
  • For this Radiothon fund-raiser special, 11 guests from the past year talk about their work in activism, community development, social analysis and creating a better future.  

  • Heading toward the next election cycle, Jennifer and Jacques lament the state of public discourse, with superficial polarised positions reflected through the lethal triangle of two main parties and the mainstream media.To address this they raise issues of where we are going as a society, including migration, racism, housing, universities, wage-poverty, AUKUS, and the downward spiral of certain 'democracies' worldwide.

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  • Jennifer speaks with Lew Zipin who has had a career in education programs and been a union activist across three Australian universities. He talks about some devastating trends that have taken hold of our universities over the past two or three decades, invoking a few concepts of Karl Marx that seem more relevant than ever.One such concept is the 'alienation' that academic staff experience when the potentially meaningful social contributions of their labours are instead exploited by universities for competitive advantage.ReferencesBourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (pp. 241-258). Greenwood.Bourdieu, P. (1993) The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature, New York: Columbia University Press.Brennan, M. (2010) ‘Dividing the University: Perspectives from the middle’, in J. Blackmore, M. Brennan and L. Zipin (eds) Re-positioning University Governance and Academic Work, Rotterdam: Sense Publications, pp 115-132.Brennan, M., McPherson, A., Zipin, L. Rudolph, S., Rogers, B., Barron, R. & Woods, A. (2020). The Growing Urgency of Attending to the State of Education Research in Australian Higher Education. Report to the AARE Executive and Members from the Working Party, ‘Protecting and Extending Research in Education in Australia'. https://www.aare.edu.au/news/report-of-the-working-party-on-supporting-educational-research-is-now-available/ Bunda, T., Zipin, L. & Brennan, M. (2012) ‘Negotiating university “equity” from Indigenous standpoints: A shaky bridge’, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(9): 941–957.Engeström, Y, Virkkunen, J, Helle, M, Pihlaja, J & Poikela, R (1996), ‘The change laboratory as a tool for transforming work', Lifelong learning in Europe, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 10-17. Evans, G. (2023). Problematising knowledge and practices of Occupational Health and Safety in a small factory. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Education, UniSA Education Futures. Marginson, S. (2002) ‘Towards a politics of the Enterprise University’, Arena 17-18, 109-136.Marginson, S. & Considine, M. (2000) The Enterprise University: Power, Governance and Reinvention in Australia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Marx, K. (1964). Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844. International Publishers.Marx, K. (1976/1867). Capital, volume 1. PenguinSennett, S. (2006), The culture of the new capitalism, The Castle Lectures in Ethics, Politics, and Economics, Yale University Press. Zipin, L. (2006). ‘Governing Australia’s universities: The managerial strong-arming of academic agency’, Social Alternatives, 25(2): 26-31Zipin, L. (2010) ‘Situating university governance in the ethico-emotive ground tone of post/late times’, in J. Blackmore, M. Brennan and L. Zipin (eds) Re-positioning University Governance and Academic Work, Rotterdam: Sense Publications, pp 147-162Zipin, L. (2019) ‘How Council-Management Governance troubles Australian university labours and futures: Simplistic assumptions and complex consequences’, Social Alternatives 38(3): 28-35.Zipin, L. & Brennan, M. (2003) ‘The suppression of ethical dispositions through managerial governmentality: A habitus crisis in Australian higher education’, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 6(4): 351-370.Zipin & Brennan (2023). Affective labour pains of academic capitalism in crisis. In D. Nehring & K. Brunilla (Eds.), Affective capitalism in academia (pp. 21-46). Policy Press.

