Let’s say you hired a personal trainer with the goal of "getting into shape"…
But instead of coaching you, they literally did the workouts for you.
They ran the miles. They lifted the weights. They meal-prepped and tracked every calorie.
Meanwhile, you’re on the sofa binging White Lotus... and somehow you get in the best shape of your life.
That would break the entire fitness industry.
But in business, that’s exactly how it works. You hire people. They do the work. You get the results.
Yet most 6 figure freelancers stay stuck. Overbooked. Overwhelmed. Dropping the ball on clients because they can’t take on more work… but also can’t say no to more money.
If that sounds familiar, this episode is for you.
I’m breaking down exactly how to scale beyond that low six-figure plateau - without drowning in work.
Whether you want to build a micro-agency to multiple six figures or a full-blown team to seven figures, this is the roadmap to hiring smart, working less, and making more.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/355 -
Creatives LOVE making things "perfect".
We obsess over the tiny details, tweak endlessly, and burn hours and hours and hours... and hours trying to craft the "perfect" final product for our clients.
But here’s what sucks: Perfectionism is keeping you broke.
Spending 40 hours on something that should take 8? That’s the difference between making $92/hr and $462/hr.
The most successful freelancers aren’t the ones who make things perfect. They’re the ones who get things done efficiently - without sacrificing quality.
In this episode, I break down:
How to go from $92/hour to $462/hour—without working harder or cutting corners.
How to spot inefficiencies in your workflow—and fix them without lowering the quality of your work.
Simple strategies to work faster, charge smarter, and win more gigs—so you can finally stop feeling overworked and underpaid.
If you're tired of working longer hours for less money, this one's for you.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/354 -
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You already know that paid ads bring in clients. Duh.
But what if I told you the real magic isn’t just in the ROI?
But what if I told you some of the biggest benefits of paid ads have nothing to do with advertising ROI?
Instant market feedback (know what actually resonates with clients)
A sales process that improves fast (because you’re getting more at-bats)
Pricing confidence (no more second-guessing your rates)
Higher perceived authority (people will start recognizing your name)
Predictability (goodbye, feast-or-famine cycle)
These benefits are so powerful that they’re worth running ads even if you’re losing money at first.
I break it all down in this episode.
If you’ve ever considered running ads but hesitated, this is the episode that might change your mind.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/353 -
Most freelancers think success comes from being great at their craft.
It doesn’t.
I’ve seen average freelancers with solid marketing dominate their industry while insanely talented ones struggle to get clients.
Being the best doesn’t matter if no one knows you exist.
I’ve also watched freelancers waste hours crafting detailed proposals, only to get ghosted. Proposals don’t close deals - real conversations do.
If you’re hiding behind a PDF, you’re losing before you even start.
That “stable” 9-to-5 job you think is safer than freelancing? That’s one paycheck, one boss, one decision away from being gone.
A well-run freelance business with multiple income sources is actually more secure than a day job - if you do it right.
Most freelancers are playing the game all wrong. That’s why I put together this episode, breaking down the 13 counterintuitive truths about freelancing will change how you work.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/352 -
Want to know the equation that’s made me literally millions of dollars? (I did the math)
It’s simple. It’s powerful. And if you dismiss it because you think your business is “different,” you’re screwing yourself.
It’s called The Value Equation.
This ONE framework will show you exactly why some freelancers struggle to close deals while others charge more and have clients lined up to pay them.
And yes, it applies to you.
If you’re stuck in a feast-or-famine cycle, struggling to raise your rates, or constantly hearing “I can’t afford that” from potential clients—this episode will flip the way you think about your business.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/351 -
Over the last couple of years, my team and I completed over 1,600 sales calls.
That kind of volume exposes what actually works in sales - and what doesn’t.
The brutal truth is that many freelancers think they’re decent at sales… But they’re actually just bad at lead generation.
You’re only talking to the hottest of hot referral leads - the easy layups. The real challenge? Turning strangers into clients.
