
  • Welcome to The USA Podcast
    Hosted by Mike Riley
    Episode 154

    Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night that we announce the winner of the first Riley Now University Fund contest. One lucky college student will when $500 to go towards their college expenses tonight. We want to thank every single student who submitted an essay concerning the student debt crisis and for listening to episode 151. Listen in to see if you are the winner.

    In this episode, Mike Riley gives us a very in depth and thorough evaluation of gun rights versus voting privileges. This past week we saw another mass shooting happen in the United states. Mass shooting after mass shooting continues to happen however many of the Republicans in the United states Congress say there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. While Democrats are calling for assault weapons bans, gun control and universal background checks, Republicans say that trying to stop mass casualty events which involve firearms from occurring in the United states is a futile effort. At the same time the Republican Party is laser focused on try to curb voter fraud, a crime which very rarely occurs in this country. Why is it that it's so easy to do something about voter fraud, which hardly ever happens, but so hard to do something about mass shootings, which happen all the time? Why is it that owning a gun is considered a right and voting is considered a privilege? Mike breaks it all down.

  • Welcome to The USA Podcast hosted by Mike Riley
    Episode 153 March 17, 2021

    Infrastructure is not often considered a sexy topic, but it is a topic that is extremely vital to the progress of America. Jackson, Mississippi is currently facing a water crisis due to their failing infrastructure. When Jackson was hit a couple of weeks ago by a severe storm, their infrastructure was not up to date and this left many of Jackson's residents without any clean drinking or bathing water. This is not just a problem in Jackson, but a problem all across America. All across America we are facing crumbling roads, bridges, dams, tunnels and many other things that are considered part of our infrastructure. Why is this? In tonight's episode, Mike speaks with Will Stribling of Mississippi Today about the water crisis facing Jackson, Mississippi as well as the bigger infrastructure issue facing the entire country. Learn more about Will Stribling by visiting https://mississippitoday.org/author/wstribling/

    Mike also goes over the Republican outrage at the border, the shooting that took place in Atlanta, that left eight mostly women of Asian descent dead, and some other news items of the week.

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  • Welcome to The USA Podcast hosted by Mike Riley

    Many Americans know that black history plays a key role in the American story, however, often times this black history is taught from an indistinct perspective. In episode 152, Mike speaks with Professor Joyice Robinson about how dissecting black history can help us reframe our perspective on its significance to not only American history, but world history. Prof Joyice Robinson, is an educator who teaches Black-interest classes, prepare families for school transition, and supports young adults & women in relationship readiness. You can learn more about Prof. Joyice by visiting https://professorjoyice.com/

    In the 2nd segment, Mike breaks down some of the arguments and some of the myths surrounding raising the federal minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. Many Americans believe that raising the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour will be interfering with the free market and will force many small businesses to shut down. But is this true? Should employers be forced to pay their workers a livable wage? Mike breaks it all down in this segment.

  • Tonight, on The USA Podcast hosted by Mike Riley, we take an in depth look into what is the student loan debt crisis in the United States. Mike brings on a special guest, Jay, who has first-hand experience of working in the student loan industry. Jay educates Mike Riley and his audience about how student loans work, what the consequences of education debt can be on the country, the prospects of debt-free college and what we can do to survive student loan debt.

    this is also the opening night of The Riley now University Fund. Mike Riley has teamed up with Franek technologies to start a college grant that will reward a lucky college student with $500 for listening to the conversation between Jay & Mike Riley concerning student loan debt. go to www.rileynowuniversity.com to learn more and sign up.

    Also, in tonight's episode, Mike Riley Gets into a very in-depth discussion about Oligarchy and the relationship The United States has with it. Mike Riley breaks down how he feels we are being ruled by the rich, how the United States is living in a state of oligarchy and what we can do about it.

