
  • After my 4 year struggle with binge eating, trying desperately to regain the control around food I had at the beginning of my fitness journey, I was fucking done.

    I finally realized that RESTRICTION was the root cause - my missing periods, uncontrollable urges to eat anything in sight, and chronic constipation and boat were clear evidence of that.

    But I didn’t know HOW to eat anymore without rules, calorie targets, or a specific diet plan to follow.

    So I read the book Intuitive Eating and tried to start implementing the principles:

    Reject the diet mentality!

    Give yourself unconditional permission to eat!

    Honor your hunger!

    Feel your fullness!

    This all made sense. But when I tried to do these things I felt lost and confused.

    “Am I really hungry or just bored?”

    “I just ate an hour ago but I’m thinking about food a lot…I can’t be hungry again?”

    “Okay…” *puts down fork mid-meal to assess fullness level* “I guess I’m full…but I still want to keep eating. Fuck it. Let’s just open the floodgates and eat everything.”

    The binges improved a bit, but still continued.

    Can you relate to this??

    It’s something I see frequently in my clients.

    I tend to work with women who are very fitness-focused, Type-A, perfectionistic and goal-oriented. They tend towards anxiety and overthinking.

    I attract you because I AM YOU 😅 - and I’ve found that we need a slightly different approach to the Intuitive Eating framework.

    When I made these shifts (that I’m sharing with you in this episode), and when my clients make them:

    Binges IMMEDIATELY stop, food thoughts between meals disappear, periods return on average within 3 months, digestion improves, hunger/cravings hit a peak before settling to their “normal” levels AND…drumroll please 🥁…you develop a normal + healthy relationship with food where you can prioritize fitness and physique goals in a way that is actually achievable and does not cause food to consume your life.

    Here are the shifts:

    1️⃣Fully break the diet mindset - don’t try to satisfy hunger with the “lower calorie” option. This process is not about minimizing calories at all. Trust that your body will decrease your hunger and desire for food overtime when it’s got what it needs.

    2️⃣Focus on eating what you want, when you want, until you don't want it anymore. Don’t overanalyze - if there’s even a question if you want to eat or not, err on the side of EATING.

    3️⃣Erase the word “overeating” from your vocabulary - there is only eating what you want and eating until you feel genuinely satisfied, and yes that might mean your stomach is pretty damn full in the early stages.

    4️⃣Honor all forms of hunger - those that show up in your mind (desires for food) as well as body.

    Hope this helps!

    If you want to hear more about my personal story with this (as someone who is now 6 years binge-free and able to prioritize fitness and fat loss goals in a way that does not trigger food anxiety, binge urges or missing periods)

    + more details on all things discussed in these shownotes - listen to the full episode!

    Contact me:

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

    ✨ Click here to learn more + apply for 1:1 coaching: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Resources for this episode:

    Past episodes where I share my story:



    Intuitive Eating Principles: https://www.intuitiveeating.org/about-us/10-principles-of-intuitive-eating/

    Past episode on emotional eating: https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/how-to-stop-an-emotional-binge-qa-with-elena

    Past episode on “mental hunger”: https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/why-you-cant-stop-thinking-about-food-how-to-stop

  • If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you’re struggling with some combo (or all) of these 4 symptoms:

    ➡️Binge eating

    ➡️Missing periods

    ➡️Constant food thoughts

    ➡️Anxiety/guilt around food

    You went through a fitness/weight loss journey, felt SUPER in control and “finally” confident in your body, but then these issues crept in and it’s been a struggle to regain control ever since.

    The reason you’re struggling with these things?

    You are engaging in RESTRICTION around food vs RESTRAINT or Intuitive Eating.

    ☝️Restriction = rigid and extreme dietary control to reach or maintain a certain weight or aesthetic goal, or pursue “health”.

    It’s governed by pre-planned rules around what, how much and when one can eat.

    🤗Restraint = moderate and flexible dietary control to reach or maintain a certain weight or aesthetic goal or pursue “health”.

    It’s focused on general intentions around health/aesthetics that influences food choices and ebbs and flows day to day, moment to moment.

    🌈Intuitive Eating = both a 10-step program of healing from chronic dieting/diet culture and eventually a long-term way of life.

    It focuses on letting go of control over weight and instead listening to hunger and fullness cues, honoring food preferences/cravings, engaging in physical movement for health/feeling good…

    …and integrating how different foods make you feel + providing your body the nutrients it needs to thrive as part of decision-making around what/how much to eat.

