Quina Aragon is an author, editor, and spoken word artist. She is the author of the children's book trilogy—"Love Made, Love Gave, and Love Can"—which poetically retells Scripture's story through a Trinitarian lens of love. She is also the author of Love Has a Story: 100 Meditations on the Enduring Love of God, which invites you to explore God’s love as it has existed and moved throughout (and before) time, and how it intends to transform your own life story.
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Bonus Q&A: Habits To Keep Marriage A Priority While Raising Kids, Does 2 Timothy 1:18 Support Praying For The Dead?, and More!
0:00 Introduction
0:27 What habits or traditions did you and your wife have to keep your marriage a priority while raising kids? Couples devotionals you'd recommend?
6:39. Is it a sin to have sex during a woman's period? How do you have this conversation in the church?
16:25 Does 2 Timothy 1:18 support praying for the dead or post mortem salvation?
18:34 Why were only certain writings of Paul included in the Bible?
20:12 If you could have one OT book and one NT book to read for the next three years, what would they be?
22:42 Penal Subsitution: When Jesus died, did the wrath of God come upon Him? How do I reconcile a wrathful God with this compassionate Jesus?
27:37 Thoughts on not voting in the election? How can we be kingdom minded while not taking for granted the freedom to vote?
37:12 If visual desire is akin to adultery, wouldn't premarital kissing or making out be akin to fornication?
39:45 What term was Joey Dodson saying in his last podcast regarding the household codes?
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Caleb Campbell is the lead pastor of Desert Springs Bible Church, in Phoenix, AZ, and is currently a doctoral student at Fuller Theological Seminary. His book, Disarming Leviathan (InterVarsity Press) equips Christians to minister to their Christian Nationalist neighbors.
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Elizabeth Neumann is a national security expert, violence prevention advocate, and author of the new book Kingdom of Rage: The Rise of Christian Extremism and the Path Back to Peace. She served on White House Homeland Security Council in the George W. Bush Administration, and as the Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism at the Department of Homeland Security during the Trump Administration. She is currently the Chief Strategy Officer for Moonshot - a tech-enabled company supporting governments and community partners to understand and prevent violence.
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Bonus Q&A: How to Handle Conversations w/ Those Hateful Towards LGBTQ, Is Not Sinning Even Possible?, Historicity of the Old Testament, and Personal Areas of Discipleship
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Pete currently serves as the Pastor of Student Ministry at Compass Church in Naperville, IL and has been in youth ministry for nearly 3 decades. Pete has taught in the Christian Ministries track at North Park University, written nationally published curriculum, and spoken at various camps and conferences. He did his undergrad at Cedarville University and his MA at Wheaton. Register for the “Exiles in Babylon” conference: theologyintheraw.com Join the Theology in the Raw Patreon community! Patreon.com/theologyintheraw
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Chad and Adaeze Brinkman are a mixed race married couple, who co-wrote an awesome book called White Boy, Black Girl. I highly recommend this book! Adaeze and Chad intentionally live out their passion of sharing the Gospel of Jesus together in their community. Adaeze works in the creative arts and Chad is a physical therapist. They love traveling and adventuring together, taking in the beauty of God's creation and encouraging others to do the same. In this convo, we talk all about their relationship and the beautiful complexity of race relations in the midst of it all.
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This episode is a talk I gave at the Center for Pastor Theologians annual conference held in Oak Park, IL, in September 2024. In this talk, I try to unpack what the Bible says about a Christian political identity by looking at the Scriptural themes of exile and Babylon. The talk was received fairly well, espeically by the Anabaptists in the back, who were hootin' and hollerin'. Others had some really thoughtful questions and pushback.
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Ashleigh Hull is the Emerging Generations Associate at Living Out ministries. She has been involved in youth work for more than 10 years. She now has the joy of helping young people (and those who serve them) grapple with faith and sexuality through the work of Living Out. Her other passions include good coffee, long fantasy novels, and deep dives into the Old Testament. In this convesation, I talk with Ashleigh about her story, how she came to grips with her faith and sexuality, and the work she now does with GenZ, including Living Out's awesome new resource: Kaleidoscope. Check it out HERE.
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Dr. Walter R. Strickland II (PhD, University of Aberdeen) assistant professor of systematic and contextual theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of several books including Swing Low volume 1 & volume 2. Dr. Strickland is a pastor at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC and is also a co-host of White Horse Inn. He lives in the Raleigh area with his wife and children.