    Student Debt Survival & Living in a State of Oligarchy

  • The Vaccine Situation Conversation Part 2 w/ Anne Heiner
    We continue our discussion about the COVID-19 vaccine on this episode of The USA Podcast. Mike Riley speaks with a physician’s assistant who works in an urgent care center in rural Oregon about some of the myths and questions people may have surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. With the swearing in of a new administration today, this could be a chance to move forward and finally get this virus under control. Mike speaks with Anne Heiner and continues the conversation about the COVID-19 vaccine

    The Post-Trump Era
    It has been done. Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States and Joe Biden was sworn in today at his Inauguration as the 46th president of the United States. Along with this, Kamala Harris was also sworn in as Vice President and the tie breaker in the United States Senate that will give Democrats the majority. So what does this mean? What happens next? What does moving forward and living in the Post-Trump Era look like ? Many people say this will be the new “Reconstruction” of trying to heal and unify the country . Mike explores this topic in this segment
    of the Open Mike.

    Uncensored Censorship 2021
    In the past week we witnessed the historical impeachment of Donald Trump for a second time and we also witnessed a complete repudiation of Donald Trump on social media platforms. What does the banning of Donald Trump and other right wing echo chambers on social media in 2021 say about censorship in the digital age? Mike explores this topic and gives his opinion on censorship in this segment

  • Welcome to The USA Podcast with host Mike Riley.
    Ep 149

    The Vaccine Situation Conversation with Dr.Catherine Fuller, MD

    In this episode of the USA podcast, Mike Riley speaks with a physician about the ins and outs of The COVID 19 Vaccine. Catherine Fuller, MD, is a Physician whose practice is clinical immunology, allergy and asthma. Many people have a lot of questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Trust in the vaccine is very low amongst much of the public. Mike speaks with doctor Fuller about some of those trust issues and answers many of the questions that many people might have about the vaccine. Learn more about Dr. Catherine Fuller by visiting drfullerallergy.com

    Living The Conspiracy theory
    On this day January 6, 2020 we witnessed an attempted coup on the United States Capitol. Much of this is due to the fact that many of Donald trump's followers are living through conspiracy theories and unproven claims. But what is a conspiracy theory really? Where did they come from? How is it that people live through them? Mike goes over much of these things in this episode.

  • Welcome to The USA Podcast hosted by Mike Riley

    The Blue Peach Movement with Daniel Blackman
    All eyes are on the State of Georgia right now as Americans prepare for the game-changing special elections taking place on January 5, 2021. While everyone seems to be focused on The Senate races, there are other races happening in Georgia on the same ballot that will do more to affect the local climate in the state. One of these important races is the race for Public Service Commissioner in Georgia’s 4th District. In this episode, we speak to one of the candidates running in that race Daniel Blackman. Mike will be speaking to Mr. Blackman about what this position is all about and if the citizens on The Peach State are ready to swing this district blue. Learn more about Daniel Blackman by visiting https://danielforgeorgia.com/.

    The Two Santa Clause Theory:
    It's time for Mike to tell the story of how The Republican Party created 2 Santa Claus's in order to give the top 1% of earners the gift that keeps on giving! Major Tax Cuts! In this episode, Mike breaks down what The 2 Santa Claus theory is and how a real life Grinch named Jude Wanniski used this as a political tactic that has been leaving large lumps of coal in the stockings of average Americans for decades.

    E Pluribus Unum? / 2020 Stars
    In the Open Mike segment, Mike gives his thoughts on what Americans need to do in order to unify and get back on the right track. This involves Americans embracing the idea of “we are all in this together.” From the COVID epidemic to moving on from Trumpism, Mike explains how the old Democratic culture of taking care of each other. Mike also explains how Donald Trump’s influence has cast a dark shadow of 2020 and why we need to get over it in 2021.

    This is our annual Christmas episode and the last episode of 2020. From TheUSAPodcast Team we wish you all a very Happy Holidays!!

  • Welcome to TheUSAPodcast with host Mike Riley
    In this episode Mike talks about all of the different ways Donald Trump is trying to “salt the fields,” or “burn down the house” & make things very difficult for the Joe Biden administration. What is Donald Trump's plans to ensure that Joe Biden will not have a successful presidency?

    Also, in this episode Mike goes over his theory of why Democrats performed so bad in the down ballot races. Has the culture on the left, like the Defund the Police movement, hurt the Democrats? And how would this make a difference coming up in the Georgia races?

