Have you ever dreamed of something that felt impossible to achieve? Or come so close to living your dream, only to be met with challenge after challenge?
In this minisode, Manal tells us a similar story of her Umrah journey. We learn how every circumstance can shift and every obstacle be removed through complete trust and reliance on Allah. And how Allah grants the most incredible blessings to those who embody the beauty of Tawakkul.
This Ramadan our minisodes have taken us to the trip of a lifetime, the throes of babyhood and the zeal of youth. Now, as we bid farewell to Ramadan we make one last stop in the twilight years of life. Farewells can leave us feeling bereft and in this reflection, we walk with Asna in a raw and bittersweet contemplation on grief.
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Have you ever found that you are reminded of the same subject over and over again in a short space of time? Such that you can now look back and feel so strongly the themes that have characterised the seasons of your life. In this minisode, Aiysha talks us through an uplifting theme that has been emerging from her Ramadan this year and the beautiful reflections that it has sparked.
From the event Submissions Live: Journeys in Faith we bring you the highly anticipated tale of how sister Aliyah Umm Raiyaan came to embrace Islam. Her words remind us that our fate is inescapable, to the extent where even we are entirely oblivious to the leaning of our own hearts. We catch ourselves behaving in ways that take us by surprise, in their uncommonality yet in their authenticity, in their trueness. And then, we understand. That this is the resolve of faith, of Imaan. That our hearts have been etched with words that shape our lives. La Ilah il allah.
Inayah and Haaniah talk resetting intentions and how this has played out in the wonderful world of parenting toddlers
Our very own Nafisa was invited to perform Umrah a week before Ramadan. With just hours remaining on her trip, she had one last wish that she had no idea how to fulfil…
As we enter the blessed days of Dhul Hijjah and our loved ones and friends depart for the beautiful journey of Hajj, join us to revisit this episode from 2021 where 3 storytellers shared their experiences of visiting Allah’s blessed House. May He invite us all, insha’Allah!
As the month of Ramadan comes to an end this year, listen to our latest mini episode in which Asna reflects on her personal journey of how the past few Ramadans have strengthened her faith and empowered her to make decisions with confidence. Join us as we explore the transformative power of Ramadan.
Our first ever live storytelling event will be held on 13th May @root25ldn where we will reflect over other journeys of faith with storytellers and interactive audience sessions. May Allah bless our plans and yours too! -
In this minisode, we'll be sharing a powerful story from Nafisa about her journey of faith and how it helped her cope with the loss of a loved one. She reflects on the importance of remembering the ultimate destination and finding solace in the belief that we will all one day return to our Creator.
Join us for this heartfelt episode as we delve into the beauty and power of faith during difficult times. And don't forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming live event where you'll hear more inspiring stories just like this one. We can't wait to see you there! -
On 13th May 2023 inshaAllah we will have our first ever live storytelling event @ Root25 Cafe in London. The theme of this event is ‘Journeys in Faith’. Join us in this minisode as Ayne reflects on how in this Ramadan, her son is taking his first steps into Islam.
On 13th May 2023 InshaAllah we will have our first ever live storytelling event @ Root25 Cafe in London. In this minisode Haaniah comes full circle to some Ramadan mainstays from childhood.
On 13th May 2023 insha’Allah we will have our first ever live storytelling event @ Root25 Cafe in London. The theme for the event is ‘Journeys in Faith’. Join us in this small Minisode, as Inayah reflects on the lesson of slowing down when everything seems too fast. May Allah grant us consciousness and patience in His Presence. Ameen.
Sometimes we make du’a and we see the answer immediately. Other times we make the same du’a repeatedly and see the answer after many months or many years. The task of the Muslim is to remember - Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no Muslim who calls upon Allah, without sin or cutting family ties, but that Allah will give him one of three answers: He will quickly fulfill his supplication, He will store it for him in the Hereafter, or He will divert an evil from him similar to it.” They said, “In that case we will ask for more.” The Prophet said, “Allah has even more.” [Musnad Ahmed]. Our Lord is As-Sabur: ever-patient & Al-Wadud: Infinitely loving. Our task is to remember these attributes in how He chooses to answer our du’a. The greatest peace is in knowing that Allah SWT will answer our every du’a, in the most beautifully patient and loving way. In this episode, join us as we hear from 3 unique stories that really shine a light on these names of Allah. May The Patient Loving One grant us patience and love in our own encounters & in our relationship with Him.
