
  • Adam and Aaron recorded a new episode of Themes & Memes in February. It is posted here as an exclusive to the Patreon bonus podcast feed.

    Tenet, state of entertainment media, Covid, Great Reset, Club of Rome, global tensions, US and China, ethics, technology, artificial intelligence, Elon Musk, lockdowns, changing economic system, online services, QAnon, micro-targeted influence operations, Post Truth World, propaganda, data, algorithms, mistrust of all media, privacy, Capitol siege, Alex Jones, Donald Trump rally, alternate reality games, fringe political groups, War on Terror, domestic terrorism, revolution, fringe mixed with mainstream, puppet masters, denouncing conspiracy mindset while using its very methods to prove your own point, cognitive dissonance, learning from alternative sources

  • Independent broadcasting legend, Alan Watt, died on March 4th, 2021. In this episode of Themes & Memes, Adam and Aaron remember Alan. A unique voice in the wilderness, his message resounded and permeated much further than most realize.

    topics include: Alan Watt, Cutting Through The Matrix, independent media, patriot radio, RBN, Jackie Patru, disinformation, new age, shortwave radio, internet shows, podcasts, alternative research, music, spiritual views, esoteric religion, callers, Andre Myspace page, Outlaw Journalism, Internet forums, Glen Kealey, Daily Stormer, Canada, sharing information for its own sake, first to talk about certain topics, transhumanism, eugenics, psychopathy, Thomas Sheridan, Jon Ronson, alternative ideas going mainstream, Club of Rome, from overpopulation crisis to fertility crisis, Alan's ideas lifted for profit, Dr Deagle, black helicopter incident, intimidation tactics of the establishment, serious subject matter, effecting mainstream narratives, having the work stand on its own, etymology, occult origins of language

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  • Adam and Aaron talk about the strange current atmosphere during this global panemic. From the bizarre present, to the unknown future, there are serious changes and moves being made all around us. Some of the more obscure topics that few talked about before, are now becoming undeniably important.

    topics: strange times, Covid19, new normal, America 2.0, mandatory vaccines, police state, comparisons to 9/11, technology, Elon Musk, Neuralink, brain machine interfaces, NIH, CDC, artificial intelligence, big data, Joe Rogan, transhumanism, tracking chips, China’s Ai initiative, NSCAI, national security, surveillance, Bill Gates, disinformation online, Google, Amazon, meat shortage to veggie burgers, sustainability, iPhone health app, predictive programming, medical martial law, pandemic movies, different reactions from people in daily life

  • Pearse Redmond joins Themes & Memes as a return guest. The Covid19 quarantine classic, Tiger King documentary, is the topic of discussion. A variety of issues such as high control groups, media analysis, and politics are discussed on this different kind of review.

    topics include: Tiger King, Joe Exotic, Carole Baskin, big cats, animal rights, tigers in captivity, true crime editing tactics, documentary, entertainment, media analysis, relatable characters, life on the edge, cults, high control groups, free labor, changing names, Bhagavan Antle, undue influence, devotion, Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, repression, Barbara Fisher, disadvantaged people, Rick Kirkham, Joe Exotic’s son Brandon, prison, animal abuse, Saff, Tiger as a symbol, conquest of Nature, fetishizing of firearms, love of power, destructive energy, Jeff Lowe, beastiality light, animal print clothing, Blackfish, Steve-O, no one cares about the animals, reality show techniques, making you hate characters, death threats, Don Lewis death, Carole Baskin’s backstory, disappearance terminology on will, money and greed, Costa Rica sex tourism, psychology, politics, governor campaign, Joshua Dial, Libertarian platform, John Reinke, Walmart guns and ammo, homosexuality in Oklahoma, politics for publicity, 19 percent of vote, Travis accidental suicide, seeing a shaman in lieu of therapy, holistic medicine, story of getting to the zoo, meth amphetamine, audience manipulation, narrative, Alan Glover, video as blackmail, appearance of wealth, making a deal with the Feds, con men, Covid19 atmosphere, self interest, feature film talk

  • Adam and Aaron return to do a review of Joker. This is a different sort of comic book movie to be sure. What sort of social commentary is this film trying to make? What esoteric themes are there? These questions and more are discussed on this episode of Themes & Memes.

