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    As we reach 100 episodes of our Acts series (which we planned as a short series for the summer of 2022!) our latest show delves into the intricate details of Paul’s missionary journey and the role of Apollos in Acts 18:18-28. We explore the themes of how the early church took the Spirit and theological accuracy seriously. It is worth paying attention to how the Acts church didn't see the tension often felt today between fervour and knowledge in spreading the Gospel.

    Episode 155 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 100

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021
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    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David discuss Paul's trust in divine guidance throughout his ministry and travel. Even during a brief stay in Ephesus we see that Paul prefers a missionary "strategy" that combines relational integrity with a commitment to the work of the Holy Spirit rather than a strong "authority and accountability" model. In Paul we see a model of how to trust others and leave space for the leading of the Holy Spirit, even if it means stepping back from authority ourselves?

    Episode 154 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 99

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021
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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David delve into the significance of Priscilla and Aquila as a ministry couple, their role as fellow workers with Paul, and the broader theme of gender equality and partnership in ministry. They also explore the idea of discipleship and ministry, the role of Phoebe, and the concept of ruling the earth as male and female made in the image of God. The conversation draws connections between Acts 18 and Romans 16, highlighting the unfolding vision of humanity in the church.

    See Paula Gooder's Pheobe which we mentioned in the episode

    Episode 153 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 98

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021
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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which David and John discuss Paul's vow in Acts 18. This episode is conversation that covers a range of topics, including their personal experiences, the journey of Paul in Acts 18, the significance of vows and commitments in the Christian faith, and the relationship between Jewish and Christian traditions.

    They explore the idea of vows as a way to shape and order one's life in devotion to God, without attributing salvation weight to these commitments. The podcast emphasizes the rootedness of the Christian faith in the Old Testament and the continuity between Jewish and Christian theology.

    Episode 152 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 97

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David picture Paul teaching with seemingly unwavering confidence, even as factions of Corinth unite against him. They delve into the dramatic trial before Gallio, the proconsul, whose disinterest and swift dismissal align with God's earlier promise to Paul.

    The conversation notes a biblical critique of the state, noting parallels to Isaiah's warnings. The episode also explores how the Book of Acts offers both an apologetic for Christianity and a cautionary tale about the state’s self-serving nature in contrast with how the early church is seen advocating for the world's flourishing while trusting God with the church’s well-being.

    Episode 151 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 96

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David explore the divine vision that anchors Paul amidst opposition, and marvel at how the Holy Spirit's guidance offers both freedom and precise direction. There's a whisper of comfort that finds its way through the ages— "do not be afraid” — an enduring message, a divine fingerprint, across Scripture, and we delve into its significance, recognizing how these familiar words can shape us.

    We hope this episode is an invitation to walk alongside Paul in his journey of confidence and conviction, encouraging you to lean into the security that comes from trusting in God's word.

    Episode 150 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 95

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David continue their exploration of the Apostle Paul's transition from Athens to Corinth, delving into the striking contrast between the intellectual debates in Athens and the grounded, everyday reality of tent-making in Corinth with Priscilla and Aquila. Emphasizing the significant shift in Paul's ministry and his interactions with both Jewish and Gentile communities, the episode examines themes of opposition, adaptation, and the spread of Christianity. They also contextualize the discussion with reflections on historical tensions, migrations, and the human aspects underpinning New Testament narratives, advocating for a nuanced appreciation of community, identity, and faith in the early Christian world.

    Episode 149 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 94

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021
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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David peel back layers of history, strategy, and divine connection to uncover how Paul's tentmaking was more than mere survival—it was a bridge to hearts and a canvas for the Gospel. We examine the shift as Paul turns his attention to the Gentiles, a move that reverberates through the evolution of the early Church and informs his correspondence with the Corinthian assemblies.

    Venture into the bustling streets of Corinth with us, as Paul, the strategic missionary, sets anchor for 18 months in this port city—a choice signaling a deeper intent and a broader vision. We scrutinize the impact of Paul's craftsmanship on his preaching, pondering whether his daily grind as a tentmaker may have sown seeds for the Gospel to flourish even beyond Corinth's shores. The arrival of Silas and Timothy with provisions is a turning point, affording Paul the luxury of dedicating more time to his evangelical mission, yet having learned that no work is too mundane for the kingdom of God. Reflecting upon Paul's 'tent making,' we celebrate the sanctity of balancing secular work with ministry, a practice as relevant today as it was in ancient times.

    Episode 148 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 93

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David discuss the unexpected connections between the Apostle Paul's eloquent Mars Hill sermon and the rich world of Greek poetry. Imagine finding the divine in places you'd never think to look! The episode meanders through this fascinating theological landscape, journeying from the familiar paths of scripture to the unexpected territories where God's presence defies boundaries.

    We also explore the layers of Paul's message, as it weaves through the paradox of the incarnation and turns our conventional theological constructs upside down. We are essentially peering into the heart of the New Testament's message about God's radical action against sin and brokenness.

    Episode 147 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 92

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David peel back the layers of Paul's engagement with Greek thinkers, using their own religious and cultural touchstones to introduce Jesus and the Gospel.

    As we unravel the nuances of Paul's argument, we ponder his approach in adapting scriptural teachings for a polytheistic audience. We explore his use of the Athenians' altar to the 'unknown God' to pivot to a discussion on how this was the God he wanted to introduce to them.

    With a touch of scholarly critique and reflection, we also address the human condition of searching for the divine. This discussion opens up a compassionate view of spiritual hunger and the human attempts to grasp the divine, even when shrouded in ignorance. Through Paul's personal revelations, we explore the notion of divine intimacy—how it's not about our efforts to know God, but the transformative power of being known by Him.

    Episode 146 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 91

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David consider the insults or comments made about Paul by the Athenians. Ever wondered how a man branded a "babbler" by ancient intellectuals could spark a spiritual revolution? We consider the opposition that Paul encountered, dissecting the term "babbler" and its implications for his message. The often-misinterpreted Greek word "spermalogos" serves as a window into the challenges of maintaining the essence of faith amidst a sea of competing ideologies, and our exploration reveals just how crucial unaltered messages are to the fabric of belief.

    We uncover the subtleties embedded in the language used to convey divinity and strangeness. Our discussion touches on Paul’s strategic adaptability, his tailored engagements in synagogues, marketplaces, and on Mars Hill, and the rich insights from early church fathers like John Chrysostom and Basil the Great. They invite a pause in the hustle to truly encounter God. This episode an invitation to reflect on the divine in an ever-distracting world, challenging us to find God's rightful place in our own lives.

    Episode 145 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 90

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David explore the Apostle Paul's reaction to his visit to Athens where he boldly confronted idolatry and introduced the early Christian gospel. Athens, with its pantheon of gods and penchant for debate, provided unusual ground for Paul's missionary zeal. We consider his emotional turmoil amid the city's idols, contrasting it with the Athenian culture of "endless" discussion, and spotlight the active, practice-oriented nature of Judeo-Christian teaching.

    Contrasting Athens with the biblical narrative of creation as a divine temple in which humanity was meant to serve as the image of God, we explore the irony of idolatry, where humanity's aspiration to be godlike usurps the very role designed for them. We ponder Paul's theological convictions, honed by his Jewish heritage and life-changing encounter with Christ, which fueled his reaction to the idol worship he found in Greece. We contrast the pursuit of intellectual acceptance with the radical Christian message of resurrection, a concept met with skepticism by those unguided by the Spirit. As we juxtapose the narratives of Athens and Corinth, join us for this compelling exploration of the meeting of faith and reason in the heart of ancient philosophy.

    Episode 144 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 89

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    John and David trace the steps of Paul and Silas, venturing through Thessalonica's tension-filled streets into the welcoming community of Berea. Our latest episode unravels the stark contrasts these early Christian evangelists encountered, from vehement opposition to heartfelt acceptance. Act 17 reveals the strategic moves and the unwavering resolve behind the spread of a message that would echo through millennia.

    Their resilience of these missionaries leads to powerful encounters with diverse voices and surprising reactions to the faith. We dissect the varied receptions to the Gospel, celebrating the Bereans' intellectual curiosity and musing on the transformation spurred by an open heart and mind.

    We reflect on the profound sacrifices of Paul and the emotional landscape he traversed to share his convictions with the world. Through examining these pillars of Christianity, we gain a deeper understanding of the tenacity and passion that fueled the early Church's growth, illuminating our own paths of faith and commitment.

