
  • In this enticing episode Elizabeth and Emma break down the “food is medicine” concept. Just as you would put sand in your gas tank to get your car to run, choosing junk, non-foods will keep your body from running optimally. Coach Emma is helping people all over the world feel better using real, whole foods to heal the gut, improve mental health, reduce inflammation , relieve joint and muscle pain to name a few working the the GAPS lifestyle.

    G (Gut)

    A (and)

    P (Psychology)

    S (Syndrome)

    10 years ago Emma Goodwin was in an absolute mess. An angry, impatient, bad tempered Mum. She was not enjoying being a parent. By 4pm every day she was FINISHED. No energy, anxious and depressed.By some magical fluke of pure brilliant good luck, she chanced upon the GAPS book. She wept with relief as she turned the pages and recognised herself in that book. She could see her children’s night terrors, ADHD, and endless ear infections as sypmtoms of GUT problems.The book said how to fix everything using food as medicine. Dr Natasha made it sound so easy, but it was not. She was exhausted and had serious brain fog. She felt so weak and useless. She had no energy to cook. She could see the kids health getting worse. She got on with it and started with baby steps.

    She has created a fantastic GAPS "cooking school" to make help make the transition to healthier living seamless.

    More recently she authored a book called Bagel Goggles which is a must read.

    Find GAPS Coach Emma:





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  • Dr. Beth Terranova, PT was diagnosed with scoliosis just before starting high school. Despite my scoliosis, she started weightlifting and even became a national competitor. She always felt off-balance and wondered why my ribs stuck out, but no coach, trainer, or physical therapist could explain it to her. One coach even referred to her as "the hunchback" due to her rib prominence.

    While studying to become a physical therapist, she discovered the Schroth method for scoliosis, which finally made sense of her experiences.

    She tarted Strength and Spine in 2020 to help people with scoliosis and spinal fusion from all over the world work out in the gym, combining her knowledge of Schroth and strength training. Her clients were getting stronger and feeling empowered, just like she did when she learned about her own scoliosis.

    She became the coach she needed when she was growing up, and she sees her scoliosis as a gift that allows her to help and inspire others to feel strong and empowered in their own lives.

    She has awesome virtual and online content and courses that can be found online. She even has a FREE Strength guide available for download.

    Be sure to find her on social media

    Facebook Support Group

    Her website:

  • Stacy Joyce had mild childhood scoliosis that progressed rapidly as a teenager. At 16 years old, she had a spinal fusion from T5-L3 with Harrington rods, and wore a brace for six months while healing. Two years after her surgeries, she tried her first yoga class in 1996, which she credits for uniting her back to her body. 
    Stacy studied International Business and Spanish, and traveled abroad extensively during college. After graduation she was in the Peace Corps Honduras for two years. Upon returning to the States, she moved to New York City, and worked office jobs until that was not physically manageable anymore. Even while attending four yoga classes per week, she wasn’t able to counter the long hours of sitting, and decided to enroll in yoga teacher training. Stacy received her 500-hr certification from YogaWorks in 2012. During her 300-hr training, she met Deborah Wolk while attending her Scoliosis workshop, and Stacy’s trajectory for practicing and teaching yoga fundamentally changed. Until that point, she did not know how to practice in a way that took her scoliosis or spinal fusion into consideration. In 2020, Stacy completed Elise Miller’s Yoga for Scoliosis Teacher Trainer program. 
    Stacy loves to share her knowledge, and believes that consistency in our practice comes from having a deep understanding of our WHY? Stacy’s yoga practice has brought her a strong sense of agency through the waves of life, and a community of fulfilling friendships. She welcomes lots of questions, as she is constantly asking them herself as a lifelong student. 
    Stacy moved to North Carolina in 2023 with her husband and son.

    You can learn more about Stacy at www.spinalfusionyoga.com IG: @scoliosisfusion 

  • Biofeedback. Are you familiar with energy and frequency medicine? In this episode, Robin and Elizabeth explore the what, why, how biofeedback is beneficial for us emotionally, physically, nutritionally, spiritually and environmentally. If you have found yourself hitting a plateau to discovering true health, this conversation is for you.

