
  • Do you think bicycles aren't a sexy way to travel? Do we as a nation look down upon cycling to work? In the latest edition of Thoughcast by Onething, Divanshu sits down for an electric chat with Aditya Oza, the founder at EMotorad. The conversation uncovers Aditya’s journey of levitating the EV revolution in India, through his e-bike startup. The man is highly spirited about fostering a future where folks in India bend towards healthy and sustainable living.

    The podcast also suggests how startups play a vital role in dumping out foreign players by nurturing Make in India. Aditya believes, after the IT wave, it’s finally time for India to flourish as a manufacturing destination too. Emotorad has already started capturing the EV space while penetrating deep into real India, eliminating the competition from outside.

    Well, Divanshu and Aditya unravel a lot more insights on the future of electric biking and how it can prosper in a country like ours, addressing many myths and misconceptions.
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  • On this edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu gets into an artistic conversation with Sneha, a popular muralist turned NFT artist. When asked about her journey, she broke down every step she took to reach where she is today, from painting walls to painting the digital landscape.

    Well, creative people, especially traditional artists have a unique way of thinking. For them, what comes first is to express the truth of their story. Then how do they fit into the mathematical world of business and technology in their process? Sneha answers this beautifully.

    Lend an ear to this episode, and catch some amazing anecdotes from Sneha’s journey.

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  • In this edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Co-Founder & Design Director Manik is joined by UX Lead Venky, as they sit down to discuss one of the sleeper-gems of the design industry, enterprise UX design. The conversation opens with defining enterprise UX, and its unique space nestled somewhere between the worlds of B2B and B2C. The pair also clarify its differences from platforms such as Slack, and other tools merely utilized by enterprises, rather than being enterprise products.

    The discussion then shifts to illustrating the importance of enterprise UX through an example; Crisil! Venky breaks down how unifying Crisil’s 14 internal platforms was a unique experience, and gave a brilliant window into the vast world of enterprise UX. Furthermore, it illustrated the importance of the vertical, in that even the tech teams launching the product would only have to code 1 product, instead of 14, making it critical to the smooth operations of the business internally.

    Discussing further, Manik goes on to the importance of enterprises to build custom solutions that are tailored to the needs of all operations, even considering building a product to be used by Team Onething internally, a fascinating prospect.

    Don’t miss out on one of the cornerstones of UX design in enterprise UX, on the latest episode of Thoughtcast by Onething!
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  • In this episode of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu is joined by Bharath Ram, Senior Vice President, User Growth and Retention at Flipkart! Bharath is a veteran of the e-commerce space, both in India, and abroad, and we picked his brain about the nature and evolution of the industry. The discussion kicks off by discussing the nature, and quirks of digital consumers across the globe, and how geographic factors can influence the success or failure of a platform!

    Diving deeper, Bharath breaks down his philosophies about design at Flipkart, alongside which metrics are utilized to understand and maximize customer satisfaction. Furthermore, we delve into the redesign of Flipkart, and the things that need to be considered when designing for the next generation of a billion digital buyers and sellers.

    Be sure not to miss the e-commerce & design connection, in the newest edition of Thoughtcast.
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  • On the newest edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu is joined by Arjun Vaidya, the founder of Dr.Vaidya’s, one of the new-wave Ayurvedic brands, which are modernizing the age-old science, for a new generation. Divanshu and Arjun’s conversation revolves around the direct-to-consumer business model, and why they believe it’s the future of digital retail.

    They begin by discussing the modern-entrepreneurial space in India, and Arjun’s journey, building up to his big exit. The chat quickly shifts to the product itself, and why Arjun chose Ayurveda to be his championed product as an entrepreneur. Furthermore, he discussed the pivot from physical sales to D2C, and how his grandfather's vision of making Ayurveda accessible played a role in modernizing his model, to serve a larger, digital customer base. On-top-of-this, the realization that 82% of the audience stayed outside major cities was another catalyst in accelerating Dr.Vaidya’s shift to D2C.

