Welcome back to Trailer Park Thursdays! Just when things were looking great for the cruise, the boys find out Erika the COP was invited! Another season down the tubes…or is it?
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It's clean, it's cold, now that's what we call a high quality podcast. If Adam Sandler wasn't already a household name, he sure became one after this cult classic. Here at The Soundscape Sessions we take our Adam Sandler movies seriously, now VISUALIZE and ATTACK!
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Welcome back to trailer park thursdays! Well, we all knew Jim Lahey had some problems but today we find out his TRUE potential. It’s gunna be a wild one today!
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Sometimes your family can make you change your ways. Today the boys head back to New York to see if Joaquin Phoenix will help his brother Mark Wahlberg clean up the streets…Oh and there’s also a great car chase.
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Welcome back to Trailer Park Thursdays. You don' t steal from people in the park! Today the boys delve into remarketing bbqs...by almost any means necessary. Apparently age has no limit when it comes to thievery, but we're still going on the cruise!
Today the boys talk about the 1996 black comedy classic Fargo. Is it a good episode? "Oh ya, you betcha"
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Welcome back to Trailer Park Thursday’s. The boys decide to try and use a rush concert to sell some “product”, but will they even be able to get a ticket? Just make sure you play that Diane Sawyer song.
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Have you ever lost a diamond inside a police station? Yea, neither have we, but for a guy like Martin Lawrence in the 90s that’s practically NOTHING. Today the boys go from criminals to cops…to criminals again.
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We're heading to The Soundscape Sessions' Super Trooper podcast... Canada, almost made it. Today the boys take a deeper look into what it takes to wear the highway state trooper badge. I wouldn’t worry about that little guy though…
Welcome back to trailer park Thursday’s! The boys decision to pursue low risk crimes have led them to stealing gas, but Lahey and the Canadian court system may have something to say about it. Just remember if you drink too much gas, dilute it with water, and you’ll be fine in 7 to 8 days…
That’s a technical foul! Woah, who’d have thunk that in the wild year of 2002 Adam Sandler would decide to go into the animation game, and a very Happy Hanukkah to all! This movie is both loved and hated, so let’s see which side the boys pick…
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The holiday season is meant to spend time with your family…sort of. Today the boys find out why sometimes it pays off to be an only child. Merry Christmas!
Come down to the podcast, we’ll have a few laughs…today the boys jump into one of the greatest action movies of all time, while also attempting the age old question: is die hard a Christmas movie?
This is our podcast... We have to defend it!
Today the boys try out the new studio and what better movie to review at home than Home Alone. Christmas came early this year for The Soundscape Sessions, all thanks to Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin!
The Soundscape Sessions presents “The Grinch of Whoville”. Written/directed/narrated by our very own Travis Fitzy, starring Matt Mander as “the Grinch” and Dalton Marcil as “Hugo Who”. Gather around loved ones, turn up the heat, enjoy the holiday season, and then some roast beast!
Sorry for the delay in posting folks, the site was down!
Sometimes it takes an “elf” to remind us about Christmas spirit. Will Ferrell stars in the role of a lifetime with this instant Christmas classic. Just keep your eye and ears out, code name, “Santa’s got a brand new bag”.
Even the boys from our favourite trailer park celebrate Christmas! In this prequel to the show, we learn what everyone in Sunnyvale was up to a few years before we properly got to know them. Some things are different, but some things are the exact same.
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What do you get when you mix a Fan vs. Critic episode, Nicholas Cage and a life lesson? You get a great movie to start the holidays! Do you have everything you need?
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Welcome back to Trailer Park Thursdays! Ricky lost all his cash so it looks like he’s going to need another job. With Julian? Nope.
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