  • Welcome to TheUSAPodcast with host Mike Riley
    Ep 146Now that the presidential election this is pretty much in the bag , and Joe Biden is the new president elect, there is another large prize that the Democrats need to obtain. This price is the two Senate seats up for grabs in the state of Georgia. All eyes are on Georgia right now. This runoff election will determine if The Republicans can keep the Democrats at Bay when Joe Biden takes office or if the Democrats will be able to finally get the majority control that they need in order to bring in effective change and undo much of what Donald Trump has done. In this episode, Mike breaks down the Georgia runoff election, talks about the candidates, and gives us the inside of how important the election is.

    In the second segment Mike breaks down the process of the Electoral College in all the different ways Donald Trump is going to try to finagle his way to stay in the White House even though he has lost the election. Mike also explains the process of faithless electors. Get your degree from the Electoral College.

    Lastly, in the open mic, Mike gives his feelings on how Donald Trump has used the power of social media in order to create absolute manipulation. Mike also talks about how he has, like so many other Americans, has personally been caught up in this and how we can maybe break free from it.

  • Welcome to theUSAPodcast with your host Mike Riley

    This is a special post-election episode of theUSAPodcast

    Well the election has come, but it has not gone.
    The showdown between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is still in the midst, as ballots are still being counted and a winner has not yet been declared. There was anticipation for this especially from Mike Riley, who is going to be breaking down what took place during one of the biggest elections in US history.

    Mike will be talking about the results from the California propositions as well as breaking down how the country felt in terms of representation in the Senate and the House.

    Mike will also be giving his analysis on The Presidential Election. There is no winner and Donald Trump is already claiming that fraud is taking place. Will he go quietly if he loses? Does Joe Biden still have a chance to win? These are all things Mike will breakdown and go over.

  • Welcome to #TheUSAPodcast hosted by Mike Riley

    The election is only days away (This is It!) and many citizens in The US are looking at not only who the next POTUS will be, but also which districts in the country will flip either blue or red. Texas happens to be one of the states that many feel is going blue in 2020 and candidates like Dr. Lia Welch, who is running to turn Texas’ 12th congressional district blue, is the reason why. Dr. Welch is looking to flip a notoriously red district blue in 2020 because she feels the people there care about science, women’s rights and healthcare. In this episode, Mike speaks with her about these issues and why she thinks Texas 12th district is ready for change. You can learn more about Dr. Welch by visiting https://www.lisawelch.org/

    This is it:
    There are only 6 days left until the 2020 Presidential and General Election. Many people say that this is the most important election in the history of this country. For many people THIS IS IT!

    This is the big one! With record voter turn out, this is a chance to see which direction our country really wants to head in. Go down memory Lane as Mike recaps the accomplishments and failures of the Trump Administration over the last 4 years. Mike also breaks down the differences in policy between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

    In The Open Mic, Mike talks about why a vote for Donald Trump is not just a vote for him, but also a vote for the Senate Republicans that have done dirty tricks to win at their agenda in the past. Mike breaks down why THIS IS IT!

    Share this episode with friends and follow Mike Riley on social @mikerileynow

  • Welcome to TheUSAPodcast with host Mike Riley
    On this episode:
    One of the more serious ballot initiatives that will appear on the ballot in CA this November is Prop 17, which will allow those who are on parole to be able to vote in CA. Voter rights and voter suppression have long been brought up around this debate and this November the people of CA will get the chance to decide if those who are trying to gain their way back into society should also be able to vote. In this episode, Mike speaks with community activists Shay-Franco Clausen about Prop 17, why she is in favor of it and why we should restore voting rights to those convicted of crimes. You can learn more about Shay by visiting https://www.shayfrancoclausen.com/
    In the second segment, Mike goes over all 12 of the California propositions that will be on the 2020 ballot. Californians will get the opportunity to decide on a variety of measures that include issues from stem cell research to rent control. Mike breaks them down.
    In the 3rd segment, Mike discusses how extremism both on the left and right is enough to tear the country apart. How has American extremism gotten so deep and is Donald Trump encouraging this kind of culture?

  • Welcome to TheUSAPodcast with Mike Riley

    In this episode, Mike speaks with recording artist Amberlin about her new song “Golden Rule” and what she feels is the golden rule we need to apply as a society to make true progress in the world. Go to https://amberlinmusic.com/ and http://www.prizefightrecords.com/

    The Washington Filibusters
    So what the hell is a filibuster exactly? The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has not only left an empty hole in the nation but also an empty seat in The Supreme Court. The Democrats have no power to block this nomination weeks before the election due the Nuclear Option attached to the Filibuster. What does this all mean? Why are Democrats talking about getting rid of the filibuster? Mike breaks it down!

    The Consequences of your Elections
    In the Open Mike Segment, Mike gives his opinion on how the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg proves how elections can have dire consequences. Mike offers his opinion on the alternate universe of possible different election outcomes as well as his commentary on the current situation.

    Follow Mike on Social Media

  • Welcome to TheUSAPodcast hosted by Mike Riley

    Episode 142
    Reforming the police and changing our criminal justice system are some of the biggest issues that are at the forefront of this November Election. Many Americans around the country are going to be looking to the District Attorneys around The USA to usher in this reform. On this episode of TheUSAPodcast, Mike speaks with Mimi Rocha who is running to be District Attorney in Westchester County New York. Mimi wants to bring in a more progressive approach to law-enforcement, incarceration and prosecution and Mike will talk with her about how she plans to do just that. Follow her at https://www.mimirocahforda.com/

    In the second segment, A California proposition that will be on the November ballot will give citizens the chance to choose whether gig workers are independent contractors or employees. This has brought in the question of workers rights and how workers should be treated. Mike talks about this and the strength of workers rights movements in America that lead to Labor Day.

    In the third segment Mike gives his analysis on Joe Biden‘s America versus Trump’s America with a recap of the RNC.

    Download the app by going to www.mikerileynow.com

  • The Supreme Court has been called America’s most powerful, least accountable government institution, and all throughout American history there have been countless people who have been trying to change it. In this episode, we speak with Gabe Roth who is The Executive Director of Fix the Court, an organization who has made it their mission to change The United States Supreme Court. Mike will be asking Mr. Roth about why The SCOTUS should be changed and how. Find out more by going to ​https://fixthecourt.com/

    In the second segment Mike talks about how income and wealth inequality create a wealth gap that has an adverse effect on society. Why is it that the United States, which is the richest country in the world, has such a huge wealth gap? Mike digs in.

    Also, The 2020 Democratic national convention is taking place & there are many Republicans who using the convention as an opportunity to voice their disdain for Donald Trump and their support for Joe Biden. With so many Republicans deciding to support a Democratic ticket for the first time does this mean that there is something deeper than just getting rid of Donald Trump? Mike explains his conspiracy theory on why so many Republicans are deciding to go blue.!! 

    The USA Podcast
    with Mike Riley

  • Ep 140 with host Mike Riley
    Welcome to TheUSAPodcast

    As COVID still remains a problem and the economic engines of the country continue to slow down, many are beginning to fear that there will be an influx of homelessness in a State already inundated by the issue. But before COVID-19, places like LA and San Francisco had already been experiencing record rates of homelessness. In the midst of all of this are organizations such as The Midnight Mission, who has made it their duty to help out those who are experiencing homelessness in a variety of ways. In this episode we speak with Katya Askar, who is Manager of Corporate Relations at Midnight Mission LA, about what some of the ways are. We also speak with her about the issue of homelessness, why it is growing and what can we do about it. Learn more by going to https://www.midnightmission.org/

    People are always talking about the swap. Too many people, the political swamp consist of career long politicians and greedy bureaucrats stuffing their pockets. But who are the real swamp creatures in Washington? It’s Donald Trump himself a member of the swamp or is he working his best to drain the swamp? Plus how the swamp relates to coronavirus relief.

    And lastly, Mike gets into the importance of a large voter turn out this November to ensure victory and to ensure a fair turnout! 

  • Tonight on #theUSApodcast we speak with Eliza Orlins who is running to be the next District
    Attorney in Manhattan NY. The recent movements across the nation to ameliorate police
    departments and usher in criminal justice reform have sparked many to seek changes in
    leadership. Many feel as if changing those who have let misconduct fester will FINALLY change
    criminal justice for the better. This is especially true in the Manhattan District Attorney office
    where many high-profile cases, police misconduct and bail reform have been front and center in
    the public eye. In this episode, we speak with Eliza Orlins about how she plans to change the
    culture of criminal justice in NY, what do we do about bad cops and what her vision for a better
    NYC will be. You can follow Eliza Orlins @ElizaOrlins

    Also, with coronavirus still raging out-of-control many Americans are still suffering from the economic affects of it. with the federal unemployment insurance stimulus expiring this week, many Americans are left wondering what they will do and if there will be another help from the government. This has bought the question of social safety nets in to play. Does the United States need a stronger social safety nets? And if so what?

    And lastly, Donald Trump has now taken the step of moving an identifiable federal troops into US cities for what he thinks is law and order practice. Is this OK? Have any other presidents done this in the past and what will be the consequences if it is allowed to continue?

  • Welcome back to TheUSAPodcast hosted by Mike Riley

    Episode 138
    The recent events that have been taking place in the US have motivated and energized many people to finally want to get informed, get involved and make a change. However many people, especially young, have no clue where to start. Even more, many feel as if their voices are too tiny to be heard. That is where Jessica Burnquist comes in. Jessica Burnquist is the director of “Rock Your World,” an organization that inspires students to take action to improve the challenges they see in the world around them. In this episode, we talk with Jessica about how this organization is reaching young activists, how education plays a role, and how we can rock our own worlds through activism. Learn more info at https://www.rock-your-world.org/

    Also, on theUSApodcast we dare to ask the question, are corporations people? If so, do they have the same rights as humans? Last week, energy company PG&E pled guilty to killing 84 people, but not one “person” will spend a day in jail. Why? Why are corporations considered people if they cannot be punished like people?

    And also, what is with “cancel culture?” Is the left becoming too extreme or is this just all a part of changing the normal way we think? Donald Trump and Lindsay Graham say Democrats have gone nuts but is this true? Should we killing cancel culture or is cancel culture crucial? Mike breaks it all down!!!

  • TheUSAPodcast Episode 137 with Mike Riley

    In this episode Mike digs into how the whole world is beginning to reject the ideals, principles and customs of systemic racism in the wake of the George Floyd killing. Many States are even going as far as removing their relics that pay homage to the old Confederacy which many see as a monument to America's racist past. But not all are on board with this concept. Donald Trump is not interested in renaming forts or tearing down statues in the name of removing racism. But why?

    Also, with many calling for serious police reforms the question of what to do next is constantly coming up. Calls to defund the police and even disband police departments have been made but what does this really mean. Mike breaks it down.

    Plus, with the elections coming up,many fear that voter suppression tactics may come into play. On Tuesday, several states voted in their primary elections, but some states, such as Georgia, went through a tough episode featuring long lines and mistreatment of absentee ballots. What does this all mean and can we expect this in November?

  • TheUSAPodcast Ep 136

    Tonight is a special edition of the USA podcast. With all that has been going on in the country surrounding the protest of George Floyd’s death, as well as the practice of police brutality in this country,  it has shaken things to its core. Many people feel that enough is enough and the time to move forward has come. But in the midst of all of the turmoil and chaos, there is much confusion about where to go next. In this special episode, Mike digs deep into the racism that has been the poison cancer within the United States since its beginning.

    Racism has evolved. And police and law-enforcement in this country has naturally evolved with it. Mike digs into the history of racism in the United States and how it has evolved into what it is now. The practicing of the police has been put on trial by the American people. Mike also goes over why the constitutional rights of many Americans have been violated, by Donald Trump, and by many Democratic governors and mayors across the country. What should we do next?

    Mike also talks about where we should go next when it comes to policing, and curving systemic racism so that way it is gone once and forever! This needs to be more than just a #Movement!