
  • Today is the final interview episode of 2020 and it’s a good one. Brighton Butler is a fashion and lifestyle blogger that I’ve loved following for years. In today’s episode, she shares about getting started as a blogger, incorporating her faith into her brand, being vulnerable with her audience about seasons of singleness and she is no longer single, so we also talked a little about marriage and pregnancy because she has a little one on the way!

    My biggest takeaway from talking with Brighton is just how thoughtful and intentional she is about inviting God into everything in her life, including what she shares with her nearly 400 thousand followers… if you don’t already follow, know and love her… I think you will after this episode.


    Bible Recap Podcast

    Brighton’s Blog Post on Making the Most of Your Single Season

    Follow Brighton on Instagram @brightonbutler.



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • The Intentional Gifting Mini Series comes to an end with today’s episode but it’s an exciting one… the PS46 Intentional Gift Guide!

    I have carefully put together a list of some of my favorite shops + products for intentional gifting to try to make it even easier for you this year. Each of these shops I’ll mention in the episode are all small businesses started + run by women, most of whom I know and can tell you first hand are incredible women with hearts of gold.

    In this gift guide episode (and the download below!), I’ll walk you through 8 of my favorite small shops + my gift ideas from each! The gift guide download has links to everything mentioned in the show + don’t forget to pay attention to my Instagram stories this week for a closer look at gift ideas and even some discount codes to the shops included in the guide!

    If you’re listening to this the week of November 9th (when it goes live), you’ll want to head over to my instagram stories to check out a giveaway we’re doing with a group of the shops included in the gift guide. It is the easiest, quick giveaway to enter and you could win a little something from each of the shops involved - including mine!



    Instagram: @psfortysix

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  • The Intentional Gifting Mini Series continues in today’s episode with guest Katie Guiliano of Hosanna Revival. Katie and I have bonded over intentional gifting over the years because it’s a big part of the heart of each of our brands. Hosanna makes such beautiful and intentional gifts and I just knew Katie would be the perfect person to come on the podcast and dig a little deeper into this topic with me.

    In this episode, Katie shares a little about what intentional gifting means to her and then her tips to do it well this holiday season.

    Listen to Katie’s first appearance on the Within Her Podcast here (Choosing Jesus over Success).

    Hosanna Revival Playlists linked here!

    Hosanna Revival Gift Ideas:

    5 Year Prayer Journal

    Planners and Calendars

    Pray Like This Devotional

    Follow Hosanna Revival on Instagram @hosannarevival.



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • Today’s episode is the first of a three-part mini series here on the podcast about intentional gifting. 2020 has been full of ups and downs and let’s be real, it’s been a hard year for a lot of us so I believe with everything in me that it’s more important than ever to gift intentionally this year.

    The Intentional Gifting mini series will be three episodes: first a little more about intentional gifting and some of my tips in today’s episode, next week I’ll be joined by a guest to dive more into the topic and then the last episode of the series will be an intentional gift guide where I’ll give you all kinds of ideas for specific intentional gifts and some of my favorite shops to get them from.


    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • I have looked up to Jess for years and years and feel so grateful to now call her a friend. There are about a million topics I would love to record a podcast with her about but I somehow narrowed it down to two… and still our conversation ran long enough that we’re splitting it up into two parts.

    Jess is someone I’ve always said I just can’t get enough of and I think a podcast episode that needs to be split across two weeks is proof of that… the conversation was just too good to be cut short.

    In Part 2, Jess and I wrap up our body image conversation and move into talking all about obedience. Jess shares all about her business All Good Things Collective, starting it, what happened when God asked her to close it and all the fruit they’ve experienced since.


    The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast | Ep. 362: Danielle Strickland on Dumping the Billy Graham Rule, Why Women Speakers Don’t Need to Hit Home Runs, and Spirituality That’s Way Too Heady

    Follow Jess on Instagram @jessaconnolly



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • I have looked up to Jess for years and years and feel so grateful to now call her a friend. There are about a million topics I would love to record a podcast with her about but I somehow narrowed it down to two… and still our conversation ran long enough that we’re splitting it up into two parts.

