
  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Lewis who is an Osteomyologist and Spinologist who assists individuals with their health and wellbeing.


    After putting his back out whilst mopping the floor, Lewis sought help through chiropractic treatments. Lewis, an engineer by trade, became fascinated by this process, re-training first as a personal trainer and then as an Osteomyologist (bone and muscle specialist).


    During this conversation, Lewis highlights how important it is to take care of your physical body, demonstrating that when this is out of alignment it can have a detrimental impact on all areas of your life.



    When the spine is out of alignment it puts stress on the nervous system which can create imbalance throughout the entire body.It is important to be proactive with taking care of yourself and your body.We need to drink enough water each day for our body’s needs.Your body needs the right type of nutrition to help it remain healthy. Exercise is required to keep the body working effectively.Posture plays a massive role upon our body and our health.



    “It's very rare that you'll find people that are proactive in the beginning until they've gone through certain misfortunes and then they go, I don't want to be like this no more.”“If you have all the good stuff, plenty of fruits and veg, no processed stuff, your body is then better able to deal with the processed stuff that you'll put in.”“From our perspective, we're not here to tell you how to live your life. We want to take the stress out of your nervous system.”“When you're sat constantly, muscles aren't firing, you're not moving properly, your heart's slowing down, so things aren't being pushed around the system, but it is so important to move.”“We're always here to help our guests know, regardless of what's going on in their life, we want to try and help them the best. Whether it's just, we're there for an ear for them to listen, to listen to them about their woes of that day or that week.”“Everything in this world is made up of energy. Whether people want to believe it or not, and that's the beautiful thing. If you don't believe it, well it's still going to happen.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Donna Alexander, a reiki practitioner who has trained in a number of different therapeutic modalities.


    After feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled running her floristry business, Donna began to suffer from burnout. Upon going to see her massage therapist, she suggested that Donna try reiki. This experience was transformational for Donna, setting her on a new path of healing and wellbeing, encouraging her to leave behind the things that were no longer serving her.



    When you’re in the wrong job or environment it can have a detrimental impact on your well-being. Reiki and energy healing can provide balance on all levels of your being.Connecting in with guides and angels can give a sense of comfort and support.Manifesting helps to change your mindset and turn your hopes into reality.Looking for signs from the Universe within our surroundings can help us to feel connected and guided.Grounding and protecting yourself is important when coming into contact with others’ energies.Sometimes people and situations you have outgrown need to fall away to make room for new opportunities to emerge.



    “You often could be chatting to a stranger or suddenly you say hello, or you make eye contact and the next thing they're telling their life story. So obviously, when I had my business, I met a lot of people, so there was always that connection, but it was also very draining.”“So anyway, I just trusted her, and she started sort of doing a little bit of like a meditation to relax me and things like that. And she proceeded to do Reiki and I just could feel myself relaxing. And then I could see colours floating in and out of my eyes.”“I felt so good. I completely had gone into that room, dark, upset, crying, aching, everything, just feeling really traumatized. Going home, I was buzzing.”“We started to manifest and do positive affirmations. And then we would be really woo woo and be asking the angels for help. In your head's rationale you think, no, I can't, what is she talking about, the angels?!”“I had a sign above the door, 3D letters that were pinned onto the wall sort of thing. The letters started falling off. One at a time. And I was like, it's just a sign, you know, the universe telling me that this isn't going to be in my life for much longer.”“Reiki one was such an enlightenment really because we had case studies to do, basically working on family and friends. They were my guinea pigs, but they were all completely blown away by the experience. And I was completely blown away by the experience. How can something like that be so powerful?”“If there's something that doesn't feel right, you have to listen to that and act on it and know that you can change the way it's making you feel. So, if you're in that job, that feels rubbish, there are ways out it. There are always opportunities. You just need to keep your mind open.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with international psychic medium Barrie John.

    From a young age Barrie was aware of spirit, this being a normal and natural part of his experience. As time went on, he followed his calling, becoming a medium, a contrast from his professional role within the legal world. Through hard work and dedication, combined with the support of individuals such as Colin Fry, Barrie became a renowned medium regularly appearing on programmes such as Most Haunted and This Morning.

    During this episode Barrie highlights the comfort that contact with spirit can bring.



    We all have the potential to develop mediumistic and psychic abilities.Contact from loved ones who have passed can provide comfort and reassurance.You can be both spiritual and also grounded and professional.The right people and circumstances come along to support us with our purpose.Time with the ones we love, and living your life as your authentic self is of great importance.Mediumship, readings and therapy can help to give direction and hope.The situations we experience in life can help to make us stronger.


