
  • What's it like to surf one of the scariest big waves on earth, and be the first woman to do it? When I think of women’s big wave surfing, I immediately think of Sarah Gerhardt-Northern California’s courageous Maverick’s surfer. When I was only a teenager, learning to surfer myself, Sarah was pushing the limit for women’s surfing at one of the scariest, coldest, most daunting waves on earth.

    And not only has she dominated one of the biggest, most difficult waves to surf in the world, she is also a mama of two, and professor of Chemistry. This mama is both accomplished, on a physical and intellectual level, and uses her focus and analytical brain, to master all that she sets her sights on.

    What I find the most interesting about Sarah, is that she studied Mavericks at length before actually dropping in on a wave herself. It’s fascinating to hear to progression of going from watching to actually partaking in one of the scariest things a human can do. Her husband, Mikey, one of the most accomplished male big wave surfers, is one of her greatest inspirations and she admits he’s her favorite surfer to watch out at Mavericks.

    In 1998, she paddled out to watch from the channel, analyzing and watching every wave, and eventually paddled into a few herself. She admits that it is terrifying, but that knowing your surroundings, having good equipment and clocking in the hours studying the wave has helped to keep her feeling safer in this treacherous environment.

    Sarah is not someone who had it easy growing up, she has experienced homelessness and poverty, and appreciates all that she has and has accomplished. Today we are going to talk about what she learned from her tough upbringing and how thats made her who she is today, how that has informed her parenting, how big wave surfing affected her parenting and what its like to face our biggest fears.

    Take Aways:

    Sarah’s life before surfing Mavericks, and what inspired her to surf the wave in the first place

    Homelessness and struggle in Sarah’s childhood and how it led to who she is today

    How Sarah homed in on Maverick’s and began training seriously to surf the wave

    How Sarah and her friends trained with heavy rocks and big wave gear to get into shape for giant wave surfing

    Sarah’s experience watching this terrifying wave from the channel, and analyzing every little detail of the wave and conditions.

    Sarah’s first paddle out at Mavericks and how she got slapped around, scared and discouraged.

    The next time she paddled out, she felt more confident, and how her mindset shifted.

    How our mindset can get us to do things we never could’ve imagined in this life.

    Channeling intensity into courageous pursuits

    When Sarah met her husband Mickey and how he pushed her to appreciate this wave even more.

    Sarah’s take on new motherhood versus now, and the challenges that accompany each stage.

    Why Sarah opted out of big wave surfing last year during the COVID pandemic.

  • It's not that common to see moms who not only are dedicated wave riders, but who also charge big waves. Today’s guest mama of three and surfer Remi Nealon, had hugе big wаvе ambitions prior to having children and thought she couldn’t return to them when she had her kids. Remi аssumеd she wоuld bе “trаding riding giаnts fоr thе gigаntic jоy оf rаising а humаn." But she soon realized thаt it wasn’t thе cаsе fоr wоmеn. Once she took off on her first solid wave at Waimea Bay, she was hooked, and she realized she COULD have both.

    Not only is Remi a mom of three littles, she also raises them solo when her husband is often away for work. In addition, this mama charges some of the biggest, heaviest waves in Hawaii. Remi has such a positive headspace and mindset and that has really carried her through some of her biggest feats. She believes we can be anything we desire in this world and that connecting with her soul makes her a better mother.

    Today she is going to go deeper into why mothers should live out their greatest passions even with kids in tow, how she worked her way up into riding giants, and how she juggles surf time and time with her kids.

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  • In 2021 the pressure we put on ourselves as moms to be all and do all is at an all time high. Today’s mama is a longtime surfer who admits she is still adjusting to motherhood-after almost 3 years. Katherine Gethardt, mom of a toddler & former model/ actor, talks about learning to accept her new identity& body more openly. She also shares about how intense sleep deprivation in new motherhood can be, how co-sleeping is sometimes frowned upon, and how it's okay to not always fit into one motherhood box!

