
  • Season 3 Part 16 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    When Life Gives You Lemons

    So we should all know by now that the more you plan out your life, the more life just smiles at you and starts hurling lemons. Hopefully, they hit you in the head and knock some sense into you.

    Randy's plan to drive Snuffy to the 4 corners of the USA hit a considerable snag several weeks ago. As he was approaching the North Carolina Outer Banks area, he received a call from back home that his 92-year-old mother had had a stroke and was in the hospital. Of course, he immediately headed to the nearest big city, found a safe storage place for Snuffy, and flew home.

    Thus began a few weeks of being with Mom and getting her settled in to a new home where she could be more actively cared for. Randy and his family got her settled in, made sure she was comfortable, and re-joined his adventure already in progress.

    So this week the fellas talk a lot about life, death, attitude, A.I. (?), health and wellness, and the comedy/tragedy that is US politics.

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  • Season 3 Part 15 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    The Carolina Coast.

    After last week's fun Atlanta Braves adventure, Randy then drove back out to the coast and spent the week making his way north up the coast of Georgia into South Carolina and up the SC coast and finally arrived in Wilmington, NC to set up camp for the next week.

    Early in the week Randy visited Cumberland Island to see the wild horses and the ruins of a giant Carnegie mansion that was over 100 years old. He then headed up to Savannah and toured the city and headed out to Tybee Island for a visit. From there it was a sprint up to Myrtle Beach and then into North Carolina to Southport. Snuffy then got to ride on a ferry over to Fort Fischer as Randy visited the aquarium there (Sharks! Seahorses!), then landed up in Wilmington.

    Next up: The Outer Banks.

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  • Season 3 Part 14 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    The Atlanta Braves Is A Dream Come True For Randy!

    It's another very exciting baseball week for Randy! He begins the week by watching his Angels play - and win - at Tampa Bay stadium. He then somehow takes 4 days to drive the 7 hours to Atlanta because a very special treat awaits him there - Bubba!

    So if you can't be totally cool then make sure you know someone who is totally cool - and that would be Bubba's friend Jill who just so happens to be the CFO of the Atlanta Braves. Jill treated the boys to an incredible experience which included secret stadium entrances and unlimited free food and seats right behind home plate to watch the Braves play and beat the Rangers. It was just an incredible experience.

    After a long night of listening to Randy saw logs in the hotel room, the fellas split up the next day - Bubba headed back to Charlotte and Randy headed back out to the Georgia coast to continue his trip north via the coast.

    They have a long conversation about dreams and Bubba challenges Randy to get tested for sleep apnea lol.

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  • Season 3 Part 13 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    Farewell To The Keys And Hello Tampa

    This week, the beauty and uniqueness of the Florida Keys really hits home for Randy and he decides to make them an annual stop. Key West in particular is just magical, whether it's Hemmingway's house or watching the sunset from Mallory Square or having a tropical drink along Duvall Street.

    Randy only reluctantly leaves Key West to travel back up through the Keys and over to Homewood, FL and then across the Everglades in search of alligators. He finishes his week up at Tampa and springs for a hotel to get all cleaned up for the Angels vs Rays game the next day.

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  • Season 3 Part 12 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    Seriously What Do Key Deer Look Like?

    Another week - another weekly adventure for Randy. This week it's time for some sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts because Randy is hitting every beach in Florida and then heading to Bubba's Mecca, Key West.

    We last left Randy as he was hugging the Gulf and driving east through towns like Gulfport and Biloxi and Pascagoula. This week, he continues his journey east and into the Sunshine State of Florida. He crosses Florida to the east coast at Jacksonville, and then bravely drives ALL the way down A1A to Miami. He drives on the beach at Daytona, almost drinks from the Fountain of Youth at St Augustine, and gets all excited to see a nude beach until he sees who is on it. Cape Canaveral is next, followed by Miami and a baseball game between the Marlins and his beloved Angels. He ends the week driving Snuffy through the Florida Keys, where he will hang out for several days before heading slowly back north to the Everglades.

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  • Season 3 Part 11 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Platitudes

    Once again, Bubba has a busy stretch of time and can't get the 'ole podcast recorded fast enough because holy moley Randy has been everywhere in the past week and a half.

