In this episode of Top Game Podcast, we sit down with MSgt Jeff Averette, the Senior Enlisted Leader at the Marine Corps Software Factory, to explore the intersection of Marine Corps traditions and cutting-edge software development. MSgt Averette shares his journey of adapting to leadership in a technical environment, the role of the Software Factory in shaping the future of the Marine Corps, and how they are empowering Marines to drive innovation. This episode sheds light on the importance of creative problem-solving, fostering talent, and adapting to the evolving landscape of military technology.
Topics Covered: Leadership in a tech-focused military environment The mission and vision of the Marine Corps Software Factory Balancing tradition with technological innovation How Marines are being trained as software developers Insights on talent management and retention in the Marine Corps Takeaways: The Marine Corps is evolving, and the Software Factory is a key part of that transformation. Leadership in a technical environment requires both traditional Marine Corps values and innovative problem-solving skills. Building a capable and flexible future force depends on empowering Marines with modern technical skills.For our listeners, I ask that you do one or all of three things:
Leave a review. Share this episode with a friend. Consider subscribing on Apple Podcasts.All of the above help keep this thing going.
Discover the intricate dance of leadership and camaraderie within the Marine Corps as we sit down with Top Le, the senior enlisted leader from Company H, MCSB. Listen to tales of navigating various assignments, including SIOC instructor duty and recruiting, and balancing the dual responsibilities of independent mission execution and leading a team of 48 Marines. Our guest shares how previous professional relationships, like the one with his commanding officer, ease transitions and foster growth, both personally and within the organization. This episode promises to reveal the nuances of leadership and the impact of mentorship on shaping future Marine Corps leaders.
As we journey through the complex layers of balancing foundational Marine Corps skills with specialized intelligence roles, you'll learn how communication emerges as a critical tool. Our conversation tackles the tension between maintaining traditional customs and embracing necessary change, illustrated by the resistance to altering a cherished military tradition. Through personal anecdotes, our guest provides insight into the evolving roles of senior enlisted leaders and the importance of preserving the integrity of military service while fostering young talent in a modernizing force.
Finally, we explore the adaptability of the Marine Corps in the information age. From heartwarming stories of heroism that extend beyond the battlefield to exciting new initiatives like the "Fighting Smart" docu-series, this episode underscores the timeless values of courage, duty, and readiness. Uncover the significance of storytelling and communication in the development of future leaders and gain an understanding of how strategic deployments are shaping the Corps in the modern era. Join us for an episode that celebrates the essence of Marine Corps values and leadership.
Sammy Castro
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In episode 33 of Top Game, I had the distinct honor of sitting down with my brother in arms, Master Gunnery Sergeant Jeff Rooke. Over the past 24 years, Jeff and I have shared a bond forged through the challenges and triumphs of our Marine Corps careers, as well as our shared roots as fellow Texans. During his tenure as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader at the Presidio of Monterey, Jeff left an indelible mark on countless Marines, shaping their careers and lives in profound ways. Last year, I had the privilege of speaking at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball for his unit, a testament to the deep respect and camaraderie we share.
In our conversation, we delve into the evolution we've witnessed during our time in uniform, the obstacles we've overcome, and the milestones we've reached. Jeff's passion for leadership development shines through as we discuss the vital role of mentorship and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement. Whether you're a seasoned Marine or someone interested in the principles of leadership, this episode offers valuable insights into the journey of two Marines committed to excellence.
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In this insightful episode of Top Game, host Sammy Castro sits down with Chief Warrant Officer Trebor Whitehead to explore the multifaceted world of military leadership and the evolving landscape of warfare technology. Join us as we delve into personal growth, mentorship, and the importance of staying ahead in the dynamic field of military operations.
Key Highlights:Introduction to Chief Warrant Officer Trebor Whitehead
Opening thoughts and the significance of today’s discussion.Early Career and Personal Growth
Reflections on the initial stages of military careers and the importance of foundational experiences.Leadership and Mentorship
Discussion on the roles and responsibilities of leadership within the military. The impact of mentorship on career development.The Role of Podcasting in Sharing Military Experiences
Insights into how the medium of podcasting serves as a tool for knowledge sharing and mentorship within the Marine community.Challenges and Representation of Women in the Marines
A candid look at the experiences and challenges faced by female Marines.Technological Evolution in Modern Warfare
In-depth conversation on the role and impact of technology in modern military operations.Balancing Military and Family Life
Insights into the challenges of managing a military career alongside family responsibilities.Future Outlook and Leadership in the Marine Corps
Discussions on the future directions of the Marine Corps and the preparation of the next generation of military leaders.Closing Thoughts and Reflections
Final reflections on the conversation and the ongoing journey of learning and leadership in the military. Notable Quotes: “The strength of the tribe is that we strengthen our tribe.” – Sammy Castro "It's not really about what we do, it's about who we are." – Trebor Whitehead "You're always learning, always experiencing. It’s about being open to change and embracing the new challenges." – Trebor Whitehead -
Nate & I sat down at my basement bar in Virginia to connect. We never had the opportunity to serve together in the same unit, so we took advantage of a conference to set time aside to record this interview. Initially, he was reluctant because he thought he had nothing to offer the audience. I knew better. His views on agency, mindset, and leaving it all out on the field are crucial takeaways.