    Jess is someone I’ve always said I just can’t get enough of and I think a podcast episode that needs to be split across two weeks is proof of that… the conversation was just too good to be cut short.

    In Part 1, Jess and I get into the topic of body image, the sabbatical Jess’ family took this summer, becoming a barre instructor and secrets about her new book.

    Follow Jess on Instagram @jessaconnolly



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • Alex Hoover is one of my very favorite new follows on Instagram because of the way she uses her words for the glory of God… and as she says, she’s not afraid to get a little sassy.

    In today’s episode, Alex shares so much truth about depending on God in seasons of uncertainty… which let’s be honest, is pretty much all of us here in 2020, right?


    Henri Nouwen Devotional

    Maverick City Music

    Bible App

    Read Scripture App

    Follow Alex on Instagram @alexandravhoover

    Download Alex’s Come + See Guide



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • Today’s episode is all about confidence… and now just confidence, but wild confidence found in Christ. Ainsley Britain is an author, speaker, Enneagram coach and the Director of Unveiled and she’s passionate about helping young adults discover or rediscover their identity in Christ.

    She also just launched a new podcast called Wild Confidence… so naturally, we spent a lot of today’s conversation talking all about confidence… how she found it, what it looks like to find your confidence in Christ and since she’s an enneagram coach, we of course, ended by talking a little about the enneagram.


    Dream Big by Bob Goff


    Follow Ainsley on Instagram @ainsleyb


    Listen to her Wild Confidence Podcast here.


    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • This episode is unlike anything we’ve ever done on the podcast before and I’m really excited about it. I’m joined by my friend, Jen Diaz to talk all things Christ-centered meditation. The episode is part interview and part meditation… and no matter where you stand with meditation - maybe you’ve never tried it or don’t know much about it, maybe you do it every day, or you think it’s weird or not for you, or maybe you’re interested but aren’t sure how it aligns with your faith… no matter where you’re at, I want to encourage you to embrace today’s episode.

    Jen shares a little about Christ-centered meditation, how she got into it, how meditation has deepened her relationship with God and what Scripture says about it. We talked for just about 20 minutes or so and then for the second half of the episode Jen leads us through a 15 minute visualization exercise… and guys. It’s so so good. First of all, Jen has the most soothing voice and I’ll just put it out there that I cried while listening to it.

    Whether you’ve ever done something like this before or you feel silly or uncomfortable, I just want you to promise me that you’ll try this. Find a quiet space, get comfortable and grab a journal for the end. It’s such a beautiful way to connect with God and listen for His voice.

    Download the Abide App

    Follow Jen on Instagram @jenmdiaz



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • The word that immediately pops into my head after hearing Anna’s story is obedience. Seven years ago, God asked Anna and her husband Rob to move across the country… with no idea why… to a place they didn’t really want to move. In today’s episode, Anna shares what it looked like for her family to listen for God’s call and to choose obedience, even when people thought they were crazy.

    Acting in obedience to what God has called her to shows up as a consistent, recurring theme in Anna’s life whether it’s their next cross-country move as a family, planting a church, starting a lifestyle blog or even just how she starts her day. I know after hearing this episode, you’ll just love Anna and her heart to act like Jesus in all that she does.


    Anonymous by Alicia Britt Chole

    Brooklyn Nine-Nine

    Follow Anna on Instagram @annamaegroves



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • If you have big dreams + ambitions, hopes of becoming a mama one day or are already a mom, this episode is for you.

    Megan Duke is a wife, mom of three, missionary and music artist - she released her debut solo album, Heart on Fire, back in March 2020. Needless to say, her hands are FULL and we talked all about what it’s looked like for her to chase after her dreams and pursue some big goals while right in the middle of a busy season of babies and motherhood.

    Megan shares what it’s looked like to take steps of obedience, how she recorded an album with three little kids at home, how chasing her dreams has impacted her children for the better, giving herself grace + homeschooling her kids.


    Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

    Read Scripture App

    Follow Megan on Instagram @meganfduke


    Listen to Megan’s new album Heart on Fire on Spotify here.