    Robin has been a Registered Nurse for over 35 years, and has worked as a nurse in cardiac, behavioral and school nursing, She has seen the impact stress plays on the body, mind and spirit.

    Over the last 10 years she began a journey of Holistic Wellness and saw the importance of proactive self-care to help reduce stress in the body. The question: What if people could stop a disease process by learning better ways to deal with their stress, kept coming up for her. Biofeedback was the answer.

    Robin received her Certification as a Biofeedback Specialist in 2019 and ReNew Biofeedback was started. Biofeedback uses safe microcurrents/frequencies to balance and reeducate the body. Biofeedback helps clients regain optimum health and connect with their body to reduce pain, manage stress, headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, hormones and inflammation and so much more.

    Our society has become so stressful and people are living in adrenal fatigue with their bodies firing epinephrine all the time. Did you know that 80% of diseases come from long term underlying stress in the body? Scientists have proven that stress complicates a host of health problems. Stress can influence a wide range of diseases of aging, increasing inflammation, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, digestive problems just to name a few.
    Robin has seen the amazing benefits that Biofeedback has given her clients in balancing their bodies, reducing stress and allowing clients to lead the lives they were meant to live.

    Learning to manage stress and making changes in daily living can make great impact in people’s lives. Biofeedback gives people the energy to start to make these changes, by reducing stress in the body.
    Robin sees clients at Foxhollow Farm in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Find Robin's website:


  • In today's episode, Elizabeth and Abby Kraai talk share stories living with scoliosis. Abby is a yoga instructor, a writer, and an aspiring couples, marriage and family therapist. She has a Masters in Inclusive Adolescence Education for 7th-12th graders.

    Abby shares her story with scoliosis, body image issues, disordered eating and more recently pregnancy. Abby lives in and currently teaches in Portland, Oregon. She teaches both in-person and online.

    Scoliosis or not, Abby guides individuals to listen to and get in touch with their bodies through yoga and a Therapeutic Embodiment: the technique of strengthening the relationship between body and mind, with the intention of suffering less. Through a combination of yoga and mindfulness practices, joyful workouts, meditation and breathing exercises, and guided journaling, her aim is to help you enjoy this life through the vessel of your amazing & beautiful human body.

    You can find Abby on



  • In this most recent episode of Unapologetic Living, Dr. Anna Redmond shares her personal experience with chronic pain and what let her to finding a proven solution that has worked for so many women with all kinds of chronic pain. Whether you find yourself held back by flare-ups or pushing through your pain in the name of perfectionism, showing you are still capable, or because you don’t want to disappoint people…

    She has guided many women to restore sustained activity, reconnect with what brings them joy, and accelerate their recovery... without being controlled by their flare-ups.

    Dr. Anna Redmond. She is a trained clinical psychologist, board certified in biofeedback, and highly specialized in chronic pain management.
    She is obsessed with helping women wake up with confidence to start the day they designed for themselves, without being held back by their flare-ups.
    Having woven her way through medical settings, the digital world, AND having navigated pain herself, she has first hand experience. To add fuel to the fire, she ignored her body, and pushed through it all in the name of people pleasing and perfectionism.

    She found that focusing on a medical fix for her pain, even with the psychological strategies she had in her toolbox, wasn’t effective.

    Listen to this fascinating conversation if you are ready to BREAK FREE from chronic pain!

    Find Dr. Anna Redmond on

    Join her FREE Facebook community with other women who are working to OVERCOME chronic pain:


  • Amanda & Jamie Conkin are the visionaries behind Rays. Amanda has grown up having many of her own aura photos taken in Sedona AZ since she was a kid, and as an adult became particularly interested in using this special tool to help show others their colorful selves. Officially beginning in February of 2020, Rays has brought much joy to its creators and visitors alike. Jamie brings a stable grounded energy to his readings and has much experience with sound and practical methods of healing/being. Amanda is a Reiki master and energy healer; she specializes in before and after photos using energy work to bring the body back into balance. She also teaches classes and paints intuitive watercolor aura portraits (more info click here). Together, they specialize in creating a unique and personal experience with aura photography using the Auracam 6000. All readings are personally read and highlighted with key information that reveals the energetic state of the individual and a card reading to help support the session. They specialize in pop up events, private parties, weddings, corporate events, wellness fairs, and are available for scheduled studio sessions as well. Some events Rays has been a part of include: 3 days at VidCon working with Spotify, Futurism Gala at Contmeporary Art Center in Cincinnati, OH; a supernatural themed members’ Bacchanal at the Speed Art Musuem in Louisville, KY; a late-night dance party with BioGlitz; an in-store event with Sephora; Saturdays with Spirit Wellness Fair at Fox Hollow Farms in KY; as well as many pop-ups at local markets and venues. Jamie & Amanda have both been featured in articles and podcasts with Adobe and VS the Soul Podcast. They make it their mission to continuing their education and experience in the field and creating a welcoming and illuminating space for all their guests, so the experience is magical every time. Find Rays Aura Portraits on Instagram @raysauraportraits and their website: www.raysauraportraits.com

  • Nicky Hilsen is an artist, lover, and possibilitarian. She lives in Chicago, IL. Nicky grew up in the performing arts, dancing, singing, and acting all the way through college, and then transitioned into the healing arts when she became a licensed massage therapist 14 years ago. She believes there are worlds inside of us. A handful of years ago, Nicky took a deep dive into studying astrology with Debra Silverman, and now as an astrologer herself, she loves having conversations through the greater lens of the stars.

  • Dave Wilkinson and Team Speedy Turtle Races Across America

    Dave Wilkinson is a Digital Accessibility Analyst for Hilton Hotels by day and ULTRA events enthusiast the rest of the time!

    Elizabeth met Dave while driving Lyft and Uber. It was an early afternoon, and she picked up Dave to take him to the airport. Being curious to where he was going, she asked. He told her he was going to participate in an Ironman in California. This definitely piqued her interest more as he is visually impaired with the ability to perceive only light and dark.

    In this episode, Elizabeth and Dave discuss his upcoming race where he will ride a tandem bike with his guide, Jeff Trout, and an amazing support crew from Oceanside, California to Atlantic City, New Jersey. This race is 3,000 miles and 31 vertical miles.

    Elizabeth is super passionate about the health and wellness, a movement enthusiast as well. Se was so inspired by his enthusiasm for life and his feats, especially with the additional challenge of no vision.

    The race begins June 11 and ends June 23, 2024. You can follow the team's progress through the Team Speedy Turtle Races Across America Facebook Group.

    You can learn more or support Team Speedy Turtle on their website:


  • Having quit alcohol on October 23, 2022, Elizabeth found herself seeking a community on Instagram living a similar lifestyle. On her search, she came upon the inspiring messages of Adriana Cloud, Sobriety Coach. She and Adriana unpack their stories with alcohol and Adriana shares her tips and tools, along with her one-on-one approach to helping others cultivate a healthier relationship with alcohol, or to live an alcohol free life altogether.

    If you

    find it hard not to drink even though you have consciously tried to drink less?

    wake up with a headache most mornings, anxious and ashamed about how much you drank last night?

    drink whenever you're stressed, bored, anxious, or sad?

    cancel plans, procrastinate, or avoid doing things you need to do because you drink too much?

    struggle in your relationships because you don't know how to create genuine connection without alcohol?

    Then this show and conversation is for you! Adriana and Elizabeth unpack the slippery slope of alcohol and how it sometimes interferes in creating our best life!

    Adriana Cloud is a sobriety coach helping people to quit drinking and create bigger and better lives! Her life went from chaotic and overwhelming to enjoying and experiencing a life richer and more interesting than she could have imagined. Her goal is to help others change their lives to by creating a healthier relationship with alcohol, and in some cases this means an alcohol free life.

    Find her work or schedule a FREE discovery call with Adriana:


  • In today's episode, Elizabeth shares a conversation with her long time friend and lifestyle coach, Stephanie Wheeler. Elizabeth and Stephanie met when they were young mothers. With shared interests in health and fitness, organic eating, homeschooling and Waldorf education, they spent many an afternoons during playdates, talking all things healthy living.

    Over the years, their thoughts on a healthy lifestyle have changed and evolved. This episode illuminates an ever-evolving health and fitness journey, the challenges of healthy lifestyle mothering, consumer confusion, how lifestyle coaching is different from personal training and a multi-faceted, holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.

    Stephanie Wheeler is a lifestyle coach! Her background is extensive with education and certifications as a NASM personal trainer and CrossFit coach and massage therapist. She is a Precision Nutrition coach and educator. She guides individuals in person, and virtually to living their best life.

    Find Stephanie and Sign up for her Healthy Snack Freebies!



  • Maura Elizabeth

    She went to doctors, but they couldn't give her answers or effective advice. So, she started exploring natural options. It was scary to go against the norm, but it was the best decision she ever made.

    Stepping outside the mainstream made her realize how amazing our bodies are at healing themselves.

    She learned to appreciate the Earth's gifts that keep us healthy and happy. She discovered the incredible connection between our minds and bodies.

    This appreciation led her to become a Traditional Naturopath through the Institute of Holistic Integrative Studies in 2023.

    Helping others is what she loves to do. She wants to help you understand your body better so you can have flexible health and feel great. Get her FOUR STEPS to Transform a Frantic Morning into a Peaceful One by clicking the link below : https://link.gobigformula.com/widget/form/BAzRsS60zYp0GNTBByNB

  • Ricky Wilson, The Power of You Coach is back! I had the pleasure of talking with him during my Thrive with Lyme Disease Summit and am excited to talk with him again.

    Ricky and Elizabeth unpack how consciousness and changing your mindset can have a huge impact on overall health and wellness. We have more power than we give ourselves credit for when it comes to our life's reality.

    Ricky shares his journey with Chronic Lyme Disease, the steps he took to overcome Lyme Disease and how Lyme Disease was a gift for his healing, growth and transformation.

    Ricky helps you get in touch with the true, innate power of you by offering one-on-one coaching both in person and virtually.

    Learn more here: www.thepowerfoyoucoach.com



  • In this episode, Elizabeth and Meghan take a deep dive into scoliosis, the challenges faced with scoliosis and aspects of scoliosis that allopathic medicine does not always connect to an unaligned spine.

    Dr. Meghan Teed never thought her personal experience with scoliosis would lead her to becoming a physical therapist for scoliosis-specific patients. Although she works with others, her speciality is helping women and men with the challenges of scoliosis which are both physical and emotional.

    Dr. Teed is the creator and founder of Scoliologic, and is knows as "The Scolio Therapist" on the web and social media. She is based in South Carolina, and sees clients both in-person and virtually.

    With scoliosis myself, I have found that having a physical therapist that understands the intricacies of scoliosis specifically, I have gained better results and more pain relief. An unaligned spine creates funny quirks in the body and each case is unique to the individual.

    Dr. Teed has a FREE masterclass coming up soon. Sign up on her website!


    Find her on Instagram:


  • Meet Emily Willis, CRNP
    Holistic Women's Health Services
    Certified Flower Essence Practitioner

    Emily began her nursing career as a Labor and Delivery RN in 2001 after she received her BSN from UNC-Charlotte. In 2008 she graduated from Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing with her MSN and Women's Healthcare Nurse Practitioner degrees. Since 2008 she has been working as a Women's Healthcare NP in various OBGYN offices in several states. Emily is board certified with the National Certification Corporation and is licensed to practice in both Tennessee and Alabama as an NP. She has been practicing in Alabama since 2010.     

    Emily lives in Meridianville with her husband, step daughter, and her son and daughter from a previous marriage. She also has two loving dogs to keep her busy. Her passions outside of gynecology are gardening, hiking, yoga, playing guitar, dancing, singing, puzzles, and a huge love of travel. Originally born in Asheville, NC she has lived in TN, AZ, and now AL since 2009.  

    Find Emily:
    Instagram: @wombspacehealing & @huntsvillewellnesscollective

  • In this episode, Elizabeth and Dre talk all things career, family, life after divorce, and living an unapologetic passionate life rooted in faith and flow, versus fear and clinging. Dre Overton is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s super power is showing the world a new way of success-one that is about how powerfully you see, not how much you DO, and one that full of ease and support, not hustle and burnout. In her business, Deeper Dive with Dre, she helps people navigate the noise in their head, the pain in their heart, and the uncertainty in their core through coaching, reiki, sound therapy, and diet. She most recently preparing weekly meals, Dinners by Dre, for those on the go or just want to eat healthier.