Our conversation covers topics spanning family readiness, the natural tension between the information & intelligence warfighting functions, and the need to tailor the application of leadership fundamentals to distinct audiences. We nerd out about science fiction, whisky, artificial intelligence & of course, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!
As I roll out exclusive content, I've determined Patreon as the easiest way to engage with the audience. Any tier will suffice, and you can still reach me on Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn, Discord, or at topgamepodcast@gmail.com.
The website needs a touch-up, but I did add some merchandise there in the form of T-shirts & hoodies. You can find it under the Game Theory link at the top of the page.
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Episode 30 has been a long time coming. Top Bailey & I first "met" on Reddit when he reached out to say thanks for creating a forum for us to discuss to us. Since we've been in contact, he's been a great sounding board to help provide insight into what our community needs to hear: "Intimate conversations with Marines exploring their journeys, perspectives & experiences." Nate & I discuss courage, being a perpetual novice, as well as the link between humility & empathy. Thanks for tuning in.
Marshall Troy is a close personal friend and Jiu Jitsu Black Belt. He is a stalwart ambassador for jiu jitsu as therapy, particularly for veterans battling ptsd and struggling to cope with suicide ideation.
Marshall & I met back in August 2019 at the in Maine at the Origin Immersion Camp.
Hailing from the great state of Oklahoma, we shared an Uber from Portland to Camp Laurel and established an immediate connection.
In August of 2021, we were able to meet up again In Maine for our second Immersion Camp. We grew our circle of friends, most notably in the Towhees Cabin, and shared quite a bit of time together on and off the mats.
While there, we carved out some time to sit down, press record and reflect on some of our experiences and observations since the last time we were together two years ago.
In the interview, we cover our common close ties with LGBT family members, how that has impacted our dealings with those around us and the influence we can make on those coping with a lack of acceptance, ostracism and targeted hate. We also dive into how we have learned to navigate the sometimes turbulent discourse taking place on social media platforms.
Episode 28 brings us to SSgt Antuan Martin. We first met in Hawaii when I was visiting as an evaluator for a 3d Radio Bn field exercise in 2017. He was a Sgt at the time, and an adage I learned from the dog men I grew up around fit perfectly. "There were some big paws on that pup." Since that initial encounter, we've stayed in contact. It was immediately apparent during subsequent conversations that he had been heavily influenced by quite a few of my peers who I have been close with over the years.
We cover a spectrum of topics spanning strength training, jiu-jitsu, learning styles, audio production, and even video games in our conversation. Themes that emerged in the discussion include our distinct takes on the individual Marine's value to the institution and the dynamic nature of camaraderie through the Corps.
Much like many of the young professionals who fill out our middle ranks, SSgt Martin demonstrates a thirst for a greater challenge that influenced his decision to go deeper than he would have otherwise. His perspective on the value of initiative is a tacit reminder of the importance for senior leaders to cultivate an environment whereby their subordinates are permitted to "dare greatly" without fear.
SSgt Martin provides an intimate look into his childhood being raised by a single mother. He goes on to illustrate how key SNCOs, ostensibly serving as paternal surrogates, directly invested time and energy towards his personal and professional growth. I genuinely enjoyed this interview with such an intelligent and insightful young leader. I look forward to following his career, as I am absolutely certain of his status as an emerging titan. As I write this, I am reminded of another axiom from my hometown: "Game recognizes game."
Following a hectic PCS move from Okinawa to the Pentagon, we're finally back up and running with plenty of high value targets in the vicinity to link up with. Thanks for all your support. Thanks for your patience. Fortitudine.
Gen Krulak's 1997 Speech on the Marine Corps' Future
Top Game Podcast Patreon
Episode 26 is one of the first episodes I ever recorded during a trip to San Angelo for an OCCFLD working group. The delay was primarily technical and partially content. I deliberated quite a bit about what, if anything, I needed to pull from the interview. What you hear in this conversation is all Tom, unfiltered…mostly! Tom promoted me to Sgt back in 2002 before I even hit the Fleet. During our interview, we discuss quite a range of topics that cover the influence of the Senior Enlisted on command climate, the impact of technology on operations, the sometimes opposing perspectives between the strategic, operational & tactical, the importance of staying in touch with our fellow Marines, and the unique bond we as Marines enjoy in spite of the demanding and competitive environment we maintain.
In Episode 25, I finally sit down with the outgoing Operations Chief of III MEF Information Group, MGySgt Rich Deuto. As he heads back to familiar territory as the incoming Senior Enlisted Leader for Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion, we investigate his passion for history, the impact of growing up as a Marine brat, as well as the impact that has had on his won family as his son later joined the Marine Corps.