    RESTRICTION is associated in the research with feeling out of control around food vs restraint.

    Intuitive Eating is the MOST associated with a peaceful relationship to eating.

    So how do you shift from restriction to restraint, you ask?

    1️⃣Focus on becoming an Intuitive Eating FIRST

    2️⃣If you’re struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder, work with a dietitian to create a plan to eat adequately + consistently throughout the day BEFORE transitioning to intuitive eating

    3️⃣Heal/manage the root causes of low self worth and anxiety that caused you to become restrictive in the first place

    Want to learn more about all this?

    I go into lots more detail in this episode.

    Give it a listen and let me know what you think/any further questions you have!

    Contact me:

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

    ✨ Click here to learn more + apply for 1:1 coaching: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Resources for this episode:

    Research on restraint shown to be less associated with LOC than restriction: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36688566/#:~:text=Public%20significance%3A%20Some%20research%20suggests,both%20within%20and%20between%20individuals.

    10 Principles of Intuitive Eating - https://www.intuitiveeating.org/about-us/10-principles-of-intuitive-eating/

    Past podcast episode on Mental Restriction (what, when and how much food rules): https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/mental-restriction-the-hidden-cause-of-your-binge-eating

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  • You may have heard before that in order to get your period back with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (aka a missing period due to under eating, overexercise and/or STRESS)...you need to exercise less.

    With my clients, I actually recommend taking a FULL exercise break.

    I believe this to be proven by the data we have on women who lose their periods due to HA, and the BEST path to regaining optimal hormonal health + become truly healthy and fit.

    I took a 3 month exercise break back in 2018, and have walked hundreds of clients through this process.

    I break down the what, how and why behind exercise breaks in this episode.

    An exercise break = Temporarily stopping all structured exercise and only doing low-intensity exercise IF truly desired in the moment.

    Taking an exercise break helps you get your period back by:

    Reducing cortisol (not suppressing the hypothalamus)

    Creating the proper calorie surplus to increase estrogen, leptin and insulin (sends signals to the hypothalamus: “we are fed”)

    🤓 Evidence to back this up:

    According to the research conducted by Dr. Nicola Rinaldi (author of the book No Period Now What), women who…

    Decreased intensity of exercise from a score of 7 to 3.5

    Reduced their time spent exercising to 3 hours per week at a lower intensity

    Immediately reduced exercise vs gradually reduced exercise

    …were most likely to regain their cycles.

    Other reasons an exercise break is helpful (especially for those who are also struggling with binge eating and constant food thoughts):

    Removes the hunger suppression effect that exercise can have, preventing extreme hunger and binge eating episodes later on

    Decreases the feeling of never satisfied, and feeling uncomfortably full by the time you’re done eating

    Improves digestion by getting out of “fight or flight” and into “rest and digest”

    Disconnects exercise as a crutch to allow yourself to eat, or be okay with your body image - so you can have a TRULY joyful, empowering, non-stressful relationship with it

    What reincorporating exercise after a break looks like:

    Waiting till 3, consecutive cycles (“recovery periods”)

    Reintegrating slow and steady

    Increasing to the amount/intensity you desire over time

    I go into loooots more detail and nuance in this episode - so give it a listen if you want to learn more!

    Click here to learn more about my coaching programs + free resources: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Contact me:

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

    Resources for this episode:

    https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/fitness-basics/target-heart-rates (low intensity heart rate zones)

    No Period Now What Book (Page 158)

    https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/the-cause-of-your-missingirregular-period-how-to-get-it-back-qa-with-elena (What is HA)

    https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/returning-to-the-gym-after-an-exercise-break (Returning to exercise after a break)

  • So you’ve seen a “bad” photo or video of yourself.

    You were kind of shocked at what you saw, it doesn’t match with how you think you look. Or it’s “worse” than what you thought.

    You’re picking apart certain parts of your body - your face, your belly, your arms - and maybe judging them as “fat” or “ugly”.

    A COMMON response is to say: “Omg. Something needs to change. It’s time to start working out more, eating less, or doing a new diet so I can lose weight and change these parts of my body.”

    This is where many people’s disordered eating begins.

    They reactively restrict food and move more to lose weight.

    They lose sight of their overall values, hobbies and interests in life.

    They lose sight of their mental and physical needs to be holistically healthy.

    They ignore their hunger cues and follow rigid, unsustainable food rules.