That’s why I put together 7 sales laws to help you close more deals, land more clients, and stop relying on luck.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/350 -
Most freelancers are making things hard than they need be by just "winging it" - stumbling through their business like they’re lost in the woods with no GPS.
But here’s the thing: nearly every problem you have with your business has already been solved.
The smartest minds in the world have figured out how to create predictable revenue, retain clients longer, and escape the feast-or-famine cycle. And they’re doing it in one of the most lucrative industries out there: SaaS (Software as a Service).
Here's what it looks like if your freelance business ran like a SaaS company:
Clients paying you every month (instead of one-and-done projects).
A machine that brings leads in (instead of just relying on word-of-mouth).
Your entire onboarding process is automated (instead of chasing emails, contracts, or invoices).
Clients stick around for years (instead of disappearing after one project).
You actually know all your important numbers (instead of just going by "gut")
This episode breaks down exactly how to apply these SaaS strategies to your freelance business.
Just steal what works instead of fumbling around in the dark.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/349 -
"Growth at all costs" can be dangerous. It's a CRAZY thing to try to grow only to sacrifice everything else in your life.
Here's my 2024 in bullet points:
→ 2X’d the business (third year in a row)
→ Took my mom to Europe for a month (her first trip abroad)
→ Shut down operations for 2 weeks straight (paid the team to do nothing)
→ Zero 9pm work marathons (I never work past 5pm and never work weekends)
→ My wife still loves (and likes) me (because I prioritize her over the business)
But let’s be clear—I didn’t just coast. This isn’t some “sit on a beach and brag about my life” kind of business.
I worked hard when I worked. And I actually enjoyed my life when I didn’t.
This week I’m sharing the four biggest lessons that made this possible—so you can grow your business without working yourself into the ground.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/348 -
Most freelancers make one of two big mistakes when it comes to paid ads:
They dive in before they’re ready and burn cash they didn’t need to spend.
They avoid ads like the plague—even when it’s their best option to make more money.
If either one of those sounds familiar, this episode is for you. I break down 6 simple ways to know if ads are right for you right now.
No more guessing. No more wasted money. No more leaving cash on the table.
Listen now to see if ads are the secret weapon your business needs, or if there are better options for getting clients.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/347 -
$3 a day.
That’s all it took for one of my clients to add $140,000 to their income last year.
Sound crazy? It's not.
This strategy is simple, low-risk, and requires no complicated funnels or tech setup. And the best part? You can set it and forget it.
In this week’s episode, I’m breaking down step-by-step how to turn tiny ad spends into new clients using a straightforward strategy.
Stop overthinking. Stop making excuses. Start seeing results.
Let’s make this the year your calendar is finally booked solid.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/346 -
Today we're continuing with our "Back to Basics" journey by focusing on something that's often overlooked by freelancers - promotion.
Promotion is super important to keep the clients coming in, but a lot of freelancers think they just need to be good at what they do.
They admire those who seem to have endless work, thinking it all comes from word-of-mouth alone. But, in the early days of freelancing, just relying on referrals can be risky, leading to the scary "feast or famine" cycle.
This situation can force freelancers to scramble, taking any job they can just to pay the bills. These "bill-paying" clients might not always be a good match, and we might not even want to work with them, but bills gotta be paid, right?
I've been there, and I can tell you it's a quick way to burn out and start resenting your clients.
In our chat today, we're going to help you avoid getting stuck with just bill-paying clients by sharing six ways to promote your freelance work effectively. If you're having trouble finding enough clients, it's probably because people just don't know you're there.
That's where knowing how to effectively promote yourself comes in. By trying out one or two of the methods we're going to talk about today, you can bring stability to your work. More clients mean less stress, which lets you cherry-pick the projects you really love.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to avoid "bill paying work"
Six promotion methods for freelancers
How client value affects your business' needs
Why referral programs work
The benefits of paid promotion
Why owned assets are so vital to your business
Why Clients By Design is for you
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/345 -
You are AMAZING at what you do as a creative. You create stunning designs, produce incredible music, or breathe life into visual media like photos or videos. Paid ads aren’t for you, right?
The truth is, paid ads can work for anyone, including freelancers.
This has been proven time and time again, in industry after industry… Paid ads are one of the quickest ways to multiply your income and bring in more clients.
The beauty of paid ads is that you have complete control over them.
It’s not like referrals, where you’re sitting around waiting for someone else to send you clients.
It’s not like cold outreach, where you feel like you’re spamming people.
It’s not like social media, where you’re relying on the algorithm gods to put your content in front of people.
By using paid ads, you can take matters into your own hands and steer your business in the direction you want.
If you’ve tried paid ads before and they “didn’t work,” don’t give up just yet.
In this episode, I debunk 6 paid ads myths that are holding you back from using this powerful lead-generation tool.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The pros of paid ads
Why survivorship bias is bad for business
How paid ads can boost your business with real leads
Why it's your fault if a client hires someone else and has a bad experience
"Paid ads don't work for me" - nah, you just didn't try
The perks of Client Financed Acquisition
Building a long-term snowball using paid ads
Looking to other industries to learn how to use paid ads for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/344 -
Love it or hate it, email marketing is the closest thing there has ever been to a "magic pill" for anyone looking for stability in their month-to-month income.
The sucky thing is...most of us "fall victim" to email marketing ALL THE TIME. You get tons of tons of emails from people offering their products and services, but you never make use of this powerful tool yourself.
Most freelancers I see are making one (or more) of these mistakes:
They think social media is the best long-term play (it's not)
They think they can have the same success and stability 1 on 1 (you can't)
They think "join my newsletter" is a great way to build their email list (it's not)
They're actually building their list, but they're never sending emails (not good)
If you want a time-tested, surefire way to stay top-of-mind, build trust, and actually reach the audience you've built, email marketing is where it's at.
If you're having success on social media right now, I'm begging you to take this time to build an email list so you're safe/secure in the long run.
Social media has historically always become a "pay to play" world for business owners, and Tiktok is already making that shift. Don't make the mistake of thinking that party is going to last much longer.
If you're open to the idea of building, growing, and using an email list to grow your reach, and you like the idea of building trust in a one-to-many setting, this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast is for you.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/343 -
Freelancers lose out on so much.
Not because they aren’t talented.
Not because they aren’t working hard.
But because they never ask.
In this week's podcast episode, I’m diving into the single most overlooked skill that can unlock more clients, more money, and more freedom in your business.
It’s simple, it’s uncomfortable, and it works.
Stop waiting for good things to happen.
Go ask for them.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/342 -
Was this year amazing for you?
...Or were you caught in a freelancing feast-or-famine sh*tshow where you felt like you were slamming your head into a wall over and over and over and over?
If this wasn’t your best year ever as a freelancer, I need you to ask yourself one question:
Do you actually have a plan for next year, or are you still hoping referrals magically fall into your inbox?
That “wait-and-see” approach is why most freelancers stay stuck in feast-or-famine mode. One month, you’re making bank. The next? Crickets.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
I recorded a new episode breaking down the exact system you need to:
Consistently attract high-value clients.
Predict your income every month.
Finally say no to those nightmare gigs that drain your soul.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/341 -
Freelancing can make you feel like SUCH a failure sometimes (myself included).
Whether you’ve been in the game for a month or a decade, there are always things you don’t know that you don’t know – until it’s too late.
This week, I’m sharing 25 tips that can save you time, money, and a whole lot of frustration in your freelance career.
From automating tedious tasks to upping your payment game, you’ll learn:
✔️ How to get paid on time (every time) without playing debt collector.
✔️ Learn the #1 thing my wife is doing in her business that could save YOU hours
✔️ The shift that makes clients magically find your rate “affordable.”