    topics include: incels, domestic terrorism, comic book movies, Scorsese, Gotham City, social unrest, poverty, mental illness, anti hero, DC cinematic universe, Tim Burton Batman movie, Dark Knight, Robert De Niro, relationships with media, psychology, psychosis, rite of passage, becoming a man, depression, Wayne family, the Fool, ritual, symbolism, manic run, journey for truth, violence, color, angry mob, creation and destruction, chaos, fire

  • Adam and Aaron return for a casual, but serious conversation about digital media, censorship, free speech, and many other overused and misunderstood terms.

    topics include: Themes & Memes continues, Alex Jones deplatformed on social media, censorship, fake news, Sandy Hook, lawsuits against Jones, election of Donald Trump, mainstream media, conspiracy ideas going mainstream, more extreme rhetoric gaining more publicity, alt right, alternative media, free speech, censorship, Facebook, YouTube, the Great Purge, social media giants as both public and private entities, Google owning the internet, monopolies, online world, digital media production and distribution, democratization of media, Netflix, military contracts, Apple and FBI, privacy, CIA, big data, targeted ads and searches, mobile device microphones used for targeted ads, normalization over time, Alexa as a character in sitcoms, new advertising, Amazon, 80s cartoons, Ai, convergence, UK Strat Trends report, confusion, Orwellian thought crime, loss of critical thinking, techno-utopians, cybernetics, George W Bush, extreme right and left wing political groups fighting, Lauren Southern and Stephan Molyneux, Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine

  • Adam and Aaron review the recent Steven Spielberg film, Ready Player One. The past, present and future of virtual worlds are explored in depth in this book adaptation. What current, real world realities are present in this work of fiction? What occult "Easter eggs" have the filmmakers left for us to uncover?

    topics include: Steven Spielberg director, book adaptation, rights, licensing, special effects, virtual reality, Columbus OH, Easter egg, Steve Jobs, creation, video games, time, corporate gaming companies, MMO games, pop culture, nostalgia, nerds, trivia as knowledge, 80s films, movie magic, IOI like IGN, advertisements, Oasis, debtors prison, The Shining, future of virtual worlds, regret, Atari, revolution, signing away rights, initiation rituals, threes, love, male and female creative aspects, predictive programming, technology, dystopia, value of the real world, immersive artificial environments

  • Adam and Aaron record their first live show on Ochelli.com. They take the occasion to review season 3 of the Netflix series Black Mirror.

    topics include: live radio, Netflix, new distribution for entertainment, short films, media, technology, futurism, happy endings vs dark endings, Nosedive, social media, polite society, repressed emotions, sexual frustration, superficiality, social status, passive aggression, social networking, ulterior motives, epiphany, transcendence, analytics, denial, San Junipero, virtual reality, period piece, nostalgia, uploading consciousness, choices, Shut Up and Dance, phishing, blackmail, moral ambiguity, Men Against Fire, video games, super soldiers, dehumanizing the enemy, military involvement in video game production, T&M podcast history

  • Adam and Aaron weigh in on Jim Carrey's recent interviews which have baffled his fans the world over. Apparently there is no such thing as Jim Carrey at all. What might this mean? Has JC lost his mind, or is he onto something?

    topics include: identity, psychology, persona, Eastern religion, metaphysics, philosophy, Norm MacDonald, sexual alchemy, occult, Gnosticism, conspiracies, alternative research, truth, woke, E! network, Dionysus, world stage, masks, celebrity culture, prestige, creative freedom, artists, entertainment industry, performance art, manic depressive, depression, actors, feeling empty, fulfillment, ego, mainstream media, Hollywood small talk, cringe worthy, meditation, nothing is real, comedy, humor, epiphany, truth seeking, Andy Kaufman

  • On this episode we return for a casual discussion on the Hollywood Sex Scandal, looking at the prominent narratives and what they could mean for the future of Hollywood and Pop Culture.

    We look at the issue from a number of different angles, highlighting the numerous ways in which this scandal is stoking outrage over questions of patriarchy, social justice and corruption, and the potential that exists for further polarisation and social breakdown.

    We also look at the symbolic ramifications that these revelations bring to light, particularly in relation to the betrayal of trust and the fall of iconic institutions. We also touch on questions of opportunism on all sides, from those making allegations to narcissistic media pundits who thrive on drama.

    Is this scandal further provoking a war of the sexes? Is patriarchal Hollywood being undermined to make way for a new epoch of open source entertainment? We discuss all of these questions and more.

    Topics discussed include: Hollywood, Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Media Narratives, Sensationalism, Patriarchy, Feminism, Social Justice, Hypocrisy, Victimhood, Systemic Corruption, Sex Slaves, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking, Bush, Clinton, Conspiracy Culture, Burden of Proof, Celebrity Bandwagon Jumping, Abuse, Social Tension, Bill C-16, Transgender Pronouns, Legal Equality vs Social Negotiation, Vulgarity in Comedy, Degradation of Standards, Loss of Innocence, Betrayal of Trust, Jimmy Saville, Bill Cosby, Hollywood on Trial, Lack of Original Ideas, Awful Comedies, Comic Movies, Wonder Woman, Elevation of Feminist Icons, Death of Old Institutions, Rise of New Media, Ideological Reactionaries, Age of Transitions, Age of Confusion.

  • We return with a highly esoteric discussion on Blade Runner 2049, the 2017 sequel to Ridley Scott's cult-classic from 1982. Despite not doing well at the Box Office, this film succeeds in artfully suggesting a number of stories within one, and like the first film, leaves the audience feeling they have witnessed something profound.

    Set in the titular year in dystopian Los Angeles, the film follows the replicant LAPD officer 'K' as he uncovers hidden evidence that replicants are capable of reproducing autonomously. After being ordered by his superiors to investigate and destroy the evidence, K is led to believe that he himself may be the offspring of a union between replicants, and so disobeys his orders in search of his origins.

    We start by summarising the plot and the story, before diving into the multi-layered elements of the film, looking at the heavy use of biblical motifs and creation mythologies in both the script and the subtext. As humanity has fallen from grace in foolishly pursuing godhood, the next epoch of creation is born, and so the film is replete with wordplay and symbolic motifs which elucidate these ideas.

    We discuss the film's focus on feminine imagery, especially following the many negative reviews given by feminist critics. We deconstruct the notion that the film is overtly sexist and gratuitous in its imagery, by pointing out the deeper symbolic significance in these motifs. The film is both critiquing the objectification of women whilst also celebrating the goddess archetype and venerating the full range of feminine principles.

    We also spend time talking about the various characters, in terms of what they represent and how they develop throughout the story. The ultimate journey of K in particular is heavily suggestive of Gnostic principles and ideas, though we also touch on the characters of LUV and JOI, who at various points reveal a higher truth or meaning to his journey into selfhood.

    We touch on a myriad of other topics in this extended podcast, from Silicon Valley execs and the transhumanist demiurge Niander Wallace, to questions of humanity, to the artful cinematography and soundtrack of the film, plus much more. Please excuse the low audio quality.

    Topics discussed include: Blade Runner, Los Angeles, Dystopia, Environmentalism, Synthetic Foods, Synthetic Society, Replicants, Artificial Intelligence, Original Film, Sequels, Artful production, Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Jared Leto, JOI, LUV, Niander Wallace, Wallace Corporation, Tyrell Corporation, LAPD, DNA, Regeneration, Reproduction, Miracles, Biblical Themes, Adam & Eve, Garden of Eden, Genesis, Creation, Gnosticism, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Godhood, Demigod, Demiurge, Light, Symbolism, Geometry, Human Eye, Feminist Critiques, Goddess Archetypes, Sexuality, Objectification, Veneration, Slavery, Oppression, Self Awareness, Las Vegas, Holograms, Earth Mother Archetype, Masculine vs Feminism, Search for Truth, Materialism, Infertility, Revolution, Wordplay, Secret Societies, Sacrifice, Truth, Love vs Joy, Techniques of Cinema and Sound, Quality of film and music.

    Intro & Outro music by Hans Zimmer.

  • The very first Bonus Podcast episode of Themes & Memes is a review of Captain America Civil War. The review strays from the movie as Adam and Aaron talk at length about media, current antagonist politics, and The Age of Transitions.

    topics include: Captain America Civil War, bad movie year, shift in entertainment industry, Marvel, cinematic universe, TV and films converging, Disney, franchise films, Iron Man, Avengers,
Spider Man, comics, DoD Entertainment Liaison Offices, conspiracy themes, Hydra, current political climate, symbolism of Captain America character, individualism, John Birch Society, International Law, bureaucracy, global culture, Western Philosophy, political market trends, World War 2, archetypes, Charlottesville, Unite the Right, Antifa, Red Ice, Gavin McInnes, Vice, leaders bounce from pole to pole, flip flopping, Russian interference in American politics, spectator events, media convergence, The Age of Transitions, ash mobs, SJWs, mass distraction, media, unplugging, infotainment, confusion, Newt Gingrich

  • While widely panned, The Circle is a film that does a good job at presenting some very important ideas. Adam and Aaron talk about its commentary on corporate life, cults, sousveillance, and real life Silicon Valley tech giants.

    topics include: extra unpublished podcast episode, The Circle, Tom Hanks, Emma Watson, novel, popular fiction, Silicon Valley, work life balance, young urban professional, See Change, transparent, sousveillance, social ideals, corporate cults, total surveillance, privacy, secrets are lies, marketing, exploitation, critique of yuppie lifestyle, social climbing, networking, branding, lifestyle marketing, work campus, brand loyalty, technology as revolutionary change agent, Mercer, critics of technology, SJWs, no escape, Soul Search, car crash, press conferences, political aspirations of tech companies, simplified portrayals of politics, terrible casting, few bad apples motif, brainwashing, separation from family, self driving cars, terror attacks

  • After an extended hiatus, we return to give an update on the podcast; talking about what has been going on behind the scenes, and giving listeners a glimpse of what to expect from future shows.

    We start out by discussing changes and distractions in our personal lives, before mentioning some of the films and TV shows that have caught our attention recently, including the 2006 B-Movie Southland Tales and the 2017 Tech-Thriller The Circle. We also touch on the apparent lack of worthwhile films coming out at the Box Office; looking at whether digital streaming services have now superseded the cinema, and whether on-demand serials are outperforming Hollywood films.

    From there, we continue looking at random oddities from the world of entertainment and media, such as the enigmatic David Lynch, Transcendental Meditation, the recent Oscar Awards blunder, and the various methods that those in Hollywood will employ to create publicity. We touch on the viral success of certain TV shows, and how a changing industry is changing popular notions of entertainment.

    We finish up by returning to the world of Alt-Media and conspiracy culture, once again noting the incredulous turn toward reactionary right-wing populism that has been taken as of late. We note how the founding narratives and principals of Alternative Media have been all but discarded, as it competes for attention at any cost through controversy and vacuous drama. We touch on a few examples and lament the failure of the Alt-Media to be alternative.

    Topics discussed include: Update, Moving, Germany, California, Hiatus, Films, 'Southland Tales', MTV, Bush Administration, Neo-Cons, Hollywood, Media, Politics, Celebrity Culture, Extremism, Reality TV, Trump, Identity Politics, TV Series, Netflix, Amazon, Box Office, Black Mirror, American Gods, 'The Circle', Time Constraints, Marvel, Avengers, David Lynch, Profound Films, Transcendental Meditation, Cults, Mystical Ideas, Darkness, Mystique, Publicity Stunts, Lack of Good Films, 2017 Oscars, 'LA LA Land', 'Moonlight', Vapid Entertainment, Laurel Canyon, Youtube Celebrities, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, High Ratings, Chobani Lawsuit, George Soros, Mainstream Profile, Alternative Narratives, Terrorism, Security State, James Comey, Russia, Scandal, Insanity of Media, Left-Right Politics, Future of Podcast, Taking the High Road.

  • On this episode, we return to the 'conspiracy classic' genre in looking at the 1989 Sci-Fi B-movie 'They Live' by John Carpenter.

    The film introduces 'John Nada', a drifter working manual labour in LA, as he stumbles across a special pair of sunglasses which allow him to see a very different version of reality than the 'American Dream' he is accustomed to. As it is ultimately revealed that humanity's perceptions are being controlled by a camouflaged alien race; Nada tries to convince those around him of the truth, thus alerting the aliens to his existence.

    Despite being pursued by the authorities on a vigilante rampage, Nada manages to recruit one of his co-workers, whereby the two work to expose the aliens and reveal their system of control to the world.

    We talk about the film as it relates to both popular and conspiracy culture, looking at how the sentiments and motifs found in the film were used and referenced so frequently in the early days of the 'truth movement'. Despite being a deliberately silly film, many of the key quotes and memes are as relevant today as they were some 30 years ago.

    We also discuss the wider metaphors of the film, in terms of how the struggles of 'Nada' represent that of the truth seeker; trying in vain to 'wake up' those around them to a vastly different interpretation of reality. We look at the symbolism of the prolonged fight scenes as representing the battle between the 'truther' and the 'sheeple', and the degree of resistance Nada faces in his quest to raise awareness.

    We finish up by touching on the truth movement and wider conspiracy culture, and how the predominant ideas and attitudes have changed over the years, noting the sense of nostalgia that these films can elicit. We look at how films like 'They Live' can influence perceptions of reality, along with the pitfalls of extremist interpretations, where elements of fiction or fantasy are perceived on a literal basis.

    Topics discussed include: John Carpenter, Roddy Piper, Podcasting, Truth Movement, Network, Conspiracy Culture, Science Fiction, Silliness, Social Commentary, Pro-Wrestling, Los Angeles, Labour, Construction, Tent Cities, Skid Row, Church, Soup Kitchen, Police Brutality, Sunglasses, Appropriation, Shepherd Fairey, Obey Meme, Hollywood Hills, Mind Control, Aliens, Propaganda, Symbolism, Metaphor, Waking Up, Global Warming, Environmentalism, Collaborators, Evangelism, Christianity, Humanitarianism, Preacher, Underdog, Disenfranchised, Victims, Elitism, Agendas, Population Control, Subliminal Messages, New Age, David Icke, Reptilians, Artificial Constructs, Popular Narratives, Reality vs Fiction, Literal Interpretations, Fantasy, Alt-Right, Trutherising, Conspiracy Town, Social Critiques, Changing Attitudes, Escapism, Motifs, Anger, Extremist Ideology, Exploitation, Will to Power, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Nostalgia, Hope, Sentimentality, Sadness, Continuity, Case Study, Simpler Times.

  • Another conspiracy classic movie review comes to the Themes and Memes podcast. Network has been quoted endlessly throughout conspiracy culture, and with good reason. This review fits right into the past few podcast episodes which have focussed on television news, and mass media in general.

    Topics discussed include: antiestablishment film, conspiracy, nightly news, Howard Beale, sensationalism, exploitation, media, radical political movements, dehumanization, too much dialogue, truth, similarities to Nightcrawler, decor, lighting, speeches, commerce, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, religious awakenings, waking up the same as being born again, religion, dogma, integrity, medium effects the messenger, mass appeal, Alex, Jones, stages of awakening, inciting anger in audience, mad as hell, grief, boredom, YouTube, internet media platforms, target marketing, Sir Anthony Hopkins, cinema in decline, novelty

  • On this episode, we return to the film Nightcrawler; looking at how social tensions are fostered by false or misleading media narratives, and how alternative media networks are now playing the mainstream outrage game to their own ends.

    In the film, the fictional KWLA-6 news station actively targets white, upper-middle class audiences by selectively running stories about affluent demographics being threatened by urban criminals, so that the station can promote an ongoing narrative of fear and victimhood. We look at how the Alt-Media and the Alt-Right are now exploiting these methods, by dispensing with integrity and championing sensationalist 'panic porn' about threats to the western middle class.

    We discuss the use of statistics in pushing agendas, where numbers and percentages can be worked to suggest any conclusion or point of view. The fictional character of Lou reveals that urban crime rates are actually going down, and that he must work hard to find crimes that support the opposite conclusion; tampering with facts to increase the moral impact of the story. We touch on a number of issues relating to media integrity, including the manipulation of facts into fictional stories, and how fearful narratives engender widespread allegiance to fearful politics.

    We also touch on the recent controversy over ‘Fake News’, where Silicon Valley firms like Google and Facebook have floated the idea of purging alternative websites from their platforms, after it was asserted that propagandists in the Alt-Right helped sway the election for Donald Trump. We note the hypocrisy of both mainstream and alternative sources in crying foul over this fiasco, as both sides will routinely fabricate propaganda and push their own narratives in the media meme-war.

    We finish up by looking at the way in which the social tensions are being further inflamed by the loudest and most controversial voices on both the left and the right, thus setting the tone for everyone else. The rise of reactionary Youtube personalities has been enabled and facilitated by opportunists in both the mainstream and alternative spheres, where controversy and conflict are being elevated above truth and ethics.