    Periods go missing, they think constantly about food, they isolate themselves from social situations, friends and family to stick to their eating and exercise schedule and avoid temptation to eat.

    And eventually, in most cases, they start losing control around food and/or experiencing full blown episodes of binge eating.

    Then have to continue restricting/dieting to “make up” for the binge. And the cycle repeats.

    If you can relate, here are 9 ways to cope with seeing a “bad photo” of yourself in a HEALTHY WAY (that allows you to maintain a good relationship with food):

    PAUSE. Check in with thoughts and feelings.

    Responding with restriction and disrespecting your body’s needs for food *literally* doesn’t work

    Mantra: “This is my body. It’s okay. I don’t have to change it. There is no right way for a body to look.”

    Mantra: “There is nothing inherently wrong with this body”

    Picture yourself as another woman you’ve seen (maybe online) who doesn’t fit the beauty standard and rocks it. If you don’t have an example - use your imagination. Picture yourself in your current body, completely accepting and loving it. Even feeling confident in it and embracing it. Feel how that energy is magnetic and enticing.

    Picture yourself as a fluid, flowing, fertile, feminine goddess. See old paintings of aphrodite or the renaissance women.

    Remember that our society conditions us to pick apart our bodies - you get to decide if you want to buy into this or create your OWN life and reality by design, based on what really matters and how you want to feel at the end of your life. You can live an amazing life in THIS body. Go out and do the things that bring you joy, that give you a sense of purpose, find things you’re passionate about. See and feel that there is so much more to life than how your body looks

    Ask - how can I continue to meet my body’s needs for enough food and rest despite how I’m feeling about how it looks right now?

    Trust that your body will look exactly how it’s meant to when you are *holistically* healthy and well (which includes a peaceful, flexible relationship with food)

    *All of this is not to say that you can’t want to change how your body looks in a healthy way.

    But it only *really* works when led with self-love and respect for your bodies above all else, not desperation.

    For more on this?

    Listen to the full episode!

    Other episodes disscussed in this one:

    How to Pursue Fat Loss and Physique Goals in a Healthy Way

    Contact me:

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me [email protected]

    Learn more + apply for 1:1 coaching: bit.ly/ekprivatecoaching

  • If you’re struggling with disordered eating as well as period problems - I’ve got some information to help you.

    My clients are women who have a history of dieting, losing weight and undergoing a “fitness journey”, after which they start struggling with missing or irregular periods as well as binge eating or constant food thoughts.

    Many of them spend months-years trying to figure out WHY their period is irregular, getting little-to-no answers from their doctors other than:

    “You probably have PCOS”

    “You’re just super fit! It’s normal for fit women to lose their periods”

    “We’ll just get you on the pill to regulate your cycle”

    If you can relate - you’re probably like me and the women I work with; you want to know WTF is going on in your body and get to the ROOT CAUSE so you can be optimally healthy!

    Well in this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing how you can do that.


    Above all though, I want you to know that you don’t need ANY of this testing to start the process of healing your relationship with food.

    Regardless of what’s going on with your hormones, you need to stop restricting food, stop dieting and learn how to listen to your body's hunger and satisfaction cues so you can become truly healthy with a good relationship with food.

    Hope you enjoy the episode! Sending love!

    Contact me:

    Email at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram at elenakunickird

    Learn more about my 1:1 coaching, group program and free resources here: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Resources from this episode:

    Stress and high prolactin levels - https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/hyperprolactinemia#:~:text=In%20women%2C%20physical%20or%20psychological,lead%20to%20elevated%20prolactin%20levels.

    Women diagnosed with an eating disorder were at higher subsequent risk of developing autoimmune diseases - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-a-new-home/201909/the-relationship-between-autoimmune-and-eating-disorders

    Diagnosis of HA https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7418467/

    Diagnosis of PCOS https://advancedfertility.com/infertility-testing/pcos-fertility-testing/#:~:text=Diagnosing%20PCOS%20with%20FSH%20and%20LH%20Hormone%20Levels&text=Normally%20this%20ratio%20is%20about,%2C%20or%20even%203%3A1.