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Brad Sarian is the lead and founding pastor of Restored Church LA in Los Angeles, CA. He is married to his wife of 13 years, has two children, and a passion to help people experience the love of Jesus so they can enjoy and obey him in all of life. Check out Restored LA here: https://www.restoredla.com
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Bonus Q&A: How Biblical Is Current Church Structure and more!
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Bekah Yawn has worked with dozens of women and couples nationwide to empower them in their fertility health in a God-centered way. As a Psychology major, FEMM Educator, FIAT Hormone Coach, and Certified Doula- she is well respected in the fertility community. She loves helping women understand their body in God's design and how to support it naturally for conception health. Find out more about Bekah at https://bekahyawn.com and https://femmhealth.org/teacher/bekah-yawn/
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Raeanne Newquist and her husband and 3 children joined Mercy Ships in 2019. After leaving everything behind in Southern California, they boarded the Africa Mercy in Las Palmas and made their way down to Dakar, Senegal for their first field service. On board, Raeanne volunteered in the communications department and later in chaplaincy. Currently, Raeanne is the host of the New Mercies podcast, and is the voice of the Mercy Minute daily radio broadcast. Find out how you can volunteer at Mercy Ships: https://findyourplace.mercyships.org/immediate-needs/
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Micah is a 23 year old female who has been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, where she has over 100 alters (what some people might think of as personalities, though this isn’t the most accurate term). Nathan, her father, is a former Pastor. Micah was diagnosed in January 2019, which began a remarkable journey of understanding and healing. I wanted to have this conversation for at least three reasons. (1) I’m curious about lots of different things, especially kinds of people and experiences that I don’t know much about. DID is certainly one of those areas. I’m bringing almost nothing to this table. (2) I’m particularly curious about minority experiences—people and stories and experiences that most people don’t have. (3) I think there can be a lot of fear and misunderstanding, which can lead to stigmatization, around certain psychological conditions like DID—especially with movies like Split, which we’ll get into. So, I hope this raw and honest conversation will help reduce the fear, misunderstanding, and indeed the stigma surrounding Dissociative Identity Disorder and other similar experiences.
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Jake Meador is the editor-in-chief of Mere Orthodoxy and author of multiple books. His writing has appeared in the Atlantic, Commonweal, First Things, the Dispatch, Comment, Christianity Today, and elsewhere. He lives in his hometown of Lincoln, NE with his wife and family. Our conversation is wide ranging, from culture, to history, to politics, to technology. I found Jake to be both delightful and thoughtful, especially when it comes to his analysis of culture and technology.
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Joey is my brotha from another motha. He also has a Ph.D. in New Testament from Aberdeen University, is the Dr. Craig L. Blomberg Endowed Chair of New Testament at Denver Seminary, and is the author of several scholarly books and peer reviewed articles. His latest book is excellent: Conquerers Not Captives: Reframing Romans 7 for the Christian Life. In this conversation, we go all over the place. If you like New Testament scholarly stuff, especially the Jewish and Greco-Roman context of the NT, you'll enjoy our nerdy banter. Oh, and we do talk quite a bit about Colossians in the last half of the episode.
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Last June, my family and I, along with a few other friends, visited an awesome ministry called Cherish Uganda. We were so impressed with this ministry that we decided to record a podcast on site, where we talked with one of their leaders Brent Phillips and several others from the team at Cherish Uganda. Cherish Uganda is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering hope & a promising future for families in need. Their mission is: To transform our community spiritually through education, healthcare, & family strengthening. Cherish is doing some amazing, holistic, and gospel-centered ministry outside of Kampala, Uganda. Please consider donating to this ministry here: https://www.cherishuganda.com/donate-1
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Dr. Austin Knuppe is an assistant professor of political science at Utah State University. For AY 2024-25 he is also a Newbigin Fellow through a joint initiative of the Carver Project and InterFaith America. Prior to Utah State, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College. He received his Ph.D. in political science from The Ohio State University in 2019. His research interests include civilian survival during wartime, Middle East politics, and the role of religion in international politics. His first book, Surviving the Islamic State: Contention, Cooperation, and Neutrality in Wartime Iraq (Columbia University Press, 2024)
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Dr. Gavin Ortlund is a writer, theologian, and Christian apologist. Gavin serves as President of Truth Unites, a ministry which seeks to promote gospel assurance through theological depth, and serves as a Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Nashville. Gavin holds a PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary and an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary. He’s written several books including his latest: What it Means to be Protestant: A Case for an Always-Reforming Church, which forms the basis of our conversation. But first, we talk extensively about his latest controversy over some false accusations that we made about his beliefs, how he responded, and the recent resurgence of fundamentalism in Christianity.
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