  • Jacques and Jennifer talk about another scandalous case of neo-colonial excess - the human rights crimes against the population of a newly independent country, Mauritius, and the people of its territory in the Chagos Archipelago. As part of a secret deal between Britain and the US, they were illegally deported to make way for a US military base. The connections with and similarities between 'terra nullius' in Australia, the removal of Palestinians from their lands and the 'empty lands' lie in Chagos/Mauritius are there for all to see.... anticipating AUKUS in another way? ReferencePhiippe Sands 2022, The last colony: A tale of exile, justice and Britain's colonial legacy, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

  • Jacques talks with academic and peace and environmental activist Dr Marty Branagan who is Convenor of Peace Studies at the University of New England. Marty has been assisting the 'Bendigo Three' activists, protesting the ongoing investments by the NAB in fossil fuels exploitation; brought to court for 'trespassing'; he wrote a 'Defence of Duress' in their support (see the June issue of New Community journal for an account of this - [email protected]). ReferenceMarty Branagan's new book 'The Cultural Dimensions of Peacebuilding'  will be available from Anthempress in August this year. In the book, Marty details 'aspects of cultures, including language, films, journalism, political economics, museums, education, parenting, gender, artistic activism, and spirituality, which can contribute to either more violent societies or more peaceful ones. Solutions-oriented, it aims to inspire deep understanding and reflection, empowerment, and grassroots action in cultural spheres.'https://anthempress.com/humanities-literature-and-arts/the-cultural-dimensions-of-peacebuilding-epub

  • Jennifer talks with Jorge Jorquera who is a Councillor at Maribyrnong Counil and Coordinator of Borderlands Cooperative.Jorge tells how he came to Australia with his family as an infant in the wake of the military coup in Chile in 1973, and the brutal regime that followed. In his early teens he joined the Labor Party for a time, before it took a turn to the right, bringing in various neo liberal 'reforms' in the 1980s. His life of social action since then has included student politics, and work with unions and community organisations.He believes that social change is inevitable, while we still have to work collectively for the form that social change takes. Currently inspiration can be found in the solidarity that young people and university students are showing with the Palestinian people in Gaza. Music: Righteous Ones by Blue King Brown; Milkumana by King Stingray Community announcement:The future of community development: a morning tea conversation with Peter Westoby10:30am Saturday 25 MayBorderlands Cooperative30A Pickett Street, Footscray 

  • Jacques and Marie talk about how universities could reinvigorate their work of teaching, learning and researching, following the devastation of 40 years of neo-liberalism, budget cuts and managerialism.

  • Jennifer and Jacques discuss the systemic and economic effects of internet platforms and social media, especially with power concentrated in a few super-rich companies.Author, Yanis Varoufakis, calls these 'technofeudalists', while most of us are reduced to 'serfs' - producing the products of the 'cloud' for free, and giving away data about ourselves that, in turn, is used to manipulate us. ReferenceYanis Varoufakis 2023, Technofeudalism: What killed capitalism. Australia: Penguin BooksKari Paul 2024, The House passed a Tik Tok bill: Will the US really ban the app? The Guardian, 14 Mar 2024Lily Hay Newman 2024, It's time to get real about Tik Tok's risks WIRED  

  • Jennifer talks with Katelyn Butterss, CEO of the Victorian Public Tenants Association (VPTA) about what is happening with the demolition of public housing towers, and public housing in general.Katelyn begins by explaining the difference between public housing and community housing, While there is a place for community housing as part of the housing mix, public housing is cheaper, more secure and more protective of human rights. Research has shown it is important for housing the most vulnerable and preventing homelessness.Katelyn and Jennifer discuss the folly of selling off public land to private developers to redevelop the public housing towers - evidently for very little gain. Nevertheless the detail of the Victorian Government's plans are vague at this point, giving some hope for activists that it might change course.Links:Victorian Public Tenants Association3CR Raise the RoofSave Public Housing Collective