    Low Vitamin D and eating disorders in adolescents - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25130505/

    Sam Abbot - @pcos.nutritionist (see her podcast episode here)



    Standard Blood Work (this is what you typically get at your yearly check up)

    Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    Basic Metabolic Panel

    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

    Lipid Panel - cholesterol can be elevated due to restriction

    Blood glucose and Hba1c

    Full sex hormone panel

    Estradiol - low/normal in HA, normal to high in PCOS

    Testosterone (total) - low/normal in HA, high in PCOS (all the androgens)

    Testosterone (free)



    Prolactin - can be elevated due to stress, pituitary tumor

    DHEAS - can be elevated due to stress in HA

    LH - typically less than or the same as FSH in HA, greater than FSH in PCOS


    SHBG - low can be a sign of PCOS

    Full thyroid panel

    TSH - can be high in both HA and PCOS

    Total T4 - can be low in HA and PCOS

    Total T3 - can be low in HA and PCOS

    Free T4

    Free T3

    Reverse T3


    Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies


    B12 - all of these levels can be low in PCOS and HA and worsen symptoms, or can be depleted by the pill




    Vitamin D - protect bone health

    Zinc - digestive health

    Lab work/assessment

    2. Transvaginal ultrasound (rule out structural abnormalities, look at cysts on the ovaries)

    *Cysts on the ovaries can be present with both HA and PCOS

    3. Detailed review of your history and current reality with food, exercise and weight loss (with red flags being currently trying to lose weight, history of any weight loss, exercising a lot) - MOST IMPORTANT

    **This podcast does not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Speak with your doctor about this information and before taking any action around your medical care.

  • My clients often struggle with listening to and TRUSTING their hunger cues.

    After years of dieting and controlling their weight, they’re more used to following external food rules than their bodies.

    This not only leads to things like missing periods, digestive issues, food obsession and binge eating…

    …it also leads them to ask the question “am I REALLY hungry? Or am I just bored?”

    😵‍💫When they’re sitting at their desk working and can’t stop thinking about the pre-prepped asian chicken and rice they made for lunch (despite not feeling physical hunger pangs yet)

    😴 When they have a relaxing day and have to constantly resist the temptation to eat, whereas on their busy days that voice feels more quiet.

    If this is you, read on. 👇

    You see, “boredom eating” is FAR more likely to happen when you have a history of restricting food.

    Under eating and rigid food rules make us hungrier, with more cravings 😬.

    It increases the pleasure and comfort we get from eating which makes us more likely to reach for the ice cream carton when emotional 🍨.

    The solution?

    Is not to “try not to eat” 🙄.

    (As if that ever worked long term anyways)

    Instead, I have 3 tips for you:

    1️⃣ ALLOW yourself to eat when bored

    Listening to your desires for food will allow your body to get the calories it needs + eliminate the scarcity mindset. This will eventually lead your hunger and cravings to decrease and your urge to eat emotionally to go away.

    2️⃣ Follow the “regular eating” principle

    3 meals, 3 snacks, with all 3 macronutrients in them (starchy carbs 🥖, fats 🥑 and protein 🍳) evenly spaced throughout the day.

    OR - eating with your hunger cues throughout the day, INCLUDING mental hunger (the desire to eat) and stopping eating when you are truly satisfied (not just physically full)

    3️⃣ Address other common causes of boredom eating such as ADHD and lack of pleasure/fulfillment in life

    …but address these in ADDITION to stopping food restriction, not in replacement because you are afraid of weight gain.

    That’s even more of a sign that restriction is likely the main root cause of your “boredom eating” and the true work you need to do to find freedom and peace with food ❤️.

    I explain all of this in more detail on this episode 🎤!

    Hope you love it.

    If you want to contact me with any questions:

    Email at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram at elenakunickird

    Learn more about my 1:1 coaching, group program and free resources here: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Get the Binge Eating & Period Recovery Meal Plan: bit.ly/bprmealplan

    Resources for this episode:

    Untamed by Glennon Doyle

    Troubleshooting Unconditional Permission to Eat

    Becca King’s episode (@adhd.nutritionist on Instagram)

  • Past client Emily is back on the podcast this week sharing her 1 year update.

    She went from being so obsessed with “healthy” eating that she was deathly afraid of sugar and dairy 😁…

    …to casually saying yes to ice cream on a date for the experience, and naturally not finishing it 🤷🏼‍♀️.

    From feeling literally possessed by a demon during her binge episodes…

    …to sitting in disbelief that she ever even had the urge to binge 🤯(that’s how at peace she feels around food).

    From feeling constant pressure to exercise to burn calories 🏃🏼‍♀️😰and maintain a certain physique…

    …to going for runs at 10 PM after work because she GENUINELY WANTS TO and enjoying a post-workout meal with zero fear about eating “too late”.

