
  • Part III, tying it all together!

    Mentioned: Episode 164, sticking to the plan

    Connect with me on IG @NatalieBrookeGuevara

    Free 5 Day Hashimoto's Reset

    More about me and my coaching programs www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

  • A continuation of last weeks episode.

    This week we begin exploring what deep heath looks like within your journey, and why it's the only approach that will make lasting changes.

    Connect with me on Instagram @NatalieBrookeGuevara

    Learn more about me and my programs- www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

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  • This week we're chatting deep health with Hashimoto's.

    I'm introducing the concept of deep health, and what this can actually look like as a solution for your Hashimoto's symptoms.

    Connect with me on IG! @NatalieBrookeGuevara

    Learn more about me and coaching opportunities www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

  • Welcome back to the podcast!

    Today I am sharing a little behind the scenes of what's been cooking the last few months, where I've been mentally and emotionally, and the excitement for what is coming!

    Coming next Monday... The Free 5 Day Hashimoto's Reset Challenge!

    Join here

  • In this episode, Natalie discusses strategies for managing Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, and PCOS during the holidays. She emphasizes the importance of understanding one's condition and its impact on holiday experiences. Natalie shares insights from her healing journey and offers advice on setting intentions and defining success for the holidays. The focus is on prioritizing health and wellbeing amidst the holiday bustle. Natalie also talks about planning and setting boundaries to manage stress and energy levels effectively. She concludes by highlighting the value of support systems and communication in navigating the challenges of invisible illnesses during festive times.

    Learn more about me and my coaching offers: www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow on IG: @NatalieBrookeGuevara

  • Todays episode is a special interview with Karin Nordin of Body Brain Alliance.

    We're chatting mindset, strategy and support when it comes to implementing change with Hashimoto's.

    Motivation, inspiration and drive can be a challenge when you're dealing with a chronic invisible illness.

    Today we're sharing real, evidence based strategy to help you stick with your goals and achieve them.

    Learn more about Karin and Body Brain Alliance at:


    Follow her on IG @kardinnordinphd

    Body Brain Alliance @bodybrainalliance

    Learn more about The Hashimoto's Roadmap 2.0!


    Follow me on IG @nataliebrookeguevara

  • Today I am opening up and sharing a vulnerable episode.

    I'm breaking down areas where I struggle.

    I went back and forth as to whether or not this would be valuable, and I'd love to hear from you if it was!

    Learn more about me and my coaching opportunities at www.updogwellnessnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG @NatalieBrookeGuevara

  • In this episode, I'll share some personal stories and insights from my own journey towards body confidence.

    We'll also explore three game-changing strategies that have transformed the way I view and feel about my body.

    Personal Stories: The Rocky Start

    My journey towards body confidence began with a challenging period in my life. Becoming a mother at a young age and being in an unhealthy relationship triggered negative thoughts about my body. These experiences led to disordered eating habits and an unhealthy obsession with exercise.

    Seeking Help and Healing

    Recognizing the need for help was a turning point in my journey. I sought therapy and guidance from coaches to address my mindset and body image. It's crucial to understand that healing is a gradual process that takes time and effort.

    Strategy 1: Styling the Body

    One of the pivotal strategies that improved my body confidence was finding inspiration from mid-sized fashion influencers on Instagram. These individuals had bodies more similar to mine and taught me how to style myself in ways that made me feel comfortable and confident.

    Strategy 2: Embracing Comfort

    Comfort plays a vital role in feeling confident in your body. I pay close attention to how my body feels during different hormonal phases and choose clothing that aligns with my comfort. Establishing a morning routine, even a simple one like makeup application, can significantly impact self-esteem.

    Strategy 3: Strength Training

    Strength training isn't just about physical strength; it's about mental and emotional strength too. Challenging my body with weightlifting and resistance exercises has improved my physical well-being and bolstered my self-confidence. If you're new to strength training, don't worry; you can start with shorter workouts and gradually progress.

    The Power of Feeling Good

    Feeling good in your body can lead to positive changes in your health behaviors. It's important to understand that you don't have to love your body all the time; body neutrality is a valid and empowering state. Focus on feeling good, as it can act as a catalyst for change.

    Body Autonomy and Final Thoughts

    Your body, your choices – it's crucial to have the autonomy to make decisions about your body based on your desires and goals. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to body confidence, and open and honest conversations about it are essential. Your journey is unique and beautiful in its own way.