    We start this week's journey in New Mexico at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park, which is over a mile and a half walk all underground and all beautiful. Make sure to find Randy's Facebook post on Travels With Randy for this one - amazing pics.

    From there it's off to Guadalupe National Park in Texas and then down to Big Bend National Park in Texas, which borders the Rio Grande and the Mexican border. Randy then almost poops his pants in San Antonio right before he follows the Texas coast down to South Padre Island and then up and around the Texas border to Galveston, then Orange, Texas.

    Then it's across the swampy west Louisiana landscape over to Baton Rouge and down to New Orleans for a wonderful dinner of....Italian food? (Facepalm). Randy finishes the week moving across the Gulf Coast into Alabama.

    This area is a big memory for Bubba, who sold pictures on streetcorners with Scientologists all across the Nawlins area and over to Gulfport and Biloxi, and he fills Randy in on the experience.

    Randy is Miami bound to watch a little baseball next week and we can't wait to catch up then.

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  • Season 3 Part 10 of the Travels With Randy podcast is here!

    Secret Wine Intelligence Officers And Aliens And Sand, Oh My!

    So, it was a bad idea to wait 9 days between podcasts because Randy has had a crazy number of experiences in that time.

    Randy first tells the tale of Bisbee, AZ and the unbelievably unlikely encounter with...a fan of the show? It's a story you've just got to hear and we cover it in detail.

    Not to be outdone, Randy then spends the night at a winery run by a couple of US Ex-Military Foreign Intelligence Officers, and after a glass or two of wine, the stories begin to flow.

    Then it's off to cross one of the last National Parks off Randy's list - White Sands, New Mexico. It's a place beyond description but luckily Randy is a pro photographer and has shared dozens of pictures of the park on our Facebook page.

    After visiting a couple of small western towns, Ruidoso and Cloudcroft New Mexico, Randy then ventures into the Alien Capital of the USA, Roswell New Mexico. He buys Bubba a very interesting hat for his birthday ;)

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  • Season 3 Part 8 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Head East Old Man!

    Listen - a man who wants to circle the entire country can't stay in one place forever, right?

    So it's been a fun 10 days or so of home-basing in Quartzsite, AZ during the week and then heading on over to Phoenix for some baseball on the weekends for Randy. He watched several more Angel games and managed to get out and about, visiting some of the fascinating old mining towns-turned-t-shirt-souvenir-shop towns.

    This round he focused on the old mining town of Globe, AZ and its' sister city Paris, AZ. No gold was found, however.

    Now, it's time to pack up and wave goodbye to Quartzsite for the 'season' - Randy is headed east. He'll be spending some time in New Mexico finishing up his original goal all those podcasts ago of visiting every US National Park - the Big 63. He'll knock three of the four remaining ones off his list - White Sands, NM, Big Bend, TX, and Carlsbad Caverns, NM.

    He'll then drive down to the Texas border and basically follow it all the way across Texas and hit Louisiana as he heads towards New Orleans.

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  • Season 3 Part 8 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Spring Training Is Upon Us

    Baseball. Spring training. California Angels Spring Training in Phoenix. Randy is in Heaven.

    That's right gang - spring training is finally here. As you know, Randy has several goals for this year of travelling: see National Parks, see his Angels play in as many different stadiums as he can, and visit every corner of the USA in Snuffy. To say Randy is excited about spring training is a bit of an understatement.

    He did manage to visit Oatman, AZ earlier this week. Oatman is one of the many old towns littered across Route 66 that used to be a gold mining town but now sells mostly t-shirts. He put tons of pics of it up on our Facebook page.

    Mostly, though, the week was filled with baseball. Randy drove over from his home base of Quartzsite, AZ to Phoenix for several days to watch his Angels play some spring ball. Once again, he took tons of pics - of actual humans this time - that he has uploaded to Facebook. You can just hear the excitement and joy in his voice as he describes the games.

    The fellas also talk about several random topics like the border, credit cards and their insane rates, hotel points programs, and even a common scam to avoid. Randy then lays out th eplan for the next few weeks of travel.

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  • Season 3 Part 7 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Viva Las Vegas!

