
  • The Essence of Integrity: A Pillar of Moral Character.

    Integrity, a cornerstone of personal character, encompasses a range of virtues. At its core, integrity is the consistent desire to align internal values with external actions. It signifies living authentically, with honesty, and being respectful toward others.

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  • The Power Of Self-Discipline

    The power of self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do things you know you should, even when you don’t feel like doing them. It’s about controlling your impulses and emotions to stay focused on what’s important and achieve your long-term goals. Self-discipline can lead to more success and happiness in life, as well as more control over your own life and less procrastination.

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  • How To Defeat Your Darkest Thoughts

    As we’ve seen, it’s normal to have unwanted thoughts. Furthermore, dark intrusive thoughts are fuelled by fear and fixation, they result in anxiety and depression, and they’re connected to OCD tendencies. Other factors like trauma, low self-esteem, religious conditioning, and social conditioning also contribute to having many unwanted thoughts.

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    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • The Top Five Regrets Of A Retiree

    It is easy to identify things you could have done differently knowing what you know today. If only we had a crystal ball, life could be so much easier.

    Well, it is not a crystal ball, but we do have those who have gone before us to pull from their experiences to help improve our future.

    1. Not Saving Enough for Retirement2. Not Pursuing Their Passions3. Failing to Maintain Relationships4. Not Taking Care of Their Health5. Working Too Much

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Toxicity In Human Behaviour

    Protect yourself by identifying toxic people early.

    A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life. Many times, people who are toxic are dealing with their own stresses and traumas. To do this, they act in ways that don’t present them in the best light and usually upset others along the way.

    Some people seem to radiate positivity, while others leave us feeling emotionally drained and manipulated. Toxic people impact our mental and emotional well-being, leaving us exhausted and stressed. How do toxic people leave us feeling depleted and like a shell of our former selves? Learn what makes a person toxic and discover why and how they harm our well-being.

    It's important to remember that people are complex, and a person may exhibit some of these behaviors at certain times without necessarily being considered toxic. However, when these traits and behaviors are consistently present and have a detrimental impact on those around them, the individual may be considered toxic.

    Some examples of a toxic person;

    1. Verbal abuse2. Manipulation3. Bullying4. Gaslighting5. Passive-aggressiveness7. Discrimination and prejudice8. Cyberbullying and online harassment

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Controlling Your Own Life

    Your thoughts have a tremendous impact on your life. They shape your experiences and create your reality. The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life.

    When you focus on positive thoughts, you attract positive experiences, and when you focus on negative thoughts, you attract negative experiences.

    Here are some key points.

    1. While a person is not in control of other people’s actions, they are in control of their own response. 2. It can be hugely beneficial to one's relationships to focus on one's own behavior, rather than the other person.3. Much of people's suffering stems from attachment and wishing the external world was different, so it's best to reframe one's thinking.

    This podcasts talks about how our Life Is What Our Thoughts Make It and the 20 Ways To Controlling Your Own Life.


    Speakers: Zira, Rocking Al

    Theme Music: Pulse by Evgeny Kiselevich, Freedom Islands by Alex GreyBackground Music: Esther Abrami - No.4 Piano Journey, sKevin MacLeod - Eternal Hope. Licensedunder a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Artists: http:audionautix.com/Eternal Hope by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.httpscreativecommons.orglicensesby4.0Source httpincompetech.commusicroyalty-freeindex.htmlisrc=USUAN1100238Artist httpincompetech.com

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • 8 Secrets To Never Quitting

    To never quit means to persist in the face of adversity and to keep trying even when things get tough. It means to have the courage to pursue your goals and dreams, even when the path ahead seems uncertain or difficult. It means to be resilient and to keep moving forward, even when you encounter obstacles or setbacks. Sometimes, quitting can be the right decision, but it’s important to know when to quit and when to keep going. If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about what to do, it might be helpful to talk to someone you trust or seek professional advice. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • The Two Keys To Success

    Successful people are able to utilize competition to motivate, but avoid falling prey to jealousy.

    1. Hard Work and Persistence2. Continuous Learning and Adaptability

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Gratitude

    Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative and is associated with several mental and physical health benefits. When you experience gratitude, you feel grateful for something or someone in your life and respond with feelings of kindness, warmth, and other forms of generosity.

    Common practices include...