Sat in a masjid discussion circle on the subject of friendship a few weeks ago, the facilitator asked us ‘what positive influences have your friends had on you?’. As we went around we heard from a friend who had shared the practice of sending ‘I’m thinking of you’ texts, another who’d been given courage to up their modesty game, a friend who exemplified treating secrets shared with her as a closely held trust. Whether being influenced by peers doing good or trying to adopt the seven habits of the highly successful, becoming better versions of ourselves is a journey without end. Our storytellers in this episode all beautifully recount their attempts to do, and be better and the profound impacts that this striving has had on their lives.
There are people whose presence is like an oasis in a desert. When you’ve found yourself in a tight spot, life feels like it’s constricting around you, each turn delving you deeper into the maze…and relief arrives. In the form of a helping hand or a companion for the road. There are times when we feel Allah’s provision so keenly through the people He sends our way. This episode’s beautiful stories are about these people, those who showed up for our storytellers at the right place, at the right time.
Listen to the reminder that Inayah mentions here: Dr Omar Suleiman, With hardship comes ease https://youtu.be/KpMpIafboyk
“… And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make a way out for them, and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them. Certainly Allah achieves His Will. Allah has already set a destiny for everything.” Qur’an, 65:2-3 -
Do you know the feeling of life passing by in a daze? When the smoke alarm sounds because you’ve left something too long in the oven; or when your daughter turns 11 but surely it’s only been a couple of years since she was a toddler?! PIN numbers, keys, the purpose of life, we are all prone to forgetting. There are moments though that shake us back to reality, back to remembering. We are thrilled to bring you out latest episode where we hear three wonderful storytellers describe experiences that brought the remembrance of Allah swt into sharp focus.
We are told in the amazing hadith qudsi:
“I am to my servant as he expects of Me, I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him to Myself, and if he remembers me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly better than his…” (Bukhari and Muslim)
We hope you enjoy listening, please subscribe, share and consider submitting a story of your own by getting in touch with us @submissionspodcast -
The Quran tells us that experiencing loss is an inevitability for the believer, though this may come in many forms. Living through the pandemic has made this a reality for many of us - from the loss of routines, to loved ones and livelihoods. In grappling with processing these experiences, there are layers of light to be found, and the chance to better understand ourselves and our emotions. In this episode join us as we hear stories from 3 Muslims bravely sharing their experiences of losing someone or something, whilst finding beauty and Allah’s presence in each occasion.
Eid Mubarak to our wonderful community of listeners and storytellers! We pray that you had a blessed Ramadan in which you found personal fulfilment and tranquility. To celebrate the passing of this month of contemplation, all of the Submissions in this Eid Special are beautiful pieces of poetry on the soul’s journey, narrated by their writers. We hope that you enjoy these carefully crafted verses and that they spark within you creativity and reflection. Taqabal Allah minna wa minkum - May Allah SWT accept the efforts made by us and by you.
Allah SWT mentions in Surah Luqman, Verse 27: "And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise."
Our lives are filled with stories - some short, some long. Some of them are ongoing while other smaller stories take centre-stage. But all of our stories are part of the bigger web of the story of life, which is beautifully and perfectly written for us by the Best of Authors: Allah SWT.
In this episode, we hear from 3 storytellers who share experiences where they learned about Allah SWT and His most beautiful plans. Indeed, as each story is different from the last, so too do the stories share threads of realisation and learning: that Allah SWT authors our stories in the most beautiful ways, and in submission to Him we are able to gain the most. Insha'Allah.
Our hearts seek comfort and sanctuary to feel safe. These sanctuaries can be found in a range of places: at home, in a person or community, a best friend or your local Masjid. Wherever or whoever this connection is with, having our hearts rooted is a powerful motivator to get through life and navigate to the ultimate sanctuary with Allah SWT.
In this episode, we hear about the deeper meanings behind where our hearts can be. Our three storytellers navigate through them and we hear about the range of places and spaces that occur. Most importantly, we learn how our hearts are dynamic, attuned to the experiences that show us: home is where the heart is. - Se mer