Two seasoned musicians and long-time friends discuss the most prominent classic jazz albums in addition to reviewing new and modern albums and artists. Join KC-based saxophonist Max Levy and Organist Dwain Gunnels as they take a deep dive into jazz albums of all different shapes and sizes.
Il programma è centrato sui grandi personaggi che hanno fatto la storia del Jazz.
Ogni puntata è focalizzata sull'ascolto di brani selezionati di un singolo musicista per condividerne l'evoluzione del proprio sound.
La trasmissione è in onda ogni sabato alle ore 18.00, per accompagnarvi durante l'aperitivo! -
Experience an unparalleled fusion of Tech House, Bass House, and Future House, as they converge like never before. To Be Fair is stopped until further notice, but do not stress, WE WILL RETURN SOON!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Will, Nick, Al and Chris invite you into their Music Club as they pick a random year and take a deep dive into one of its albums. Along the way they explore the year’s other musical highlights, discuss what else they’ve been listening to and reveal what they’re drinking. Come on in, you’re on the guest list.
We've embraced modernity and are on Instagram - come and say hi!:
And you can find all our playlists of songs we talk about in the podcast on YouTube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Historyk i rozkochany w operze meloman, prof. Hieronim Grala w rozmowie z Aleksandrem Laskowskim z Narodowego Instytutu Fryderyka Chopina. Ich spotkania miały miejsce w Roku Stanisława Moniuszki w Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina. Specjaliści poruszyli temat oper, które w szczególny sposób są związane z wydarzeniami politycznymi XIX wieku, a w szczególności z dążeniami niepodległościowymi trzech narodów: Belgów, Polaków i Włochów. Rozmowom towarzyszył muzyczny komentarz w wykonaniu na żywo.
Historky z POPsvetia. Prvý hudobný podcast, ktorý nepotrebuje playlist, lebo má príbehy. Príbehy pop-music v podaní dvoch džentlmenov. Hity z kaziet a platní. Slávne albumy, ktoré sme počúvali na walkmanoch a z cédečiek. Flebo a Juraj Čurný sú hudobní džentlmeni.
Podcast Mateja Makovického o metale a tvrdej hudbe. Jednoducho... trieskanie o veciach, ktoré trieskajú.
Spotify playlist: -
The Bronaissance dives into the artists and albums that have influenced their musical taste - for better or worse. Join Jack Falcon, Rob Fortune and Jomo for polarizing opinions and needless ranting on everyone from Steel Panther to Slayer. Follow us on your favorite Podcast platform and on Instagram and YouTube. -
TPH Radio, 1h of the best music mixed by Antoine Delvig! More info :
This is an N Sync fan podcast, hosted by comedian Peter Sers. Peter Sers is a 42 year old straight male, who loves N Sync, and unlike other guys, was never ashamed to admit it. This podcast will be a breakdown of each N Sync song, accompanied by recalling fond memories of the band, that amazing era of pop music, and so much more. This podcast will be filled with stories, interviews, and fun facts about THE BEST BAND EVER!!! NSYNC.
Go behind the scenes of The Atlanta Opera through in-depth interviews, thoughtful series, and informative (and witty) Opera 101s.
Matěj shrnuje a komentuje rapová alba, témata, která ho na české scéně zaujaly.
Novou hudbu posílej na @matuv_ig, možná se o ní pobavíme v příštím díle. -
Karoll Juliana Taborda Pastrana
Nous jouons des mixes d'une heure de la meilleure musique dark ambient - Expérimentale - Avant-gardistes - électronique - Bruitiste - Gothique.
A Musical Podcast where hosts, Shyama and Ben, write an entire (often silly) musical in 60 minutes or less using your favorite artists as inspiration! Episodes Bi-weekly.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sharing my life as an independent recording artist to inspire other artists and musicians to take the leap into entrepreneurship. It may be hard, but it’s worth it. Hi, my name is Uni V. Sol and I am an independent recording artist. My services include songwriting, recording, producing, and performing. I have produced more than 4000 professional audio recordings for buyers looking for the best vocal recording solution. My work has been trusted by brands like AT&T, Nike, and Pepsi to name a few. Feel free to send a message.Uni V. Sol | #univsolmcSubscribe to Uni VO
We do track by track album reviews and reviews of other media.
I learn a song in a week and play it and tell you a little history about that song.
All covers and might be some originals