  • Jennifer and Jacques discuss how we are constantly distracted by new information coming in from our devices, which is draining our ability to focus, and think deeply and creatively. This has serious implications for collective sense-making and for our capacity to address threats to our wellbeing and survival.ReferencesRobert Colvile (2016) The Great Acceleration: How the world is getting faster, faster. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.Jonathan Haidt (2023) ‘Get phones out of schools now’, The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/ban-smartphones-phone-free-schools-social-media/674304/)Johann Hari (2022) Stolen focus: Why you can’t pay attention. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.Joshua Meyrowitz (1985) No sense of Place: the Impact of electronic media on social behaviour Oxford: Oxford University PressHartmut Rosa (2005/2013) Social Acceleration: A new theory of Modernity. New York: Columbia University PressSoshana Zuboff (2019) The age of surveillance capitalism: The fight for a human future at the new frontier of power. London: Profile Books Ltd.New Community Journal (2018) vol. 16 (2) issue 62 Community Development + Social Media (order from [email protected]; the editorial "the promises+ predicaments of the social media" offers a good overview of critical works discussing this issue)Alan Kohler (The New Daily 4th February 2024) Social Media is Rewiring Humanity's central nervous systemDerek Thompson https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/12/cell-phones-student-test-scores-dropping/676889/

  • Jennifer and Jacques talk about the ways Australia is following disastrous paths toward constant war and has been for a long time, and why we need to fight for peace instead.ReferencesAlison Broinowski (2024) ‘Australia’s moment of choice: Illegal war on show in 2003 Cabinet papers’, Pearls and Irritations, https://johnmenadue.com/australias-moment-of-choice-illegal-war-on-show-in-2003-cabinet-papers/Joseph Camilleri (2024) ‘Time to silence the drums of war and give voice to the human spirit’, Disarming Times, 49(1), March 2024. (The journal of Pax Christi Australia)Michael Pascoe (2024) ‘Politics drives poor policy and forsakes principles in Palestine’, The New Daily, 16 March 2024.Naomi Klein on complicity in genocide, believes this is ‘not the first time’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOZENYTvibU

  • Jacques talks with Tim Hollo, author of Living democracy, about how we can rethink, rebuild and reconstruct our world from the grassroots up for a sustainable and hopeful future.This program resonates with a previous one on 24 November 2023  in which Jacques interviewed Jack Manning-Bancroft. The values that Jack consistently promoted, as does Tim Hollo – relationality, interdependence, inclusion, and diversity, strongly resonate with Borderlands and the Think Again philosophy. All look at the social-relational, spiritual, material and systemic damages that our current ways of doing things are inflicting on Mother Earth and her inhabitants, including us!In this interview, Tim offers a vision for a collective way out of the current mess we are in.ReferenceTim Hollo (2022) Living Democracy: An Ecological Manifesto for the End of the World as we know it. Sydney: NewSouth Publishing.

  • On this special International Women's Day program Jennifer talks with Lida Hazara, founder of Women for Change, which has helped countless Afghan women find their way after migrating to Australia, including meaningful employment.Many Afghan people have evidently settled in well over time, making enormous contribution to Australian society. At the same time Lida reminds us that the situation of girls and women in Afghanistan is desperate under Taliban rule, as they are banned from education and excluded from participation in public life. She implores us not to forget these women and to act in solidarity with them so that their situation is much better on the next International Womens Day in 2025.Take actionRing Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and ask how Australia is advocating for women in Afghanistan: (02) 6277 7500Amnesty International research and campaignUNESCO update - let women and girls in Afghanistan learnIf you have ideas for collective advocacy for girls and women in Afghanistan email Borderlands: [email protected] is life, by Allara Briggs-Pattison  

  • Jacques speaks with Hill, who presents an alternative Jewish perspective on the current Gaza crisis, a perspective we don't hear in the mainstream, including its long history starting from the 1800s.Jewish activists like Hill, who 'dare' to raise their voices are often viciously attacked by Zionists who too-often conflate critique of Israeli politics and Zionism with anti-semitism or being anti Jewish....And we certainly rarely hear about the role of the US, the Anglosphere and 'the west' in the destruction and elimination of an entire people... and that for the last 70 - 100 years...

