
  • Today we dive into a Q&A where I answer personal, juicy questions in order to show up more authentically and honestly in this space as we grow, learn, and evolve alongside each other in this life.

    The following topics include:

    What is your favorite part of this moment of your life?What is one piece of advice you would give your 20 year old self if you could? How do you deal with burnout?What are your best book recommendations?

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • Today we chat about my experience traveling around Europe for a month and how leaning into rest, adventure, trust, and surrender helped me become more aligned than I ever have before. I discuss the ups and downs of my trip, and how getting outside my comfort zone and remaining present helped me foster immense spiritual growth. And I also share the story behind me accidentally manifesting my engagement! So much fun to share these stories and connect on a deeper level with you xx

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

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  • In today’s episode, we explore what it means to truly embrace change, which is life's only constant. As humans we are designed to always be in a state of evolution and growth, yet we rarely get taught how to navigate these transitions with peace. Today we chat about how to increase our own inner resilience in order to get comfortable being uncomfortable. So we can let go of any resistance to change and allow our highest good to unfold with ease. If you are ready to learn the tools to grieve the past and gain the inner strength to tackle the future, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode we delve into the transformative power of the Law of Detachment. We explore how letting go of attachment to specific outcomes can lead to greater mental well-being and alignment with one's highest self. We discuss practical ways to integrate the Law of Detachment into daily life, including cultivating self-awareness, practicing mindfulness, trusting in the process, and surrendering to the flow of life. My goal for this episode is to inspire you to release the grip of attachment to outcomes and goals in order to embrace a more peaceful and fulfilling life in flow and balance. If you are ready to cultivate more inner peace by letting go, hit play.

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode we dive into what it means to find TRUE balance in your life. We discuss how balance often looks different depending on the season of life we are in, and how it cannot be found anywhere else but within ourselves. If you are ready to learn how to create a life of alignment, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode Danielle explains the process of intellectualizing and breaks down how it can stifle your growth and healing, keeping you trapped in uncomfortable emotions,and stories. She then offers tangible solutions to move away from intellectualization and into integrating the mind, body, and energy systems to achieve root cause healing. With new perspective shifts, stories, and tips, Danielle offers a gateway to transition anxiety into evolution. If you are ready to dive in, press play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In this episode of The Stars Are Calling You, Danielle delves into the concept of the negativity bias and offers practical insights on how to cultivate a positivity bias to improve your mental well-being. She explains how the negativity bias can impact your perspective of your reality and affect your overall happiness. This episode breaks down strategies such as practicing gratitude, being mindful, savoring the good moments, and healing your environment as ways to shift towards a more positive mindset. By incorporating these practices, you can begin to rewire your brain and foster a greater sense of joy and fulfillment. If you want a more in-depth exploration of how to rewire your mind, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode Danielle explores the misconception in the self-development community that healing follows a linear path. She challenges this notion by introducing the concept of cyclical growth and evolution. Through anecdotes and insights, listeners are invited to rethink the idea of regression or going backwards. Danielle emphasizes the importance of embracing the cyclical nature of healing, viewing periods of regression as opportunities for deeper self-awareness and integration, shares practical strategies for navigating growth cycles, and empowers listeners to cultivate mindfulness, self-reflection, and self-compassion in their own healing journeys. Ultimately, this episode encourages listeners to trust in their own journey of transformation. If you are ready to embrace the wisdom of cyclical healing, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode, Danielle dives into the transformative power of spring cleaning, extending beyond just tidying up your physical space. We explore the importance of refreshing your internal and external worlds, including your relationships, mindset, goals, hobbies, and belief systems. Together we discuss practical tips and insights to declutter your life, fostering growth and renewal for a more fulfilling existence. If you are ready to discover how embracing the spirit of spring cleaning can lead to greater clarity, positivity, and personal growth, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode Danielle explores her decision to move away from reading traditional self-help literature. She delves into her personal experience, discusses pitfalls of the industry at large, offers insights into how to foster self-empowerment, and offers alternative paths to personal development beyond the confines of self-help books. If you are looking to let go of dependency and discover your authentic voice so you can find the answers within, hit play!

    Join us on this journey of reflection and discovery as we navigate the complexities of the self-help landscape and embrace authenticity in our pursuit of growth.

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In this episode, Danielle dives into the world of romantic relationships, exploring how to build and maintain strong connections that go beyond surface level. From date nights to balancing masculine and feminine energies to understanding each other's love languages, Danielle shares practical tips for fostering a deep bond filled with love and respect. She also reflects on her 7 year long relationship with her partner, sharing what has allowed them to thrive while growing and changing as a couple and as individuals. If you're ready to learn how to navigate the ups and downs of relationships and discover how to create a partnership that's truly fulfilling and meaningful, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode, Danielle shares words of encouragement and mindset shifts for when you wake up having a bad mental health day, or need a pep talk to get the day started on the right foot.