    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • My friends Macy McNeely + Kathryn Shubert are the queens of morning routine and I wanted to have them on to talk all about this topic because I know it’s something you all often have lots of questions on or is an area that you’re striving to improve in.

    I’m feeling really strongly lately about encouraging you and myself that 2020 isn’t over. I know all the funny memes are out there saying things like wake me up in 2021… and those are fine for a laugh here and there but there are still 4 good months left in 2020 and I believe that we’re called to make the most of them. I think a good place to start in doing that is by creating some good habits… and a habit that is truly a game changer is having a morning routine.

    Links Macy + Kat mentioned:

    Ink Joy Pens

    GUIDE Culture Playbook

    The Best Way to Time Block to be 3x More Productive

    Daily Deposit Journal (now available!), use code: KACI for 10% off!

    Follow Macy on Instagram @macymcneely

    Follow Kat on Instagram @kathrynmshubert

    Follow Guide Culture on Instagram @theguideculture


    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • Culture everywhere is telling us to write off 2020. "It's a wrap", "wake me up in 2021"... But we believe we are called to something different. We're called to make the most of these last four months of the year. Now is not the time to hold back. The world needs you + your gifts more than ever. Your people need you more than ever. We all need God more than ever. So while it's not January or even the halfway mark of the year, we want to talk about goals.

    My husband Kurt leads the two of us in goal setting so well + he and his team at The Grown Man Project have developed a framework for goal setting that Kurt + I put into action this month. Through the framework, you'll set spiritual, relational, physical, vocational, financial and mental goals.

    You can download a worksheet to set your own goals and go through the framework with us at kaciandkurt.com.

    Join the #WithinHerWalks Challenge 8.24 - 9.22 for 30 days of podcast walks with the PS46 community!

    Follow Kaci + PS46 on Instagram @psfortysix.

    Follow Kurt on Instagram @kurtkersey.


  • If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode yet, I invited 8 women who were past guests on the podcast to share with us a little about what’s been good in this season, how they’ve seen God show up and the new rhythms from quarantine that they’d like to continue after. I was so inspired and encouraged by what each of them shared and got a ton of great feedback on that episode so I’d highly recommend going back to give it a listen if you haven’t yet.

    This week it’s my turn and I wanted to share 3 new rhythms that I hope to take with me from quarantine. My hope and prayer for last week’s episode and this week’s is just that it’s an invitation to reflect on these past couple months and see how God’s shown up for you and where He’s working. I promise if you take the time to pause and evaluate the past 9 weeks or so with the intention of focusing on the good, you will find fruit. You’ll see ways that God’s worked on your heart, you’ll find silver linings and ways this stay at home season has actually brought joy or rest or something you can look at and call good.

    My Morning Routine Links:

    Take It Too Far Devotional by Jess Connolly

    Within Her Podcast Episode on Draw the Circle

    Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson

    Little Fires Everywhere

  • We are deep into COVID-19 and quarantine at this point and starting to see things begin to open back up. While things won’t necessarily be just back to normal anytime soon, I wanted to pause today and focus on the good. There’s so much that has been really hard for so many during this season and it’s easy to focus on the loss and change and all the ways we’ve all been affected in one way or another.

    For today’s episode, I wanted us instead to count the fruit. I invited past guests from the show to share with us a little about what’s been good in this season, how they’ve seen God show up and even the new rhythms from quarantine that they’d like to continue after. I’m so grateful for each of these women and their different perspectives and experiences during this season… but also just that they were willing to stop and focus on the good and share how God has worked on their hearts these past couple months.

    Featured in this episode:

    Courtney Schultz

    Katie Guiliano

    Evie Rupp

    Niki Noto Palmer

    Becky Ziegenfuss

    Jen Diaz

    Val Woerner

    Lindsey Roman

  • With Mother’s Day coming this week, today I have one more incredible mom to introduce you to. In today’s episode, I’m joined by my new friend Karla Reed. Karla uses her platform on Instagram to educate women on sustainable fashion and loves helping women get dressed and get creative with what’s already in their closets. Karla is also a mom to three, and she and her husband Jason moved to California to help plant a church.

