
  • 1ļøāƒ£ Jesus predicts his dying and rising. āš°ļøšŸŒ…

    Did you know that Jesus told his disciples that he would die and rise? šŸ˜®

    One of those predictions happens right here.šŸ‘‡

    The disciples don't get it. šŸ¤”

    They've seen Jesus raise people from the dead, but they've never seen someone raise themself. šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø

    Why is Jesus so secretive about their journey through Galilee? šŸ¤«

    The Uncultured Saints have some ideas . . . šŸ’”

    Jesus is moving away from the individual miracles āœØ to the world changing miracle of the cross to solve our biggest problem and sickness ā€” our sin. āœļøšŸŒ

    2ļøāƒ£ The disciples then get into a funny argument about which of them is the greatest. šŸ†

    Jesus puts in front of them a person who is the most helpless, can accomplish the least, and is the most needy ā€” a child. šŸ‘¶

    And he says: "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me." šŸ¤—

    This was at a time when children were seen as a tax on resources, they died young, and they were seen and not heard. šŸ˜”

    If we want to receive the kingdom of God, we must receive it as little children ā€” as completely utterly helpless individuals who can't lift a finger to save ourselves. šŸ™

    3ļøāƒ£ John wants to stop others from casting out demons. šŸ˜ˆšŸš«

    Jesus tells John to simmer down. Why? šŸ¤”

    They aren't doing it in their own name, but in the name of Jesus. āœØ

    This brings up questions about the church . . . ā›Ŗ

    If anyone can do the work of Christ, then why do we need pastors? šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³

    Questions to ask:

    āœ”ļøIs the person preaching the true word of God? šŸ“–

    āœ”ļø Is he administering the sacraments according to God's institution? šŸ·šŸž

    4ļøāƒ£ Jesus says to cut off your hand if it causes you to sin. āœ‹šŸ”Ŗ

    Is Jesus being literal here? šŸ¤Ø

    This is about excommunication.šŸšŖ

    If there is somebody in the church who is dragging the rest of the church to hell through unbelief, it would be better that the person be cut off. āš”ļø

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #biblestudy

  • Were the disciples making idols of themselves?

    In this weekā€™s episode of The Uncultured Saints, we dive deep into..

    The gospel of Mark 18

    The believerā€™s unbelief

    And how prayer changes you

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #prayer #faith

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  • Peter saw Jesus' glory on the mountain, but even in that moment, he was terrified and unsure of what to say. šŸ˜ØāœØ

    Sometimes, we feel like we need to have all the right answers, but even the closest disciples struggled to understand everything. šŸ™ƒšŸ’”

    The good news?

    Jesus doesnā€™t demand perfectionā€”He shows us mercy, even when weā€™re confused or afraid.

    Here's the truth: faith isn't about always getting it right or feeling 100% confident.

    Itā€™s about trusting Jesus even when we donā€™t fully understand. The same Jesus who showed His glory also went down that mountain to the crossā€”for YOU.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #transfiguration #jesus

  • āœØ **The Saliva Miracle: When Jesus Heals in Unexpected Ways** āœØ

    Imagine this: you're blind, and Jesus comes up to you.

    Instead of a grand gesture, He spits on the ground, makes mud, and places it on your eyes.

    Kinda weird, right?

    Yet through this humble, messy act, sight is restored. šŸ’”

    Sometimes God works through things that seem weak or even strange to you and me.

    We might not always get the ā€˜whyā€™ or the ā€˜howā€™ of God's plans, but through the cross, we see Godā€™s unfailing love and work in our lives, even in the messiest moments. šŸ’«

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #miracles #jesus

  • If there is Christ, the right amount of miracles will be there, whether or not you see them.

    "We've got Jesus here in the land of the Gentiles... The disciples aren't dumb, right? We think they are, but it's not that they donā€™t think Jesus can feed people. It's that they donā€™t think He should feed these people. They're confused because this isnā€™t what they expected. Theyā€™ve seen Jesus feed 5,000 beforeā€”so why are they worried now? It's like theyā€™re thinking, ā€˜Sure, He did it for the Jews, but these are Gentiles. Are they worthy of the same miracle?ā€™ And thatā€™s where we often find ourselves tooā€”doubting, questioning when things don't fit our expectations, forgetting what Jesus has already done."

    Ever had that moment where you totally miss the point?