    Today we talk about:

    Choosing to have a child later in life and being considered an "older mom" The identity shifts that went along with returning to the water as a new mama Learning to accept her new body postpartum and realizing that her former world in the modeling industry wasn't healthy for body image. Navigating the physical changes that go along with new motherhood How she chose to co sleep with her son and how it made her felt guilt. How sleep deprivation affected her personally, and how it can change our entire lives. How she tries to eliminate mom guilt from her life, but it's not always easy
  • Do you ever look back on new motherhood and realize you were really struggling and didn't even know it at the time? Many guests, along with myself, have shared about their experiences with postpartum anxiety, insomnia, depression or depletion. We often look back on it and realize we could've used help and support and often didn't reach out for help during those challenging times.

    Today’s guest is Meli is a yogi, conscious living teacher, surfer, pro kiteboarder who experienced postpartum malaise and a feeling of not being "good enough." She also is someone who struggled with insomnia and exhaustion. This can be quite jarring for women who previously filled the day with many creative or athletic endeavors-it can shake our identities.

    Today Meli is going to talk about her experience with new motherhood vs. now, how she maintains her own business out of Jupiter Florida and manages to kite surf amongst it all. Meli belives we have the power within to create our most abundant, meaningful and fulfilling lives, and attributes yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to this.

    Meli uses conscious living practices (yoga, meditation, mindfulness and self reflection) as a framework to accomplish her goals, nourish her wellbeing and build up her confidence. She believes perseverance and the pursuit of what matters most to you is the key to "success."

  • What does "keeping it real" and authenticity have to do with success, or happiness? I believe it's everything. And so does today's guest mom Mona-Jane Hannemann.

    Mona is an active, fit mama of two who loves working out and being outdoors. She also believes she doesn't fit into one motherhood box. Her social media following is large and successful, but it wasn't due to trying to change who she was. In fact, I believe, it can be attributed to her "real" down-to-earth nature, and humble approach to life.

    Mona has seen her own mama friends struggle with doing the things they once loved after becoming mothers and promised herself she would try to incorporate her passions into her daily life as a mother.

    Mona, is a self professed fitness nut, and her drive is inspiring others to live the lives they love and be their best physically in the process. Mona received a degree in Exercise Science, and lives on the North Shore of Hawaii, somewhere that really mirrors her outdoor lifestyle.

    Today we talk about:

    How stepping into new motherhood wasn't easy for Mona, but how she adjusted by taking her oldest son with her on all of her adventures. How being an ocean mama can sometimes not seem very "conventional" How we both admit to mom guilting ourselves over things like having dinner prepared nightly. Not every mom is the same! Not fitting into one motherhood box, and why that is OKAY. How to own our own authenticity. Why being "real" is what people are gravitating towards on social media. Mona-Jane shares about her humble beginnings and how much it taught her about gratitude and hard work. How maintaining her successful social media accounts looks day to day as a mom of two How sometimes we have to work in the middle of the night in order to get our passions realized.
  • Mom guilt. We've all grappled with it. But how do we get rid of it for good so we can be the most authentic version of ourselves for our kiddos?

    Today’s guest is a mama of not one, not two, but six kids. Kristin Andrus is going to share about how her own mom taught her kids that taking time for herself was more than okay. Kristin's own kids know that mommy takes time for yoga, working out, or health pursuits, to name a few.

    Even with such a big family, Kristin also manages to remain quite energetic and effervescent.

    Kristin's You Tube channel has 250 free at home work out vidoes for moms who like short at home work outs.

    Her faith drives her life and commitment to her family is at the core of everything she does. Community means a lot to Kristin, and she is going to share how important it is for moms to reach out to other moms around to share their authentic stories.

    Today Kristin is going to share honestly about:

    How to articulate that we need time to ourselves sometimes Talking to our partners and being on the same "team" How we can end up resenting our partners if we aren’t taking time for our own happiness. New motherhood and how adjusting to our new roles isn't always easy How all six of her kids have different needs and she has to parent them all differently Her secret to "success" when working on entrepreneurial pursuits with her husband How moms can sometimes feel like we aren't "enough" if we don't have a full time income Why stay at home moms, at home moms, and working moms all have an important role Why we need to celebrate being "enough" as mothers
  • One of the byproducts of the COVID pandemic is that divorce rates have gone up.

    Often the things that are taboo are the hardest to talk about, but I feel it takes extreme times to speak up and be honest about our inner happiness and truth. Today’s guest Renee Bauer is an entrepreneur, author, peacemaker and blended family aficionado. …and is dedicated to helping you find your Happy Even After. She is also someone who speaks truthfully about uncomfortable topics and believes wholely that we deserve to live our most rewarding and fulfilling life experiences.