    Arjun then delves into the comparison between conventional brands, and digital ones, explaining how the process of establishing an image or identity differs between the two, as well as the tactics he utilized to put Dr.Vaidya’s on the digital map. The insightful conversation culminates in discussing why things like packaging, and identity, in general, must be constantly refreshed in the modern landscape, to cater to what users actually value most now.

    Don’t miss the discussion around the future of E-Commerce, in this episode of Thoughtcast.
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  • In the latest edition of Season 3 of Thoughtcast by Onething, Manik (Co-Founder, Onething) is joined by Venky (UX Lead, Onething). They exchange anecdotes about what empathy means to them as designers and what their journey has been like.

    While covering their narratives about the significance of empathy in design, the discussion culminates in discussing how to understand the needs of a user as a designer and pay attention to the underlying issues and find expedient solutions to them. Furthermore, Venky’s take on a comprehensive guide about what position empathy holds in design thinking pushes the urge to think about empathy being the cornerstone of any successful design undertaking. The duo then climbs up the hierarchy of empathizing with every individual in the design creation queue - from designers, and developers to stakeholders.

    For more on the design space, head over to onething.design.

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  • Kicking off season 3 of Thoughtcast by Onething with an insightful chat about Web 3.0! In this episode, host Divanshu is joined by Akshay Gurnani, the co-founder of Schbang, a leading digital agency in India. The conversation opens with how the pair met one another, as well as Akshay’s journey to this point, particularly in the last decade.

    Following this, we come to the focus of the discussion, Web 3.0, and crucially, how it will evolve the relationship between users and digital products. In particular, we discuss the metaverse, NFTs, and the blockchain. Akshay gives a fantastic example of utility in the blockchain, citing the difficulty in tracking down past homeowners when purchasing property, and how the blockchain is a perfect solution for the issue. Furthermore, the pair delve into their dream scenarios for the metaverse, including its impact on daily life in general, advertising, customer experiences, and more! The conversation culminates in discussing how familiar newer generations are with these technologies, and how it appears like second nature to them.

    Don’t miss the season premiere of Thoughtcast by Onething, LIVE now!

    For more on the design space, head over to onething.design.

    Join our community on LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.

  • On the latest edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu is joined by Anil Reddy, the co-founder, and global design director at Lollypop Design Studio. The conversation between founders centers around the state of Indian design, and how agencies originating in the subcontinent are going on to define and dominate the global market.

    They exchange anecdotes over the design landscape, including their experiences with projects, clients, and teams, ranging from hilarious, to nightmarish.

    The discussion culminates in discussing the process by which India has become a powerhouse in the global design landscape, and how India as a whole is becoming a hotspot for multitalented design studios. Furthermore, they share wisdom on why this process is due to accelerate in the coming years, and why the future is bright for design in India.

    Don’t miss the newest episode of Thoughtcast by Onething, available everywhere!

  • In this edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu is joined by Onething’s UX Leads Antara, and Venky. The topic in question is the means by which companies embark on a digital transformation journey. The entire spectrum of brands are discussed, from those who are merely beginning to adopt the digital, to those who have known nothing besides it.

    In covering the gamut of journeys in digital transformation, the trio discuss the role design plays in a modern, rapidly digitising world, and its implications. Furthermore, the nature of transformation, the time it takes, and how frequently major steps are committed to are also brought into the discussion.

    Don’t miss the debate on digital transformation on the newest episode of Thoughtcast by Onething.

  • In the newest episode of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu and Manik, co-founders at Onething, sit down for a walk down memory lane! This podcast revolves around the 3 biggest mistakes they made in starting their business, but encapsulates so much more. From the turmoil, to triumph of taking a startup to the next level, the founders remember how their journey to the top has been.

    From personal insights, to advice for young entrepreneurs, there are far more than 3 lessons to take away from this podcast! Be it lessons on delegation, trusting others, and punctuality, to culture, scaling, and more. Lastly, Divanshu and Manik also unlock what they would do differently today, and how they realized how to change their ways from just half a decade back!

    Don’t miss this nostalgic episode of Thoughtcast by Onething!