    Mentioned in the show: Episode 156, Training Strong Women

    Learn more about me an coaching opportunities:


    Follow me on IG: NatalieBrookeGuevara

    Free Facebook Community

  • In this podcast episode, I share my personal insights and experiences related to making positive changes in various aspects of life, including health, nutrition, and fitness. I emphasize the importance of approaching these changes in a sustainable and manageable way, rather than falling into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking.

    I discuss my approach to setting goals and why I advocate for breaking them down into 90-day intervals, highlighting the benefits of reflection and adjustment during this process. I address the common mistake of not allowing oneself to reflect on what's working and what's not, which often leads to an all-or-nothing mindset prevalent in diet culture and the wellness industry.

    I then delve into a 30-day challenge I've undertaken to give myself direction and focus. This challenge involves dedicating 15 minutes per day to a continuing education course, with the rule that missing a day means starting over. I explain how this challenge, despite its simplicity, has taught me valuable lessons about consistency, commitment, and the importance of not falling into the trap of an all-or-nothing mindset.

    Throughout the episode, I stress the idea that failure should be viewed as feedback rather than a reflection of one's identity. I share personal anecdotes and encourage listeners to adopt a more balanced and sustainable approach to self-improvement.

    The episode offers insights and lessons that can be applied not only to health and fitness but also to various aspects of life, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to create positive change with a more compassionate and adaptable mindset.

    Learn more about me and coaching opportunities: www.udogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG: @nataliebrookeguevara

  • In this weeks episode I'm sharing some common mistakes made when choosing supplements to support your Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism.

    What to look for, when to supplement, and my own protocol.

    Learn more about Natalie and coaching opportunities: www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG: NatalieBrookeGuevara

  • This week is a powerhouse of an episode.

    Listen into a coaching session help in our free community: The Hashimoto's Lifestyle Roadmap

    We talk about consistency, compassion, accountability and how to get unstuck.

    Tune in a let me know what you think!

    As always, reach out on IG @nataliebrookeguevara

    Learn more about me and coaching opportunities: www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

  • Today, I'm joined by Kate, Supercoach for coaches the founder of Operation Tigger, a program designed to help people tackle the emotional and physiological impact of seasonal changes. Whether it's the winter blues or the fluctuating eating habits tied to seasonal changes, Kate shares powerful insights and real-life stories that will hit home for anyone who's ever found themselves in a seasonal slump.

    Kate Solovieva is a life coach with over ten years of experience, having worked with 1,000+ clients and having mentored 200+ coaches. Her academic background includes undergraduate and graduate psychology degrees, focusing on health and stress management, as well as post-graduate degrees in trauma and cognitive behavioral therapy. She is also a writer, and a mom.

    Understanding how seasonal changes impact your mood, behavior, and overall health. The importance of separating what is within your control from what is not. The power of community: How Operation Tigger is like a much-needed friend during tough times. Learn how to embrace the cyclical nature of your well-being rather than expecting linearity. Meet Kate and learn about the origins of Operation Tigger. Discussion on the hidden patterns and behavioral changes associated with different seasons. Practical advice on how to exert control over your surroundings during challenging times. How Kate's own life has been transformed by creating and facilitating the program. If you're a health coach or a wellness professional, you won't want to miss the part where Kate discusses her mentorship for professionals in the field. Kate's must-read newsletter and how to sign up. Operation Tigger Kate's Instagram Letters to Friends

    I hope you enjoy today's episode as much as I did recording it. If you're someone navigating through Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, or any form of seasonal flux, this conversation could be a game-changer for you. As always, thank you for tuning in!

    Learn more about Natalie and coaching opportunities: www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG: @NatalieBrookeGuevara

  • In this podcast episode, host Natalie Guevara delves into the battle between consistency and perfectionism, a struggle many of us face, especially when dealing with health issues like Hashimoto's or PCOS. Natalie emphasizes that perfectionism often holds us back from making progress, as it sets impossibly high standards.

    Our brains tend to operate in all-or-nothing modes, making it challenging to embrace gradual change. Natalie likens stepping out of your comfort zone to reaching out of a window, where small steps are crucial. She stresses that change happens in the gray area between perfection and giving up, and that it's essential to acknowledge and trust our ability to keep promises to ourselves.