    Renee is a mom of a four (including 3 step kids) who has won awards, faced her fear of public speaking, litigated cases in a courtroom, and grew a business from nothing but a folding table into a thriving family law firm in Connecticut.

    She has been divorced (twice) and now is married to a man who is her partner in every sense of the word. …those bumps and bruises along the way led her to the happiest, most complete, most purposeful version of herself today. I believe that doing the big, scary, uncomfortable thing can be the most rewarding and fulfilling experience of your life.

    Today we talk about:

    How to get rid of shame or “less than-ness” in any facet of our lives whether it is our relationship, jobs or life choices. Renee's story and how she went from litigator to entrepreneur/divorce specialist Why big life changes like divorce don't have to be the end of our happiness How we can truly start over Why it's okay to go against the status quo and follow our truth How to know when enough is enough Why it's okay to leave a marriage if you are unhappy. Doesn't mean your partner is a "bad person." Why Renee is a proponent of working on our marriages Why she is a proponent of couples and individual therapy, but how to know when it is no longer working How to approach divorce in an empathetic and loving way Why mediation is a much preferred method to litigation How to keep your family in tact after a divorce Why being amicable during the process is important for the future of co-parenting and for your kids Other benefits of mediation How our kids pick up on their parent's being unhappy Why two happy homes is better than one toxic one Why Renee moved from litigator to entrepreneurship How to live the life of our dreams and why we deserve it

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time.

    Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF

    Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions.

    New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today!

    Follow me on Instagram here!

  • Do you ever feel like you are at a loss when it comes to how to positively approach your child’s behavior? I myself have a very strong willed little girl, and often wonder if I am being a push over when I let her push my boundaries, but then don’t want to always be correcting or nagging her. Wendy Snyder, is a Godsend to mamas because of what she offers in terms of Redirecting Children's Behavior. Wendy believes in connection over correction and is going to share all about her Positive Parenting Approach with you mamas today.

    This mama of two is a Positive Parenting educator, family life coach & advocate. She is certified in Redirecting Children's Behavior & The Joy of Parenting Program. Wendy founded her online business, Fresh Start Family, so that she could spread the message of positive parenting across the world. She is the developer of online positive parenting courses and also has a monthly membership program to further support families. I downloaded Wendy’s free guide and what I have already read through has helped me immensely!

    My daughter is resistant to change, asks why a lot, is highly sensitive, and I can relate to all of the bullets on her list. She talks about how to nurture a child’s strong will through acknowledging their creativity, or natural leadership rather than criticisms. She talks about different approaches to strong willed kids and why having them is actually a blessing. She uses positive role models and successful people, that were once self professed challenging kids as examples.

    Wendy assists families to parent with great purpose and intention by creating healthy, respectful & cooperative relationships.

    Today we chat about:

    How Wendy's experience with her own challenging child led her to become a positive parenting educator Why our own upbringing can affect our parenting approaches immensely How to shift the paradigm towards more positivity when it comes to speaking to our children What constitutes a "challenging" or "strong willed child" and why it should be celebrated How strong willed children are often quite creative and successful as adults Wendy's advice on how to approach topics like sharing, temper tantrums, friendships, etc. My own experience with my toddler and Wendy's tips for positive parenting shifts when I feel I am being too lenient How to avoid being "too" lenient or too strict Why being honest and humble with our kids when we our frustrated is better than hiding it or yelling How to reframe simple sentences with our kids Why phrases like "your being a bad friend" is not helpful for challenging kids. Switching the conversation and giving kids options for sharing, for instance, makes them feel less out of control How Wendy got into the online parenting coaching business Why business isn't always easy but persistence is key
  • Mom guilt. None of us mamas are immune to it. Many of us mamas in this community are independent, active, outdoorsy, adventure-seekers. Unfortunately this comes with societal and internal pressures which can lead to mom guilt and shame.

    For example, today's guest Lindsey Lapointe would receive comments when she would go on her all women's trip once a year once she became a mother.

    Today she talks about how it was difficult to return to being a freelance adventurer, especially after having her second child, and how the stigma for women is different for men once we become parents.