    This is a juicy one - you get fantastic insight into what life looks like when you truly, fully heal your relationship with food, body image and exercise.

    Lots of profound mindset shifts that will nourish your brain 😌🧠 so you can start taking different actions and find this freedom and peace with how you eat, how you move and how you feel in your skin.

    Hope it helps!

    Email at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram at elenakunickird

    Learn more about my 1:1 coaching and group program: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

  • ➡️ You think you’ve stopped restricting food, but you’re still struggling with binge eating…

    ➡️ You’re baffled as to why your period is missing because you’re at a “healthy weight” and think you eat enough...

    ➡️ You have a history of a “restrictive period” where you’re like:

    🤔 “Yea. I was definitely under eating and overexercising back then…”

    😡 “...but now I’m fine! I eat way more. I allow myself to eat less healthy foods in moderation. I just can’t STOP eating them once I start. Why can’t I just be ‘balanced’?!?!”

    If you resonate with any of these…you’re not alone.

    💡 There’s a scientific explanation for what you’re experiencing.

    It’s called Metabolic Adaptation.

    Basically, it’s how your body decreases the calories you burn and tries to drive you to eat more when it senses that it doesn’t have enough long term (body fat) or short term (glycogen aka stored blood glucose) energy stored.

    Metabolic Adaptation feels like:

    Slowed digestion (think chronic constipation, bloat and toxic farts)

    Constant food thoughts

    Extreme hunger and cravings

    Low energy for life and decreased performance in your workouts

    Urges to binge eat

    Missing periods

    How do you correct Metabolic Adaptation?


    I go over all of this, including how to recover from Metabolic Adaptation so you can feel like a normal person around food again and more easily maintain a healthy, fit body fat percentage for YOUR unique body in this episode!

    Give it a listen if this topic interests you and email or DM me with any questions

    Email at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram at elenakunickird

    Learn more about my 1:1 coaching and group program: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Resources for this episode:

    Defining metabolism: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546690/ , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metabolism

    Metabolic adaptation: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/fulltext/2022/10000/metabolic_adaptations_to_weight_loss__a_brief.39.aspx

    Microbiome effect on energy balance: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7285218/

    Minnesota Starvation Experiment: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2013/10/hunger

    Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279077/

  • 😢 “I was a fat child who loved food too much”

    🍫 “I’m just addicted to sweets”

    😪 “I’m always just going to have to try to control myself around them”

    ⬆️ I couldn’t be around sweets without spiraling into a binge episode, and these were my real thoughts as to why.

    🍬I always loved sweet foods as a child, but it wasn’t until I started dieting that I started feeling obsessed and out-of-control around them.

    If you can relate - know you’re not alone.

    👋 I’m 6 years free from the urge to binge and can naturally eat sweets in moderation using little to no will power.

    Sometimes I eat more sweets, sometimes less but overall I don’t even have a big sweet tooth anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️.

    And I don’t stress about them AT ALL 🤯.

    I truly never thought I would get here when I was in my 4 year battle with food 💔.

    🎤 In this episode I’m sharing how I did this and how I’ve helped hundreds of my clients do the same.

    This is not bullshit or something that only worked for me…

    …it’s an evidence-based process of healing your relationship with all foods including the ones we’re told are “inherently addictive” 🙄.

    Hope it helps!

    Learn more about working with me 1:1 or in a group setting: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Let me know any feedback/questions by contacting me:

    Email is [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram at @elenakunickird

    Resources from this episode:

    Client Interview Episodes





    Free binge eating & period recovery meal plan: bit.ly/bprmealplan

  • In 2018 I took a 3 month break from exercise.

    No lifting.

    No cardio.

    I didn’t even go for walks unless I GENUINELY wanted to (which I didn’t in the beginning).

    This was part of healing from the previous 4 years of under-eating and overexercise…

    …which led me to lose my period, struggle with massive binge eating episodes at least once per week, and feel controlled by my obsession with food.

    Now, 6 years later?

    I’m about to compete in my first Crossfit competition.

    I train HARD and often, and I’ve even done some two-a-days in preparation.

    I fucking love it.

    And I continue to maintain a healthy period and a peaceful relationship with food.

    So how does this apply to you?

    I want to share with you how I got here - all the way from my exercise break to pushing my body hard again.

    Because I know, if you’re anything like me or my clients, you LOVE fitness.