  • The elimination of Palestinians from their land has been openly talked about and planned by Zionists and Israeli leaders for a long time, dating from the late 1800s and throughout the twentieth century, up to today. That plan ran alongside the earlier imperial British and present US interests to gain and maintain a foothold in that politically volatile but economically vital region.Jennifer and Jacques share some of the words that have come from their own Zionist/Israeli mouths. Such testimony reveals the nonsense put about by the 'West' and its mainstream media - that Israel's current assault on Palestinians is 'mere' self-defence following the Hamas attacks last October.ReferencesThe US and Israel violating the International Court of Justice decision:https://geopoliticaleconomy.substack.com/p/us-veto-un-resolution-gaza-israel-hague?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=457596&post_id=141914246&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1nuipp&utm_medium=email  Israel, Les cent pires citations by Michel Collon and Jean-Pierre Bouché https://investigaction.net/boutique/israel-les-100-pires-citations-precommande/  La Propagande d’Israel by Ilan Pappé https://investigaction.net/boutique/la-propagande-disrael/ TAKE ACTION:APAN: https://apan.org.au/events/   Loud Jew Collective: https://www.facebook.com/loudjewcollective/Jewish Voice for Peace (US based) (JVP):  https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/   

  • Jennifer and Jacques re-visit the devastating situation in Ukraine, which the US and its allies dropped that country in.While the west has now shifted its attention and resources elsewhere, the mainstream media complies and does the same.The US plan to kill more Ukrainians Jeffrey D. Sachs   Feb 10, 2024 https://johnmenadue.com/the-us-plan-to-kill-more-ukrainians/How the West Brought War to Ukraine, author Benjamin Abelow https://www.amazon.com/How-West-Brought-Ukraine-Understanding-ebook/dp/B0BG5DRLKL?ref_=ast_author_mpbDe Wereld Morgen, Lode Van Oost: ‘Ukraine is at the edge of the cliff and NATO watches in agreement’…

  • Jacques and Jennifer continue their commentary on the escalating crisis in Gaza.The United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that there is a risk of genocide by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza and that Israel has the responsibility to prevent acts of genocide by its armed forces. Meanwhile the United Nations is undermined again, by powers not wishing to comply with international agreements for peace and order. In the latest instance, the UN agency 'UNRWA', which provides support and assistance to 5.9 million Palestinians living across several countries in the nearby Middle East, (more than 2 million in Gaza), has had its funding suspended by several nations on the basis of unproven allegations by Israel against four of UNRWA's 13,000 workers in Gaza. Australia has suspended aid to people in Gaza through UNRWA, even while the ICJ has told Israel to improve the humanitarian situation for civilians in Gaza in the interests of preventing genocide.ReferencesChris Hedges 2024, 'The four horsemen of Gaza's apocalypse', The Chris Hedges report, 22 January 2024.Henry Reynolds 2024, 'Australia's brutal "rules-based international order" is on full display in Gaza', Pearls and irritations, 17 January 2024.Margaret Reynolds 2024, 'Is this what Australia has become?', Pearls and irritations, 12 December 2023. Addtional program notesTrue to form, most of our mainstream commentators and politicians are still not making the connections: that Israel's accusations against UNRWA are part of (1) the long-term attempts of Israel to get rid of the UN agency (because it keeps the Palestinians alive and present in Gaza), and (2) a distraction from the consequences of the ICJ judgment for which Israel will have to justify itself before the end of February. Although Australia has a proud history in the establishing of the UN (as clearly detailed in Frank Bongiorno's recent 'Dreamers and Schemers'), more and more we confirm that we're standing on the wrong side of history. Meanwhile the death toll in Gaza grows to almost 30,000, and the figure for the wounded and incapacitated is moving towards 70,000. About 60 per cent of the infrastructure has been damaged. The intransigence and brutality of the Israeli government and army is clearly on show, aided and abetted by its Anglosaxon (not yet post-colonial) international friends providing them with the munitions, as well as strategic, political and propaganda support.Time for Australia - and the Albo-Wong-Marles bubble - to reconsider its global political stance...?