His arrival on Okinawa two years ago was my opportunity to have a 2691 MGuns on island with me that I could engage with regularly for much the same kind of professional discussions you hear on this podcast. I held off as long as I could to record this episode because I wanted to have as much observation time before the interview. Personally, the interviews which focus on a guest with whom I have a strong personal relationship are the most intimate. I’m sure you’ll agree the exchange was value added to the show.
Episode 24 highlights Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion’s Senior Enlisted, MGySgt Leon Ransom, Jr., a single father currently preparing his family for assignment overseas in Okinawa, Japan. In the course of the interview, MGuns highlights the dangers of Retirement On Active Duty (ROAD), key considerations to bring to bear when a Marine engages with the monitor, and the significance of advocacy and proponency.
Fundamental takeaways include the value of leveraging executive championship, extending your sphere of influence, as well as scrupulous navigation through the human terrain at the upper echelons of the enlisted ranks.
MGuns later goes on to disclose the underlying motivation behind his outreach to at-risk youth. It is predicated on his desire to give back to the role models who were there to guide him along the way. A central component to his message is the interdependency between family readiness and national security. In his words, “Family is the basis of all things.” My translation of that would be, “La familia es todo.”
Episode 23 brings us to Saul and Claudia Barajas. Saul was my Military Language Instructor back in 2000 as I was going through the Spanish Course at DLI. Our paths diverged for many years but the bond remained intact. Tragically, his family suffered the devastating loss of their daughter, Caprice, in 2011. What followed was a combination of denial, anger, and depression coupled with redemption and restored faith. In the course of our conversation, we explore the beauty of the military community and the support system that guided them through the “worst of times.”
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In Episode 22, I sit down with MGySgt John Tiffany to dive into the wave tops of his 26 year career. We met in passing at Ft. Meade back in 2015, regrettably never having the opportunity to be stationed together. It could have been his wild eyed intensity or our shared love of science fiction but an immediate bond was established. Indicative of the intimacy of our OCCFLD, we're never really more than one degree of separation from one another past a certain level. As we recount some of the characters we've had the mutual pleasure to serve with, the conversation never strays far from the character and calibre of the Marines who comprise the Force. A key undertone consistent throughout our conversation is the critical requirement for vigilance against the self induced pressure to take sacrifice to the extreme as well as identifying productive countermeasures against that drift.
In Episode 21, I interview one of my closest friends in the Marine Corps, MGySgt Vince Quinteros. In the exchange, we cover a timespan from the beginning of our careers to his current billet as the Operations Chief of Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion. During our conversation, he highlights the complexity inherent to being a linguist in uniform and having to balance competing priorities. We discuss the aggressive posture he adopted to get on deployments that later became core experiences that molded his career. He reminds the audience to cherish every moment because our time in uniform is a fleeting experience. Master Guns encourages each of us to avoid a risk-averse posture, particularly when an opportunity is identified. In line with his pugilistic nature, he jabs back during the conversation about the fact that someone needs to interview me.
In Episode 20, I sit down for the first time one on one with MGySgt John Stancel, one of our 2659s currently serving on the staff of the Deputy Commandant for Information. His insight into the modernization of our occupational field along with his experience at MARFORCYBER brings to light some of the challenges we face as disruptive technology continues to erode how we’ve historically conducted operations. Deeply dedicated to his fellow Marines, his perspective on leadership is centered on his desire to hold himself to the standard of the Marine SNCOs who mentored him early on in his career.
In Episode 19, I sit down with Jenn Cocco as she explains to the audience what this podcast has meant to her. She details some of her personal medical and family history and how the Marine Corps experience helped prepare her for all she's had to endure. Her lessons learned over the course of a career include the challenging nature of lat-moving into the 2600 occupational field and her transition from enlisted to warrant officer. A key take away is the nature of the relationships between warrant officers and staff non-commissioned officers in the Corps. The difficulties surrounding a dual active duty household, geographical separation and raising two beautiful twin daughters was the central theme during our conversation.
In Episode 18, we host our first 0261, MSgt Conor Mahoney. Currently serving as the Data Strategist for the Marine Corps, we get into topics ranging from professional military education, augmented intelligence, data stovepipes, philosophy and science fiction. More than anything, Top Mahoney expresses his inner resolve towards the relentless pursuit of excellence.
In episode 17, I sit down with one of my favorite Marines, Sara Clark. In only the way she can, she highlights some of the battles and issues she's struggled with in her attempt to balance out privacy versus transparency, as well as motherhood against professional obligations. She also grants us key insight into her "combative nature" and why it's important for each of us to become invested in the way ahead for our Corps.
In Episode 16, I sit down with my wife to discuss some key issues facing military families, to include overseas assignments, family readiness, spousal employment & access to education.
At the suggestion of another guest, we started off asking one another questions, but I took this opportunity to highlight her nomination for the Armed Forces Insurance sponsored 2019 Military Spouse of the Year award.
The beginning gets a bit emotional as I deliver a long overdue letter to her as the episode takes off, but once the tears and sniffling subside, we get down into some key concerns as well as some Castro family history.
Be sure to visit the links to the MSOY Campaign. There are plenty of amazing stories. They all deserve recognition.
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