    “I get to it very often, even nowadays where I have to message a friend who's a psychic friend and go ‘What are you feeling on this?’ ‘Where do you think I'm going with this?’”“A lot of people come to us out of grief, and that's one of the biggest things that we all see as professional, sort of therapists, where people maybe haven't had the chance to say goodbyes or maybe there was something hung over the family before they passed away, you know, and we all do this.”“And as I always say to people when I teach, one of the things you start looking at is yourself. You look at how you affect people, but also how people affect you.”“And I remember, basically being a young child, you know, and I remember being a child laying on my bed and watching figures falling from the sky or faces falling from the sky.”“And then I got into the paranormal, you know, and this was around the 90s even before the famous TV shows like Most Haunted.”“We all go through difficult times and it's not easy because we get lost, and I think we just get lost in life. But I think what I would say is just don't ever give up, remember that there is something better out there. We all go through these experiences of life, and it makes us a stronger person, it makes us who we are today.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Trina Kavanagh-Thomas, who works with female leaders who are wanting to create a change within their life.


    During this conversation, Trina will be sharing how through dissatisfaction, we can identify when things are no longer working for us within our lives. This can be used to create positive change, making sure the alterations we make are aligned with our current needs and values.



    We often have to perform multiple different roles within our lives.When we are performing roles all the time, that can become exhausting, therefore self-care is important.Your body will tell you when you need to slow down or stop.A process of grieving can occur when we go through life’s transitions.We may need to make changes in our lives in order to re-align ourselves with our current values.Dissatisfaction can make us aware that something needs to change.



    “And it is an identity for a lot of people, you know, and for a lot of people they may find out that they're performing.”“I am the mechanic by the way. So when people come and see me, you know, they're in a position where their body is telling them, even though they can keep going, their body tells them in different ways that they need to stop.”“When I stepped away from my last business, I ran a fitness business. I ran it for eight years and, and it was quite big. I was running events; I was doing like classes and stuff. I was personal training. So there was like a massive following and when it comes time, you know it.”“A lot of that comes from validation and wanting to be recognized as well. And these are the things that I wasn't aware of when I was in that role.”“It's all about listening to your body, your intuition, your gut instinct. What does it feel like when certain things happen to you?“And I think, like you say, it's so essential because energy is something that flows all around and within us all of the time.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Mystic Mike James, who shares his journey of learning how to become a tarot reader.


    After having several readings over a number of years, Mystic Mike came to accept that delivering readings is part of his life’s purpose. Through the connection to an earlier spiritual experience he had as a teen, he eventually took note of the messages he was being given and decided to embark upon a journey of spiritual development and self-discovery.



    Being of service to others is part of our spiritual purpose.Messages will keep being presented to us by the people we meet to help guide us onto the right path.Spiritual connection can provide individuals with feelings of peace and clarity.Taking on new learning or following a new path can initially feel scary, but once that change has been made, it can bring with it wonderful opportunities for fulfilment and growth.We are a combination of darkness and light and we need to work with both to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be.An attitude of curiosity and an open heart can allow us to explore life more freely.



    “I believe that we all have a purpose and, you know, some of us find it a lot quicker than others and that's fine.”“I remember going on to this retreat when I was about 15 and I had some kind of, whether you want to call it some kind of mini awakening or something that happened.”“I had this first moment of feeling, and it was certainly a sensation that went right through my body in terms of this calmness and this kind of serenity and this peace and this surety, almost like, right, I know where I'm going now. I know what I've got to do. I know how I've got to resolve this.”“Life is a complete journey of self-discovery.”“And she just said to me, you've got the gift, you can do this. I'm like, I can't believe she just said that again. I was just, I was almost kind of hoping that she was going to say that's not the case, you know, and then I could just put it to bed.”“And I knew it was about service and I knew that it, this was the hole in the soul that I kind of needed to start to kind of feel and to, you know, it's, I guess it's almost turned my life completely around living spiritually because it's all about everybody else now and much less about me.” 


    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Jane Osborne, an experienced Past Life Regressionist who is trained in multiple therapeutic modalities.


    Jane shares with us the events of her life altering experience of being in a horrific accident which changed her life path; an outer body experience and dialogue with spirit, opening her up to the world of healing and regression.


    Jane now works with clients around the world to help them explore their past lives so that they can heal in the present.



    Life changing situations can present opportunities for us to reflect on our life and take a different path.We are more then our human body, we are a soul that has lived through numerous lifetimes.Life situations are there to present us with challenges for our learning and growth.To some extent, we get an input into the lives that we choose to live.Past Life Regression can be cathartic and bring about healing and a state of well-being.Traumas from our previous lives can impact our present lifetime.



    “I got up to one and a half thousand feet, and I got pulled back with such force. To be honest, there's nothing up there. My immediate thought was I ran into a plane or something, you know? So, I got pulled right back, which cracked my ribs, and it was really difficult to breathe.”“I'm thinking this can't be right, and I felt like I was a soul in a dead coffin body.”“I was looking down at myself thinking, well, I'm pretty sure that's me, but if that's me and I'm up here, then I must be dead. But if I'm dead, why am I thinking?”“He simply said, ‘I didn't want to go back, so I went back to spirit’, and I said, ‘Well, how did you go back to spirit?’ He said, ‘I was so shocked by the way that we were working with humanity and destroying humanity and the world that I simply unzipped my body and went back to spirit and was met by the council.’”“Memory is not just the physical ailments. We know that you can carry cancer or neuron diseases, et cetera, but it also carries emotion, mental issues, memories.”“What we don't understand is why you forget everything, you know, you're supposed to remember some things, but some people forget everything, and they come down to earth, and you are supposed to have these challenges in order to raise your awareness in order for you to grow.”“Well, the one thing that I have been told all the time is nothing lasts forever. It's a bit like the seasons and the tide of the wave that comes in and out. So, your grief, your joy, your anxiousness, it’s a challenge for you to experience in order for you to grow, to gain your boundaries. Don't get stuck in that belief. Honour the emotions that you are feeling. Know that it will pass. Things will change. They will be different, but it won't last forever.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be catching up with Lindsay Coulson and Kirstie Lilith, as they embark on their new project of running retreats together. 


    As part of this discussion, they share their progress in terms of their personal, spiritual, and professional development, highlighting the importance of community, sharing their work with other therapists, animals, guides, and galactic beings.



    Working with the body and the mind can be beneficial in resolving trauma.Emotion can be stored in the body.Different therapeutic modalities may be required until the right one is found for your personal needs.Healing and growth are an ongoing journey.Having a sense of purpose which is beyond the self is really beneficial for health and well-being.Retreats can provide a safe space for people to explore their interests and passions, connecting in with themselves and the world around them.Guides and spiritual helpers can be called in to assist with personal development as well global healing.Certain times of the year can be meaningful for healing and growth.



    “I realize my magic bullet might not be the magic bullet for everybody else. However, I think it would be beneficial to a lot of people. So that's been a fascinating journey in itself.”“I'm so surprised, I never in a million years thought that I would be resolving my stuff from a physiological point of view, coming from the physical. Being one that has really avoided anything to do with exercise over the last 30 years, other than perhaps lifting a guitar cabinet on stage in my previous life as a musician.”“We're all unique and we're all different. And I find it fascinating watching everybody's journey and what works for them and what doesn't work for them. And also watching people unfold and change and evolve.”“And people still now, they will message me, people that I don't know, to say how my book has impacted their lives, which is just, I never expected that at all. I expected half a dozen friends to maybe read it.”“Well, I'm sure maybe I was reluctant to sign up and then they said, ‘Well, I'll tell you what, before you get round to doing all this, we'll leave you a period where you can, play in a band, go on a tour around the world, have beers and food, groupies, and do your little fun bit, and then you've got to do your spiritual stuff.’”“She'll tap in with her guides and yes, that's exactly correct, that's the information we need, and we encourage you to go and work on this energy vortex that's been opened or this portal that's been opened.”“I'm so passionate about getting people together, to be able to give them that space and time away from their busy lives, just to be able to switch off. I have realized over the years, I'm very good at holding space for people.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Scarlett who is a mental health practitioner working both privately and within the NHS.


    After doing a fine arts degree, Scarlett had planned on becoming a teacher. During this time, she sadly lost her brother, and it sent her on a different trajectory. She ended up caring for the elderly and this led her on a path of training as a therapist.

    This journey has invited her to explore a process of self-discovery, making a commitment to self-healing and self-compassion, something which has given her a deeper understanding to support her client’s needs.



    Self-expression and creativity can be beneficial for mental health and well-being.As well as having goals to work towards, it is also important to enjoy the journey along the way. Surrendering is an art that, when practiced, allows for space to be created and situations to unfold organically. By relaxing the body, it can help to relax the mind.Therapeutic work is a journey that goes at a varied pace at different times of your life.Acceptance can help to reduce resistance. The body gives us messages when things are not right.



    “Which I hadn't thought, when I first went into training, I was like oh, I've done a fine art degree, what's this got to do with it? But yeah, over the years I see it as probably one of my greatest assets, actually having that background. And the beauty of doing a fine art degree is that it is a lot about self-expression.”“One of my biggest lessons, certainly in the past few years has been around that surrendering into process as well, and that's, you know, and I still journey with that now there is no finished article, is there?”“I feel that when my body can let go, my mind then goes, Oh, okay, I’ll follow suit.”“Over the last year I’ve had a period with a breathwork facilitator. And that for me has been such a tonic. It's been a real eye-opening journey into my relationship with myself.”“You know, you work with one layer and then there's another one and another one, you keep peeling them back. And for me as well, there's something about that. As much as we're learning, we're also doing a heck of a lot of unlearning.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with John Armitage, a therapeutic practitioner that is qualified in a number of therapies including Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Craniosacral Therapy.


    During this conversation Debbie and John will explore the stress response and how feeling stressed and overwhelmed provide us with a message about what is not working in our lives. They will also explore how they learn, and discuss how the ways we attribute meaning to our experiences can impact how we feel about them.



    Immersing yourself in an experience using all of your senses can be a really powerful way to learn a new skill.We can gain feedback from the world around us through using all of our senses.We need to adapt our way of communicating depending on who we are communicating with to ensure that they understand the information we are conveying.Our beliefs impact the way we learn and interact with others.A variety of experiences can be therapeutic.Stress can be an expression of what isn’t working for us.



    “How do you acquire a new skill, a new therapeutic approach? I'd be fascinated to know, maybe you've thought about this, maybe you have broken it down for yourself.”“So, as you say, you know, you'll see things, you'll hear things, you'll smell things, you'll feel things. There's a relational aspect to that. So, you're kind of recognizing that all of that's going on and it's going to happen anyway. You don't necessarily need to intellectualize about it or theorize about it.”“It's the age-old thing for me of that balance between theory and practice.”“But there are all sorts of things in life where actually it then starts to become a little bit more difficult to draw those distinctions and one of them might be you know, what's therapy and what's not therapy?”“And very often I'll find myself saying, if we're getting into weird territory, that's usually a really good sign. The weirder it is, probably, you know, the more interesting the territory that we're getting into.”“I'm curious about how we bridge those expectation gaps. Because, you know, if we can, there's a way that I think we can reduce the amount of time sometimes we spend helping individuals to acclimatise to ways of looking after themselves or ways of going through a process of change.” "Being open to recognizing that sometimes how we think about something is 99 percent of how something is."



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Mel from Oilfaction.


    After having a heart attack, Mel turned to essential oils to assist him with anxiety and panic attacks. Through discovering the benefits of these, he began to work with his partner to create and sell essential oil blends to help others.


    Mel can now be found at well-being events around the country selling his products. He is a passionate advocate for the benefits of essential oils and how they can assist with mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


    Essential oils can be used to help promote wellbeing and balance.Different essential oils have varying properties.Smell can bring forward memories and connections within the mind.What we put in, and on our bodies, can have an impact on our health and well-being.People are becoming more aware of their health and well-being.Intention is important when we are creating and manifesting.Dedication and passion are really important for following your purpose and helping others.



    “I try and get people to smell it because once they smell it, then they understand what the essential oils and the sprays are all about.”“Whenever people struggle with stress and anxiety, and we've got our, we want time to think, space to think. What do we do is we take a walk to the woods, or we go into the forest and it's like our peace. It's like our sanctuary.”“And the vetiver is an oil that's used for the brain really. It's used for the ADHD, autism, mental health, sleep, so it's quite a powerful oil.”“Well, lo and behold, about two weeks, I got a message to say that his son carries the bottle around with him. And it's the first time he's felt relaxed and he's great.”“If you've got like cuts, wounds, anything like that, lavender is fantastic because it will protect your cut. It'll protect it from bugs, bacteria, and it's good for pain relief. It's antibacterial.”And I think there's a lot of positives, with the young ones. I know you hear a lot of the older generation complaining about them, but they are becoming more conscientious about health, about well-being, about caring for one another.”“If we've relied on all the herbs and all the healthy stuff now, alongside us having clean water, alongside us having food that we can keep without it going rotten and horrible. And now that we've got more knowledge of how things work, if we put it all together, wow, we'd be healthy.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with her mum Linda Stephenson as they celebrate one year of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast.


    During this conversation they will talk about their personal and shared journey, reminiscing on aspects of childhood and how it has shaped them today. Through this conversation they explore the roles that we play during our life and the impact these have on our identity, highlighting how our experiences can be used for our personal growth and understanding.


    As part of this conversation, they discuss the spooky goings on in Debbie’s childhood home and how interests that we have as a child can be re-ignited as adults.



    We can learn a lot from children in terms of the way they interact with the world around them.The importance of allowing children and others to be able to share their experiences without the fear of judgement. Our identity can often become shaped by the roles that we play within our life e.g. parent, partner, employee.It is important to make time for your own wellbeing and development beyond these roles and expectations. Childhood experiences can influence our lives as adults.The environment you are in and the people you are around can make a big difference to your wellbeing.



    “And that's kind of like our experience growing up, our parents obviously loved us in their own way, but we spent a lot of our time fending for ourselves.”“You can learn so much from a child as well. They are wonderful. They speak and say what they think and what they mean. And it's really lovely to hear it because they're coming from a different place and it's so nice. The world looks so beautiful in their eyes and there's so much to do and explore.”“But then after that we travelled to see your grandma in a nursing home, and I was a toddler at the time. It was the first time I thought about death.”“It wasn't a house that I would have ever picked, but it was near the school, and it had the room we needed. I never quite liked the feel of it.”“As you all got older, more seemed to happen, like I could be on my own in the house, just doing housework downstairs, and I'd hear one of you children shout me from upstairs, and I'd go up and then realise you were all at school.”“That's the time when I started to find out more about me, and who I was rather than being somebody's mum and somebody's wife, it's the time when I started to find out about me.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Tomato Dave, a retired mental health nurse who took a different approach to working with his patients. 


    During this dialog, Debbie and Dave discuss their connection, which leads onto a conversation about mental health and spiritual experiences.

    Throughout Dave’s career he placed great importance on working with the individual as a whole, looking at how they could be supported in all aspects of their well-being and spiritual awareness.

    Dave highlights the significance of being able to safely explore emotions and the different facets of human experience in order to promote recovery, healing and growth.



    The medical model doesn’t currently factor in emotional awakening or spiritual experiences.The world around us can have an impact on our well-being.Connecting with nature can help to ground us and settle our emotions.It is important to find your tribe who speak the same language as you. We have the answers within us and when we are given time and a safe space to explore, this can lead to positive and profound transformation.It is important to build up resilience and become aware that emotions are a natural part of human experience in response to different situations.Taking responsibility for our actions and behaviours is important for healing and well-being.



    “I think the Western world tends to push most of the time about somebody's mentally ill. And he said to me, he'd seen her, he'd assessed her, and he said, I think this is somebody that you need to see.”“And that's how they're trained. There's nothing that they ever do in terms of knowledge gaining that is to do with emotional awakenings or the spiritual connections.“I reflected and thought, well, if she'd been seen straight away by one of our psychiatrists, she would have been deemed seriously unwell, diagnosed, medicated and possibly incarcerated, really, you know, sectioned on the mental health act.”“But this is something that's fascinated me for years. It's this idea of lunacy. Well, lunar is about connecting with the planets, the moon, the shifting of all those sorts of things. And why are we naïve enough to believe that if the lunar cycles can shift oceans and tides, why can we not be shifted by that?”“If people were taken to a tribe somewhere else who understood this idea of voices, seeing things, they would be revered as quite shamanic, quite insightful, quite connected to different things.”




    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Kirsty Socik, who is a therapist that specialises in Belief Coding ©.


    After Kirsty suffered a number of traumas in her younger years, she began to go off the rails. However, through making a decision that she was not going to allow her past to ruin her future, she embarked upon her therapeutic healing journey, receiving help from a local hypnotherapist. This sparked her passion in therapy, encouraging her to pursue learning various therapeutic models including hypnotherapy, nutrition, and NLP.


    Through this journey Kirsty began to realise that our health and wellbeing can be impacted by what we are feeding ourselves, not only in terms of the food we digest, but also the information we accept as true and the limiting beliefs and thought patterns we hold as fact. When we become aware of this, we can make positive changes and release our limitations, enabling us to feel much better and achieve what we desire.



    Our underlying beliefs have a huge impact on how we perceive the world and how we deal with different situations. Repressed trauma can show up in the body and have an impact on our health and well-being. Our personality and behaviours can be changed and updated so that we feel better within ourselves. By working on ourselves and making positive changes, we can become empowered.Embracing life circumstances and practicing gratitude can be really empowering in moving forward.We have opportunities to learn from everyone we meet.



    “I didn't realise, but a limiting belief that came up for me that I had was that I need to work hard in order to get anything and if I didn't work really hard, then actually I would not be safe.”“I thought, I want to be like that. I want more for myself. And I made a decision that I wasn't going to ruin my life no matter what I'd gone through.”“I noticed a big difference in my personality, which I thought was something that was static. But actually, I realized I'm not this person that I'm being, and I was able to find my way back to myself.”“I know that my heart wouldn't be as kind as it was if I hadn't been through the things that I'd been through.”“One thing I found really helpful for me is to think back to when you were a child, what did you love doing?”“You really do become the best kind of person that you can be when you when you get rid of all those heavy feelings.” 


    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Sam Lister, a complementary therapist and yoga practitioner.


    Sam stumbled upon alternative practices at a young age, her love of crystals, yoga, and reiki, leading her onto a path of helping and guiding others.  Sam is a huge advocate for connecting into your body, as well as the natural world around you, and working from her lakeside practice she encourages others to embrace this union.



    Crystals give off energy and can be used to assist with healing and wellbeing.Being in nature and using your senses allows you to reconnect to the present moment. When becoming aware of energy and developing your spiritually, it completely changes your perspective on life.Yoga benefits the body and mind and is more than just exercise.Yoga means union referring to the union between you and your higher self, between the breath and the body, and between the mind and body.Focussing on well-being helps to improve you mind and body, which then facilitates positive connections with others and the world around you.Massage not only provides relaxation but it is also good for releasing tension within the body and for removing toxins.



    “I've always been a crystal fan. I got my first crystal when I was seven and haven't stopped since.”“Going back to being a child, I can remember getting this magazine and I have no idea what it was, but in it there was a bit about chakras, and you could cut out these coloured circles and it told you where to place them, lay down, place them on your body.”“Doing the Reiki training, I was blown away by the energy that you could feel in it and just how it all works. And that was sort of the moment when I was like, right, this is where I want to go with my career.”“So Reiki has been part of my life for over half of my life, which seems mind blowing to me now.”“And whether that is getting really wrapped up, or knowing that when you get home, you're going to have a big warm hot chocolate and you've got that to know that you're going to go back to warm up and be cosy and still get your fix of getting outdoors.”“Yoga does mean union. So, it's union between you and your higher self, or between you and something more, if that's what you believe in. It's the union of the breath and the body of the mind and the body.”“The connectedness and interlinking of everything, I just find amazing. And how not just physical areas of the body are connected, but how your emotions can show up in those different areas of the body.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Jack Brown a person-centred therapist who integrates CBT into his work.

    At school Jack had a deep sense of empathy, feeling his mission was to help others. He did not however know what to do with that. After commencing several careers, Jack found his calling in becoming a therapist.


    As part of his journey, Jack had to work on his self-esteem and fear of judgement, learning to embrace himself, taking a different path from the forces background in which he grew up. Through this exploration Jack learnt to focus on the goodness in the world, and each individual, having faith that we all have the ability to tune into our inner wisdom, transmuting darkness into Light.



    We tend to play roles within our life based on circumstances and the expectations of others.Societal expectations can draw us away from our purpose.When going on a spiritual or healing journey it is also important to consider what will help you to remain centred.It is important to allow yourself to feel and experience your emotions.It is important to feel safe within the therapeutic dynamic.Small positive steps, combined with the right intentions, can produce a big change.Emotions are there to provide messages of either what we need to change or what we need to seek more of within our lives.Intuition can steer us in the right direction and tapping into it becomes easier as you clear your baggage.



    “I've almost seen life as a pantomime with the different roles people play.”“But I wanted to know people's stories. I wanted to know Tina's story from the over 50 swim every week. How is she since moving here from the Isle of Wight, you know, and hearing her struggles.”Because I do believe we all have this internal wisdom. Every single person. I had the internal wisdom all along. I had to connect with that.”“And I believe in people. I believe people are inherently good. And I believe people have the answers within themselves. And it's my mission to help them find those answers.”“We're always changing and always evolving and we have to embrace that. We have so many layers, don't we?”“You know, there's always a dark side to the moon when you're a spiritual person. And I'm always aware of that. It's always with me, always in my peripheral.”“I always encourage people to face that fear. Fear wants to give you nothing. Fear wants to hold you back, you know, you have to work through that and embrace the journey.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, which is recorded live from the Newark Well Being Show, Debbie will be in conversation with Ian Timothy of Lizian Events.


    During their conversation, Ian shares his perspective on creating success and what it is to be a spiritual being, highlighting the importance of having integrity to assist you on that journey. As part of the Lizian Events Well Being ethos, they place a huge emphasis on community and bringing like-minded individuals together to share their successes and provide support in times of difficulty.


    Ian emphasises the importance of recognising that when something in your life isn’t working you need to put the effort and work in to change it. He also discusses a topic that many of us like to avoid, that is one of finances and money providing stability to help make these positive changes.



    If you are not happy within an area of your life, you have the power to change it.Money is currently a form of energy exchange on our planet and can be used to facilitate a positive life.You can become successful through showing integrity and having high moral and ethical values.When you are on the right path for you, you feel a resonance within your body.When you work on yourself it gives you the strength to move away from people who are negative or impeded upon your personal happiness and growth.To become spiritual is coupled with a quest for searching for answers and meaning.Failure and setbacks are an experience to be learnt from to facilitate growth.



    “If you try and have too much legacy within your mind, you can get yourself trapped with old ways of operating, old ways of living, and you can trap yourself with things that perhaps didn't quite go right.”“When you succeed, there's a resonance within your body.”“You can just turn around and say, I'm not prepared to be involved with people who are negative. I'm not prepared to be involved with people who are vindictive. I'm not prepared to people who impinge upon my personal deep happiness.”“Because the spiritual is to search, it's the seeking of, it's the looking for, it's the finding of, the exploration, it's the Edmund Hillary, it's the Scott to the Antarctic, it's Neil Armstrong to the moon, that's the searching.”“You don't need to know everything, and you don't have to be perfect.”“You are the most important person in your life.”“And if you're blessed with the fact that your energy is strong, good, and kind, then maybe one day in time, your energy connects to somebody else and it blesses them with your thoughts and ideas and possibilities and makes your world better for somebody else.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Helen Robinson who is the creator of Gentle Release Therapy - a therapy which draws on the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assist the body and mind in releasing stress and tension.


    After losing her parents and having difficulties with fertility, Helen began researching to find answers to help her conceive. This led to her changing career and becoming a complementary therapist.

    Over time her treatments began to evolve into something unique, and Gentle Release Therapy was born.

    Taking inspiration from her dad who had created a traffic control system which in turn helped to grow a community, Helen decided it was time to teach others this modality building a community of Gentle Release Therapists.


    Everything that happens in the body is energy.Traditional Chinese Medicine can give connections and answers that Western medicine fails to identify.The body can react physically during emotional detox.The organs in the body correlate to different emotions.Everything in the body has got a purpose and a function and it all works together.We can connect to and feel our own and others energy.Therapeutic work is really beneficial for maintenance as well as in crisis.



    “And ended up doing this treatment that no longer resembled anything that I was trained in. So people were saying, are there any books about what you do? And I was like, well, no. To be honest, it hasn't even got a name.”“When we go through difficult situations in life, whether it's sort of infertility or losing people, it often allows us then to start reflecting inward or to go beyond the current medical model or knowledge to find out what else is out there.”“The liver is key because it's connected to anger and frustration, all the ligaments and tendons in the body, the free flow of qi or energy around the body, and where qi flows, blood flows.”“And I think the first time I ever saw a meridian chart, which is a chart that basically shows the energy lines through the body, I was just absolutely fascinated with how it's all so interconnected.”“I'm quite happy that we don't always need to know what it is that's going on. But sometimes I'll get, If you get a nagging that you need to say something to someone, I'd always say it.”


    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Rosalyn Palmer who is a transformational therapist and coach whose passion is enabling people to have lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside.


    Rosalyn started off her career in PR in the 1990’s, becoming a specialist for the personal development market. This encouraged her to train in hypnotherapy and NLP so that she had a deeper understanding of her clients’ craft. After the death of her father, a diagnosis of breast cancer, divorce, and going through the menopause, Rosalyn was on her knees, knowing that she needed to do something different with her life. Through taking charge of her healing, Rosalyn found purpose in helping others.



    If we don’t make time for rest and well-being, then we are likely to burnout or become unwell.It is important to make lifestyle changes that benefit the mind and body to promote well-being.The body keeps a score of trauma and disharmonious situations. Therefore, it is important to work through these issues. Having a faith in something beyond the self can provide guidance and stability.Sometimes sitting with an issue is the most important thing we can do to in order to find solutions.Shared values are important within a relationship.When looking for your purpose, you can use the Japanese concept of Ikigai to discover your purpose and bliss.To help find your purpose you can ask yourself questions such as ‘When did you feel safe?’ ‘When did you feel happy?’ ‘What brings you joy?’