    Has publicity become an end unto itself for the Alt-Media? Have the alternative news sources degenerated into the mainstream, where cynical journalists seek out populist drama at any cost, and characters like Lou scour the streets for opportunity?

    Topics discussed include: Nightcrawler, Local News, Narratives, Perceptions, Statistics, Manipulation, 2016 Election, Trump, Crime, Immigration, Racism, Violence, Fear, Propaganda, Alt-Media, Alt-Right, Stories, Downtrodden Minorities, Poverty, Middle Class, Drugs, Victimhood, Strength, Security, Fascism, Alex Jones, Infowars, Paranoia, Integrity, Populism, Key Words, Conspiracy, Sensationalism, Neo-Nazi, Cass Sunstein, Headlines, Addiction, Psychology, Business, Left vs Right, Identity Politics, Terrorism, Richard Spencer, NPI, Red Ice, Hillary Clinton, SJW's, Insanity, Prisons, Racial Segregation, TV, Excitement, Gangs, MS-13, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Drudge Report, Fake News, Google, Facebook, Lifestyles, Brands, Pop Culture, Youtube, Journalists, Cynicism, Opportunism, Degeneration, Hypocrisy, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Psychopathic Media, Changing Terminology, Truth Movement, Globalism, Star Wars, Imperial March, Satire, Police Brutality, Martial Law, Law & Order, Newt Gingrich, Peter Thiel, Mitt Romney, Age of Transitions, Cheerleading, Role-play, Opposition, Politics, In-Group/Out-Group Dynamics, Disengaging from Media.

  • On this episode, we review the 2014 thriller Nightcrawler, Directed by Dan Gilroy and starring Jake Gyllenhaal.

    The film follows enterprising psychopath Lou as he scouts the nocturnal underbelly of Los Angeles looking for opportunity. After being inspired to become a 'Stringer'; filming urban drama for local news stations, Lou's talent for exploiting tragedy garners him fame and fortune on the LA morning news circuit. But without empathy or conscience to temper his ambitions, he soon crosses the line between neutral observer and active participant.

    We discuss the portrayal of psychopathy and how this personality type is perfectly suited to news media, where exploitation is the very currency of the industry. The character of Lou finds himself at home amongst carnage and calamity, and has no inhibitions about manipulating both people and situations to his own advantage.

    We look further at the film's portrayal of the industry and the obvious references it makes to Los Angeles and Hollywood culture. By setting the scene at nighttime and focusing on local TV stations, the film reveals a darker side to 'Tinseltown', far from the bright lights and the silver screens, where has-beens and would-be's exploit every opportunity to get ahead and stay relevant.

    We also touch on the capitalist mythology espoused by Lou as he ruthlessly manoeuvres his way into the industry, discarding those who stand in his way. The supporting character of Rick exemplifies the struggles of the empath in contending with the pathological nature of the economic system, where numbers trump integrity and narratives trump the truth.

    Is 'Nightcrawler' a critique of Hollywood in general, and is it in fact a critique of the entire economic system? Does the psychopathic character of Lou tell us something profound about mass media? Be sure to check out our next episode, where we explore the concept of news stories and media narratives, looking at what Nightcrawler tells us about perception.

    Topics discussed include: Los Angeles, KWLA-6, Jake Gyllenhall, Bill Paxton, Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed, Psychopath, Sociopath, Cluster-B, Narcissist, Accident, Emergency, Crime, Urban, Carjacking, Stringer, Filming, Thief, Capitalism, Opportunism, Underbelly, Local News, Car-Chase, Dodge Challenger, Police, Shootout, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Hollywood, Affluence, Carnage, American Dream, Americana, Inspiration, Exploitation, Blackmail, Ratings, Narratives, Weakness, Empath, Psychology, Sabotage, Music, Soundtracks, Ambience, Skid Row, News Anchors, Attractive Women, Television, Sensationalism, Blood, 5 Arguments for The Abolition of Television, American Psycho, Selling Yourself, Employment, Bullshit, Hard Work, Being Realistic, Selling Out, Murder, Profit, Darkness, Attention, Scandal, Controversy, Expose, Actors, Stars, Celebrities, Debasement, Current Events.

  • We continue discussing the 2016 US Presidential Election, reviewing the landslide victory by Donald Trump and what this astonishing development means for both mainstream and alternative culture.