    Find her on Instagram

  • In this episode, Chanana sheds light on getting in touch with the body's innate feminine wisdom. She shares how, through understanding natural ebbs and flows of your menstrual cycle, you can access sovereignty over your reproductive health and wellness without long term side effects. She delves into the physical, mental and emotional, spiritual aspects of utilizing the all-natural, Fertility Awareness Method.

    Chanana is a certified Holistic Sexual Health and Fertility Awareness Educator, Womb Wellness Guide and energy healer. For the last 20 years she has been living and studying all things holistic. Her passion is learning from ancient wisdom, and incorporating it into modern life.

    She is a descendant of the Rain Queens of Southern Africa – the Mujaji lineage, and come from a long line of healers, prophets, and magical people chosen to dance in the sacred hills to ask for rain each year. These roots are growing, and alive within her, fueling her deep craving to learn from and share this priceless ancestral knowledge.

    It is her passion to guide people who are growing in awareness and seeking a healthier, more sustainable life. She offers a deep level holistic perspective, and work with you to reach goals and enjoy tangible improvements in your life, mind, body and soul.

    Resources –
    www.wombliteracy.com - Sign up for newsletter and get her free Holistic Hormonal Health guide as well as see how to work with her 1 on 1 or in one of her summertime group classes!

    Facebook almost 43k members. Jump in and do a search for “method failure” or "efficacy" and see how little pops up! https://www.facebook.com/groups/FertilityAwareness.BirthControl/?mibextid=NSMWBT

    Fertility Friday podcast a great resource rich with rabbit holes to explore and build your confidence and sexual health - https://fertilityfriday.com/
    https://www.factsaboutfertility.org/ this is a great website offering quality info on fertility awareness based methods and their efficacy, created by physicians, healthcare professionals and educators.

    Check out some of the studies yourself! The best study we have, which has been ongoing since 1985 proves FAM to be as effective as the pill with perfect use. Other studies show similar efficacy
    : http://www.sensiplan.si/media/povezave/literatura/studija-o-zanesljivosti-NND-Sensiplan.pdf


  • Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher & Registered Yoga School Facilitator, Herbalist, and NLP, Energy Clearing, and Soul Rejuvenation® Practitioner, Jenna, the CEO and creator of E'Leurre Naturals, is redefining sex and self-pleasure as transformative and healing by celebrating the power of feminine energies, openness, and elegance.

    Through product development, dissecting social conditioning and programming, coaching, and teaching, Jenna educates individuals holistic practices geared toward awakening personal empowerment, radical self-embodiment, and sexual potential.

    After self healing her chronic asthma in 2020, Jenna's life trajectory shifted when she started asking questions as to why the majority of women she encountered were ashamed of their bodies and sexuality, including herself. This led to the discovery of her immense potential to heal against a system that teaches us otherwise and now remains her mission to awaken humanity from the wide spread of misinformation that is harmful and causing the degradation of humanity’s mind, body, and spirit.

    Jenna is a melting pot of information and is currently exposing lies as an advocate against the practice of circumcision and healing spiritual and soul wounds that keep us disembodied and disconnected from our divinity.

    Find Jenna on Instagram @jenna_mclelland_
    Find her lucious yoni elixirs at eleurre.com

    And be sure to check out her compelling Circumcision Video Series on You Tube:

  • As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach, and Buteyko Restorative Breathing Coach, Agnes helps busy moms with scoliosis and arthritis break free from debilitating pain, fatigue and anxiety and reclaim their lives so that they can keep up with their kids, travel and have energy to do what they love. Her own healthy journey includes healing from years of chronic and debilitating back pain, fatigue and anxiety. Agnes found a fascination with Neuroscience had developed a deep understanding of the physiological ramifications that stress can have on the mind, body and spirit. She supports others in regaining agency over their health and understanding their unique needs so that they may lead their version of a healthy life. Her mission is to help you restore your health by healing your mind, body and spirit and to start living and stop surviving.

    Learn more, join Agnes FREE Five Day Pain Relief Challenge or schedule a consultation at:


    Instagram: @thesimplebeautifulwellness