
  • This episode is a short update on topics relating to the 3HO/Kundalini Yoga community including the traumatic finale of the 3HO/Kundalini Yoga Independent Healing and Reparations Program (IHRP), recently filed lawsuits by former 2nd Gen staff members, SSSC Board election chaos, upcoming documentaries to look out for + more.

    Referenced in this episode: Former Staff Lawsuit, SSSC video of Jagat Guru as new CEO of KRI, Upcoming Documentaries, IHRP End of Program Update and speaking restrictions lifted, and MORE go to: https://abuse-in-kundalini-yoga.com/news

    International Cultic Studies Association: Join Els and GuruNischan at the 2024 ICSA Conference in Barcelona Spain July 3 - 6, 2024 (or attend online) https://www.icsahome.com/

    Link to the book Under the Yoga Mat: The Dark History of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga - https://www.undertheyogamat.com/


    GuruNischan is a writer, trauma-healing activist, and consultant/facilitator of personal reinvention for unorthodox high achievers. To learn more about her reclamation and recovery work, please subscribe to GuruNischan.com

    Follow her media platform Conversations You Can Feel - https://gurunischan.substack.com/

    To contribute to this broadcast you can use this link:


    or donate monthly at https://gurunischan.substack.com/

    Listen to the Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:


    To be a guest on the podcast, please email [email protected]

  • Manju Sadarangani was born and raised in India, surrounded by yoga. Her yoga teacher mother insisted on an upbringing informed by yoga and traditional medicine. In her teen years, her deeply spiritual brilliant father joined a Hindu cult, resulting in upheaval resulting in her immigration to the United States with her mother and brother.

    Manju found yoga in the US to be deeply puzzling. She would try yoga studios and styles of yoga in an effort to feel the spiritual solace of her childhood yoga practice, but felt extremely excluded at American yoga studios. Through most of her adult life, she avoided yoga, and practiced it only when she visited the country of her birth.

    In 2019, serendipity led her to a kundalini yoga class. She was intrigued by this unfamiliar style of yoga which she found absurd and amusing, but was soothed by the elements of Surat Shabd that she recognized in kundalini yoga practice.

    She enjoyed the element of play and creativity in her kundalini meditations, but found herself often flummoxed by the pastiche mantras and practices. She was offended by some practices (like excerpts of Japji inserted into kriyas) - but when she asked questions of kundalini teachers, they were not able to give her answers that felt logical or grounded in any yoga discipline. Her teachers encouraged her to take teacher training with KRI, telling her that was where she would get answers. Manju was understandably reluctant, especially after she read the book Premka.

    In 2020, she was approached by representatives of KRI, who recommended a brand-new global teacher training program. This new TT was advertised as trauma-informed, inclusive, egalitarian - a symbol of the new direction KRI and 3HO were embracing. Manju applied to this new teacher training global cohort. She was one of only three Americans, all women of color. It turned out to be one of the most traumatic and racist experiences of her life.

    Since then, Manju has relied on her command of languages, academic background in South Asian history, conversations with elders and teachers in India, and cultural background to deeply research, question, retrain, and reform her yoga practice. She connects deeply with the feminist, spiritual and historical foundations of yoga to counter problematic cultural appropriation. Her evolving yoga practice is grounded in a desire for equity, justice, emotional and mental well-being. She brings her spirit of play, body positivity and radical self-love to her yoga practice, acknowledging that her yoga journey makes her an inconvenient outsider the art of manju manjusadarangani.com

    Song credit: Vaishnav Janto Tene Kahiye by M.S. Subbalakshmi



    GuruNischan is a trauma-healing activist, and consultant in personal and professional reinvention. To learn more about her reclamation and recovery work, please subscribe to GuruNischan.com

    Follow her media platform at Conversations You Can Feel

    To contribute to this broadcast you can use this link:

    Listen to the Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:

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  • Shabd Singh was born and raised in 3HO Herndon, VA in 1987. His parents are Gurutrang Singh and Gurumata Kaur. He attended MPA from 1999-2005, was in the Eugene, Oregon ashram from 2006-2012, and taught at Miri Piri Academy in India as an economics teacher from 2012-2014.