    When youā€™re so caught up in your doubts that you miss the miracle right in front of you. šŸŒŠšŸž In Mark 8, the disciples had witnessed Jesus feed thousands with a few loaves of bread, but when faced with feeding 4,000 Gentiles, they couldnā€™t see beyond their own doubts and prejudices. They were too distracted by their own unbelief to remember that Jesus had already shown them the way.
    How often do we let fear and doubt cloud our vision of Godā€™s work in our lives? Instead of trusting in His power, we question, we forget, we demand more signs. But faith isnā€™t about seeing, itā€™s about believingā€”even when we canā€™t see. Donā€™t be a fool caught up in distractions; remember what Heā€™s done and trust what Heā€™s promised. šŸ™āœØ #FaithOverFear #Mark8 #TrustInHim #GenZFaith #Miracles

  • šŸ¤” *Pharisee feuds and defilement*ā€”what even is that about?! šŸ“–

    In this weekā€™s episode of ā€˜The Uncultured Saintsā€™ Pastors Goodman and Lietzau exploreā€¦

    šŸ’„ Why Jesus clashed with the Pharisees
    šŸ™…šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø What it means to be "defiled"
    How Jesus redefines clean vs. unclean

    ## Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman

    In Mark 7:24-30, Jesus encounters a Syrophoenician woman.

    This interaction, on the surface, might come across as perplexing and confrontational.

    When the woman pleads for help for her demon-possessed daughter, Jesus initially responds with what seems like a rebuff:

    ā€œLet the little children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.ā€

    The woman, undeterred, responds:

    ā€œYes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.ā€

    Her faith and humility are evident in this reply.

    Jesus acknowledges her faith and heals her daughter.

    But, this interaction isnā€™t just about the woman and her daughter.

    It also serves as a vital lesson for Jesusā€™ disciples and all onlookers (and you and me!).

    During Jesusā€™ time, strict societal and religious boundaries defined who was considered clean and worthy.

    The Syrophoenician woman defies these norms, illustrating that faith knows no bounds.

    Jesus emphasizes that true defilement isnā€™t about external factors but what comes from within a person.

    By healing her daughter, Jesus shows that God's grace and mercy extend beyond the Jewish community to all who have faith.

  • Are traditions, especially in the church, a bad thing? šŸ¤”

    Traditions arenā€™t inherently bad.

    They can actually be a very good thing!

    In fact, they shape our society and provide structure.

    But what happens when we start elevating these traditions above the Gospel and God's commandments?

    In Mark 7, Jesus challenges the Pharisees who turned traditions into weapons, placing them above God's commandments.

    They were so focused on man-made rituals that they missed the point.

    Their traditions became weaponsā€”used to control, exclude, and overshadow what was truly important.

    When we begin relying too much on the rituals of men, we risk setting them above not just the rituals of God, but the promises of God, too.

    Listen to the entire discussion on our YT channel!

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #lutheran #lcms #higherthings #unculturedsaints #traditions

  • šŸ”Ž Ever feel like you're drowning in life's chaos? šŸ¤”

    Remember, Jesus isn't just here to protect us from life's stormsā€”

    He's here to make them powerless.

    When He walked on water, He wasn't just showing off. šŸŒŠ

    He was proving that death and fear have nothing on Him. šŸš«

    Picture this: the sea, which symbolizes chaos and uncertainty, becomes a sidewalk for Jesus.

    He doesn't just walk by us in our struggles. ā¤µļø ā¤µļø ā¤µļø

    He leads us through them.

    Just like fishermen pull life from the depths of the ocean, Jesus pulls us from despair, flipping our fears into faith.

    Think about baptismā€”it's where the deadly waters become a source of new life. šŸ’¦

    Even in the face of death, Jesus stands with us, saying, "Take heart; it's me. Don't freak out." āœļø

    As we deal with our own storms, let's remember the absolute truth that Jesus isn't just beside us; He's walking ahead of us too. šŸŒŸ

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #lcms #lutheran #higherthings #Jesuswalksonwater #faith

  • The Scriptures often flip our expectations upside down.
    Throughout the Bible, God chooses unlikely messengers to speak His truthā€”those whom the world might overlook.
    This theme continues with Jesus, who did not come to be an earthly king or a mere provider of miracles.
    Godā€™s plan doesnā€™t conform to our desires for earthly power or convenience.
    And Jesus wasnā€™t sent to be another earthly king or a miracle vending machine - spitting out miracles left and right.
    His mission was far greater: to be the hope for us here on earth.
    By understanding this, we can appreciate that Godā€™s actions always align with His will ā€“ and his will is for our eternal good, rather than our temporary satisfaction.
    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.
    #lutheran #lcms #higherthings #unculturedsaints #gospelofMark

  • Feeling anxious or fearful? Sleepless nights troubling you?

    Remember, Jesus doesnā€™t choose some to heal and not others.

    Jesus' timing might not match ours, and it may take years.

    But know this: Your faith has made you well, tied to the resurrection, and it's done! šŸ™

    Your faith has made you well, even if you don't see it yet.

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

  • The Bible can be a dark place sometimesā€¦.

    Consider the story of the man possessed by demons in Mark 5.

    He wasā€¦

    Cut off from all of his family and friends
    Not living in his right mind
    Tormented night and day
    Living among the dead

    However, when the demon-possessed man sees Jesus, he runs and falls down before him.

    And this is no act of worship.