  • Jacques and Jennifer talk about the history of the idea and establishment of a Zionist Jewish state.They begin with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE, and cover developments in the 1800s and 1900s up to the turbocharging of the idea by a colonialist British Empire looking out for its own interests in the middle east. They cover the devastating developments in 1948 and again in 1967 with Palestinian people cleared off their land to make way for establishment and expansion of the State of Israel.While the colonising parties have changed, the colonial enterprise continues to this day, along with the perennial 'elimination logic' applied to indigenous peoples who get in the way.ReferencesOctober 2023 Interview with Ilan Pappé    https://znetwork.org/zvideo/crisis-in-zionism-opportunity-for-palestine/ May 2023 Ilan Pappé   https://znetwork.org/znetarticle/palestine-was-destroyed-in-12-months-but-the-nakba-has-gone-on-for-75-years/ https://archive.org/details/ten-myths-about-israel-by-ilan-pappe-2017 https://www.mo.be/en/interview/where-does-violence-middle-east-end-it-form-colonialism-becoming-more-extreme Arthur Neslen Occupied Minds: A Journey through the Israeli Psyche  Pluto Presshttps://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-01-31/ty-article-opinion/.premium/israelis-post-october-7-humility-is-gone-the-arrogance-is-back/0000018d-60b3-d6d3-a98d-ecff5b600000 Catherine L., ‘De Palestijnse kwestie: een koloniaal probleem?’, in Catherine L., Wim De Neuter en Chomsky N., De Palestijnen: een volk teveel?, Berchem 1988Catherine L., Palestijnen. Geschiedenis van een kolonisatie, Berchem 2017Shlomo Sand The Invention of the Jewish People (Verso Books, 2009)

  • Jennifer and Jacques cast their eye over the 'mess' that was 2023, and how we are managing (or not managing) our affairs in Australia.They reflect on the true reformist, ex-PM Gough Whitlam, and how rare such inspiration and meaningful programs are today in a world of 'hollowed out parties, sound bites, and 24-hour news cycles'.Some insights are drawn from the US predicament as described by Rick Perlstein in an article in Mother Jones titled 'Infernal Triangle', with the points of the triangle being: authoritarian Republicans, ineffectual Democrats and clueless media. In short, neither of these are doing their job, a situation which has broad paralells in Australia: with an 'authoritarian' and conservative Dutton-led Coalition 'opposition', a compromising ALP and the News Corp./Nine Entertainment media - amplified by the 'social' media - demanding 'balance', the real winners are the 1% - 10% most profiting from global corporate capitalism.The presenters end by highlighting that resistance and activism are more important than ever.ReferenceBongiorno, F (2022) Dreamers and Schemers: A political history of Australia, Melbourne: LaTrobe University & Black Inc. (especially the great summary of 1960s-70s activism on pp. 260 - 290...)see also: "The problem with Australian politics? Both sides agree about everything" Alan Kohler (The New Daily Feb 22, 2024)(https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/opinion/2024/02/22/)

  • Jennifer and Jacques talk about some stories that may help us understand our times and think about doing things differently as a society, such as: 'The Hare and the tortoise', 'The emperor has no clothes', and 'The story of King Midas'. They finish up by talking about Donald Trump's 'The art of the deal', as discussed by Aboriginal author, Tyson Yunkaporta, in his latest book: 'Right story, wrong story'. To quote Yunkaporta: "... 'The art of the deal' is everywhere now. It's a shameful and shameless process. Flip, lie, contradict yourself, double down and yell until everything is broken, then enjoy your social advancement as you stand upon the smoking ruins of your relationships..." This is part of Yunkaporta's broader critique of the 'scorched-earth' policies of our destructive economic experiment which has been scaled to the planetary level. ReferenceTyson Yunkaporta (2023) Right Story Wrong Story: Adventures in Indigenous Thinking Melbourne: Text Publ.