    It’s been a slow but gradual disconnect from 3HO, and he fully disconnected in 2016. In 2017 he became politically active with Democratic Socialists of America and began to work in progressive politics eventually working on the Bernie Sanders 2020 Presidential Campaign.

    He now lives in Washington DC with his wife Sukhmani Kaur and does work in climate advocacy for Al Gore's non-profit organization The Climate Reality Project.

    You can find him on Instagram at shabd.one and the platform (formally known as) Twitter at @shabdsingh

    Song credit: Robin Hood Theory by GangStarr

    Listen to the full song on the Uncomfortable Conversations 3HO Spotify Playlist:

    To be a guest on the podcast, email [email protected]

    GuruNischan is a writer, trauma-healing activist, and consultant in personal and professional reinvention. To learn more about her reclamation and recovery work, please subscribe to GuruNischan.com

    You can follow her media platform - Conversations You Can Feel -

    To contribute to this broadcast use this link:

  • Mel Hofmann, at the time was Melanie Calhoon started studying Kundalini yoga classes in 1970, at the age of 15 in Berkeley, CA . The local area ashram at the time was known as the “Banana Ananda” ashram in San Rafael, CA. She moved into the ashram in the Fall of 1971 at the age of 16 years old. Shortly thereafter, the name of the ashram was changed to Hargobind Sadan.

    Baba Bert, later named Sat Santokh Singh was the head of the ashram. She lived in the ashram until June of 1972, when her roommate, Jeannie, who later became known as GuruTarethKaur (Jivan Jhoti Kaur) was arranged to be married Robert Zwaag (also known as, GuruTarethSingh). The abrupt marriages, name changes and overall shift in the “lifestyle” led Mel to pursue her own path soon after.

    She's was married to Stephen Hofmann and had a daughter who is currently 32 years old. He had cerebral palsy and is featured with our daughter Emily in the documentary, Crip Camp. He passed away in 2017. She’s had a long time relationship to Kundalini energy, healing, and her own CPTSD recovery.

    Today Mel happily married to Jayne Roseman for 25 years. She’s a professional photographer, fine artist and energy healer. You can learn more about her art at melhofmann.com Song Credit: Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Gardens ______________________________________

    GuruNischan is a trauma-healing activist, and consultant in personal and professional reinvention. To learn more about her reclamation and recovery work, please subscribe to GuruNischan.com and/or follow her media platform Conversations You Can Feel - https://gurunischan.substack.com/

    To financially contribute to this broadcast you can use this link:

    Listen to the Uncomfortable Conversations 3HO Spotify Playlist:

    To be a guest on the podcast, email [email protected]

  • Siri Whitecrow, was born Elias Seneca Whitecrow in 1972 in Juneau, Alaska. His mom, Sat guru Kaur, joined 3HO with his older sister, Siri Kaur, in 1976 and his name was changed to Siri Singh Khalsa.

    His early life was spent between two different ashrams in Anchorage, Alaska, then in 1979 he was sent to Española New Mexico at 7 years old, living with two different families. In 1981 he was sent to the newly (not yet) established India program GNFC, initially being sent to the girls school because he was so young and only in 3rd grade.

    After four years in India, and tons of horrific abuse, and plenty of righteous resistance, he was kicked out of that school and sent back to the USA. He spent half a year at Amritsar Academy in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he was eventually asked to “not return”. He ended up in Los Angeles, near his mom and close to the ashram, but by 1988 he left 3HO/Sikh Dharma/Kundalini Yoga completely, never looking back.

    Graffiti became a huge part of his life and currently still is. His Graffiti name is ANGER and he runs one of the biggest graffiti crews in the world which began in 1993 when his life was forever altered when his mentor was hit by a train, and he was shot 4X by a Los Angeles police officer.

    He currently lives in Los Angeles, is married with two boys and continues to navigate his life through art, and creativity. You can learn about him and his Graffiti crew by supporting his work and watching the documentary “Can’t Be Stopped” on Amazon.

    You can follow and support his work

    @angercbscrew @cbscrew @defendmelrose @iwuzherefirst

    Link to Documentary film: https://www.amazon.com/Cant-Be-Stopped-Cody-Smith/dp/B0B8X5DG7Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3LI3AK16WUAX1&keywords=cant+be+stopped+documentary&qid=1692240095&s=instant-video&sprefix=cant+be+stopped%2Cinstant-video%2C461&sr=1-

    Song credit: Anger by Downset ___________________________________

    GuruNischan is the creator and host of the Uncomfortable Conversations Podcasts. She's a trauma-healing activist, and consultant in personal and professional reinvention.

    To learn more about her reclamation and recovery work, please subscribe to GuruNischan.com

    Follow her media platform Conversations You Can Feel -

    To contribute to this broadcast you can use this link:

    Listen to the Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:

    To be a guest on the podcast, please send an email to [email protected]

  • Guruganesha Singh grew up in Natick MA, 18 miles west of Boston. Graduated high school class of 1968. In Feb 1972, he attended his first KY class at the boathouse at Smith College in Northampton MA, after seeing YB's tratakum pic on a flyer in the Student Union.

    Soon after he attended a weekend KY retreat at the Montague (montagew) in MA with Guru Shabd Singh. Very soon thereafter he moved into the Worcester (wooster)MA Ashram near Clark University where he was a senior year in college.

    The first week of Jan. 1973 he moved into Ahimsa Ashram on Q St. Washington DC, where he became the dishwasher at the Golden Temple Restaurant for many months. He was arranged to be married to Gurudarshan Kaur originally from Tuscon, AZ in May 1977.

    They had their son, Akal Sahai Singh in April 1978. In 1986, at age 8 years old, their son, Akal Sahai went to India for one year, which caused a rupture in their marriage, and Gurudarshan started divorce proceedings. In 1987 it was suggested by the head of the ashram that he marry Mata Mandir Kaur from the DC ashram (and they are still married 36 years later)

    He worked for all the DC ashram businesses thru 1989 when he resigned from the “family” businesses and started his own business Sandler Sales Institute, a sales training in the high-tech sector.

    In Jan 2000 he founded Spirit Voyage Music and started recording and touring with Snatam Kaur for the next 11 years. In 2011 he and Snatam parted ways, and he started the GuruGanesha Band. The revelations of 2020 exposed what he held at a distance for far too long, and the undeniable truth created a landslide.

    Most recently, after the results of the 2023 Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC) elections, he immediately resigned from Khalsa Council and the Sikh Dharma Ministry.

    Song credit: Landslide by Guruganesha

    Listen to the Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:


    To be a guest on the podcast, please email [email protected]

    Follow my work at www.GuruNischan.com

    Contribute to this work at www.paypal.me/gurunischanllc

    Book website link to Under the Yoga Mat: The Dark History of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga - https://www.undertheyogamat.com/

  • Ravi Singh began practicing Kundalini Yoga in 1973 and lived in the 3HO ashram in Chicago, IL. In 1974 he moved to New York City to be a writer and continued to practice Kundalini Yoga and began teaching. In the late 70's I had a brief stint as a resident of the 3HO ashram in Brooklyn, NY. He attended every Summer and Winter Solstice gathering from 1976 to 2000 and before 1999 would typically teach Kundalini Yoga at those events.

    In 1999 he discovered that YB had propositioned one of my students at Women's Camp. That was when the floodgates opened and the scope of what was going on behind the scenes became abundantly clear. When he attempted to alert people he was summarily kicked out of 3HO. His state of mind since then has been one of personal liberation, i.e., relief that he doesn’t have to continue to try to be someone he’s not. It became more obvious over time that there's no room in an organization like 3HO for artists, autonomous beings, or independent thinkers.

    Ravi Singh is Author (with partner Ana Brett) of the Kundalini Yoga Book - Life in the Vast Lane. He's been teaching yoga for 45 yrs. He is Founder of Evolving Kundalini, which was created via the need for a safe space for Kundalini Yoga Teachers to gather and process. EK is now a non-profit dedicated to ethics in yoga, and the forward evolution and the up-leveling of all things Kundalini.

    Song credit: The Revolution Starts Now by Steve Earle.


    GuruNischan is a writer, trauma-healing activist, and consultant in personal and professional reinvention. Learn more about her reclamation and recovery work at www.GuruNischan.com

    To make a one time or monthly contribution to this broadcast you can use this link:

    Listen to the Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:

  • Els Coenen (formerly Ravinder Kaur) lives in Belgium. She was 49 when she took her first Kundalini Yoga class, immediately fell in love with it and became a teacher in 2008. She taught Kundalini Yoga for ten years, gave multiple classes a week, organized workshops and teacher training programs in Belgium and East-Africa and assisted in them. Every year she went to the European Yoga Festival, had a boot at the bazar to collect funds for the seva-based teacher training programs in East-Africa, combining this work with a job in the Telecom sector.

    She organized a Sat Nam Rasayan training in Belgium. In 2013, two women were sexually abused by an SNR instructor. Because Els insisted that the harm would be recognized, and action would be taken to prevent future abuse, she was excommunicated by Guru Dev Singh master of this healing technique and student of Yogi Bhajan, and Belgium was declared "a no-go-zone" for SNR for two years. From 2010 till 2018 Els presided the Belgian Federation of Kundalini Yoga and represented her country at an international level. Disillusioned by many things she stopped all Kundalini Yoga related activities in 2018.

    When in 2020 the book Premka triggered many survivors to tell their stories, Els stepped in again, hoping that the time for transparency and clarity had come. She was part of an advisory team of the Compassionate Reconciliation Program but stepped out at the end of 2022 as she experienced it as window dressing.

    In April 2021 after she read or listened to survivor stories on many different platforms and had watched hours and hours of Uncomfortable Conversations, she contacted GuruNischan to collaborate. She made extracts of the interviews and put them together on a website (abuse-in-kundalini-yoga.com) to allow people with less free time to be informed. Now, she has written a book in partnership with GuruNischan, including voices of survivor stories called Under the Yoga Mat: The Dark History of Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga.

    Song Credit: Because of You – by Gustaph

    The book can be found on the website below for platforms available for purchase in Europe, USA and many other countries throughout Asia as well.



    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg

  • Over 100 Second Generation voices came together to craft an Open Letter requesting repairs to the Independent Healing and Reparations Program. Summer Solstice and European Yoga Festival are in full promotional swing--let's talk about it--and the recent resignation of Sahaj Singh Khalsa from the SSSC Board. Listen

    Read the OPEN LETTER

    Sign the Petition

    www.3HO.org - for perusing their website and seeing the Solstice Festivities planned this week.

    Make a contribution to this podcast HERE

    Follow me at GuruNischan.com

    Listen and Subscribe to my latest podcast → Uncomfortable Conversations on Predators in Business, Community, and Culture

  • Guru Kartar Kaur (she now goes by Rue) was born into 3HO in Mexico City in 1997 to her parents, Guru Hans Kaur Khalsa and Siri Simran Singh. A couple months after she was born, Rue and her sister, Partmatma Kaur, were brought to New Mexico by her parents, to attend the Summer Solstice where she met YB and received her spiritual name from him.

    Rue’s parents were originally raised catholic but later converted to Sikhism and joined the 3HO community through her maternal grandmother, Hari Kaur Khalsa, who first became a member of Babaji’s Ashram; the first 3HO Ashram in Mexico City in 1972. Rue participated in Summer Solstice with her family for 7 years straight.

    At age 11, her parents decided to send her to MPA so that she could practice and learn more about the Sikh religion. Her older sister was first sent away in 2007 and then Rue joined her a year after. They lived in India for 3 years straight and later returned back to Mexico as their parents no longer found the school appropriate and affordable. Rue has now been living in Ontario, Canada for 11 years.

    She is currently in the works of opening her own art business and will soon be attending college for social service work. Through her own self-healing journey and research, she discovered she has dealt with racism and sexism as a Latina with indigenous ancestry, especially while being part of a religious cult at a young age. Art IG: @lolitsmerue

    Song: Raveena - Strong


    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.paypal.me/GuruNischanLLC

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg

    To be a guest on the podcast, please send an email to [email protected]

    You can Subscribe, follow, and support my provocative truth-telling work at GuruNischan.com and Conversations You Can Feel at https://gurunischan.substack.com/

  • Ratnavali Kaur Khalsa, (she goes by Ratna) was born in India in August 1996. At a few months of age she was adopted by Guru Nam Kaur Khalsa, of Espanola, NM and Sadhna Singh of Boulder, CO but it took over 1 year to actually get to the USA. In 1997 at 18 months old, she finally arrived to her parents: whom had adopted another child. in 1993, her brother, Guru Raj Singh, who is currently 29. She went to Miri Piri Academy in 2008 at 11 years old for 6th grade. She didn’t return in 2013 for 11th grade because of health reasons.