    Rather than seeking perfection, Natalie encourages listeners to celebrate small victories and focus on progress, even when conditions are less than ideal. She reminds us that our lifestyles are both the problem and the solution, and that conditions like Hashimoto's and PCOS don't negate the power of lifestyle changes.

    Ultimately, Natalie's message is clear: let go of perfectionism, embrace consistency, and watch how it transforms your life. Progress, not perfection, is the key to personal growth and success.

    Learn more about Natalie, her coaching opportunities and The Hashimoto's Lifestyle Roadmap HERE

    Follow along on Instagram @NatalieBrookeGuevara

    Join the free Hashimoto's and PCOS Lifestyle Roadmap community

    Share this podcast with anyone who would find it helpful. <3 see you next week!

  • I am SO stoked to be sharing this episode with you all today! Todays episode is an interview with Mark of the Badass Lifters Podcast.
    Mark is an weight-neutral online strength coach. Instead of focusing on weight loss or training to change your body, Mark focuses only on making you a strong confident lifter and helping you enjoy the lifting experience.

    Follow him on IG @training.strong.women

    Learn more about his programs and offerings here.

    Let us know what you think!

    Follow me on IG @nataliebrookeguevara

    Learn more about me: www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Join the free Facebook community

  • Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to my heart and, I'm sure, to many of yours too. If you're on the journey to heal from Hashimoto's and PCOS, you know it's not just about what's on your plate. It's about something deeper, something that fuels your fire to keep going, even when the path gets tough. So, grab your favorite latte, get cozy, and let's explore this together.

    Episode Breakdown:

    Beyond Diets and Magic Pills:It's a well-known fact that true healing extends beyond mere diet plans and pills. Healing from Hashimoto's and PCOS requires a holistic approach that encompasses not just the physical, but the emotional and mental aspects too. And that's where our star player comes in: motivation.

    The Dance with Motivation:Let's be real, my friends. Motivation isn't a constant companion; it's more like a dance partner that joins you on some songs and takes a break on others. When you're on this healing journey, you're in it for the long haul. Some days are a breeze, and some are like climbing mountains, both literally and figuratively.

    Tales from Acadia National Park:Picture this: Acadia National Park, breathtaking views, and challenging hikes. As much as I adore nature and hiking, there were moments when those metal ladders and dizzying heights tested my limits. It struck me how this mirrors our journey of healing—facing fears, overcoming obstacles, and pushing boundaries.

    Conquering Fears, Conquering Challenges:Those ladders and rungs were my mountain to climb. Just like you're facing Hashimoto's and PCOS head-on. Growth doesn't happen in comfort zones, my friend. It's those heart-pounding moments that shape us into the resilient beings we're meant to be.

    Journey of Persistence and Motivation:Reaching the summit wasn't easy, just like your path to healing. Persistence and unwavering motivation were my allies. It's like when you wake up and choose to nurture that fire within you, even on the days when it feels like a tiny spark.

    Crafting Lasting Motivation:Ah, here's the golden nugget. How do you keep that motivation burning bright, even when life throws curveballs? It's about finding your "why." Delve deep into the reasons you want to heal, envision the life you're carving out, and hold onto that vision like a lifeline when motivation takes a backseat.

    Conclusion:Healing isn't linear, and it's definitely not just about diets and medications. It's a journey that tests your mettle, much like those challenging hikes. Embrace the discomfort, stare down your fears, and let your motivation lead the way. Remember, you're not alone; I'm right here, cheering you on as you navigate this path towards renewed energy, vibrant health, and inner strength.

  • Today I am sharing the replay from my Masterclass back in May of this year.

    I hope you enjoy learning more about Hashimoto's and how it's impacting YOUR life.

    Join the waitlist for the next round of The Hashimoto's Lifestyle Roadmap

    Learn more about me and my coaching opportunities: www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG: @NatalieBrookeGuevara

  • Today I am sharing a recording from the tail end of the Hashimoto's Lifestyle Roadmap around a concept I call "ethical weight-loss".

    I hope this is eye opening and helpful!

    My 16 week coaching program is open through Friday, July 21st! Learn more here>>> www.udogwellnessandfitness.com/ryh

    Learn more about me, my coaching programs and hop on the waitlist for The Hashimoto's Lifestyle Roadmap here www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG! @nataliebrookeguevara

  • In this episode, we delve into the crucial role mindset plays in the coaching process, particularly when dealing with conditions like Hashimoto's and PCOS. While nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle management are important components, we discover that 80% of the transformation lies in redefining our mental outlook. Join us as we explore the prevalence of mindset coaching, the impact of limiting beliefs, and the journey to breaking free from the dieter's mindset.