✔️ How to save hours with simple automations.
✔️ Why a $19/month software might make (or break) your workflow
Freelancing doesn’t come with a survival guide – until now.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/340 -
Tired of fighting for scraps?
The endless price wars. The brutal grind. The feeling that clients can’t tell you apart from a dozen other freelancers offering the exact same thing as you.
It’s exhausting and soul-crushing, but you don’t have to play this game.
There’s a way to escape the bloody red waters of competition and step into a blue ocean where you’re one of the only options.
No price wars. No burnout. Just high-value clients who choose you because you’re the only obvious choice
In this episode, I’m breaking down the Blue Ocean Trio—three simple ways to:
✅ Escape the red ocean.
✅ Command higher rates.
✅ Build a freelancing business you actually enjoy.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to stand out and avoid competing on price alone.
Three key strategies to attract high-paying clients.
Shifting from selling services to offering unique outcomes.
How to find untapped niches with less competition.
How to package services in ways that make price irrelevant
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/339 -
Ever been through a "famine" as a freelancer? It suckkkkks.
The feast or famine life is pretty miserable. One month you're flush with clients, the next you're scrambling, hoping for a random referral to pop into your inbox.
Here's a hard truth for you: If you don’t have a full client acquisition system, you don’t have a real business.
The good news is that once you nail this, it’s like flipping a switch. You quickly see that consistently getting new leads means predictable income, and higher-paying clients.
In this week’s episode, I’m breaking down the five essential building blocks of a client acquisition machine - updated for 2025. I’m giving you the blueprint you need to keep your business running like clockwork.
Your next client shouldn’t be a mystery. Let’s fix that.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The best lead generation methods you can use
How to get the attention of leads at the right time - in a small window when they need your service
Why one-time promotions are working against you
How to build trust with leads
The best ways to nurture leads over time
Understanding and optimizing your sales process
The perks of a good follow up sequence
Why freelancers need to provide a good service (or receive negative word of mouth)
Increasing your business' MRR
How to get a plan created just for you
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/338 -
You know that meme where everything is on fire, and the dog just sits there saying, “This is fine”?
Yeah… that’s how most freelancers handle their business problems.
Empty calendar? Nah it's cool.
Terrible pricing? Meh.
Awful clients? It’s fiiiiine. 🔥
Spoiler: It’s NOT fine.
Here’s where I'll state the obvious: if you don’t actually solve these problems, they don’t magically disappear. They compound.
But there’s good news: every single one of these problems is solvable.
In this episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast, I’m breaking down the one proven way to actually fix your problems for good. It’s time-tested. It’s genius-level simple.
So you can stop pretending everything is fine and start putting the fire out. 🧯🔥
Your problems don’t solve themselves. But you can.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The best method for solving your biggest problems
Why ignoring or half-solving problems creates a snowball of chaos—and how to reverse it.
The #1 question to ask yourself to uncover your real business bottleneck.
A simple framework to test, track, and tweak solutions until they stick.
How to analyze your results and make data-driven decisions (even if math isn’t your strong suit).
Why solving your biggest problem first creates unstoppable momentum in your business.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/337 -
Imagine pulling in $130,000 a year as a freelancer… And still struggling to make ends meet. Sounds crazy, right? But it’s happening. And I’ll tell you why.
The truth? Income is just one piece of the puzzle. If you’re not focused on profit, that big income number means nothing.
In the latest episode of 6 Figure Creative, we dive deep into why chasing revenue alone can actually sink your business—and how to flip the focus so that what you keep is actually worth your time.
Don’t let your income be just a “vanity metric.” Get the details on how to make sure you're actually keeping what you make.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why $130k/yr wasn't enough for one freelancer
The "old way" vs the "new way" of being profitable
Why opportunity cost means you may need to kill some services
Making $300+ per hour as a freelancer
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/336 - Se mer