworked, we're quick to dismiss basic self-care. The problem is, most people think of self-care as a luxury item, a reward. But it's actually a crucial part of "getting things done."
In this episode, we talk about some common misconceptions about self-care and how to do things better.
Show notes:
Steven Covey, Firsts Things First Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way Talking to Strangers Makes You HappySpecial thanks to our sponsor, Everlance. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Recovering from burnout? So are we! In our inaugural episode, we discuss our experience with overwork and how our culture glamorizes busyness and burnout. We leave you with a couple of tips to help curb your own workaholism.
Special thanks to our sponsor, Everlance. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Show notes:
How to Be Happy by Adam Sternbergh New York Times, Why You Should Learn to Say No More Often Sleep deprivation study Essentialism by Greg McKeown*****
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Cait Flanders is the author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Year of Less. Cait tells us how she's learned to stop focusing on the finish line and be okay with a little uncertainty – and how it's helped her career.
Special thanks to our sponsor, Everlance. Visit www.Everlance.com/recoveringworkaholics for a special discount.
Closed captioning: https://tinyurl.com/y8dsw3bc
Disclaimer: The points of view expressed in this podcast are Kristin Wong and Dara Blaine's and do not represent any other person or entity. The opinions of our guests do not represent our own. We do not guarantee any desired or specific results in connection with this podcast. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to hold us liable for any of the decisions, actions or results in your own life, career or business. Listeners are 100% responsible for any decisions or actions they take after listening to this podcast. Listening to this podcast does not create any sort of counseling, coaching or other relationship.
Kristin is a freelance writer and journalist. Dara is a career counselor and coach. They're also (recovering) workaholics. Together, they find a balance between taking care of yourself and taking care of your hustle. They interview authors, entrepreneurs, and leaders who are doing things differently. Join their journey and learn how to level up—without burning out. Coming August 22nd!
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music