  • In a follow-up episode to our last, Divanshu once again sits down with Kunel and Sayantan from Animal, one of India’s largest creative agencies. This episode goes in deeper to exploring topics which were touched-on in the first. The conversation begins in questioning the typical image of an advertising agency, one of pressure and constant time-crunch. Kunel and Sayantan myth bust certain dogmas which we had around the space, and clarified the steps they take to keep the atmosphere at Animal high at all times.

    Furthermore, the guests go deep on their previous projects, and outline certain big wins which were creatively fulfilling for them. Namely, they discuss in-detail projects like Adidas Originals, and Budweiser, which were exciting due to facilitating exploration of so many different mediums. Lastly, the guests part ways with some advice for future generations, looking to make their mark on design and advertising.

    Don’t miss the talk around Animal, and their mark on advertising, tune-in to Thoughtcast by Onething.

  • On this edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu sits down with Kunel and Sayantan, Founder and Senior Partner at Animal respectively. Animal is one of the largest creative agencies in India, and has continued to wow audiences with their unbelievable campaigns, and inspirational approach. Kunel breaks down the inception, and humble beginnings as well.

    Furthermore, we take a deep-dive into some of the unique projects Animal has ventured into over the past years. Eventually, the conversation reaches a point where the trajectory of the agency is discussed. To wrap-up, Divanshu inquires about the Agency’s long-term goals, and how they end up balancing growth, with maintaining reputation. Another major point of discussion is how the agency finds and adjusts talents into a complex structure.

    Don’t miss this venture into the creative madness, on this weeks edition of Thoughtcast!

  • On this edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, we get two of our UX leads; Antara and Venky in conversation with Divanshu, regarding some of the conventional ‘Laws of UX’. The discussion revolves around how binding the laws actually are, and in the moments where flexibility is granted, what factors contribute to them being bent, or even broken.

    Furthermore, we delve into the origin of these laws, their deep roots in psychology, and how they even end up making digital products more friendly. Also discussed is when and where laws are relevant, and how they are a significant part of any designers toolkit, although not always in designing itself, but in unexpected scenarios, like simplifying complex decision making for non-designers. The discussion ends on some of Venky and Antara’s real world applications of the UX laws, and how through their experience, they’ve learned to isolate situations in which not only to use them, but also drop them.

    For the full discussion on the laws of UX, and their relevance, tune in to this episode of Thoughtcast by Onething.

  • This week on Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu is joined by Pratham Mittal, the Director of Masters’ Union. MU is redefining the classical ‘business school’ image, by providing an industry-immersed education, allowing learners to learn from proven industry professionals, and practitioners. Pratham delves into his background in education, and how being surrounded by it gave him a more unique perspective than most others.

    They discuss the education system as a whole, it’s shortcomings, and how MU is aiming to address them. Furthermore, they delve into the evolution of the education system, and whether or not we’ve actually progressed, or regressed as learners, with regards to our methods. The discussion culminates on the future of education, and where we’re heading as a society, with regards to how we craft skilful and knowledgeable professionals.

    Don’t miss the education discourse, on this edition of Thoughtcast by Onething.

  • On this weeks edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu sits down with Upasana Makati, the co-founder of WhitePrint, India’s first English lifestyle magazine, printed entirely in Braille. Having made it’s debut in 2013, WhitePrint aims to bring the world of culture to an entirely new audience, the visually impaired!

    Besides resources for the blind, Upasana breaks down the need for accessibility in the world of design, and beyond! She envisions a reality wherein people with all kinds of impairments, not just visual, can use tools and techniques curated by others to experience the world in a more holistic manner. Furthermore, she goes on to share some heartwarming interactions she had with readers of her magazine, and how she opened up their world far beyond what they had ever imagined.

    For all things accessibility, and to learn more about Upasana’s journey, don’t miss this week Thoughtcast by Onething.

  • On the latest edition of Thoughtcast by Onething, Sonakshi has a chat with Karthik Hariharan, a counselling psychologist to discuss mental health implications of the modern-day workplace. They chat about mental health awareness, and social media misinformation. Furthermore, a large portion of the discussion speaks specifically to the Covid-19 pandemic, and how the work-from-home culture change augmented our schedules for the worse.

