Mangler du episoder?
In dieser Folge teile ich mit dir, wie du mit stress umgehst, sodass du deinen Inneren Frieden maximierst.
In dieser Folge erfĂ€hrst du groĂe Teile meiner Story, die mich dazu verleitet haben diesen Podcast, meinen Online Kurs & mehr zu erschaffen.
Mein gröĂtes Anliegen ist es dir dabei zu helfen von deiner wahren Natur aus zu leben.
Wenn dich mein Online Kurs interessiert ist hier der Link:
In this episode we will explore what its like to be yourself and what that will mean for your life.
In this episode I wanna share a quick story that has helped me numerous times deal with overthinking, worrying and stressing and to calm down again and have peace.
Ask me any questions below this episode or slide into my DMs!
In this Episode I wanna share a really important concept with you. I want to adress one of the most common challenges people face and how you won't have to face it anymore...
Procrastination. I will share an Understanding that has ripened over the past 10+ years of personal growth...
This Episode will shift this topic for you. I will share my most important mindset around this and
If you have any questions - let me know below or slide in my DMs here:
(00:00) Intro & "Needing the Pressure"
(01:20) A Metaphor for the Damage Procrastination does
(05:05) Example for overcoming Procrastination
(06:33) My Story of Procrastination
(11:00) Why Procrastination happens
(11:45) Why we don't stop Procrastinating
(13:00) Training your Mind to do it and KEEP YOUR WORD!
(14:00) Why&How to actually stop the Procrastination!
(15:48) Be Honest about your Core Intention
In this Episode I am sharing something really close to my heart with you. Sometimes it can be really hard to see what you are good at and what your biggest strengths are. Maybe you even feel like you don't have any. I want to change that for you. You will learn how you can find your biggest strengths and how you can turn your weaknesses into strengths...
Hope this helps! If so rate and review the show!
If you have any questions or comments - drop them here on my IG!
In this Episode I share with you a metaphor that I got from a Mentor of mine - Michael Neill. In this Episode you will learn why you don't need to worry, why inner peace is innate and how to play the game of life without becoming careless or too worried.
This Episode might change someone's life. So share it with a friend who might appreciate this message!
If you have any questions let me know below this Podcast or slide into my DMs and ask me there!
Hey I am Miguel and in this Episode I want to briefly tell you about the Podcast, what we will talk about and when it will be helpful to you.
I will do 5-15 min Episodes so you can listen on the go and give you the reminders we all need sometimes. Growing and Evolving in your life can be tough and COMPLICATED and my mission is to make it simple AF for you so you can let you Spark and Genius come out.
IG: @miguel.rosete.espin
â @miguel.rosete.espinâ
Du willst dein lÀstiges Overthinking loswerden?
Hol dir mein bestes Tool gegen Overthinking auf meiner Website
â www.true-nature-coaching.comâ
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