    You love the feeling of pushing your limits and showing yourself what you’re capable of physically, you love the confidence that this brings…

    …and you’re ready to get more fit than you’ve ever been but this time WITH freedom and peace around food.

    So in this episode I’m doing just that.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    I’d love to hear your feedback or follow up questions.

    DM me on Instagram at @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

    Learn more about my services to help you stop binge eating, get your period back and find your healthy balance with food and fitness here: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Resources for this episode:

    Episode #48: Returning to the gym after an exercise break

    Mark Breedon: follow on Instagram @training.strong.women

    Listen to Mark Breedon’s episodes on the podcast: here and here

    Knees over toes guy, Ben Patrick, Athletic Truth Group: https://www.atgonlinecoaching.com/

  • If you’ve been consuming my content you hear me say this all the time.

    The KEY step to stopping binge eating and getting your period back without the pill is to let go of ALL food rules and give yourself unconditional permission to eat.

    What does this mean?

    Eating WHAT you want, WHEN you want, until you DON’T WANT ANYMORE.

    What’s the purpose of giving unconditional permission to eat?

    To provide your body with the calories it needs to heal from under eating and overexercise

    To psychologically “habituate” to your fear foods so you can stop obsessing over them

    To release all fear and anxiety around food and learn to trust your body

    However, doing this is NOT easy.

    There are a lot of fears and struggles that come up when trying to eat freely after years of being governed by food rules and feeling out of control.

    In this episode I am troubleshooting these common struggles for you:

    ➡️ Binges getting worse

    ➡️ Telling the difference between binging and extreme hunger

    ➡️ Feeling sick to your stomach or extreme digestive issues

    ➡️ Feeling so distressed, guilty, upset, overwhelmed by how much and what you’re eating

    ➡️ Feeling physically lethargic, bloated, depressed, bad body image

    ➡️ Eating so much “unhealthy food” and thinking “this can’t be healthy”

    ➡️ Not feeling satisfied

    Let me know any feedback/questions by contacting me:

    Email is [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram at @elenakunickird

    Learn more about my 1:1 coaching, single sessions or my group program via this link: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    Resources Referenced in this episode:

    Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

    Food Habituation Research: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S003193842100202X

    Episode 175 Daily Meditation and Journaling Routine for Binge Eating & Period Recovery. Click here to listen

    Episode 162 Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Food and How to Stop: click here to listen

    Minnesota Starvation Experiment: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2013/10/hunger

    Episode 66 Balanced Meals for Binge and Period Recovery: Click here to listen

    Episode 163 Hyperpalatable Foods - How to Trust Yourself Around Them: Click here to listen

    Meal Plan for Binge Eating and Period Recovery: bit.ly/bprmealplan

    Episode 173: “I Feel Fat” - How to Cope: Click here to listen

  • The basic steps to being completely free from the urge to binge, getting your period back without the pill and stopping constant food thoughts are:

    ➡️Stop dieting

    ➡️Give yourself full permission to eat

    ➡️Listen to ALL of your hunger cues (mental and physical)

    ➡️Take an exercise break

    But the REAL work?

    Is coping with the negative thoughts and DIFFICULT AS FUCK emotions that come up when you implement these steps.

    💔Body image struggles

    😱Catastrophic thoughts of spiraling into never ending weight gain and an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle

    😭 The fear of what other people will think of your changing body

    Coping with these experiences WITHOUT reverting back to calorie counting, eating less, or exercising more before your body has got the rest it needs…

    …aka the same behaviors that lead you to binge and lose your period in the first place…

    …is THE THING that gets you through to the other side:

    Free from binge eating for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

    Maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle and thus good overall hormonal health.

    And able to crush your fitness goals and feel confident in your body while still enjoying a full life without food anxiety.

    In this episode I lay out the exact daily mindset routine I recommend to clients (and followed myself) to get you through the hard stuff and through to the other side.

    I hope you enjoy!

    Click here to learn more about my group and 1:1 coaching programs: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

  • July 4th, 2018 was my last binge.

    And on this week’s episode I tell the story of what it looked and felt like.

    I also share the exact steps I took over the following months that allowed me to fully heal from my disordered eating, get my period back and now be 6 years binge-free.

    I don’t use will power to resist the urge…I just have no desire or thoughts of binge eating anymore and I feel completely normal and at peace around food.

    Then, I cover the number one thing you can do on the 4th (or any other fun plans you may have this week) to prevent a binge from happening.