    “And when I was about seven, the annual I got, in the front it said, what do you want to be when you grow up? And I'd written an actress and a doctor in my spare time.”“Also, very importantly, in the 90s, I became a go to PR agent for the emerging new age, as it was then, and seen as very out there, personal development gurus.”“You know, quite a humble background. My parents were grocers. I lived above the shop in my early years, and I went to a comprehensive school, so this was not really my world.”“And most of them were Buddhists, they were macrobiotic, they were vegans, they were into Ayurvedic medicine, and acupuncture, and Shiatsu, and Kundalini Yoga, and all these things I'd never, ever heard of. And again, my mum thought I'd absolutely joined a cult.”“It's quite depressing seeing you because I'm just a sticking plaster, and I'm not sure if you're going to have the physical or the mental breakdown first.”“But I decided I was going to heal as holistically as I could and that was a total soul alignment and soul awakening and incredible time for me.”“When you train in therapy and healing, you work on yourself.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Annie Grace who has a passion for helping people to connect to spirit and develop their mediumship abilities. Annie’s fascination in mediumship and readings was sparked at 18 years old when she had her first reading. After a reader suggested that Annie might be able to do this for herself, she embarked upon developing her skills.


    Annie and Debbie share their experiences with past life healing, noting how it can help people heal and guide them in their future, Debbie taking others to their past lives through regression, Annie exploring past lives through Akashic Record readings. During their discussion they highlight the importance of stepping into our emotions and having a human experience.



    Developing psychic abilities takes patience and practice.Akashic Record Readings can help you to recognise your spiritual progress and heal from your past.Common ground can be found with those who have different viewpoints to us.Past Life experiences can re-surface in dreams.Our experiences from past lives shape our present lifetime.When we become triggered we can explore those feelings and responses by asking key questions such as ‘Where does this come from?’ and ‘What do I need to do to be able to release this?’When developing ourselves spiritually we have to accept the environment that we live in with both the opportunities and constraints it provides.



    “And for ages I was like, no, I never had this as a kid. It wasn't something where I was seeing dead people at the end of my bed. But then actually looking back on it, I remember the amount of times at home where I'd just get up in the middle of the night and I was just adamant that the TV was left on somewhere because I could just hear a conversation in the house between two people.”“I just picked up loads of stuff and you know, one woman next to me, her face just kind of dropped. She went, Oh yeah, that's my grandma. And I was like, Oh, okay, cool. And then after that I was just hooked. I really was just like, I have to do this. I have to do this. This is the most exciting thing I've ever done.”“And once you have the connection, it never goes away. That's the beauty of it, is that you'll always have that connection.”“I had someone that talked to me about it, a colleague last year and he was kind of asking me about it. And he was a massive atheist. And I just kind of said to him, I was like, I didn't want to change his mind or anything like that. It was just an open conversation about it.”“It's just like a massive library full of all their records. Everyone's is slightly different and it's so weird. Some peoples are very futuristic and modern so you know that they're from like a different star system. Some people like you walk in, it's like a jungle. So you know that they've had like a lot of real primal tribal earlier lifetimes that they're really connected to.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be chatting to Kieron. After the loss of his mother, Kieron began to suffer from panic attacks for the first time in his life. Searching for a solution to bring him back to himself, Kieron tried floatation. From seeing the benefits of this therapy first-hand, he decided to set up Go Deep Floatation just outside Lincoln to provide this service to others.


    During this conversation Kieron shares the many benefits of floatation and its ability to allow for sensory enhancement and deep relaxation, something which we often fail to obtain in our busy society. Kieron also shares his knowledge in the other services he provides which include using infrared sauna and cold immersion.


    By restricting our external stimuli, it can promote rest and relaxation, as well as deeper connection to ourselves.Sometimes discomfort can provide profound shifts and break throughs.Experiences such as floatation can relax the body and promote a rest and digest state.When we fail to deal with our traumas and difficult situations, they can then manifest into ill health.When we stop, it allows the subconscious mind to bring forward all sorts of information and experiences, helping us to process these.We are the co-creators of our experiences and reality.



    “The way I see it, it's more of a sensory enhancement because everything's quietened.”“So (technology) it's like a medium that brings us together, but really tears us apart as well”.“I think people overlook the self-care a lot.”“If you're not tuned up nicely, you're gonna play a horrible chord. Do you know what I mean? You're not vibrating nicely or you're feeling, you're resonating well, even with the intention of doing good, you're probably doing it, you're probably doing it quite messily and not very thoughtful and you're trying to be virtuous rather than being genuine.”“We go through a time of darkness in ourselves, you know, like the dark passage of the soul or whatever it is. We go through, we go through a dark time as I did. And that's why I got into this. And that's why I got into floating because I was struggling with my dealing with my mother's death.”“I was running away from everything and all I needed to do was just stop.”“What the tank delivers for my clients as well, because the experiences, although the premise is the same every time, they're so different every time. You can have a very physical float, you could maybe have a bit of an uncomfortable float, or a very colourful float, or another float where you completely dreamscape the whole session, and you feel like you're travelling around.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.