    We start by looking at the question of how this happened. From the FBI to Wikileaks to a bizarre revelation about occult rituals at the 11th hour; Clinton's campaign was dogged by scandal and controversy that vindicated Trump's anti-establishment platform on the final mile. And did the Democratic establishment further provoke the upset by publicly denigrating Trump supporters and brashly claiming victory before the polls had even opened?

    As the dust settles, we question as to whether this populist uprising at the ballot box was the intended result of a targeted leaks campaign by hidden forces. From the Oxford Dictionary: "Trump: A valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage."

    We discuss the mainstreaming of anti-establishment narratives in the lead up to the election, along with the future of alternative media in light of this event. Will platforms like Infowars depose the mainstream Neo-Con media, and will they cheerlead for Trump or hold him to his promises? The recent outreach of the Alt-Media into populist causes and the Trump campaign could not have been more opportune, as the outsiders now stand to become insiders.

    We also discuss the obvious divisions that this election has created between the left and the right, with angry Marxist youth running riot while being mocked by cocky Trump supporters. Is the establishment's prediction of a Neo-Marxist uprising finally coming to fruition, and has this growing demographic been given a real reason to up the ante?

    Topics discussed include: Election, 2016, Trump, Clinton, Obama, Democrat, Republican, Landslide, Politics, Milestones, CNN, New York Times, Polls, Ballot Box, Satisfaction, Mainstream Media, Symbolic Language, Tarot Card, Rigged, DNC, Wikileaks, Anonymous, FBI, Spirit Cooking, John Podesta, Occult Rituals, Revelation of The Method, Alt-Right, Basket of Deplorables, Infowars, Red Ice, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Fox News, Racism, Liberals, SJW's, College Campuses, Marxists, Conspiracy, Anti-Establishment, Populist Uprising, Provocation, Attention Seeking, Targeted Leaks Campaign, Throwing the Fight, Strategic Trends, Extremist Narratives, Conflict, Tough Talk, BLM, Outsiders become Insiders, Stagecraft, Theatrics, Branding, Marketing, Products, Pop Culture, Arts, Elections as PSYOPS, Emotion, Reality TV, Celebrity Culture, Ronald Reagan, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Alex Jones, Ted Nugent, Future Elections.

  • On this special episode, we deconstruct the 2016 US Presidential Race between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, focusing on the social phenomenon of broad-based Trump support within alternative and conservative demographics.

    Rather than a partisan assessment of the candidates themselves, we look at Pro-Trump sentiment in the Alt-Media as a result of social disintegration in the wider ‘Truth Movement’, where the failed ambition of 9/11 Truth and Anti-Establishment groups has given birth to the rise of the ‘Alt-Right’ and White-Identity Politics.

    We discuss the study of popular narratives and internet memes by the DoD, looking at how opinion and culture can be analysed and influenced, and how the psychological principals of propaganda are so easily utilised in the information age. Given the new set of cultural narratives that are rising to prominence, we explore the morphing of traditional 'conspiracy culture' into right-wing ideology, looking at the motives and ambitions of those who are leading the charge.

    Is the 2016 election a piece of scripted drama for the masses? Has it been designed to absorb the 'Truth Movement' and lead it down the primrose path towards destruction? Is Donald Trump sincere in is bid for the Oval Office, or is he simply appointing himself as the vanguard of a reactionary uprising against the liberal establishment?

    Topics Discussed include: Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Election, 2016, Memes, Narratives, Culture, Debates, Alternative Media, Truth Movement, Alt-Right, Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Red Ice, Conspiracy, Left Wing, Globalism, Liberal, Rigged Election, Corruption, Trump-TV, Propaganda, David Icke, Democrat, Republican, Obama, Jacques Ellul, PSYOP, Fascism, Opportunism, 9/11 Truth, Victimhood, Flat Earth, Nazi's, 2012, NWO, Elite, Establishment, Zeitgeist, Religion, Political Correctness, Paul Joseph Watson, Steven Crowder, Gavin McInnes, Joe Rogan, Vikings, White Identity Politics, Immigration, Police State, Martial Law, Terrorism, DARPA, SMISC, Narrative Networks, MIC, Internet, Cherrypicking, Nightcrawler, CIA, FBI, Karl Rove.