    Episode 143 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 88

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David wonder about how the early Christians navigated the tension between their revolutionary faith and the power of the Roman Empire? We traverse the ancient roads of Paul and Silas, unpacking their strategic mission through cities like Amphipolis, Apollonia, and Thessalonica. Each move a vivid tapestry showing how the early mission work encountered either revival or riot perhaps due to ts radical challenge to the saying "Caesar is Lord."

    Amidst the tales of travel and transformation, we tackle the contentious and divisive nature of Jesus' identity as both Messiah and King. The message of the cross clashes with conventional wisdom, and we dissect the implications of such a declaration. Paul's teachings stir hearts and upend societal norms, a theme that reverberates through our discussion. We grapple with the early Christian community's delicate dance of faith under Roman scrutiny, and what it means to pledge allegiance to a higher power when earthly thrones loom large.

    Our journey through the Book of Acts is both intimate and grandiose, revealing the humanity behind the divine narrative. We delve into the paradox of Jesus as a source of both peace and disruption, examining how his followers were accused of "upsetting the world." The stories of Lydia, Jason, and other believers add a personal touch to the movement's trials and triumphs. We invite you to reflect on the profound impact of the Gospel on a society caught between the hope of a coming kingdom and the reality of an agitated present.

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    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David consider Paul and Silas being unjustly locked away, only to turn the tables with a bold assertion of their rights upon release. They demand justice post-imprisonment, reminding us of the dignified stance of Nelson Mandela upon his own release. This episode isn't just another biblical narrative; it's a deep exploration of the cultural and social responsibilities that early Christians juggled, and it's a story that resonates with today's discussions about civil rights and personal agency. Join us as we explore these historical moments, and the powerful statement they make about standing up for justice within the framework of faith.

    We then shift gears to a heartfelt examination of forgiveness and accountability, inspired by modern-day parallels like the recovery steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. As we navigate the complexities of true repentance versus superficial apologies, our conversation challenges you to consider the transformative power of owning one's mistakes. We discuss the delicate balance of forgiveness and making amends, emphasizing the need to protect the integrity of the Gospel through transparent acts of grace. This episode promises an engaging and thought-provoking journey through the significance of these acts and their potential to transform communities.

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    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which John and David embark on an exploration of faith and transformation in our latest episode, continuing to focus on the gripping narrative of Acts 16, where the Holy Spirit’s influence in the early church is unmistakable. Together, we keep unravelling the story of Paul, Silas, and a Roman jailer whose life is forever changed, reflecting on the intersection of the Good Samaritan's parable and the compelling themes of both spiritual and physical liberation.

    As we wrestle with the jailer's poignant question, "What must I do to be saved?" we delve into the tension between the pursuit of salvation and the gospel's declaration that salvation is a gift of grace. Our conversation explores the heart of the gospel message, where actions are not the path to salvation, but instead, it is through trust that we embrace the work already done. This episode is a journey into the very essence of Christian grace, as seen through the eyes of the early believers, revealing the instant and egalitarian nature of God's gift of salvation — a concept that remains as radical and transformative today as it was millennia ago.

    Diving into the sacraments, we discuss how the early church grappled with the intricacies of faith and practice, specifically the act of baptism, and how these traditions have evolved over the centuries. Our dialogue offers a deeper understanding of how tangible expressions of faith, like baptism and communion, serve as vital reminders of our spiritual convictions. We close with our heartfelt thanks to our listeners and supporters, who make these enriching discussions possible, inviting you to immerse yourself in an episode that celebrates faith's timeless practices and the enduring power of the gospel.

    Episode 140 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 85

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which David and John unravel the story of a first-century jailer whose encounter with Paul and Silas turned despair into hope. We reflect on this profound event recorded in Acts 16, where economic turmoil and spiritual darkness are pierced by the radiant light of the Gospel. The episode traverses the emotional landscape of the jailer's transformation, scrutinizing the metaphorical 'calling for lights' as a universal yearning for enlightenment. We bridge the ancient narrative with contemporary resonances, acknowledging how deeply this story touches our own lives and compels our own awakening.

    We also explore the echoes of household salvation, from Lydia's conversion to the baptism of the jailer's entire family, showcasing the Gospel's inclusive reach. Through the lens of the original Greek text, we scrutinize the weighty significance of the name of Jesus in the salvation story. We envisage the jailer and his family, years later, gathered to hear Paul's letter to the Philippians, realizing the seeds of faith planted in that dark cell bore fruit in an enduring Christian fellowship. This episode uncovers the transformation that occurs when the message of hope is not only heard but embraced, challenging us to consider the lasting impact of faith on our lives and communities.

    Episode 139 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 84

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

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    John and David want to ensure that Two Texts always remains free content for everyone. We don't want to create a paywall or have premium content that would exclude others.

    However, Two Texts costs us around ÂŁ60 per month (US$75; CAD$100) to make. If you'd like to support the show with even just a small monthly donation it would help ensure we can continue to produce the content that you love.

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    In which David and John recount the stirring tale of Paul and Silas's imprisonment, their midnight prayers, and an earthquake that spells not just physical liberation but a profound spiritual awakening. Our conversation ventures into the heart of their story in Acts 16, exploring themes of faith, resilience, and the unexpected ways grace can manifest in our lives. As we consider their unyielding worship within stone walls, we invite you to ponder the depth of your own convictions and the strength you draw upon in your darkest hours.

    Together we peel back the layers of this biblical event, examining the influence of spiritual practices and the Holy Spirit in guiding responses to adversity. We share personal experiences that remind us of the prayers of Paul and Silas, and the peace that comes from immersing oneself in scripture. The ripple effects of their unwavering devotion, reaching even the hearts of fellow prisoners, are contemplated with a blend of curiosity and reverence. Listen in as we discuss the transformative power of night watch prayers and uncover the enduring impact of unfathomable grace on a jailer's household.

    Episode 138 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 83

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021

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    In which John and David considered the ripple effects of spiritual awakening on societal norms and economic systems? Our latest episode on Acts 16 delves the stories of faith that disrupted commerce and challenged cultural customs. We start by contrasting the experiences of two women: Lydia, whose conversion becomes a beacon of hope, and an unnamed young slave in Philippi, whose liberation from possession causes economic turmoil for her masters. This tale of two conversions invites us to reflect on the broader implications of the gospel's power, as it both liberates and upends the status quo.

    Join us as we navigate the often overlooked tension between devout Christian practices and entrenched societal traditions. We ponder the adaptability of the early Christians, who found sacred spaces for worship in the most ordinary of places, from riverbanks to the home of Lydia. Through thoughtful dialogue, we question what constitutes a true gathering in faith and urge listeners to discern the essence of gospel truth amidst often distracting cultural practices. Our conversation takes a turn as we explore how the early church's flexibility in worship may offer insights for our own contemporary faith communities.

    The episode culminates in an exploration of spiritual freedom and its contrast with worldly entanglement. We delve into the symbolism of the marketplace in Paul's teachings, understanding redemption as an emancipation from the market of sin. As we discuss Paul and Silas's imprisonment, our narrative draws a parallel to Christ's own suffering on the cross and how their struggles and triumphs resonate with our own paths to spiritual freedom.

    Episode 137 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 82

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021

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  • Drop us a text message to say hi and let us know what you think of the show.

    In which John and David dissect Acts 16 with a focus on the transformative conversion of Lydia in Philippi. In this episode, we deep dive into the spiritual dynamics of the early missionary efforts, illustrating how the Spirit's redirection can turn apparent setbacks into opportunities for greater works. By reflecting on Lydia's open heart, we consider the far-reaching impact of an individual's responsiveness to divine intervention on the broader mission.

    As we traverse from the Jewish heartlands to the European frontiers, we uncover the thrill of the unknown that Paul, Timothy, and Luke experienced. Their journey, steeped in geographical and cultural shifts, evidence the Gospel's relentless advance into uncharted territories. Through their eyes, we witness the narrative's pivot from scholarly recounting to first-hand accounts, inviting listeners to appreciate the textured fabric of the early Christian mission woven into the historical and geographical tapestry of the time.

    Finally, with humor and insight, we shine a spotlight on the inclusive ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose work often defies expectations and breaks down barriers. The portrayal of Lydia and other influential women in Acts brings forth the narrative’s inclusivity and the Holy Spirit's boundary-defying nature. By paralleling Lydia's hospitable response to the disciples' experiences, we underscore the theme of openness in Luke's Gospel and Acts, and the transformative power it holds for individual lives and the collective Christian endeavour.

    Episode 136 of the Two Texts Podcast | Disruptive Presence 81

    If you want to get in touch about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?

    Music by Woodford Music (c) 2021

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