
  • In this episode, host Aaron Dawson looks at events taken from current news focused on “Situational Awareness”. By looking at recent real-life examples, we are reminded that we work in an environment in which we must expect the unexpected. Let’s stay aware and stay safe!

    Copyright 2024. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • In this episode, host Aaron Dawson looks at a recent case law decision and events taken from current news focused on our 8th Amendment articulated “Duty to Protect”. By looking at recent real-life examples, we can gain a sense of what to do and what not to do.

    Copyright 2024. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Season 3 starts off with a bang! Host Aaron Dawson interviews the Executive Director of NIJO, Tate McCotter. They discuss some recent controversial legislation regarding the elimination of solitary confinement that has been put forth in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. As is often the case in everyday life, as well as here, the REAL problem isn’t what we see
it’s deeper than that. Be informed! Be informative! Be involved!

    Copyright 2024. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • It has been said that the holiday season is “either super up or super down.” Whichever it is for us depends on our mindset. If we are looking for reasons to be frustrated, discouraged, or cynical
there will always be plenty of material available. This path ALWAYS leads to heightened stress, anxiety, and can result in depression. The data is clear that the best remedy to this mindset isn’t a new form of medication, but rather good, old-fashioned gratitude. In this episode, host Aaron Dawson encourages and challenges everyone to commit to making this holiday season a positive one. Tis the season
for what? We get to decide!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • We work in a dangerous and stressful environment
no kidding! Some of that we have no control over, but as supervisors, the cultural environment is our responsibility. Our officers need an environment in which their personality and strengths can be recognized and utilized. They need an environment that is not conducive to toxic and negative influence from other employees. They need an environment where complacency, apathy, toxicity, and defeat are recognized and addressed. In this episode, practical methods of doing this are discussed. It’s an opportunity for us to invest in those that we are responsible for.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Speaking to supervisors
what cultural environment do we create, facilitate, or allow on our shifts? In this episode, host Aaron Dawson discussed fostering a cultural environment in which our officers are free to grow. That means that they will make mistakes, but as long as they are minor mistakes as a result of the learning process
that’s growth. Secondly, does the environment allow them the freedom to communicate with us? Are we open and available for them to ask questions, share concerns, or share ideas? If so, we will have a productive shift. If not, we will have a problematic shift. The choice is ours!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • In this episode, host Aaron Dawson continues the conversation dealing with the responsibility of supervisors. The officers are our responsibility! What do they need? In this episode the discussion centers around the “routine” of corrections. Do our officers know WHAT is expected and do they know HOW to do it? As supervisors, it’s our responsibility to know the answer to those questions.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • In this episode, host Aaron Dawson continues the conversation began in the last episode discussing crucial skills that supervisors must have in dealing with staff. What do our staff need from us? In this episode, we continue by discussing the third and fourth things supervisors must provide. The third item is a consistent and realistic level of intensity. If we “flip out” every time that anything happens, regardless of whether it is a “big deal” or not, we will have serious issues. The fourth item is transparency. If we have an expectation that our officers communicate and act in an honest way, shouldn’t we do the same. These are practical items that all of us can apply right away.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Jails across the country are experiencing “staffing issues.” Why? There could be a host of contributing factors, but one very likely factor is the lack of training being provided to those in supervisory positions specific to supervising people. In this episode, host Aaron Dawson discusses two things that supervisors must provide their officers. The first is expectations. What do we expect of them? Do they know? The second is encouragement. It is a natural human tendency to focus on the negative. If the only time our staff hear from us is when we are addressing “issues”, it will cause problems. This is a practical conversation concerning some crucial supervision skills.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • In this episode, host Aaron Dawson continues the conversation with attorney Alisa Brodkowitz dealing with legal mail. In this episode, they discuss a recent case that came before the 11th Circuit Court as well as a bill that is currently being considered in Congress. The discussion moves to the benefits of using technology in jails as well as the risks that technology can pose. The conversation is filled with information that EVERY Jail Administrator needs. Check it out and you won’t be disappointed!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • The Shakedown is excited to interview Alisa Brodkowitz, and attorney and the CEO of Lightning Law to the podcast. While at JAILCON, host Aaron Dawson and Ms. Brodkowitz struck up a conversation about legal mail and decided the discussion needed to be had on the podcast. In this episode, Ms. Brodkowitz shares some basics about legal mail as well as some common misconceptions and mistakes that jail personnel often make. The conversation is interesting, and the things that are discussed are 100% relevant. You’ll learn something
I promise!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Hopelessness and despair are potent emotions that can profoundly influence us. Often, it isn’t difficult to find events in our lives to promulgate those emotions. However, we do not have to surrender ourselves to them, we can take some practical actions to provide ourselves with some layers of psychological safety. In this episode, host Aaron Dawson wraps up this conversation considering these practical actions. Life happens! Let’s be prepared!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Where do suicidal ideations come from, and is there anything that we can do to help protect and fortify ourselves against them? In this episode, host Aaron Dawson continues the conversation from the previous episode, sharing some simple and practical actions we can take to provide ourselves with some layers of psychological safety. Life can be difficult, and corrections is a field in which we constantly face challenges, difficulties, and frustrations. Will we be ready to face them?

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • In the latest report from the CDC in reference to suicides in the US in 2022, the numbers have increased following a 2-year decrease in 2020 and 2021. This literal growing trend is something we must be aware of and confront. Suicidal ideation is most often a result of hopelessness and despair. How do we prepare for and combat these 2 causes? In this episode, host Aaron Dawson discusses the causes of suicidal ideation and begins to share a few tips that can help us develop layers of psychological safety to protect ourselves.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Continuing in the line of thought and conversation from the previous episode, host Aaron Dawson and Josh Arnold take on the challenges facing supervisors and administrators. The responsibilities are different, and the required skill sets are just as different. Aaron and Josh share both broad and specific ideas to help supervisors and administrators. It’s a serious job that takes serious effort to be successful
the message of this episode
you got this!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Many might agree that “times are tough” in the corrections world. We can either sit defeated and whine, OR we can press on! In this episode, host Aaron Dawson and guest Josh Arnold discuss things that Josh has noticed in touring jails all over the country. In this upbeat and encouraging look, Aaron and Josh focus on line officers and some things they can do to stay sharp.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Continuing the “Sharpening Skills” theme, host Aaron Dawson and guest Keith Hoskins continue their conversation on listening. Last episode was focused on the facility, the environmental sounds. In this episode they focus on listening skills as it applies to personal interaction. There are great benefits that can be gained by simply listening to people. There is also great risk in not doing so. Aaron and Keith provide some basic thoughts and acts that we can apply to sharpen the skill of listening.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Continuing the “Sharpening Skills” theme, host Aaron Dawson has a conversation with Keith Hoskins. Keith served in law enforcement for 35 years, retiring as the Director of the Boone County Detention Center. Aaron and Keith discuss the difference between “hearing” and “listening”. Every Jail has sounds that communicate to anyone willing to listen. Do we know what “normal” sounds like? If something different is happening, are we paying enough attention to be able to tell? They include thoughts on how easy it is to develop this skill
.and no warm-up is required!

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • In a continuation of the conversation from the previous episode, Host Aaron Dawson and guest Sean Stewart move on to skills that focus on the roles of Supervision and Administration. As a line officer, the inmates and tasks of the housing unit are your primary responsibility. As a supervisor, the staff are your responsibility. What skills does supervision need to keep sharp? That is the topic of this episode.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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  • Often the best place to seek advice on how to do something is to ask someone who has done it, and done it successfully. In this episode, Aaron Dawson interviews Sean Stewart, who retired after nearly 30 years of service in Corrections. Sean started as a line officer and worked his way up through the ranks to retire as a Captain. Sean and Aaron discuss skills that may often get overlooked, soft skills, “mental chess” skills, skills that you often use, but seldom get training for. In this episode, the conversation focuses primarily on the role of the line officer and the challenges and decisions that go with that role.

    Copyright 2023. National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO), Aaron Dawson, The Shakedown Podcast. All Rights Reserved.


    This podcast may not be distributed without written permission from NIJO. The information contained herein shall not be construed as legal advice. Listeners should always consult legal counsel to determine how the laws of their individual jurisdiction affect the application of these materials and guidelines to their individual circumstances.

    The Shakedown is brought to you by The National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO).

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