    In this episode, Karla shares what it looks like for her to be thoughtful about what she wears, how she shows up on Instagram, her priorities, and trusting that following God’s call is always worth it.



    True Crime Podcast: In the Dark

    Follow Karla on Instagram @karlareed


    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • Over the next few weeks between now and Mother's Day, I wanted to invite some incredible moms I know on the podcast to share their stories and celebrate motherhood. I knew I wanted to include this replay of Natalie Borton's episode from November. This has been one of the most popular episodes on the podcast + Natalie has an incredibly beautiful motherhood story.

    Can God use motherhood to redeem your self-image? He did for Natalie Borton. In today’s episode, Natalie shares her story of God using motherhood to completely transform her life and the way she views her body.

    Tune in to hear Kaci and Natalie talk about starting + growing a business, motherhood, body image and Natalie’s pumpkin spice latte tradition.


    Jodi Picoult Books

    John Mayer

    Clare V Bags

    Jenni Kayne Mules

    Follow Natalie on Instagram @natalieborton


    Follow Kaci + PS46 on Instagram @psfortysix

    Shop PS46 Jewelry HERE.

  • Over the next few weeks between now and Mother’s Day, I wanted to invite some incredible moms I know on the podcast to share their stories and celebrate motherhood.

    That starts today with my friend Lindsey Roman. Lindsey is an incredible photographer and business educator based in Hawaii, and mama to her beautiful 9 month old daughter, Eloise.

    In today’s episode, Lindsey and I talked about what we’re called to as believers during this season of coronavirus, starting her photography business, online business strategy and of course, motherhood. Lindsey shared about not wanting kids because she wanted a “life of importance” and how God worked on her heart to realize motherhood was the most important work. She shared so much about what she’s learned since becoming a mama and what it’s looked like to be intentional as she balances both motherhood and business.

    Lindsey’s Instagram Post on God being bigger than Coronavirus linked HERE.


    Atomic Habits by James Clear

    The Jasmine Star Show

    Follow Lindsey on Instagram @mrslindseyroman

    Follow The Heart University on Instagram @theheartuniversity



    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • Have you ever lost something you really wanted? Most of us have experienced not getting what we thought we wanted at some point in our lives. I know I have. And if you can relate, this episode is for you.

    My friend Nicole Zasowski, author of From Lost to Found, joins me on the podcast today and walks us through her story with pain and loss that taught her that sometimes God’s rescue looks like prying our fingers off what we think we want so that we can receive what we truly need.


    The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

    Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

    Shop Nicole’s Multi-Disc Necklace (hers is stamped with her boys’ initials).

    Follow Nicole on Instagram @nicolezasowski


    Get Nicole’s book From Lost to Found HERE.


    Instagram: @psfortysix

  • I’ve been kind of waiting and praying on what I wanted to share when it comes to this season of coronavirus and quarantines. It's a scary uncertain time and there are so many changes + new realities affecting all of us. My husband Kurt and I had an idea to do something a little different from what we’ve been seeing and something that’s hopefully fun and encouraging for you all.

    We went live on Instagram last Thursday night and we’re sharing that conversation as today’s episode… Kurt and I talked through some healthy #stayathome habits in areas that are important to us: staying connected to our community, supporting small and local businesses, thriving in our marriage, working from home + focusing on our mindset during this season. We gave examples of some things we’ve been doing, along with ideas we’ve talked through and want to start incorporating while staying home.

    Hopefully this conversation gives you some ideas and inspiration for your own stay at home habits too. Let us know if you enjoy this episode format with both Kurt + I, we'd love to continue to do more episodes together, if so!

    Listen to Kurt's podcast, The Grown Man Podcast HERE.

    Shop PS46 Jewelry HERE.

    Work from Home Tips:

    - Macy McNeely's Calendar Your Week Training

    - Evie Rupp's Work from Home Productivity Guide (Evie also shared great productivity tips in her episode on the Within Her Podcast, listen HERE).