    Worlds collide this week as Randy AND Bubba visit Las Vegas at the same time.

    Before the visit, Randy spent more time at his Arizona based home, Quartzsite and had a lovely date with Snuffy for the Super Bowl. He also TRIED to visit a few Arizona landmarks but actually got snowed out. As a consolation he got to see the towns of Why, AZ and Ajo, AZ and a LOT of roadside memorials for fallen....somebody's.

    After that, he headed to Vegas, where Bubba had flown to hang out with his son Connor for several days. Bubba had a fantastic time at the Sphere, where he and Connor watched the Postcard From Earth film and were just blown away. The next day Connor took him to his workplace where he met most of his co-workers and his boss and even got to visit their super cool warehouse that has been modernized with a robotic inventory system. It was stunning.

    Then Randy pulled up with Snuffy and they headed to a fantastic dinner at Cleavers along with Connors roommate Ryan and ate some incredible food.

    The next morning, Randy, Bubba, Connor, and one of Connors work associates went golfing at Bears Best Golf Course in Vegas, which is a beautiful course surrounded by 5 million dollar homes and views of all the surrounding bluffs. Randy and Bubba teamed up against Connor and Ryan and held firm until the back nine lol. Later that day Bubba and Connor went to a Desert Dogs lacrosse game while Randy and Connors roommate Ryan headed to the casino. They all met up at the casino later and played some craps and blackjack.

    Saturday morning, everyone piled in Snuffy and headed to the Hoover Dam, which is a wonder of the engineering world. After that Randy headed out to Buckeye, AZ to get ready for spring training and Bubba flew back home.

    It was a fantastic trip and we'll get lots of pics up on Facebook for you

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  • Season 3 Part 6 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Staying Put For A Week And Justice For Snuffy

    Part 6 of Randy's yearlong adventure finds him still parked in the desert at Quartzsite, AZ

    Finally, it was a pretty calm week for Randy - until it wasn't.

    First, the rain came. A massive storm hit southern Cali and made its' way across Arizona, narrowly missing Randy and his campsite. Then, he gets a phone call....

    ....the police have found the man who stole Snuffy, Randy's van! The man was arrested and had Snuffy's car key with him. This fella is a career criminal who even led police on a high-speed chase on one occasion. The man is now in jail and there's a SMALL chance that the police can locate the computer equipment, camera equipment, iphone, ipad, etc etc. The beauty of modern tech is that Randy was able to disable just about everything so none of his devices could be hacked into and be usable by anyone else. We'll keep you posted as this progresses.

    Randy visits Lake Havasu City, where they have transported and reinstalled the actual London Bridge, and it's....slightly underwhelming. Of course, it's surrounded by a beautiful town that is invaded by Canada's version of the Snowbirds every winter. Cool, eh?

    Randy and Bubba then Old Man Ramble about the economy, job reports, world conflicts, the effect of the media on us, and much more.

    They end with a discussion about health and weight loss - nutrition, IF, ice baths, 'use it or lose it' health at their age, etc.

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  • Season 3 Part 5 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Season 3 Part 5: Quartzsite Arizona - What A Gem!

    Part 5 of Randy's yearlong adventure finds him staying in the desert for weeks.

    Randy has put his life back together with ease after the theft and then recovery of his van (You didn't know that his van was stolen? Go listen to Part 4!) - he's got a brand new camera and bag, a brand new laptop, brand new clothes, and the same positive attitude he's always had.

    Since they last spoke, Randy travelled down to the California / Mexico border and attempted to visit the most southwestern point of the US, but recent heavy rains almost washed out the road and he could only get to a few miles away. Hey, we're counting it!

    Randy then drove across the southern US / Mexico border, avoiding illegals AND immigration police as he went, and landed in Yuma, AZ. There, they botched some permitting he needed to camp at Quartzsite, AZ but he made it up there anyway and will be staying with hundreds and hundreds of other campers there for a few weeks.

    The fellas have a good long general discussion about van life at Quartzsite and how some of the residents around his spot were living their van lives.

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  • Season 3 Part 4 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    *****A Travels With Randy Emergency Special Report*****

    Something happened this week that threatened Randy's entire year-long trip around the USA. We felt that was important enough for us to break our normal schedule and record a special report edition of the show.

    On Sunday, Bubba and Mrs. Bubba were headed downtown to see the excellent comedian Nate Bargatze perform. Mrs. Bubba, being from Wisconsin, was also trying her best to avoid ANY information about the Packers vs Cowboys game which was being played at the same time so she could watch it unspoiled after the concert.

    Everything was going according to plan when a text came in from Randy that said:

    "Call me ASAP"

    This was highly unusual and Bubba knew something was wrong, so he called Randy and was floored by what he was told....

    This week we are also joined by Randy's OTHER friend Darren to help explain what happened.


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  • Season 3 Part 3 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Working Full Time Remotely While Living In A Van

    Part 3 of Randy's yearlong adventure finds him staying put for a week or two and going back to work remotely full time.

    After the fun of Xmas and New Years, Randy has gotten back to work full time - but that doesn't mean the van life stops! Randy talks about the differences between vacationing in the van and working in the van remotely full time. From his stunning view in Temecula, CA, Randy discusses his daily work schedule - up super early, coffee and breakfast in the van, crawling 4 feet to his office, firing up the Starlink, and getting to work. He changes his work desk several times throughout the day, mostly based on where the sun is at in the sky. He eats meals mostly in the van but will still venture out to a restaurant often for a scenery change. One day, he will actually learn to cook food in the van - most of his meals are microwaved something-or-other.

    From Temecula, Randy will be venturing into Joshua Tree National Park, then back to the coast again for more stationary work as he impatiently waits for baseball Spring Training and Arizona.

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  • Season 3 Part 2 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    The Oregon And California Coast And The Stars At Death Valley

    Part 2 of Randy's yearlong adventure finds him headed south on 101 from Washington into Oregon and then into California.

    The weather was very poor in Oregon and so Randy didn't see many opportunities to stop and take scenic pics. He'll try the Oregon coast again some other time. California, though, was a completely different matter. Randy travelled down the entire Cali coastline over several days, marveling at the beauty of the northern Cali Redwoods and the creepy Humboldt County winding roads and scenery (see Murder Mountain on Netflix ) . He then visited Bubba and Mrs. Bubba's favorite places, Mendicino and Little River. He continued to follow the coastline down past San Francisco and San Jose and Monterey to the Lompoc area and Vandenberg Space Force Base. Randy then turned Snuffy east and drove across the state to Death Valley, where he experienced the most incredible night sky he's ever seen. Finally, Snuffy came to rest near Camp Pendleton, where Randy will stay and work for a while until it's time to head to Spring Training!

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  • Season 3 Part 1 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    The Drive Around The USA In A Van For A Year Begins

    Whelp, the time has come for Randy to put his foot where his mouth is and hit the gas on Snuffy and hit the road - for a full year! Christmas Day was as good of a time as any for Randy to start this epic trip, and so he did.

    Part 1 covers his time in northwestern Washington and the first several days of the trip. He started in Sedro-Woolley, took a ferry over to Olympic National Park, and slowly made his way around it. First stop was the furthest point northwest the USA reaches, which is Cape Flattery, WA. After a good hike he backtracked to Port Angeles for the night, then set out around the coastline to places like Forks and Cape Alava. He stuck to Hwy 101 and Hwy 105 to Raymond, where he spent the night at a Harvest Host spot (brewery of course!) and then left for Oregon, which will be Part 2.

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  • Season 2 Ep 9 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Two Weeks Until 365 Days On The Road

    It's getting close! On Dec 26th Randy hops in his van and will spend a year on the road visiting literally every corner of the United States!

    Bubba has had a very eventful few weeks in his e-commerce business, and not the good kind. He spends a few minutes explaining the latest wackadoo event that has thrown his business off course during the most critical time of the year.

    After that, the fellas talk travel! Randy has decided to alter his plans slightly and will now drive completely around the perimeter of the US - over 10,000 miles - to see the "corners" of our great country. Don't worry - he'll still be visiting a ton of National Parks AND Angels baseball games in various stadiums across the fruited plain.

    He has posted a detailed map of his upcoming trip on our Facebook page, and that post has gone viral. Looks like a LOT of folks want to travel along with him.