    The podcast also suggests tactics and strategies which individuals can employ in their daily lives, with relative ease, to reduce the burden of burnout and lead mentally healthier lifestyles. We also get into what companies can do for their employees in the same regard, and some real world examples which have worked wonders.

    Catch real world mental health insights, from a professional, on this episode of Thoughtcast by Onething.

  • In the season 2 premiere of Thoughtcast by Onething, Divanshu, sits down with Manik and Venky from the team to discuss a crucial topic in the world of design; that being ethical UX, and the use of dark patterns. We run through various examples, including Netflix, and talk about how the laws of UX are sometimes exploited to achieve business objectives and KPI’s. We then discuss the process of finding a balance between the business side, and ethical side of things, with Venky bringing to the table some real-world examples of where this decision had to be made, including Lokal!

    All told, the discussion of ethical design is an important one. UX designers do hold a certain responsibility to deliver honest products to users, and the solutions discussed in this podcast may just help you on your own UI/UX design journey! Tune in to this episode of Thoughtcast by Onething now!

  • In the latest edition of Business & UX Story, Divanshu is joined by Siddhartha Bagri, the CEO of Pravaig Dynamics. Pravaig is building revolutionary electric cars in India, set to shake up the system of not only what we move in, but how we do it. The company is UX driven, with the model being explored being likened to Uber in a sense. However, the entire experience is curated perfectly, from the drivers being trained, to the app being meticulously designed.

    Siddhartha and Divanshu also delve into the UI/UX Design of the Extinction Mark 2, the newest prototype from Pravaig. They delve into key quirks and features of the car, as well as it’s functionality; how it aims to integrate into the lives of its users. The EV space as a whole is discussed, as we engage in discourse on how it’s evolved over the years, since Pravaig has been around for over a decade now. Lastly, we explore Pravaig’s other operations, including Military Utility Vehicles, and their significance in the modern fuel landscape.

    To learn more about Siddhartha Bagri, his brainchild Pravaig, and the electric mobility revolution as a whole, don’t miss this episode of Business & UX Story.

  • On this edition of Business & UX Story, Divanshu is joined by Akhil Aryan. Akhil is the co-founder of Ion Energy, one of the most exciting young companies in the electric space. Ion aims to supplement the electric revolution which is currently taking place by enhancing the user experience at every turn, through their unique energy solutions. These include, smarter batteries, driven by smarter battery management solutions, making renewable energy, more intelligent. Akhil is an environmentalist at heart, and is harnessing excellent UI/UX design to ease the human race’s transition into the era of electric. Akhil fascinatingly likens the process of UI/UX design, to environmental sustainability, wherein the end goal cannot be possible without every facet of the journey being optimized individually first. We discuss how Ion’s two major products, Maxwell and Altergo bookend the UX of utilizing an electric product in any capacity, with one being an electric storage system, required to harness energy effectively, and the other being an analytics platform, crucial to the long term health of the aforementioned systems. These combined allows batteries to be far more efficient, effectively driving down their total cost, ushering in a new era of energy.To hear all about the design, and physical impact of Ion Energy, Akhil’s journey so far, and the future of electric mobility, tune in to this edition of Business & UX Story.

  • In this edition of Business & UX Story, Divanshu is joined by Akshit Bansal, the co-founder, and CEO of Statiq. Akshit and his team are into the EV space, but not in the way you may think. Statiq is India’s largest EV charging network. Functioning on a hosting model, similar to franchising, Statiq allows any landowner to host an EV charging station, providing for a totally unique and innovative user experience for hosts, and consumers alike.

    The conversation shines a light on the challenges being faced by Statiq, as well as hundreds of other EV centric startups across the nation, with the industry being so young and newly regulated. Being an environmentalist at heart, and has a personal stake in the success of EV’s not just in India, but the world as a whole. On the design side, we delve into how UI/UX design helped merge the functionality of multiple apps into one, creating a single solution for so many EV-power related issues.

    To hear all about Akshit’s journey as a founder, and the impact he wants to make in the world through Statiq, be sure to tune in-to this episode of Business & UX Story.