    Key Points:

    The Importance of Mindset: Understanding the dominant role mindset plays in creating real change and achieving optimal health. Mindset Coaching: Distinguishing between the popularity of mindset coaching and the value of certified expertise in health mindset and behavior change. Unlearning Limiting Beliefs: Breaking free from deep-rooted beliefs and stories that have conditioned us for years, and the time and effort required to redefine our minds. Comfort Zone and Growth: How our brains and bodies resist stepping outside our comfort zone, hindering growth and transformation. Redefining Nutrition and Health: Embracing the need to redefine our nutrition, unpack the dieter's mindset, and create a balanced and enjoyable approach to food and lifestyle. The Impact of Diet Culture: Recognizing the negative cycle of restriction, guilt, and dissatisfaction with food and body image perpetuated by diet culture. Trusting Your Body's Wisdom: Building trust with our bodies and understanding that symptoms are not personal attacks but signals our bodies use to keep us safe. The Journey of Redefinition: Embracing the fact that redefining our mind, nutrition, and health is a continuous practice that requires time and commitment. Stepping Beyond Quick Fixes: Understanding that diet mentality fails to consider individual uniqueness, circumstances, and preferences, hindering sustainable progress. Multidimensional Health: Recognizing that true health encompasses physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, and existential aspects, and the need to prioritize them all.

    Conclusion:Redefining our minds and unpacking the dieter's mindset are essential steps toward reversing symptoms and achieving true health. By challenging our beliefs, creating a trust-based relationship with our bodies, and embracing a more balanced approach to nutrition and lifestyle, we can break free from the cycle of restriction and dissatisfaction. Remember, this journey takes time and commitment, but the reward is a transformative shift in mindset that no one can take away from us.

    Learn more about me, and my coaching offers at www.updogwellnessandfitness.com

    Follow me on IG and Threads! @NatalieBrookeGuevara

  • In this candid episode, I share about my transformative journey during the past 12 months, postpartum. From the ups and downs of my health, nutrition, and fitness journey to the pivotal moments in my evolution as a coach and a nutritionist, I open up about my experience supporting women with Hashimotos and PCOS.

    I delve into my personal struggles with confronting uncomfortable truths, including the realization that some beliefs that I once subscribed to as a coach no longer align with my current perspective. Unpacking these hard-hitting realities has been both enlightening and unsettling, propelling me to confront my past misconceptions and evolve for the better.

    I also discuss my ongoing development of the Hashimotos Lifestyle Roadmap, shedding light on the transformative process of gaining a deeper understanding of the women I serve and their unique journeys. I admit that accepting the areas where I may have been misguided can be challenging, but it's all part of the beautiful evolution of coaching real human beings, allowing oneself to be coached, and the quest for continual education.

    This episode takes a critical look at the detrimental impact of diet culture on conditions like Hashimotos and PCOS, and how it contributed to my own diet mentality in the past. This realization has forced me to reflect on how my previous coaching methodologies may have inadvertently reinforced these harmful ideologies, and motivated me to do better.

    Exploring my postpartum experience further, I reflect on how my self-perception, particularly regarding my body, affected my confidence as a coach, a mother, and a human being. I talk about my personal struggle with body image issues, a common aspect for many dealing with conditions like Hashimotos and PCOS, and share how it has led me to a unique phase of my life where the need to change my body has ceased to be a driving force.

    In an industry that often leans towards body shaming extremes, I advocate for body neutrality and discuss the importance of separating one's self-worth from physical appearance. This episode also challenges the traditional perceptions of health and fitness, advocating for a health-first approach that doesn't shun the desire for physical changes.

    Finally, I unveil my plans to redefine what health looks and feels like through my coaching, emphasizing the importance of personalizing the concept of health. Whether it's navigating life with Hashimotos and PCOS, unlearning diet culture, or redefining health and reclaiming one's life, this episode is all about breaking free from restrictive beliefs and narratives and moving towards a healthier, happier future.

    Join the waitlist for the Hashimoto's Lifestyle Roadmap

    ✨Join the FREE Metabolism, Mindset and Macros: Your Hashimoto's and PCOS Weight Loss Roadmap Community! ⁠ ✨


    👉Learn more about me: ⁠Updog Wellness and Fitness⁠


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