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  • Season 2 Ep 8 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Preparing For A Year On The Road

    The fellas are still stuffed after Thanksgiving and Bubba is still crushed with online orders from his business, but Randy is deep in thought and action about what the next year has in store for him.

    That's right - in 3 weeks Randy is hitting the road with his new souped-up van Snuffy and will spend a YEAR traveling around the United States.

    The boys talk about what it's like to prepare for such a journey. What do you pack? What do you need to buy? What if you forget something important? On and on.

    Randy is leaving the nest in Washington and driving down the coast to Southern Cali, then headed across the southern United States, then up the east coast, then finally home a year from now. He has 4 main goals in mind as he's planning where he will be visiting:

    There are only 5 National Parks left to see now in the lower 48, and Randy will hit all of them. After that, the only ones left are in Alaska and he will visit those probably next year. He wants to see his beloved California Angels play in every ball park. He's been in 15 of them and has 15 to go. He wants to complete a few missing links in his extensive genealogy family tree/history. He has traced his ancestors back to the 1600's (!) and just has a few missing pieces left to go. It's time to get some weight off before he turns 65 next year. Hiking and walking everywhere should take care of it!

    They end the pod with a long talk about what romance is when you've been married 25+ years and Bubba compliments his youngest son for planning a surprise fondue meal for his girlfriend and also explains how cool it is that Mrs. Bubba's nephew earned the rank of Eagle Scout which they attended in Greenville, SC.

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  • Season 2 Ep 7 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here!

    Viva Las Vegas With Special Guest Connor Harmon

    It's a non-travel week for the fellas on the podcast so they thought they'd take some time to interview Bubba's favorite up-and-coming travel fanatic, Connor Harmon - his oldest son.

    Connor, 22, has recently moved to Las Vegas and begun his career in the e-commerce world. He talks about his long driving trip out there in a car without air conditioning and some of the sites he visited on the way. His trip took him from Charlotte, NC over to Nashville, TN then up to St. Louis, MO then across to Kansas City, MO then all the way to Denver, CO and finally down to Las Vegas.

    He managed to hit several National Parks on the way: St Louis Arch National Park, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, and Zion National Park.

    Since living there he has also done some camping in Red Rock Canyon and Mt. Charleston. He's also made his father insanely jealous because he's been inside the Sphere in Vegas already to see the Darren Aronofsky film Postcard From Earth. The Sphere is as incredible as it looks!

    The trio then discuss how the different generations are handling the modern world - it's a Boomer vs. Gen Z debate! - and how optimistic the Gen Z'ers are in real life vs on social media.

    Bubba and Randy wrap up with a talk about being fathers and what that means and what they hope they've taught their children and what their children won't understand until they are much older.

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  • Season 2 Ep 6 of the Travels With Randy Podcast is here! Whidbey Island With A Puppy

    This week, Randy actually cared for another living creature in his van - and it lived! Lol.

    McKenna is his sister's doodle and she tagged along with Randy as he explored one of the largest islands in the Lower 48 - Whidbey Island. Whidbey is in the Puget Sound just south of the San Juan islands in Washington and is 168 square miles of coast, mountains, barns, Bison, bridges, and even a park called Deception Point. Amazingly, the island is home to almost 70,000 people.

    Randy opted to explore the island on both days of the weekend without spending the night in Snuffy just to make the puppy experience more manageable. McKenna did great! She calmly laid in her bed for most of the trip and explored areas with Randy on a leash whenever he hopped out to get a picture or two. Yes of course he documented the trip on our Travels With Randy Facebook page:


    Randy also went hi-tech this week as he received, installed, and fired up his Starlink satellite internet equipment. The entire installation took 10 minutes and Randy suddenly has speeds of up to 120mbs in his van wherever he is in the country. That means he can do his work Zoom calls right from the side of a river in a state park if he wants to vs. creepily sitting in a van at a playground because that's the only way to get internet fast enough. Creepy Randy days are over yay!

    Randy and Bubba then bounced all around on different topics such as AI and how it is nearly photorealistic now, and weight loss 'miracles' such as Ozempic and their amazing claims.

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