Renee Jones is the author of the book, "What's Really Eating You - Overcome the Triggers of Comfort Eating." She has a Master's degree in Famiy Counseling with a clinical residency, and currently has a coaching business where she helps people overcome their emotional eating.
Find Renee's book at amazon
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Michelle Harcha recieved her DVM degree from The Ohio State University. She is a Board Certified Coach and an ICF Associate Certified Coach. She practiced small animal medicine, worked at Hill's Pet Nutrition, and was the Director of Professional Development Education at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
She currently owns LeadYourShip, a consulting, speaking, and coaching company that specializes in teaching leadership, communication, well-being, and emotional intellegence in the veterinary profession. She is the current President-elect of the Ohio Veterinary Medicial Association.
Learn more about Dr. Harcha at LeadYourShip.com
Reach Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Mangler du episoder?
Arlene Miller is an A-V Rated Attorney, a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a Coach-Facilitator with Ingomu, a national coaching company, and the CEO of Jewel Consulting. She works with women seeking work life harmony and balance. She also does transformational mentoring for men and women and is a meditation facilitator. Today Julie and Arlene talk about our stories and how they have power over our life. Also, they spend some time talking about conflict resolution and how to do it well.
Learn more about Arlene at jewelconsultancy.com
Reach Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Shirley Billigmeier is a renowned Body Image Specialist and Eating Consultant with over fifty years of experience. She wrote the book, "Inner Eating" with the forward written by Dr. Michael Jensen of the Mayo Clinic. Shirley has pioneered the innovative Innergenics Process for weight management. This approach goes beyond traditional dieting, focusing on fostering a postivie relationship with the body and promoting mindful eating practices.
Learn more about Shirley at [email protected]
Or download her book at www.innergetics.com/book
Stacy Pursell is the founder and CEO of THE VET Recruiter. She is an Executive Search Consultant, veterinary recruiter, workplace workforce expert and a Certified Employee Retention Specialist. She was the first recruiter to serve the veterinary profession in the United States. Stacy has assisted numerous veterinary hospitals; both corporate and privately owned in finding executive leadership, associate veterinarians, medical directors, chief of staff, and boarded veterinary specialists. Stacy also speaks at numerous veterinary conferences, associations, and meetings including American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), Veterinary Hospital Managers Association (VHMA), and Western Veterinary Conference (WVC).
Find out more about Stacy at THE VET Recruiter.com
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Brian Curtis is an author and teacher who helps people understand how to unlock their potential. Brian was an electrician for 25 years and an extreme white water rafter. Through his life experiences he learned the importance of trusting the flow and staying present. He has a new book coming out in the spring called, "The Dream". His expertise is in changing belief systems, fostering creativity, and living with purpose. Today Brian offers techniques to heal your heart, unlock your stories, and build a better life with purpose and love.
Learn more about Brian at bcurtis.org
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Shannon Bass is the Vice President of Medical Leadership at Vets Pets, the President of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association, and has been an emergency medicine veterinarian for 17 years. Dr. Bass played a big role in the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association's response to Hurricane Helene where she has been coordinating with the Department of Agriculture to put volunteer vets where they are needed in the area. Dr. Bass is passionate about veterinary resilience and mental health, and has a passion for addressing moral injury in veterinary medicine. You will love this episode!
Learn more about Dr. Bass at thevetspets.com/leadership
Find her on Linkedin at shannonbass-vet
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Jeff Patterson is the founder of Northwest Fighting Arts, Portland Tai Chi Academy, and The Yielding Warrior online program, where he emphasizes the transformative power of meditative and martial arts practices, particularly the Yielding Concept. He is from Portland, Oregon where he has over thirty six years of experience praticing and teaching the meditative and martial arts. He has published three books and hundreds of instructional videos, and has worked with 1000's of students from around the world.
Learn more about Jeff at theyieldingwarrior.com
Get a free copy of Jeff's book at www.theyieldingwarrior.com/book
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Sonja Olson is a small animal and exotic emergency veterinarian, an author, coach, mentor, and speaker. Sonja spent 25 years practicing medicine and developed a passion for veterinary well-being awarness and healthy coping stratagies. This lead her to become a Veterinary Wellness Educator for Blue Pearl where she created initiatives and resources to foster a more compassionate, healthy caregiving community and culture. She currently runs her own business supporting veterinary associates through podcasts, writing, speaking, and collaborating with others like her. On this podcast Julie and Sonja talk about mindfulness, self-awareness, and stratagies for a more healthy veterinary life. Dr. Olson published the book, "Creating Wellbeing and Building Resilience in the Veterinary Profession: A Call to Life" and is working on her second book now.
Learn more about Dr. Olson at Sonjaolson.com
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Rachel Teichberg is a Certified practice Manager, Certified Veterinary Business Leader, and a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional. She is the Head of Education and Program Development for Veterinary Growth Partners. Rachel is a business consultant, course developer, speaker, and podcaster. She creates interactive leadership training programs that support veterinary practices in establishing and supporting highly effective teams.
Learn more about Rachel at VGPPet.com
Contact Julie for Coaching at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Buy Julie's Book on Amazon - "Love Your Veterinary Life - The Veterinary Life Coach Guide to Managing Your Mind and Building an Incredible Life"
Dr. Rick LeCouteur is a veterinarian, author, teacher, and a conservation photographer. His journey has evolved beyond clinics and teaching into the enchanting realm of children's literature, including his newest children's book, "Nasty Names are Hurtful:An Australian White Ibis in the City." Through his stories about animals, Rick seeks to cultivate in young readers a sense of curiosity, empathy and responsibility toward the natural world.
Learn more about Dr. LeCouteur and his books at RickLeCouteur.com
Contact Julie for coaching or questions at theveterinarylifecoach.com
On this episode, Julie shares her Thanksgiving holiday advantures - the good and bad. She discusses ways to decrease stress during the holidays by practicing some simple techniques including acceptance, gratitude, service to others, and setting boundaries for yourself. Your holidays can be joyful and peaceful if you concentrate on staying in the moment and looking for the blessing in each circumstance.
To learn more about Julie, or get a free coaching go to theveterinarylifecoach.
Dr. Marlene Siegel is a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine and has been practicing veterinary medicine for over 40 years. She is a respected author, international lecturer, researcher for integrative veterinary technologies, and a clinical practitioner. She has special expertise in Ozone Therapy, Photodynamic Therapy, and Detoxification. Her veterinary hospital has the widst array of alternative therapies in the world. Dr. Siegel is deeply devoted to championing the well-being of pets, and empowering pet parents and fellow veterinarians to explore alternative methods for achieving optimal pet health.
Learn more about Dr. Siegel at Drmarleneseigel.com
Contact Julie Cappel at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Maggie Yu is a highly respected family practice physician and certified functional medicine physician. She provides education and training on topics related to longevity and reversing chronic diseases through various media platforms. She is the best-selling author of "Eight Out of the Box Ways to Transform Your Health."
Find Dr. Maggie Yu at drmaggieyu.com
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Natalie Fayman is a Veterinarian, Certified Professional Coach, and a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach. Dr. Fayman has over 33 years of experience in Emergency and General Practice, and now works as a veterinary stress and burnout coach. She attended Veterinary School at Kansas State University, graduating in 1991. Her interests include, pain management techniques, companion animal surgery, and dentistry. She spends her free time training in martial arts, Taiko drumming, and recreational kayaking.
On this podcast Julie and Natalie discuss how to overcome your feelings of stress and burnout and create a balanced life.
Learn more about Dr. Fayman at FullCircleLab.com
Contact Julie for coaching at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Jen Rulon is a triatholon and fitness coach for over 22 years, and owns JenRulon.com. She received her Master's Degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in exercise science. She is an author and speaker included in Triathlete Magazine, Runners World, on the TEDx Stage and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Commencement Speaker, Men's Journal Online, and the New York Times. She is the author of "Self Motivation Strategies for Women" on Amazon. Jen is a 15X Ironman Triathlete who qualified and participated in the World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, on October 14, 2017.
Find out more about Jen on JenRulon.com
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Austin Page is the founder of GymFlo Coaching. He is a body builder, a cyclist, a podcast co-host and now he coaches people to break their self-limiting beliefs, build mental toughness and master their lives. On this episode Austin tells the story of overcoming his injuries from a tragic accident to transforming his life and building his mental strength.
Learn more about Austin at GymFloCoaching.com
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Dee Thornell is the owner of Animal House Veterinary Hospital in Fairbanks, Alaska. She starred in a TV show on Animal Planet called, "Dr. Dee - Alaska Vet". In addition to being a hospital owner/entrepreneur she is a licensed pilot, author, mother, and proud graduate of Michigan State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. In 2022 she was awarded the college's Distinguished Alumni-Practitioner Award.
You can learn more about Dr. Dee by watching her series on YouTube or her hospital website. Animal House Veterinary Hospital
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Dr. Fred Moss is a pioneering psychiatrist, and the founder of Welcome to Humanity. He is a mental health advocate, and an innovative thinker with over 40 years of experience in the field. Dr. Moss has dedicated his career to transforming the conversation around mental health and well-being. Educated at Northwestern University Medical School and board-certified in psychiatry, he has treated over 30,000 patients across various settings. Dr. Fred empowers individuals to discover and express their true selves. He is also the author of "Creative 8 - Healing Through Creativity and Self-Expression" and "Find Your True Voice!"
Learn more about Dr. Fred at WelcometoHumanity.net
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach.com
Arlene Miller is an A-V Rated Attorney, a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a Coach-Facilitator with Ingomu, a National Coaching Company, and the CEO of Jewel Consultancy. She works with women seeking work-life harmony and balance. She also does transformational mentoring with men and women. On this episode Arlene and Julie discuss simple ways to upgrade your life experience.
Do you want to love your work and balance your life? Arlene and Julie will help you become more grateful and attract the balance and harmony that you want.
Learn more about Arlene at jewelconsultancy.com
Contact Julie at theveterinarylifecoach
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