    You’ll leave this episode feeling less alone in your struggles with food, and with clarity on WHY this is happening + how to stop it FOR GOOD.

    Hope it helps, and let me know any feedback or questions you have!

    Email me at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Click here to learn more about 1:1 coaching and my group program: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

  • One of the worst things a woman in our culture can feel is “fat”... and that’s sad.

    In our minds, “feeling fat” is synonymous with feeling worthless, unloveable and unwanted.

    Feeling this way can lead us to:

    Low mood and depressive episodes

    Want to crawl out of our skin

    Miss out on social events or be overwhelmed with insecurity

    Retract from our sex lives and dating

    Rest to unhealthy food restriction and compensatory exercise that leads to binge eating, food obsession and missing periods

    If you have struggled with this feeling, the latest episode is for you.

    I cover 6 tips for you to be free from this feeling and feel confident in your body WITHOUT resorting to behaviors around food and exercise that will lead you to binge or f*ck up your hormones:

    Get to the deeper thoughts behind “feeling fat” and reframe them

    Remember the purpose behind the weight gain in binge eating & period recovery

    Don’t believe all of your thoughts

    Be fucking self-compassionate, bitch 😜(lol, this will make more sense on the pod)

    Get out of your head and around other humans

    Decrease sensory discomfort and build tolerance for these sensations

    If you find the podcast helpful, please leave a rating and review by clicking here and scrolling down to where it says “Write a Review”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-binge-eating-dietitian-podcast/id1541348229

    Learn more + apply for ✨1:1 coaching ✨: bit.ly/ekprivatecoaching

    Resources discussed on the podcast:

    Self Compassion by Kristin Neff

  • In this week’s episode we have a past client, Lauren, on to share her story struggling for 6 years with binge eating and anxiety around food and ultimately recovering from these struggles.

    We cover topics like:

    Transitioning away from being an athlete, gaining weight and then starting her fitness/weight loss journey

    Lauren’s “Vegan and cardio bunny phase 🐰🥕” when her binge eating first started

    How the COVID-19 Pandemic impacted her relationship with food and binge eating

    Getting into Bodybuilding 💪, macro tracking and her binge eating hitting its worst point

    How Lauren ultimately stopped binge eating and found a peaceful relationship with food

    The hardest parts of disordered eating recovery and how she got through the fear of weight gain and body image struggles

    This will be a super inspiring, relatable and motivating episode to help bring you closer to TRUE health and fitness…

    …which includes a peaceful relationship with food.

    Interested in working with me?

    Click here to learn more about your options for getting support.

    DM me on Instagram with any feedback on the podcast or questions @elenakunickird

    Or email me at [email protected]

  • Food restriction does not just look like eating 1000 calories a day and wasting away to nothing.

    Rigid food rules are one of the number one factors shown to contribute to binge eating in the eating disorder literature.

    There are 3 types of food rules:

    “When” rules

    “How much” rules

    And “What” rules

    In this episode I…

    Break down each type of rules with real life examples

    Explain how and why these rules trigger binge eating

    Give you a framework to develop a healthy, flexible mindset around food so you can be binge-free and be healthy and fit without all the stress and anxiety around eating

    Click here to listen to the episode where I define binge eating: https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/defining-binge-eating

    Click here to learn more about my group program, ✨Normal Eater✨: bit.ly/normaleaterdetails

    Email me: [email protected]

    DM me: @elenakunickird

  • Exercise is a stressor on your body.

    If you can properly RECOVER from it, then it becomes a positive stressor that you adapt and grow stronger and more fit from.

    But if you’re not eating enough calories and macronutrients CONSISTENTLY THROUGHOUT THE DAY AND WEEK, as I’d venture to say ✨most women aren’t✨, that high intensity exercise can turn into a negative stressor that breaks your body down.

    Systems like reproduction can shut down to conserve energy.

    In this episode I break down the 4 main recovery variables that, when out of whack, can cause high intensity training to mess with your hormones as a woman.

    I also discuss what a “healthy” amount of exercise generally looks like for a woman who wants to be functionally fit for a long, healthy life.


    Click here to learn more about my group program Normal Eater: bit.ly/normaleaterdetails

    Email me at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Resources for this episode:

    8 week HIIT protocol improved PCOS outcomes:


    HIIT leads to reduced testosterone and increased estrogen in young women:


    Exercise guidelines:



    10,000 steps per day recommendation:



    Blue Zones physical activity level:


    Alyssa Olenick podcast interviews:


    Dr. Peter Attia:


  • 💖 “All bodies are beautiful!”