    Topics also discussed include:

    A return to teaching as a mother during a pandemic How it is not always easy to deal with identity shifts that come along with becoming a parent. How our lives change drastically when we become parents The challenges of having two children under 5 How Lindsey was able to return to hiking and adventuring with one child, but how difficult it was with two Gender roles and how society views moms and dads differently Why her husband hasn't received criticism for traveling away from his kids, but she has. The inequities sometimes faced by mommies How her and her husband negotiate self care & their roles as mommy and daddy Lindsey's newfound affinity for hiking in the snow

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time.

    Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF

    Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions.

    New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today!

    Follow me on Instagram here!

  • Is living the life of our dreams something that we actually believe is possible? I know I have used many excuses in the past of why that isn't really possible. But why do we tell ourselves limiting beliefs so often? Todays mama is someone who decided to trust herself as a mama enough to create real magic.

    Meghan Schoneberger is a talented singer/songwriter, reiki master and friend who left her conventional job to pursue her real passions and help others. I admire her courage to leave something that wasn’t serving her and pursing the road less travelled.

    Today she is going to share about

    How to remove mom-guilt from your life Facing the shadow side of ourselves Feeling like we are spread to thin and changing that How to let go of preconceived notions of what a mother “should be” How to examine the hidden talents within, but don’t know how to honor them. What Reiki really is How she started experiencing spiritual guides How her life is now more the life of her dreams than it has ever been before Why we can pivot and change our lives at any moment How courage to leap leads to great rewards Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time. Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions. New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today! Follow me on Instagram here!
  • How can we connect with our innate creativity when we have so many responsibilities as mamas? Todays mama, Brittany L. Bergman, author and mama, is going to tell us why we shouldn't lose sight of our identities as women.

    She is an author whose goal is to provide connection to moms who don't want to lose sight of their identities as women. A storyteller at heart, she invites women into her life and wants them to feel seen and known through her words. Brittany is a mom of two kids and has been married to her husband Dan for 7 years. She's the author of the book Expecting Wonder: The Transformative Experience of Becoming a Mother. By day, she is a copy editor of nonfiction books at a publishing house.

    Pregnancy and motherhood are not simply about adding children to our families. Through the process of becoming mothers, we are fundamentally transformed into new people. Sometimes this can process can feel like loss or grief, but we also find so much joy and goodness when we embrace what this change has for us. My goal is to help women reflect on their own process of becoming mothers—not a one time event, but something that is still unfolding in them—recognize what they bring to the table/the unique mother they are, and trust that they are exactly the mother their kids need.

    To Brittany, being a Soul Mamma means honoring her own desires, ambition, and gifts, and not stuffing them down just because she has small children. I want to set an example for my kids, especially her daughter, of a woman who goes after what she wants for the betterment of herself and her family. Brittany believes that when we honor our needs and desires, we are better moms. For me that meant choosing to write a book while pregnant with my second child. It was a dream that couldn’t wait, and while it was incredibly challenging, it was absolutely worth it.

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time. Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions. New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today! Follow me on Instagram here!
  • Today’s ocean mama is a multi faceted lover of all things creative, mother to a nine year old boy and published writer. Kara Block is a fellow surf mama who has that knowing glimmer in her eye, that proves her heart is forever tied to the water. After knowing her as a mutual friend for years, I am excited to speak to her many passions today. Her book : “the Cultivation of Life is the Practice” she speaks a lot of surrendering to what IS and how looking at our pain can lead to a type of rebirth.

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time. Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions. New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today! Follow me on Instagram here!
  • Today’s guest believes in mom empowerment and provides opportunities for mom owned businesses. Aria Leighty is a mama of (14) and the Founder and CEO of The MOB Nation, a National Alliance of Mom-Owned Businesses. Aria is also a thought leader, trailblazer, and business mentor.

    Aria helps you get out of your own way, sparkle up your mindset, step in to your power, and live your dream life. Working with Aria as a business mentor blends consulting, coaching, and cheerleading not found anywhere else. She tells mamas to “own their power, share their gifts, and shine their own light” and will be sharing how she does that with her community today.

