Disney dream comes true for Peter Whitehead, Creative Director for the Walt Disney Hometown Museum.
I remember my Father asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up - I had no idea - I didn't even know what they options were. As a result, I went down a number of wrong roads before accidentally discovering my passion for creative and design. Somewhere along my winding career path, I met Peter. His ability to think big changed my life and put me on a path to success. Peter eventually found his own path to his ultimate career working for the Walt Disney Hometown Museum in Marceline, Missouri. Peter, a life-long Disney fan, now runs this shrine to all thing Walt Disney in the very town that Walt grew up in. Marceline will transport you to a real-life town that inspired Main Street USA.
Read the CNN article on Marceline here:
Help Marceline bring the Midget Autopia track back to life:
In addition to the interview with Peter, Rick talks about his own career path and all the twists and turns that eventually lead him to starting his own creative design agency. One of the most challenging questions for kids is "what do you want to be when you grow up?". Many think that they will be able to play video games for a living - and, some actually do. The root problem is that kids generally have no idea what kinds of career options are out there. They need to find their passion early so they can begin acquiring the skills that will help them achieve their dream job.
And, Rick also talks about his latest side-hustle: voice acting. He has begun auditioning for voiceover work and has already had some success in the field. He plans to continue taking voice-acting lessons to improve his skills.
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Show introduction:
Uberdad is a show for parents of teens. I try to bring you interesting and informative content in an entertaining way, The goal is to have some fun with it and work together so that we can have the best possible relationship with our kids. After all, one day they'll be driving us around and changing our diapers. Whenever I tell people the name of the show, they start waving their arms wildly and pointing at themselves in an effort to say that THEY are Uberdad. Moms and Dads alike. I think we all identify with the concept of transforming from parents of sweet little kids to becoming their driver. Uberdad is the virtual cab company that we all work for. It's more of a club.
Episode summary:
This episode is about something near and dear to my heart: food. If you are what you eat, then I am PIE. My older son would be Chicken Fingers and Fries. My wife would be Nutella. None of those situations are good. So... we have Food Addiction Recovery expert Sandra Elia with us. Sandra will help us understand why we eat the way we do and how to change our habits so we can all become healthier. She has an incredible story and I know it's going to affect you. Most of the teens I know have odd eating habits. They still eat like little kids - ordering plain cheese pizza and not eating the crust. When I talk to other parents about it, they say their teens do the same things. For some of them, they can enjoy this time where their metabolism allows them to eat junk food and stay slim. Others struggle with their weight. The thing is, the food they are eating is going to catch up with them sooner or later. Especially when they get to the age of 16 or so, because that's when a lot of them stop playing sports.
UberDad Update:
30 year old son taken to court by parents to be evicted
4 year old boy rescued from 4th floor balcony by real-life Spiderman
Latest teen craze: Deodorant Challenge
Kellogg's releases edible record
Breakfast Cereal manufacturers experiencing decline in sales
About Sandra Elia:
Sandra Elia is the world's first Certified Food Addiction Counselor.
She lost over 100 pounds over 13 years ago and has kept it off.
She is a pioneer in the field of recovery from compulsive overeating, addictive eating and obesity management.
She is the vice chair for the Toronto chapter of the Canadian Obesity Network
And she is a certified professional coach.
She runs Ontario’s only 8-week outpatient food addiction recovery program and has co-created Canada’s first 28-day residential treatment program.
She also runs retreats where people can reclaim their health
Food addiction is something that plagues teens and parents alike and I think we all need to understand this better
Interview Re-cap:
It's not your fault that you are over-eating, but you can do something about it.
Take it one-meal at a time.
Ask yourself - do I need all this sugar?
Look for healthy options that won't block your brain's "full switch"
Try to put together a healthy meal each time - chicken, fish or meat with vegetables.
Don't negotiate with yourself to "just have that one cookie"
Avoid late night binge eating
Eat healthy fats and whole foods
Be a great example for your kids. Eat better and exercise. Try and get them to go with you.
And, if you are struggling to do this on your own, contact Sandra and get some real help.
You will feel so much better and you'll be there for your kids.
If you are struggling with this, I highly recommend that you contact Sandra and look into her programs.
Visit www.sandraelia.com
Show sponsor (UberDad Update):
Writing, production, research, editing, theme music and artwork all created by Rick Brown
© 2018 by Rick Brown -
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Show Notes:
Theme: Goalies and Goalie Parents
- Introduction
- Voicemails
- UberDad Update
- Feature interview: with YouTube superstar goalie Trav4oilers
- Goalie parent wrap-up
- Ron Mays clip
- Show wrap-up
Goalie Parent 10... actually, 11 Commandments:
Be your goalie’s biggest fan
Make sure they are having fun.
Give them the tools they need to succeed - decent gear, training and lots of encouragement. As Travis said, when you’re starting out, you don’t need custom gear, but make sure you get the right pieces and make sure they fit properly
Don’t be negative with them. Don’t make them dread going to and from games with you.
Approach everything as a growth opportunity. Don’t focus on winning - a no-shot shutout does not help them at all.
Listen to them. Don’t lecture
Be a positive role model.
Do not coach them from the sidelines. Let the professional trainers and coaches do that - your instructions them will undo all of that and take the fun out of the game.
Help them get life lessons out of things that don’t go their way. Formulate a plan to overcome disappointments and help them achieve their goals.
Invest in your kid, not the goalie. Your kid is not going to be your retirement plan. If you’re pushing them up the ladder in hopes that they’re going to get a full-ride scholarship, or make Millions in the NHL, you are doing this for all the wrong reasons.
And the bonus commandment - don’t be the reason they don’t make a team. There is such a thing as a “Parent cut” and I have seen it used many times. Interestingly enough, the parents that typically cause that have NO idea that they are the reason their kid didn’t make the team.
Special thanks to the UberDad Show sponsors:
Ron Mays Goaltending School and Cutting Edge Hockey Development Centre
Comedy calls by Carey Lee
http://www.careylee.ca -
Welcome to the very first episode of UberDad! In this show, we cover what UberDad is all about, introduce some feature segments and cover the Teen vaping epidemic that is sweeping the Nation.
Teaser (Vaping)
Welcome message
Messing with Telemarketers (Air Duct Cleaning)
About UberDad Host Rick Brown
UberDad Update
Vaping Epidemic
Interview with Ben
UberDad contact info
Teen Vaping Epidemic
CNN Article:
Real California Teens talk about vaping
Talk to your teens about vaping: A tip sheet
GoFundMe page for the families of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team
UberDad Update sponsor:
YukYuks Comedian Carey Lee: