Podcasten er sponsoreret af Arbejdernes Landsbank.
Små børn små problemer, store børn store problemer. Vores Børns chefredaktør, Mette Hovmand-Stilling, gør dig klogere på børnepsykologi i samtale med familieterapeut Fie Hørby.
Podcasten er mest for dig med børn på 0-12 år. -
Sponsoreret af Änglamark. Bøgerne derude fortæller aldrig den fulde sandhed. Det skal vi gøre noget ved. Fra hormonture til hæmorider, fra identitetskriser til forholdsudfordringer. Det hele kommer frem i lyset og fortalt på en begavet måde
Det gør ondt at føde, men smerten behøver ikke at være altdominerende. Det er nemlig de samme hormoner, vi oversvømmes af, når vi laver en baby, som når den skal ud. Det er den samme rytmiske sammentrækning af livmoderen, vi kalder en ve, som vi kalder orgasmen.
Tilrettelægger: Rebecca Bach-Lauritsen. -
The only podcast teaching you how to turn sexual liberation and mastery into financial empowerment.
I'm your host, Tilly Storm, a certified somatic sex and relationship coach since 2017, and one of the top 20 sex coaches worldwide as voted by The Coach Foundation in 2022.
Whether you're seeking guidance on reigniting passion in your relationships, overcoming intimacy or business blocks, or unlocking your financial potential, The Multiorgasmic Millionaire podcast is your roadmap to an abundance of O’s and $$$!
Through a unique blend of sexual mastery techniques and business savvy, I'll show you how to harness the energy of your sexuality to manifest an abundantly pleasure-filled life!
Tune into The Multiorgasmic Millionaire podcast, where wealth creation meets sexual liberation, and discover the secrets to living a life of abundance on your own, multiorgasmic terms!
Connect with Tilly:
Email: [email protected] -
Er du nysgerrig på, hvordan man som par kan komme omkring udfordringer som sex, børneopdragelse, skilsmisse eller utroskab? Så lyt med, når parterapeut Frej Prahl hjælper en række modige par med at løse problemer i deres parforhold.
Parrene deltager i én gangs parterapi, og i de endelige afsnit er der er tale om sammenklippede sessioner.
Produceret af Hz & Tone. Lyddesign: Mikkel Bøgeskov Andersson. Klip og tilrettelæggelse: Rikke Romme. -
I denne podcasten intervjuer Pia Seeberg inspirerende (trenings)jenter om tiden etter fødsel med fokus på fysisk trening, et sunt topplokk og ikke minst matglede. Når begynte de å trene igjen? Hvilke øvelser funker best? Hvordan trente de? Hva ville de gjort annerledes, og hva er deres beste tips til en så god barseltid som mulig? Dette, og mye mer, får du svaret på i podcasten "Trening etter fødsel".
Psst! Husk å sjekke ut boken Trening etter fødsel, som gir deg alt du trenger for en så sprek og god barseltid som mulig; fiks, ferdige treningsprogrammer, mental styrketrening og kosholdsinspo. En powerbok for nybakte mammaer som gir deg alle tips om trening etter fødsel. Du finner den her;
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast med Fredrik Fetterlein og Oliver Bjerrehuus.
Lyt med når Frederik og Oliver taler med modige gæster og hinanden om følsomme emner, tidsrelevante emner og livet generelt. -
Din vej til balance, ro og selvkærlighed
This show aims to inspire and encourage women to make the most of what they have and find joy in everyday living. Join Kim and Rhonda for a weekly chat as they dive into family, parenting, saving money, budgeting, DIY projects, faith and all the topics that make our lives what they are! Your laundry day just got a little more entertaining.
De fleste forældre i dag har prøvet det, at diskutere skærmtid med sit barn, hvornår er det for meget? Hvornår lærer de rent faktisk noget? Hvem taler de med inde i den skærm? Og hvor går grænsen?
Den digitale udvikling har nemlig ændret vilkårene for børnelivet og har givet et hav af nye muligheder, som vores børn skal lære at navigere i.
I denne podcast undersøger journalist Ditte Giese, hvordan vi som forældre bedst kan hjælpe og støtte vores børn i den digitale verden, og ruste dem til et livslangt skærmliv.
Gennem 8 episoder taler vi med eksperter, gamere, skolelære og ikke mindst et panel af det som det hele handler om: Skærmbørn.
Vi vil rigtig gerne vide, hvad du synes om podcasten. Det vil derfor betyde meget for os, hvis du vil bruge fem minutter på at svare på dette spørgeskema:
Vært: Ditte Giese
Tilrettelæggelse, klip og produktion: Cecilie Wortziger.
Redaktør: Kirstine Østerby Ejlertsen.
Podcasten er produceret i samarbejde med Heartbeats og støttet af Trygfonden. -
For survivors of Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths. Let the healing begin!
David Washburn is 16 and his life is unraveling. Sheila, his mom, is desperate and thinking: What is happening to my son, and what can I do to help? The Teen Mind hunts for answers to these questions, while following David and his family as they struggle with his anxiety and anger.
Not a parent? Don’t worry. This show is for anyone who is curious about how the mind works, and how to get along better with those closest to you.
Tags: parenting, parenting teens, teen depression, teen anxiety, teen, teens, teenager, counseling, therapy, mental health, anxiety, depression -
This podcast is meant to be a forum for people who have decided or are in the process of deciding whether or not they want to have children. We hope to create a community to help affirm and validate those who are going through this process.
Join our panel of moms for a monthly chat about the challenges of raising active kids.
Each week, Libby Hartfield, Retired Director of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, brings a specialist into the studio to answer your questions about various animals we see in Mississippi. And of course, Dr. Troy Majure, Veterinarian at the Animal Medical Center of Jackson answers your pet questions. Each week, you’ll learn more about the animals that live in our homes and the animals who live in the world around us. You’ll also find out more about family-friendly exhibits and events at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson.
Email your pet and animal questions to [email protected] and listen to Creature Comforts Thursday mornings at 9 a.m. CST on MPB Think Radio.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Videoer fra FDB og Samvirke.
Tara Hunkin is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, mother and founder of My Child Will Thrive a resource that shares with you the latest science, tips, resources and tools to help you on the path to health and happiness for your child with ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder, or learning disabilities. Tara's own experiences with her daughter -- combined with as much training as she can get her hands on, research she can dig into, and conferences she can attend -- have helped her to develop systems and tools for parents like you who feel overwhelmed trying to help their children thrive.
Being a single mom comes with a wide variety of challenges. Challenges like the lack of help, effective budgeting, mom guilt, poor of self-care management, and coping with depression.
It is by far one of the hardest jobs you will ever have.
That is why every Monday on the podcast, I share tips to help you survive the challenges that come with being a single mom, self-care management, and how to cope with your depression. AND amazing lineup of guests that will give you actionable tips to implement in your life and business.
But most importantly, I want you to rock at single motherhood!
Say goodbye to the "I can't do this" mindset and hello to loving your single motherhood journey. -
Weekly podcast hosted by Kendra Martinez featuring working Moms who find a way to manage it all. Each episode Kendra dives into various topics with special guests ranging from birth stories to game changing products no new mother should be without. Find new episodes of The Mom Enterprise Podcast every Sunday.