    Episode Take Aways:

    Challenges of being a parent during a pandemic How Aria juggles motherhood with a teen and business consulting How Aria feels the stigma that teenagers are "always difficult" isn't necessarily true The power of abundance thinking for mamas How mindset can change your chances of success Why doing the inner work can change your entire experience in your life and career Why surrounding yourself with positive thinkers and supportive people is really so important Aria shares her recipe for "success" in business Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time. Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions. New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today! Follow me on Instagram here!
  • Childhood cancer. Something not spoken about unless we go through the horrific experience. Today's mama Kady Lieber has travelled around the world with her kids, but more importantly she is a mom who has had to endure a child with stage 4 brain cancer at only 17 months old. Kady is here to tell us that even though it is scary to think or talk about, childhood cancer can teach you how to live I the moment as if it were your last, & teach us to have gratitude for even the seemingly smallest of things.

    How her daughter Ava received a stage 4 brain cancer diagnosis at only 17 months old The moment their life changed forever Words of advice their doctor gave them that changed their outlook on such a grim diagnosis Living presently in the moment and how her family does their best to take everyday as it comes How her daughter was given such a small chance of survival but has fiercely persisted anyway How radiation and chemotherapy led to Ava’s hearing loss and cochlear implant Kady explains the many side effects that go along with cancer treatments The sadness and frustration of dealing Ava’s special needs How Ava’s doctors told her she’d never walk or do many things How Ava is “high risk” and can’t be around a lot of people during a pandemic Ava’s close relationship to her older sister How the Lieber’s approach adventuring together Kady explains the support that is out their for parent’s post cancer How the Lieber’s have taken their own post cancer approach Why the outdoors is so important to them Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time. Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions. New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today! Follow me on Instagram here!
  • So many mamas I've spoken to since I began this motherhood podcast have dealt with body and confidence issues since becoming a mom. It is common, but do we all have to put ourselves through it? What can we do to accept our bodies postpartum?

    Meghan Barrett, today's guest mama and personal trainer, is going to speak to us about her own struggle with body acceptance and how she's gotten on the other side of it. She is also going to share her experience with a bladder prolapse and how that affected her physical and mental wellness postpartum.

    In this episode we speak about:

    Working from home during a pandemic How Meghan is juggling entrepreneurship and two kids under 4 during a pandemic How Meghan and I can both relate to being hard on ourselves in regards to body image postpartum How being a stay at home mom can be hard on our former identity How we don't all fit into one box Things we have done to accept our body Meghan's experience with an unknown bladder prolapse Some signs to look for if you may have a prolapse Personal training and why it is so fulfilling for Meghan How to get motivated to work out during a pandemic Why we should lift each other up as mamas no matter what position we find ourselves in

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time.

    Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF

    Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions.

    New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today!

    Follow me on Instagram here!

  • All remote learning come fall? This is what's happening in Southern California come fall 2020, and many places throughout the U.S. and world with the current pandemic.

    So what the heck do we do as mothers and parents who are either working from home or on site and wanting to give our kids the best education possible?

    We are all scrambling to find the best schools, online schools, homeschool situations, pods, private schools or tutors for our kids and every single one of us is feeling at a loss right now.

    It's okay if you are feeling overwhelmed. It's okay if you are sad It's okay if you aren't a teacher and have no idea how to approach homeschooling your children.

    Today I have some tools and tips for you. As a teacher of the last decade who has a toddler and teenage stepsons, I know what is on your plate right now mamas, and I want to help you.

    In this episode I offer some fast, to the point, tools for teaching to the multiple intelligences of your child. This includes how to make the teaching environment feel safe, fun, structured, rigorous and full of possibilities for your child to be seen and heard.

    If you have questions about any of these lesson plans or suggestions please email me at [email protected],

    I would love to start a dialogue where we can share tools and resources! xoxo

  • We all face obstacles in our lives; whether single parenthood, financial struggles, health issues, or loss, Melissa Prince is here to tell us why we can't let hardship or challenge stop us from living the life we love. Melissa is an adventure mama who adores the outdoors & has been a single parent since pregnancy. She makes accommodations in her schedule to do the things she loves with her 2 year old son in tow. Today she shares how you can "have it all" even if you find yourself in a hard position in life.

    Today we discuss:

    How Melissa has been a single mama since pregancy How us mamas don't normally draw attention to ourselves Mental health challenges and how it's so common for mamas Melissa's cure for her propensity for anxiety How sometimes it's hard to ask for help How the outdoors has helped her confidence The challenges of traveling outdoors with kids How she didn't always love the outdoors Why we can start outdoor adventures at any time How exercise relieves stress Navigating nap schedules and outdoor adventures with kids How she doesn't let single motherhood stop her from living the life she loves The challenges of not fitting into one motherhood "box" Owning our story and speaking our truths

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time.

    Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF

    Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions.

    New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today!

    Follow me on Instagram here!

  • Katherine Shai is a professional mommy athlete. And her sport of choice? Wrestling! Katherine was raised in a wrestling family. At only 32 years old, she is wise beyond her years & knows all about grit & adaptability. Katherine believes in our ability to manifest what we want our world to look like, and then move in that direction. She’s had a bit of a rebirth in her early 30s since becoming a mother and has begun things that she never had before & it's changed her view on body image & beauty as a woman.

    Take Aways:

    Transitioning into motherhood from professional single woman athlete

    Adapting to social isolation as a mama in 2020

    How to be present when training schedules shift and change

    Katherine’s training regime for wrestling pre and post baby

    The challenge and successes of bringing her son to her practices

    Fear and how she approaches it mentally

    How her perspective on fear, courage and perseverance has changed postpartum

    Her and her husband and how they communicate successfully

    How her view on her body has changed postpartum

    Why she opened up to the idea of modeling starting in her 30’s

    The demands of being a professional athlete mama

    Why not to be too hard on ourselves as mom

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time of social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time.

    Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF

    Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions.

    New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today!

    Follow me on Instagram here!

  • Alanna Jane is a mama, writer, Kundalini and meditation teacher as well as a spiritual guide for women. After losing her business and having a second trimester miscarriage, all within a very short time, Alanna experienced one of the toughest times in her life. Today she is going to talk about how one mother's pain of loss isn't more or less than another's. Alanna lives in Tasmania with her husband and four year old son Rumi, and speaks with such a beautiful vulnerability about loss, hardship and renewal.

    Today we talk about:

    Why mothers shouldn’t minimize their pain

    How the stress of losing a business coincided with the loss of her pregnancy

    Her story of a second trimester miscarriage at the same time she closed her business down

    How her midwife had to break the news to her that her baby’s heart had stopped

    Dealing with the denial and then acceptance of losing a pregnancy midterm

    Not having her partner at home during her loss

    How her and her partner grieved this process differently and how hard that was

    Why going through grief can really test even the strongest relationships

    Why she admires her partner so much

    How her son predicted her current pregnancy

    How her yoga practice and inner work have aided her in this experience

    Why mamas should talk about their pain when they are ready to speak about it

  • Are you struggling with postpartum depression, OCD, or anxiety? Aubrey Grossen, of the Mamahood Community, tackles the brave and taboo subjects of motherhood, not feeling like motherhood came naturally, postpartum mood disorders, and mom-shaming ourselves.

    She is a mama of two who went through severe postpartum depression and sparked her passion to start a facebook group called The Mamahood Community which started out as 39 close friends and family and has now turned into a group of over 36K mamas.

    Today we chat about:

    How motherhood doesn't come naturally to everyone and why that's okay How stepping into motherhood can be so overwhelming and there is no rule book Aubrey's struggle with mental health/ depression postpartum Why we should not overlook our symptoms if we are suffering Aubrey's experience with invasive thoughts How her husband helped her on her journey to mental wellness How her postpartum depression helped start her successful motherhood community Why we need to reach out if we are suffering Why Aubrey believes in any modality that will get you to wellness; including medication, therapy, meditation, and self care practices Why she started ANYA (A New You Again)

    Mamas! How are you doing during this time as we start to emerge from social isolation? Come follow me @soulmammaspodcast where I go live on subjects pertinent to what's going on in the world now, and tools and tips for mama self care during this time.

    Find your Soul Mamma Calling in FOUR STEPS FREE PDF

    Keep an eye out for my new site where you can check out past episodes, free pdf's, coaching links and my NEW COURSE Uncover your Purpose in Ten Steps! Super excited about this one mamas! email me [email protected] for questions.

    New PDF on the website https://www.soulmammas.com Pick Up your Freebie on Stepping into your Soul as Mammas today!

    Follow me on Instagram here!