    We all have bad days, and you are not alone! Hit play and allow yourself to feel seen, validated, and inspired.

    Free Consultation: https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/contact

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today’s episode, Danielle does a complete deep dive into self-esteem from a clinical and holistic lens to help you find genuine empowerment, confidence, self-worth, and self-love.

    We discuss the following topics:

    Why healing your self-esteem is one of the most important things you can do for your overall well being The definition of self-esteem that actually makes sense The difference between self-efficacy and self-worthThe four stages of self-loveIrrational and limiting beliefs and how them impact our world view and sense of self The biggest source of low-self esteem Healing from poor body image The three Cs of self-esteem 8 evidence based, holistic tools for healing your self-esteem from all anglesPersonal stories And more!

    If you are ready to heal your self-esteem with science, spirituality, and connection then hit play!


    Young, M.E. (2021). Learning the art of helping: Building blocks and techniques (7th ed.).


    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • Are you sick and tired of doing “all the right things” and still having a hard time creating the reality you desire?

    Me too.

    Today, I share a MASSIVE epiphanie I had in my ITA energy medicine lecture that changed my perception of manifestation.

    I explain a major reason why your manifestations aren’t coming true, and I give you the tools to solve it.

    Through understanding the energy systems and how they relate to your physical world, you can tap into your innate co-creation abilities and make those dreams a reality.

    And that’s exactly what we chat about in today's episode. So, if you are ready to change the game, press play.

    Guided meditations by MRIAC: https://www.mriac.com.au/audio-guided-meditations

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • Danielle shares a personal story of how she became aware of certain limiting beliefs and subconscious roadblocks that caused her to feel misaligned in her everyday life. She then walks you through how you can do the same thing, so you can feel more in control of your mind, body, emotions, and life experiences. If you are ready to dive into the world of subconscious programming, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • Alignment, upleveling, success, fulfilling relationships, joy, and simply feeling good in your body and life
 It doesn't just happen one day overnight. It’s a byproduct of creating balance within your holistic being and refueling the 4 aspects of self: your body, mind, spirit, and heart. In today’s episode, Danielle gives you the tangible, and flexible, roadmap for doing just that so you can create a life that is balanced, aligned, and invigorating. If you are ready to dive into a whole new mindset (and reality) hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today's episode, Danielle shares a 10 minute guided meditation to release stress and anxiety from your physical body, energy systems, and your mind. This meditation is for beginner to experienced meditators, and it is designed to be a healing tool in your self-development toolkit. Get into a comfortable position and hit play to welcome in calmness and peace and let go of all contributors to stress and anxiety.

    Want more meditations? Click here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/category/workbooks

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • You may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed with balancing multiple aspects of your life, constantly on edge, weighed down by self-induced pressure, or find yourself spiraling in overthinking. I understand, and I’m here to help.

    In today's episode, we do a comprehensive deep dive into maladaptive anxiety and I share the frameworks, coping skills, preventive and responsive techniques, and holistic insights to help you build your resiliency to anxiety and self-heal on a deeper level.

    If you are ready to cultivate a more calm and balanced internal and external reality, hit play!

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    Want to ask a question or leave a topic suggestion?

    DM Danielle on instagram or email [email protected]

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today's episode. Danielle opens up about her journey of feeling more confident and empowered while being alone. And she shares energetic and tangible tips to help you heal any loneliness wound you may be carrying. With a fresh and holistic perspective on loneliness, and vulnerable moments shared, this episode is bound to spark the courage it takes to become your own best friend once and for all.

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    Want to ask a question or leave a topic suggestion?

    DM Danielle on instagram or email [email protected]

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx

  • In today's episode, Danielle shares the TOP psychology and mindset tips to become successful in your 20s. These are principles NOT practices, so you can adapt them to your personal life to achieve your own unique version of success (because everyone’s version of success is subjective and individualized).

    This topic includes insights into the following:

    Defining successFinding your personal mission statement / whyDiscipline and consistencyScheduling habitsTaking initiativeFeeling “ready” and “confident”Growth mindset vs fixed mindset Procrastination vs restLimiting beliefs And more!

    Mission statement builder: https://msb.franklincovey.com/

    Connect with Danielle!

    Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri

    Website: www.danielleleighlanteri.com

    Book a session with Danielle

    Holistic Healing Modalities

    Not sure where to start? Contact Danielle here

    Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here! https://www.danielleleighlanteri.com/higherselflibrarysignup

    Want to ask a question or leave a topic suggestion?

    DM Danielle on instagram or email [email protected]

    I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

    Sending a massive energy hug your way!

    Danielle xx