
  • Unleash your untapped power by tapping into the incredible strength of perseverance – even when no one else sees your vision. For many of us, the call to your purpose in life was not a conference call, it was a very private conversation in which only you know the specific details. It can be quite difficult to stick to the plan and stay the course when you have to be the visionary and executioner. We are joined this week by comedian Elizabeth Brunot to discuss the challenges one may face when you decide to risk it all and go for it! Spoiler alert, to go the distance you'll need a heaping dose of resilience with an extra helping of tenacity. Tap in to this week's episode to find out why vulnerability is a strength and how sharing your story can inspire others to live out loud.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5Ghgom1dzaU

    SPONSORED BY: 7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com


    Vulnerability is a strength.

    The first step in healing is admitting to yourself all the ways you;ve messed up.

    Fear is not the only tool that can be used to deter young people from promiscuity.

    Resilience comes from adversity..

    A good support system is crucial when pursuing your dreams.

    You help others when you share your story.


    Elizabeth Brunot

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elizabethisfunny7/

    Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@Elizabethisfunny7

    TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elizabethisfunny7?_t=8mpvbwbarei&_r=1

    UPCOMING SHOW: https://www.daniaimprov.com/shows/265304


    Alechia Reese

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    7 Agents of Change (pre-order) http://triggeredafevents.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • The fear of failure is so often confused with the fear of judgment. Many people believe that the reason their life didn’t turn out the way they imagined is due to fear of failure. But what if we told you that it’s actually the fear of judgment that holds countless people back?

    From the time we are in utero, we are picking up language and behaviors, which ultimately wires our brain to think a certain way. While trauma has its place, it’s often our conditioning that hinders our ability to create the life we want. Our guest, Managing Partner at 1888 Ventures, Charles Robinson, joins us to discuss how to free yourself from the shackles of not only other people’s opinion but your own perception of what it takes to achieve greatness. In a world where it’s easier to theorize than to take action, it can be more difficult to take the necessary steps to become the best version of yourself. As morbid as it may sound, we all have a one way ticket out of here and we don’t know when the ticket will be called. How bad do you really want it? What are you willing to sacrifice? Also, respectfully, F anyone who tries to stand in your way. Tap in to this week’s episode to learn how to change your inner critic to your inner champion who gets shit done.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6QJ9Rzc_M6o


    7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com


    “Don’t go broke trying to look rich.”

    Most people are afraid of judgment, not failure.

    Many people become academics more than practitioners of who they say they are.

    We all have to die, so make the most of the time you do have.

    “Don’t just do it, be it.”

    The language you take in will impact your experience.


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

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  • With all the uncertainty that this life has to offer, the one thing that we can count on is the inevitably of change. There’s something about intentionally changing to a new default that can feel like a mini death to our mind and body.

    And for stubborn people getting out of our own way is incredibly difficult. While all growth is change, not all change results is growth, so it may require more specific input to yield the output you desire. This week the ladies are here with just the strategy you have been looking for to change your life. With “The 7 Agents of Change”, you’re presented with a step-by-step guide that you can use to initiate and implement changes in your daily life. Not only are you getting a breakdown during the episode, but you’ll also be able to pre-order the “7 Agents of Change” pack which will do an even deeper dive.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/gZbX-alfzqY


    7 Agents of Change Pack: http://triggeredafevents.com


    “The only constant in the world is change.”

    “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

    Finding the root cause of why you behave a certain way can help you know how to strategize.

    Choose a new default before you are triggered for a better, healthier response.

    You must first acknowledge and accept that you need to make a change.

    You need a game plan to change more efficiently and effectively.


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    http://triggeredafevents.com to pre-order “The 7 Agents of Change” pack

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Just about every married couple will tell you that marriage is hard work. Nowadays, it seems as though the emphasis is on the wedding and not so much on the subsequent days, months and hopefully years.

    The perfect dress, the lavish venue and the overpriced food can easily overshadow the real preparation that is needed for a lasting marriage. You know we like to go straight to the source! We are joined this week by Dani’s husband, real estate investor, entrepreneur and co-founder of Fly Supply Clothing, Reginald Bourdeau. The newlyweds are here to offer a bit of transparency into what married life has been like for them after the honeymoon. From why it’s important NOT to pick your battles to how couples can set healthy boundaries to thrive, this episode is a masterclass in making your marriage not just work but flourish. Tap into this week’s episode for an open and honest conversation about love and marriage. The perfect marriage doesn’t exist. Your union is yours to discover and uncover over and over again so that you may fall in love over and over again. May the odds forever be in your favor.


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    I am not responsible for your happiness. I am here to add to it, to make you happier.

    Having grace for your partner is essential to making things work.

    You have to get comfortable with tough, uncomfortable conversations.

    Intimate partners are often a mirror that we can use to heal and grow if we allow it.

    Learning to raise your emotional IQ will help save your marriage time and time again.

    Teaching children confidence and self esteem will enable them to show up as themselves early and often.


    Reginald Bourdeau

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/reginaldbourdeau/

    Website | https://flysupplyclothing.com

    Podcast | https://4qtrs.media



    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Becoming the best version of yourself can feel damn near impossible when your childhood trauma still affects you on so many levels. Recognizing how your trauma shows up and working through your triggers is the beginning of reparenting yourself to reframe your childhood.

    It’s probably safe to assume that most of us have experienced trauma throughout our children on varying levels from mild to severe. Since trauma is not only what happened to us but rather how we perceive what happened, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when and how the damage was done. Our guest, trauma expert and holistic therapist, Edit B Kiss, joins us to discuss how to heal from deep wounds in order to lead a life filled with love, joy and purpose. Edit believes that it is possible to not allow our triggers to wreak havoc on not only our lives and relationships, but also our physical health. Our past can feel like a sentence to forever live a life trying to escape it. Edit is here to give us hope and tools that actually work to move the needle forward on your healing journey. Tap in to this week’s episode to learn how to rewrite your past in hopes of a better future.


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    “I’m powerful enough to change my perspective.”

    Trauma plays a role in helping you evolve and learn.

    As a parent, it is important that you lead by example in the way you treat others and by the way to live your life.

    People should learn how they best deal with trauma in order to find the modality that works for them.

    Being reactive to your triggers on a daily basis is a sign that you have unresolved trauma.


    Edit B Kiss

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/editbkiss?igsh=MXN6MzViM3N2eGJodQ==

    Website: https://bit.ly/3V2a4dB

    YouTube: https://bit.ly/4dJ6LjG


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Reclaiming your power and releasing unhealthy attachments is possible, even when you’re afraid you cannot. Removing toxic energy and making intentional changes and choices starts first with owning the power we all hold inside.

    Between pandemics, natural disasters and actual wars going on, it’s no wonder so many of us are riddled with feelings of anxiety, despair and hopelessness. With the collective nervous system in a constant state of flight, fight or fawn, we have to become intentional about how we choose to deal as we attempt to heal and move forward. Our guest, blogger, content creator and host of the podcast “How I See it”, Han Huante, joins us to discuss how being unapologetic and authentic helps her overcome feeling powerless. When your heart, head and your actions align, it becomes easier to honor your highest self and step into every room as HER. We have all had moments where we give our power away or it is taken from us against our will. But life is not what happens to you, it’s about how you react that matters. Han is here to give you the girl’s girl pep talk you need to get off your ass and make the changes necessary to be the best version of yourself. No excuses. Tap on in to this week’s episode to be reminded of your power and how to stand in it.


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    We all have moments where we have felt powerless.

    “No one is coming to save you.”

    Telling yourself the truth is a superpower.

    Don’t ever go against your conscience.

    “Just remove the charge” as you learn to give yourself grace.

    It’s ok to grieve your old life as you grow.


    Han Huante

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howhanseesit/


    Website: https://www.howhanseesit.com/podcast


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Tap in to learn valuable tools to shift your mindset, adjust your habits, and stop wasting your time and your life.

    Vera Wang didn’t design her first dress until she was 40. Henry Ford didn’t create the revolutionary Model T car until age 45. Samuel Jackson didn’t land his award-winning role in Spike Lee’s “Jungle Fever”, which catapulted his acting career, until age 43. Controversial as she is, Kris Jenner didn’t pitch the hit show “Keeping up with the Kardashians” to E! Network until she was 52 and we see what happened there. The point is, it’s never too late to be who you might have been. It’s actually not ok to give up and damn yourself to a life of mediocrity. Alechia believes it’s a slap in the face to the creator who gave you gifts that you should use to elevate your life and serve humanity but instead you choose to squander them and keep them to yourself. If you’re good with some tough love, then you need to come on in and have a seat. Tap into this week’s episode for some invaluable tips on how to reclaim any time you feel you may have wasted and how to live your best life at any age. Yes, you have the time. No, your life doesn’t HAVE to stay the same. Your moment is here and the time is NOW.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube:



    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    It’s ok to reinvent yourself as many times as you need to.

    “The real sin is not using the gifts God gave you.”

    “The most powerless position is indecision.”

    It’s crucial to know who your children are when you’re not around.

    You are one decision away from your dream life.

    Tell yourself the truth about the life you have so you can create the life you want.


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • If you're anything like us, you've been bitten by the travel bug. This episode speaks to the wanderlust in us all who seeks to explore the world as they explore themselves. Our guest, world travel expert, speaker and founder of Jelani Travel, Ashley N Company, joins us to discuss the transformative experience that travel can offer. Whether you're interested in backpacking across Europe or driving a few hours to the nearest national park, the experiences that you have will impact the way you see the world forever. Now, if you desire to travel, but you keep talking yourself out of it for one reason or another, this episode is also for you. Many people have never left their home state or country and feel intimidated by the prospect of traveling, denying themselves the opportunity to discover what lies beyond their limitations. Ashley has been to over 100 countries and has travel hacks that can help you save some coins and inspire you to step out of your comfort zone. Tap all the way into this week’s episode for the sign you needed to book that flight and take that trip.


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    Learn to use and leverage credit cards to earn cash back and points that can be used toward travel expenses.

    “I am a free black girl.”

    It’s ok to travel on YOUR budget and adjust based on your personal and financial growth.

    Be open to exploring uncommon areas (while staying safe) in popular places.

    A mindset shift around spending money will help you navigate travel better.

    “Don’t let your pride and ego cost you.”


    Ashley N Company

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashleyncompany_/


    Website: https://gojelanitravel.com


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Savings Account w/ higher yield:


    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Have you ever been jealous and/or envious of a friend? Never, right?!

    We are back with Season 9 and we need you to know this is a safe space where we can tell ourselves the truth. We ALL have been jealous or envious of someone at some point in our lives. There's nothing to be ashamed of and maybe if we could talk about these feelings out loud, we could process them in a healthy way and move through them with more grace. We'll talk about the difference between jealousy and envy and even share some personal stories about instances when we felt envious. There's something so liberating about admitting that you want something that someone else has. What if instead of ruining a relationship because you were envious, you were able to communicate your feelings and use them as a catalyst for change? There’s a thin line between love and hate and it’s time to learn how to live in love even when we feel covetous. Tap into this week’s episode to hear a fresh perspective and useful tips on how to face the unpleasant parts of ourselves in order to heal.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube:



    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    When envy can be a good thing vs when it’s gone too far.

    Get the version of what they have that works for you.

    You don’t know what someone had to go through to get or keep what they have.

    You don’t know if you can hold or maintain the responsibility of what another person has.

    It is okay to use envy as a tool to fuel ambition.

    Learn to accept and release the things that are not for you.


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Channeling your inner sex goddess is the key to achieving more orgasms.

    50% of women have never experienced an orgasm while 95% of men have. Not only is that unfair, it doesn’t have to be that way and we have the solution.

    When's the last time you tapped into you to unlock your full orgasmic potential? The goddess in you is always there, watching, waiting, and rooting you on. So many of us are so used to faking, we have no idea what it means to actually experience pleasure. Enter the chat, Samia Burton, entrepreneur, Hands on Sexual Educator and the host of "Not Just Another Podcast", whose mission is to guide us back to our "yoni" to unleash its power so we can live in our divine feminine. Samia doesn't shy away from those uncomfortable conversations that are absolutely necessary to move the needle forward in our intimate relationships. She reveals just how long it takes for the body to warm up and be ready for intercourse and tells us about erogenous zones you would never guess. If you're looking for ways to rekindle the fire in your relationship, marriage, or even yourself - listen to this episode STAT. Samia provides a perspective so fresh and so tantalizing you'll be eager to try out some of her suggestions to spice things up a bit. This episode is for grown folk only. Trigger warning as we do discuss sexual assault. If you've felt disconnected from your body and ultimately your sexuality due to unfortunate circumstances, Samia opens up in a way we hope you find both affirming and healing. We're bringing sexy back so that we have more love, more sex and more Big Os.


    “Pleasure is your birthright.”

    It’s not weird to schedule sex, it may be necessary.

    Men deserve more foreplay and sensuality on a regular basis.

    You teach people how to treat you by the way you treat yourself.

    Learn how to have tough conversations about sex with your partner to improve intimacy.

    Have an open mind and be willing to try new things in the bedroom to increase overall pleasure.


    Samia Burton

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA-BSvFkTnaVwq0KLxbyR4w

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miabuggzy/?hl=en

    Website: https://thesexualessentials.com


    Alechia Reese

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Being selfish might be just the thing you need to tap into your joy.

    It’s time to reframe what it means to be intentionally selfish in order to live the life you want.

    When’s the last time you were selfish? Better yet, when’s the last time you were selfish without feeling guilty about it? It’s high time we rebrand what it means to be selfish and what it looks like to choose yourself more often. The days of endless self sacrificing and carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders are over. We are now entering our “Soft Life Era”. On this week’s episode we are joined by Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Trauma Specialist, and #1 Balance (and) Relationship Advisor in the World, Naketa Ren Thigpen, to help us all understand just how important it is to prioritize self care on a daily basis. From the mathematical formula to achieving balance to why selfish lovers are the best lovers. You’ve been selfless long enough. This is your official permission slip to be selfish.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-IM_4tqJ78g


    Learn to create the space for your joy, healing and forgiveness.

    Start by coming into your body. Your body will tell you the truth.

    It’s ok to not explain yourself. “No” is a full sentence.

    Admit the truth of what you really want.

    Creating boundaries around your truth will help you achieve your reality.

    When you are intentional about being selfish, your life becomes more juicy.


    Naketa Ren Thigpen

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TLOshow


    Website: https://thigpro.com


    Alechia Reese

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: hhtp://instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • It’s time to learn how to recognize, accept and align yourself with the partner you desire.

    Are you confused and frustrated out here in these dating streets? With the rise of social media and its impact on who, where and how we date, it’s easy to get caught up in how love should look rather than what it actually is. As much as we all want love, are we really willing to do what it takes to obtain it, cultivate it and then sustain it for years to come? On this week’s episode we are joined by psychotherapist, media personality, award-winning speaker and 5 time best-selling author, the “King of Breakthroughs”, Jack A. Daniels, to help give us a compass and much needed direction on the journey to finding true love and keeping it. Oftentimes, women make the mistake of asking other women for advice about men. You know we like experts! From the three types of men women should NEVER date to the places where single women should NEVER live and what’s keeping you loveless, we are getting the goods straight from the “horse’s mouth.” Tap into this week’s episode if you are tired of coming up short in love and want this Valentine’s Day to be the last one you spend alone. Don’t say we never gave y’all nothing!

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/KEjwWn8izD8


    "We are all connected and what we do to others, we do to ourselves." "Your 'list' could be what’s keeping you loveless." "Women who are seeking men should go out in pairs instead of packs." Three types of men you shouldn't be dating: the Peacock, the Project and the Penis. "Bad questions get bad answers...ask the hard questions." Focus on values instead of valuables. The more options you have, the less decisions you tend to make. Social media is killing the mystery of women for men. Most people cheat because they want something easy. Love is connecting and reconnecting on a regular basis.


    Jack A. Daniels

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JackDanielstv/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JackADaniels

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackdanielstv/?hl=en

    Website: https://jackadaniels.com



    Alechia Reese

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau

    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Cracking the manifestation code is not nearly as difficult as you think!

    It’s time to learn how to raise your vibration to manifest your dream life.

    Grab your scuba gear and put on your wetsuit for this episode because the ladies are going deep into the realm of frequencies. If you’ve been on this healing journey with us for some time, then you’ll quickly recognize that this is THE episode if you're ready for the next level of your evolution. We have all heard talk of energy, vibration and frequencies but do we really understand how they actually function and affect us? On this week’s episode we are joined by transformational speaker and “catalyst for rising consciousness,” Karen Cheong, to unpack the ways in which we can raise our vibration to access higher frequencies so we can manifest the lives we want. Karen speaks about what she calls “distortion patterns” and how they prevent us from accessing frequencies that allow us to feel more connected to source, a higher power, God, whatever you call “the Divine.” Distortion patterns keep us feeling stuck and helpless. Tap into this episode if you have been craving to go deeper but didn’t want to go alone. We’ve got you covered! By the end of this episode you’ll be asking yourself, “How can I become even more aware of my connection only to Source?”

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4pNNVj_QcSU


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com


    You will not be ok doing things that do not fulfill you.

    We are all light vibrating at different rates.

    Your rate of vibration is what dictates what things appear as.

    Everything happens at the frequency level first, and then the slower, denser vibration, mirrors the higher vibrational level.

    The beginning point of awakening is to recognize, to realize, to feel that you are greater than your physical self; that you are infinite, indestructible consciousness having an embodied experience.

    Lower level stuff can not exist at higher vibrational frequencies..


    Karen Cheong

    Free online workshop & meditation on how to quiet your mind https://sphericalluminosity.com/quietyourmind

    Vlog/podcast "Mastering Your World Through Frequencies" which is free and has a specific GFC at the end of every episode:


    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/sphericalluminosity

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spherical_luminosity/?hl=en

    Website: www.SphericalLuminosity.com

  • Navigating ADHD to learn how to work with your ADHD brain and not against it

    It's estimated that ADHD affects more than 8 million adults (or up to 5% of Americans) and 6.1% of children. Unfortunately, many people don't even know they have it. For decades, people with ADHD have been ignored, dismissed and even derided. As one of the most misunderstood diagnoses, it's easy for ADHD to be treated like a joke or a superpower, even though it's neither. On this week's episode we are joined by the NYT best selling author of "How to ADHD", Jessica McCabe. We dive into everything from how the brain of a person with ADHD works to how their loved ones can better understand and support them. Jessica opens up about what it was like to be the one with “potential” who could never quite bring it to fruition. After years of reaching out to experts, devouring articles, and sharing her discoveries on YouTube, Jessica has been able to bring a new perspective to the masses (her TED Talk has been viewed 19 million times) about what it means to live with ADHD. Tap into this week’s episode if you have ADHD or love someone with it for some great tips on how to navigate it successfully.


    ADHD is not a joke or a superpower.

    Make space for hyperfocus but install guardrails in your mind to stay on track.

    Studies have shown that ADHD may be polygenetic.

    Pills don’t teach skills. Simply medicating your child is not enough.

    Instead of telling someone to “calm down”, try telling them to “slow down.”

    Try to work with your unique brain rather than fight against it.


    Jessica McCabe

    Website: https://howtoadhd.com/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/howtoadhd

    TedxTalk: https://www.ted.com/talks/jessica_mccabe_this_is_what_it_s_really_like_to_live_with_adhd_jan_2017?language=en

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtoadhd/?hl=en


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • How to own the power in your differences

    What does it mean to grow up as ‘other’? Whether it’s due to being biracial or mixed race and never feeling like you fit in or it’s because you don’t share the same interests as other members in your culture, it’s totally normal to feel like you don’t belong. Triggered AF is joined by the CEO and Founder of The Curvy, Curly, Conscious Movement, wellness influencer and meditation enthusiast, Shelah Marie. Growing up as the only black woman in her household presented a set of challenges that helped Shelah develop a sense of curiosity and wonder, ultimately leading to a yearning for more … more play, more answers, more freedom. Shelah shares everything from advice on the one thing white parents should NEVER say to their black children to why she decided to create a safe space for black women. It’s not enough to just be weird or different, you should amplify your quirks and the things that make you ‘other’ — it’s your superpower. Tap into this week’s episode to learn how you can attract your tribe and create a family that accepts and loves you exactly the way you are. Why blend in when you were born to stand out, baby?!

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/pu3iz9rLbNM


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com

    Quote of the Week

    “It’s really important to share the idea that being different might feel like a problem at the time, but ultimately diversity is a strength.” - Carson Kressley

    Dating Well AF Tip

    Always remember the three R's of new relationships: respect one another, revel in the wonder, and reach out with kindness every chance you get.


    Ego and selfishness in moderation can be a good thing.

    Don’t ever say “I don’t see race” to your biracial children as a non-black parent.

    It’s better to be a part of “salad” than it is to be in a “melting pot”.

    Amplify everything that makes you not fit in. It will become your superpower.

    Being your true self will allow you to attract your tribe and create your chosen family.

    When navigating being biracial, it’s important to make peace with and embrace both sides of yourself to reduce confusion and anger.


    Shelah Marie

    Website: https://www.shelahmarie.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theshelahmarie/?hl=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theshelahmarie/


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • How to Keep the Friendship While Building the Business

    “Friends and business don’t mix.” How many times have you heard that? How many times have you actually tried it? While we agree that mixing business and friendship isn’t for everybody, the right combination of the two can be a game changer. Having been friends for over 15 years and business partners for almost 3 years, we know how challenging it can be to start a business while maintaining the dynamic that brought you together in the first place. Whether it’s doing weekly check-ins, going out for drinks or having difficult conversations to hold each other accountable, it’s important to always prioritize the friendship so that the business can thrive and flow. There is just something so special about embarking on a journey of entrepreneurship with a friend who you can weather the storms with and celebrate the victories with. You can always expect some gems and some laughs but this time there were some tears dropped as well. Tap into this episode for the dos and don’ts of how to keep the friendship while building a business. Not only is it possible, it’s beautiful.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Qa4ndfob210


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com

    Quote of the Week

    "A good friend is a connection to life — a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world." — Lois Wyse

    Dating Well AF Tip

    “Date multiple people at the same time.” It allows you to keep your head in the game.


    Your personal life impacts your business life.

    Talk to your business partner often to ensure you are always on the same page.

    Be open and willing to take feedback regularly without feeling attacked.

    Root and anchor your business in your purpose instead of doing it only for profit or recognition.

    Sacrifice is a part of success, something will have to give.

    Learn to be okay with reciprocity looking different but being equal.


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Owning Your Power Through Challenges

    About 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys in the United States experience child sexual abuse and we are almost certain that the number is far higher since many victims don’t ever come forward. Unfortunately, someone known and trusted by the child or child’s family members, perpetrates 91% of child sexual abuse. How do victims of child sexual abuse move forward to lead full, healthy lives? Is that even possible? According to Alreen Haeggquist, lawyer and author of “Fired Up: Fueling Triumph from Trauma”, with a great deal of work, healing and deep empathy, it is absolutely feasible. While it’s common to focus on the heinous acts, many people neglect to acknowledge the lifelong effects these acts may have on the victims. Alreen founded her firm, Haeggquist & ECK LLP, in San Diego in 2008, to help women find their voice and stand up for themselves while providing tools to aid them on their journey to wholeness. Tap in to this episode to hear Alreen’s heart-wrenching story and her path to triumph.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/dasZ4WbVlQ4


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com

    Quote of the Week

    “The ability to say no to yourself is a gift. If you can resist your urges, change your habits, and say yes to only what you deem truly meaningful, you’ll be practicing healthy self-boundaries. It’s your responsibility to care for yourself without excuses.” ― Nedra Glover Tawwab

    Dating Well AF Tip

    “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou


    Trust your gut!

    Teach children about “stranger danger” but also teach them about “tricky people”.

    The incorrect response of the adult can greatly negatively impact the child by retraumatizing them.

    We are conditioned to be silent about our pain and trauma.

    Once you have been abused, you are more likely to be abused again by multiple people.

    Studies have shown that there may be a link between child sexual abuse and illnesses like autoimmune diseases and fibroids.

    While an apology might be nice, empathy and working on your own healing, is the key to forgiving yourself and your abuser.


    Alreen Haeggquist

    Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alreen-haeggquist/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/alreen/

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/alreenh/

    Website: https://www.alreen.com/

    Book: https://www.alreen.com/book/ (Fired Up: Fueling Trauma From Triumph)


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

  • Using psychedelics to heal deep trauma requires surrender. Your healing comes in states of surrender. And surrender is the most powerful position we can possibly put ourselves in. Digging into our healing requires us to feel safe. Exploring this type of healing should not be ventured into without support, proper research, and a trained professional. We talked about everything from micro-dosing, exploring the creator, and the masses avoiding what is misunderstood. Tap into the episode to learn more now.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube:



    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com

    Quote of the Week

    Healing doesn't mean the pain never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. ― Akshay Dubey

    Dating Well AF Tip

    “Give yourself permission to heal from the same thing more than once.” – Alex Elle


    The only way to heal the next generation is to take off our masks and really be vulnerable with the next generation, not hiding our mistakes, but also telling the messy parts.

    Most of us don’t embrace change until we hit rock bottom.

    Your healing comes in states of surrender.

    You will have to deal with your triggers and traumas in order to live a full life.

    To heal deep trauma requires you to reopen the wound


    Nicholas Jordan Moore

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/nicholasjordanmoore/

    Website: https://vulnerabilitybook.com

    Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH2B9PWG


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Naming Our Demons: How to Overcome Shame

    The more stories you collect the more clogged your meaning-making machine can be. Many times, this prevents us from moving through our emotions as quickly. Sitting down with Shaun Derik, affectionately known as, Internet Jesus, we took a deep dive into the things we hide, the shade we throw, and the actions that aren’t as becoming. One of the things children are supposed to teach us is how to move through emotions quickly. Your emotions are supposed to last 21-90 seconds long. Tap into the episode to help develop your tools to get there.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/SA07wbeF05I


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com

    Quote of the Week

    “Shame hates it when we reach out and tell our story. It hates having words wrapped around it — it can’t survive being shared. Shame loves secrecy.” - Brené Brown

    Dating Well AF Tip

    “Learning how to identify and manage how you respond to your triggers helps you to breathe through your triggers so you can think.”

    STEP #1: Write down 10 of your triggers. Then on a scale of 1(mild reaction)-10(Blowing shit up), rate each one.

    STEP #2: For all 6+ ratings, write out your usual or default reaction.

    STEP #3: For all 6+ ratings, create new alternative reactions or defaults.


    How you’re feeling is not always an indication of how you’re doing.

    Your emotions are supposed to last 21-90 seconds long.

    One of the things children are supposed to teach us is how to move through emotions quickly.

    Working through shame can be achieved by asking yourself “why?” Getting down to the why behind your decisions and choices helps you overcome your shame around them.

    Different people have different access to learning tools so you cannot hold judgment for them based on your growth and resources.


    Shaun Derik

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/shaunderik

    TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@shaunderik

    Website: https://beacons.ai/shaunderik


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

  • Hoe-tales: The Pros and Cons of Being a Slut

    We thought that we were done slut-shaming, but apparently we’re back to calling women sluts and whores. The double standard is real. Way too many are pointing the finger at women calling them out of their names, but not enough people are recognizing that they’re not sleeping with themselves. Plus, the assumption of what someone is doing without actually knowing is definitely frustrating all parties involved. We’re so quick to pass judgment on women on their own journey learning to navigate and figure themselves out. Your youth is designed for learning and exploring. And keeping your options open, having a multitude of energetic exchanges, and living life your way is your choice! Just be clear of the consequences, benefits, and opportunities of it all! We talk through the whole spectrum and explore the pros and cons of being a slut.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8q4ikMIo-hs


    Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more: http://datingwellaf.com

    Quote of the Week

    “If you consider a woman less pure after you’ve touched her, maybe you should take a look at your hands.” - Kaija Sabbah

    Dating Well AF Tip

    “Knowing who you are and what you want sets your standard and helps you date better.” – Alechia Reese & Dani Bourdeau

    Getting to know yourself better is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It takes real intentional effort to become your own bestie.


    Sex connects and disconnects some women and it's many times based on how you were introduced to it.

    You will have to resolve the person you once were as you change and evolve, it’s necessary to forgive yourself and honor that past version of yourself without feeling shame.

    The decisions you make directly affect your type of lifestyle and experience.

    Is ignorance really bliss? Once you know how it’s supposed to feel it’s hard to go to something that doesn’t feel good.


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau

    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau


    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com

    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!

    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc

    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc

    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast

    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.