    🎊 “Let’s celebrate and accept larger bodies!”

    🙅🏼‍♀️ “Intentional weight loss doesn’t work!”

    😡 “You’re promoting obesity!”

    🙄 “Just eat more and exercise less…have more discipline”

    ❌ “Stop pretending…no one wants to be fat”

    👆The conversation around weight, health and body image today is highly polarized.

    If this has confused you on your own journey to stopping binge eating, getting your period back and finding balance with food and fitness…I want to help you find the middle ground.

    In this week’s episode I give my opinions on this debate and specifically address:

    The Body Positivity movement

    The difference between body positivity, body acceptance and body neutrality and how you can use these concepts in your own disordered eating recovery

    The Fat Liberation movement

    The Health at Every Size framework

    You will walk away from this episode having more clarity on what it looks like to prioritize health and fitness without obsessing over your weight…

    …and how to navigate all the conflicting opinions about weight, body image and health.

    If you want support to stop binge eating, get your period back and find balance with food and fitness - my group program ✨NORMAL EATER✨is open for enrollment at $69 per month.

    It goes to full price ($99 per month) on June 18th.

    Click here to learn more about the group program and my other services: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    DM me at @elenakunickird on Instagram

    Email me at [email protected]


    Body Positivity Definition - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/body-positivity

    Fat Acceptance Movement - https://centerfordiscovery.com/blog/fat-acceptance-movement/#:~:text=Or%2C%20rather%2C%20a%20%E2%80%9Cfat,loudly%20fat%20without%20being%20apologetic.

    Health at Every Size Website - https://asdah.org/haes/#:~:text=The%20Health%20at%20Every%20Size%C2%AE%20Principles%20promote%20safe%20and,on%20weight%20or%20weight%20loss.

    Resources on radical acceptance:

    Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

    Eckhart Tolle

    Resources on shame and trauma:

    Brene Brown

    Tim Fletcher

  • Rates of depression among people who struggle with disordered eating are high.

    I see this come up in my clients in two main ways:

    ➡️ Depressive symptoms increasing as they try to eat more and exercise less to stop binge eating, get their periods back and regulate their hunger and cravings

    ➡️ Depression worsening body image issues or being triggered by body image triggers that come up in recovery

    For many clients, depression improves immediately as they start changing the behaviors that were causing them to feel like a prisoner to obsession and anxiety around food.

    For others, more support is needed.

    If you’re struggling with depression in disordered eating recovery - this does not always mean you are doing something WRONG.

    Restrictive eating and compulsive exercise can be coping mechanisms.

    When we release them…sometimes the stuff we REALLY need to confront in order to heal and live our healthiest, happiest lives comes flooding in.

    And that often doesn’t feel good at first.

    You are not alone.

    To discuss this topic I brought Sarah Dosanjh (The Binge Eating Therapist) on the podcast, a therapist out of the UK who specializes in binge eating.

    We cover:

    The statistics on depression and eating disorders

    Why depression can get worse during ED recovery

    The symptoms and spectrum of depression

    The links between perfectionism, the inner critic and depression

    How body image and depression interact

    Tools and mindset shifts to manage depression

    To learn more from or contact Sarah:

    Instagram: @the_binge_eating_therapist

    Website: https://thebingeeatingtherapist.com/#

    Podcast: Life After Diets

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheBingeEatingTherapist

    To learn more about working with me, click this link: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

  • When you start trying to eat more and rest more to stop binge eating and get your period back…some difficult symptoms can come up.

    The most common ones I see with clients are:

    Joint pain

    Swelling/water retention


    Worsening digestive issues



    Emotions coming flooding back

    Getting sick more frequently

    This can be SUPER frustrating for my clients, they think “isn’t the point of doing this to feel BETTER? Maybe I should stop…” 😥

    If you can relate or want to learn more about this subject - this episode is for you!

    I break down where each of these symptoms come from and how to cope with them so you can through to the other side BINGE FREE, with a regular period and able to pursue health and fitness in a way that truly ADDS to your life rather than detracts from it.


    Click here to learn more about 1:1 coaching: bit.ly/coachingwithelena

    Articles referenced in this episode: https://edinstitute.org/blog/2013/5/25/pain-i-why-is-there-so-much-in-recovery


    Somatic Practitioners referenced in this episode:



    Self-abdominal massage for digestion:
