Conversations on living the ultra life.
Inspired by ultra running we discuss the people, the places, the culture and the training behind our everyday running lives.
Hosted by Paul Giblin and / or James Stewart. -
a podcast about all things running and racing in Youngstown Ohio’s first running centered podcast. I talk about my training and upcoming races with many other runners. Email me any questions or comments at Support this podcast:
'Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni’ è il podcast di divulgazione scientifica di Geopop, curato da Andrea Moccia.
Ogni settimana, attraverso episodi della durata media tra i 5 e i 10 minuti, parleremo di energia, geopolitica, ambiente, tecnologia, fenomeni naturali, curiosità, ricostruzione di disastri e approfondimenti sull’attualità. Tutti temi legati, in un modo o nell'altro, alla nostra quotidianità - perché sì, le scienze sono nella vita di tutti i giorni!
Geopop è un progetto già presente sui social con circa 7 milioni di followers, il cui obiettivo principale è stimolare la curiosità e la passione per la conoscenza.
Benvenuti a bordo! -
Everything NBA... بالعربي
Radio Galaksija je popularno naučni internet portal koji promoviše nauku i naučni metod, naučno obrazovanje, naučnu pismenost, filozofsku pismenost, kritičko mišljenje, kao i osvešćivanje javnosti o štetnosti pseudonauke, antinauke i loše nauke. Teme kojima se Radio Galaksija bavi su teme iz oblasti astronomije, fizike, biologije i svih srodnih nauka i tehnologije, ali i iz istorije i filozofije nauke, kao i konteksta u kom se nauka danas nalazi u društvu. Radio Galaksiju uređuje i vodi Dušan Pavlović.
Više na: -
There are technologies that decouple human well-being from its ecological impacts. There are politics that enable these technologies. Join me as I interview world experts to uncover hope in this time of planetary crisis.
Teniska euforija u Srbiji traje već 15 godina, ali i dalje nema emisija koje se temama iz ovog sporta bave na studiozan, analitički, ali i zabavan način. Zato je i nastao podcast (webcast) Wish&Go. Nebojša Višković (Wish) i Ivan Govedarica (Go) svakog ponedeljka od 21h diskutuju o aktuelnim teniskim momentima, ali i o onim temama koje su vanvremenske. Njih dvojica sami, ili uz gosta poznatog iz sveta belog sporta, neće ostaviti ni jednu tenisku priču neispričanu.
On Psych Flow, we take a look at everyday phenomena and occurrences through a Psychological and Neuroscientific lense. Show host Sara; BSc Psychology, MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry and special interests in social discussions will co-host with friends and opinionated guests who have experience in relevant fields in order to provide you with intriguing discussions in each episode!
Neville Lancelot Goddard, generally known as Neville, was an American author who wrote on the Bible, mysticism, and self-help.
Welcome to the On the Wing Podcast with Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever.
On the Wing is your destination for conversations about upland bird hunting, wildlife habitat, public lands, bird dogs, wild game cooking and epic adventures in search of pheasants, quail and grouse. These are the stories of Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever’s 145,000 members, volunteers, team of professional wildlife biologists and experts in the field. Our shows are recorded in person and often on the road from the end of tailgates, backs of horse trailers and after a day in the field chasing birds. -
A podcast about linguistic fieldwork, where seasoned fieldworkers share their stories from the field.
Named “TOP 20 PHILOSOPHY PODCAST” for 2022!
Brought to you by “After Dinner Conversation” publishing; thoughtful discussions about the philosophy and ethics found in the short fiction stories from our monthly magazine.
Or, put another way, discussions about “what-if” examples, across literary genres, regarding ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, utilitarianism, aesthetics, moral relativism, and political and economic philosophy.
Miloš i Nebojša su hemato-onkolozi u Vašingtonu koji pričaju o svemu osim o poslu. Davne 2020-e to je bio kovid, sada nauka, medicina, tehnologija, AI, život u Americi i posete Srbiji.
Miloš: @miljko na X-u, na internetu
Nebojša: @SkorupanMD na X-u
Priključenija: @prikljucenija1 na X-u -
A place for authors from the journal Forensic Anthropology to talk a little more in-depth about their articles and also to stimulate research ideas amongst the field at large. Hosted by Dr. Michael Kenyhercz.
The Tennis Speed Show is dedicated to bringing the world's best tennis performance experts together in one place. Lee Taft, known to many as "The Speed Guy", interviews coaches on specific techniques, methods, and strategies to improve the speed of tennis athletes.
If you want to know more about footwork, speed, training, health, strength, the importance of speed to make better shots, and so much more, then this is the show you won't want to miss!
For even more knowledge on Tennis Speed, go now to -
In-depth pro cycling race previews, analysis, and rankings
UFC Superstar, Suga Sean O’Malley and brother, Daniel O’Malley dive into current topics in the UFC and fight entertainment and discuss everything “ Suga”
The Original Rock, The Beach Bum, The Magnificent One, Don Muraco is back! Every week, Magnificent Muraco will journey back in time to discuss his greatest friends, fiercest rivals and most memorable events in his life as a main event professional wrestler for over 20 years through the territory days to the golden era of the WWF.
Email: -
Vjerojatno ste svi čuli, a mnogi i slušali, legendarnu radio emisiju Andromeda, koja više od dva desetljeća ide na Drugom programu Hrvatskoga radija, svakoga utorka od 20:00 - 22:00 sata uz stručne suradnike Antu Radonića i Korada Korlevića, a pod budnom paskom Dubravke Družinec Ricijaš.
Tri 40+ muškarca duboko promišljaju sudbinu Green Bay Packersa.
Ivan Pavić je stari morski vuk i čovjek s najduljom NFL memorijom. Cure ga vuku za rukav na svakom stadionu. Navija i za Brownse.
Josip Tadinac je svjetski prvak u samokritici i prvi koji će izgubiti glas i/ili se popeti na ogradu. Navija za radničku klasu i provincijske gradove.
Juraj Sajfert je nerealizirani sportski novinar koji je nekad dijelio mikrofon s Tihanom Zrnić, a sada čami i "piše doktorat". U dijaspori otkad su Packersi osvojili SuperBowl. Ne podnosi Russella Wilsona, Kylera Murraya, 49erse i Ramse.