    1. Keeping a gratitude journal2. Expressing gratitude to others3. Counting blessings4. Mindfulness and meditation5. Random acts of kindness

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Is Procrastination The Thief Of Time

    'Procrastination is the thief of time’. It’s perhaps one of the best-known proverbs in the English language, and as with most proverbs, the temptation is to ascribe it to that prolific author, ‘Anon.’ But as with another favourite axiom, ‘better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’, ‘procrastination is the thief of time’ appears to have a very decisive origin in the work of a particular writer.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • The Fear Of Missing Out

    The Origin of FOMO and How It Affects Our Health. The fear of missing out, or FOMO, refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects self-esteem.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Lack of Clearly Defined Goals If you do not know what it is you are trying to achieve,

    1. Lack of Clear Goals2. Fear of Failure3. Procrastination4. Lack of Patience5. Neglecting Self-Care6. Not Seeking Feedback7. Ignoring Networking Opportunities8. Poor Time Management9. Neglecting Continuous Learning10. Giving Up Too Soon

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • The Art Of Being AccountableAccountability is keeping your commitments to people. You’re responsible for things, but you’re accountable to people. If you’re working from home or working on a side gig, you have things you need to get done. Those are your responsibilities. Accountability, keeping commitments to people, is based on a series of relational commitments, not tactical commitments.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • How far should a person go in order to achieve success?

    Conscientious people consider the effects of their actions. They also consider how other people will react and feel.

    Everyone should try and reach there goal no matter what. That goal that you set for yourself is so important. Everyone should have high expectations for themselves and want to be able to reach that goal or go even farther.~ unknoun

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Peer pressure causes people to do things they would not otherwise do with the hope of fitting in or being noticed. Usually, the term peer pressure is used when people are talking about behaviors that are not considered socially acceptable or desirable, such as experimentation with alcohol or drugs. Though peer pressure is not usually used to describe socially desirable behaviors, such as exercising or studying, peer pressure can have positive effects in some cases.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • Many people believe that if they work hard, practice consistently, and focus on the things they’re good at, they’ll succeed. However, these aren’t the keys to long-term success. What gives successful people their competitive edge? The answer is high-performance habits.

    High performers are people who maintain success and well-being over a long period of time. They excel more than their colleagues and can adapt to almost any situation.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • False Expectations Appearing Real (FEAR) is a working definition of most of our fears. We expect a false outcome, and we imagine it so vividly that it appears real in our mind – so real that even our body reacts as though it is happening right now1. FEAR is a fear of the future and is not happening now, and therefore has no real substance. FEAR's side effects include anger, anxiety, lack of confidence, hesitancy, and other emotions.

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    Email Contacts

    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • How To Deal With All Of The Negativity

    One way to deal with negativity is to stay present with the negative feelings and practice watching them with a gentle, nonjudgmental attitude. Recognize when they are triggered by thoughts, and assess whether your emotions are responding to what you are thinking or what is actually happening. Recognizing that pain is often a catalyst for growth and resilience.

    Other Podcasts

    The Biggest Sign You Spread Negativity and How to Turn Things Around - https://rockingal.podbean.com/e/the-biggest-sign-you-spread-negativity-and-how-to-turn-things-around/

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    Website: http://www.rockingalentertainment.caInternet Radio: https://www.rock103.caApps: https://apps.rock103.caChatroom: https://chat.rock103.caStudio 103: https://rock103.ca/the-station-pageRock 103’s Stream: https://rock103.ca/Stream.htmMy Linktree: https://linktr.ee/rockingalBecome a Patron: http://patron.rockingalentertainment.caEmail: [email protected]

  • What is Self-Sabotaging

    Self-sabotaging behavior refers to intentional action (or inaction) that undermines people's progress and prevents them from accomplishing their goals. Self-sabotage occurs when people hinder their own success. While it seems surprising, some people undermine their own good intentions.

    Similar Podcasts

    How To Stop Sabotaging Yourself - https://rockingal.podbean.com/e/how-to-stop-sabotaging-yourself/

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    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]

  • We all know lots of short cuts. We often seek them to get us to our goals faster, with less effort or expense. Often, they’re helpful, good things. On computers, these things can save time and energy. “Command+N” opens a new Safari tab on a Mac. Use “Control+C” instead of “copy” in Windows. And we all love short-cuts when we’re driving. These are paths that, almost magically, are shorter than the path normally taken, by avoiding traffic, taking a back-route, or finding the most direct path without delays.

    But in business, there really are no short cuts. You just have to do the work. Period. In fact, when we try to cut corners or take a short cut, we often get burned – and end up needing more time, effort and energy to correct our mistakes and achieve our goals.

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    The Rocking Al Show – [email protected]