    This is how the demon is compelled to behave in the presence of the creator of all things.

    This passage is such a comfort, in that we see that the demons have ZERO ability to stand toe-to-toe with Jesus.

    Jesus's authority tackles and wins over even the darkest forces. šŸ“–

    And in that, you can take peace and comfort.

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #lcms #higherthings #lutheran #demons #jesus

  • The song is NOT about youā€¦.

    Did you know that the popular childrensā€™ song ā€œThis Little Light of Mineā€ is not about YOU?


    Itā€™s about Jesus!

    Jesus is the light that should not be hidden.

    The songā€™s context is taken from Mark 4:21:

    Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket? No! Or under a bed and not on a stand? For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest. Nor is anything secret except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. And he said to them, pay attention. To what you hear, with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And still more will be added to you. For to the one who has, more will be given. And from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

    He himself, as the light of the world, was hidden under human flesh and revealed through his resurrection. šŸ™Œ
    Jesus is the light of the world, veiled under human likeness and flesh.
    And, it will come to light.
    But not in how the people or the world or you and I sometimes think it will.
    Not in miracles or political kingdoms or in riches and wealth.
    But in the glory of the cross.

  • Ever feel like your life feels just like rocky and inhospitable soil? šŸŒ¾

    Not made to grow anythingā€¦.

    Maybe because of...

    šŸ“‰ Setbacks at school
    šŸ’” Relationship turmoil
    šŸ˜¢ Friend drama
    šŸ’ø Financial mistroubles
    šŸ©ŗ Health issues

    You feel...

    āž¤ Weighed down
    āž¤ Hopeless
    āž¤ Isolated
    āž¤ Overwhelmed

    Youā€™re not alone! Everyone feels this way at some point growing up!

    The truth is...

    Jesus continues to sow his seeds in our lives, despite our circumstances. He has the amazing power to transform even the rockiest of soils into fertile ground.

    And itā€™s not up to you.

    Heā€™s got you covered (get the soil joke?!!).

    HE makes you the good soil.

  • The world is one of the three great enemiesā€¦.
    The devil
    The world
    Our sinful nature
    Martin Luther reminds us that while it's easy to blame 'the world' for its faults.
    We must remember: WE are part of the world.
    We're not above the fray.
    Every Christian has idols and worldly cares.
    And our sins hurt our neighbors, making us part of the problem.
    But, the law isn't about pointing fingers; it's about self-reflection.
    It's not a "they" problem..
    ā€¦ it's a "you" problem.
    And just as the law is personal, so is the gospel.
    Jesus isn't here to fix 'them.ā€™
    He's here to forgive YOU.
    Remember: the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

  • Rememberā€¦ā¤µļø

    ā€¦the church is not for the perfect.

    It is for the sinner. ā¤ļø

    It is for those seeking healing and comfort.

    Just as a hospital is for the sick, the church is for those in need of Godā€™s grace. šŸ¤• ā›Ŗļø

    Jesus dined with the tax collectors and the sinners.

    Not because they were righteous.

    āœ… But because they needed healing.

    Church is not a sanctuary for saints, but a hospital for sinners.

    Come as you are, not because you're perfect, but because you're in need of the Great Physician. šŸ„āœļø

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #lutheran #lcms #higherthings #unculturedsaints #church

  • What do I do when Iā€™m struggling?

    Letā€™s look to how Jesus handled struggling when he was being tempted by the Devil in the wilderness.

    Jesus dealt with the devilā€™s temptation not with sheer will, but by grace.

    And boy was he tempted!

    It wasnā€™t just the three times we hear about in the Gospels.

    But we hear elsewhere in scripture that Jesus was tempted in every wayā€¦just like us.

    And we also read that the angels ministered to Jesus

    When youā€™re struggling with temptation (and we all do!)...

    āž¤ Hear Godā€™s promises to you in the Scripture

    āž¤ Hear the Word of God preached by your Pastor

    āž¤ Do not be alone, but be near those who will minister to you

    ā€œWhen youā€™re struggling with temptation, itā€™s not only about reading the Bible, but also hearing more preaching and being near those who will minister to you.ā€ Goodman

    ā€œIf you have no promise that it's from God, then run away from it or just stay in the boat and keep fishing like Father Zebedee.

    ā€œThe words that God would speak to you actually happen.ā€ Goodman

  • Ever wonder why the book of Markā€¦.

    šŸ“is the shortest and most abrupt of the Gospels?

    šŸ“– And, why does it skip the Christmas story? šŸ¤”

    When it comes to discussing the book of Mark, itā€™s more important to focus on what we DO get.

    Which is a short, succinct message that tells us that Jesusā€¦.

    āœ… Is the Messiah
    āœ… Is the Son
    āœ… Is Israel, reduced to one
    āœ… Stands in his baptismal waters in the sinnerā€™s place

    To learn more about Mark and why he had Godā€™s authority to speak on behalf of him, watch the video.