    She currently resides in Boulder, Colorado and is a case manager for a mental health clinic. After years of experience in psychology, she found the correlation between what she went through and the “trouble teen industry’ to be very similar.

    Follow her at @mpa_code_silence

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: Cashapp: @gurunischan www.paypal.me/GuruNischanLLC www.gurunischan/substack.com

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:


    To be a guest on the podcast, please send an email to [email protected]. You can Subscribe, follow, and support my provocative truth-telling work at GuruNischan.com

    Follow and Listen to my new podcast:


  • This is a follow up conversation w/ Darci Laroque to share the lasting IMPACT of childhood neglect, abandonment, and survivalist 3HO training to breed "spiritual-warriors" that she, and other children of 3HO/Kundalini Yoga, "Sikh Dharma" received.

    Hint: It's NOT Healthy, Happy, or Holy. It's communal abandonment disguised as consciousness.

    You can support this broadcast HERE

    Subscribe to my new podcast - Uncomfortable Conversations on Predators in Business, Community and Culture -

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    From Eps. 55: Darci Larocque, was born Darci Clack in 1971. Her father joined 3HO in 1974 in the New Haven Ashram. Her mom and father were divorced and at the age of 5, she started visiting the ashram in Dorchester, MA, where her father had moved. One day in first grade catholic school, her dad and a friend in full Bana showed up in the middle of a school day and took her. Darci was taken to the Dorchester ashram and even though her mom had full custody, her father wouldn’t give her back. It was the 1970s - her mom, then 23 year old could not fight it so she joined 3HO and moved in. Darci’s dad was Deva Singh. Her mom was Ram Sarn Kaur and her name became Upma. After Children’s Camp in 1978, at 7 years old she was sent to the newly created Guardian Program in New Mexico where she stayed for years; first with one set of guardians then with the heads of the ashram. Which among other things, she had direct ranch access that only in hindsight she can now see as “special”. During this time, her mom moved to the LA ashram and YB engaged her to be married. She was supposed to go to India - but stayed behind with even more YB and ranch access. Her friends (other kids in the guardian program) left in the first group to Mussoorie, India. She ended up in LA and NM for a couple years back and forth. She was fully " out" at 13. Her dad stayed in until he died 16 years ago. Her mom left when she was 15 and she continued to work at the Golden Temple and stayed dressed in her turban while she worked. She died 7 years ago. Her whole life in 3HO was her life via her dad and friends. She didn't choose to “be cut” out. Until she was 40, she considered herself a Sikh. Only in the past two years did she finally recognize that she wasn't a Sikh. She was raised in a cult. Song : This is Me by Kesha (from The Greatest Showman)

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: https://paypal.me/GuruNischanLLC

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg

    Subscribe to my new podcast - Uncomfortable Conversations on Predators in Business, Community and Culture -


    You can comment on each episode!

    Subscribe and follow me at GuruNischan.com

    Books Referenced:

    CPTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Peter Walker

    The Tao of Fully Feeling by Peter Walker

    The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You by Karla McLaren

  • Darci Larocque, was born Darci Clack in 1971. Her father joined 3HO in 1974 in the New Haven Ashram. Her mom and father were divorced and at the age of 5, she started visiting the ashram in Dorchester, MA, where her father had moved. One day in first grade catholic school, her dad and a friend in full Bana showed up in the middle of a school day and took her.

    Darci was taken to the Dorchester ashram and even though her mom had full custody, her father wouldn’t give her back. It was the 1970s - her mom, then 23 year old could not fight it so she joined 3HO and moved in.

    Darci’s dad was Deva Singh. Her mom was Ram Sarn Kaur and her name became Upma.

    After Children’s Camp in 1978, at 7 years old she was sent to the newly created Guardian Program in New Mexico where she stayed for years; first with one set of guardians then with the heads of the ashram. Which among other things, she had direct ranch access that only in hindsight she can now see as “special”. During this time, her mom moved to the LA ashram and YB engaged her to be married.

    She was supposed to go to India - but stayed behind with even more YB and ranch access. Her friends (other kids in the guardian program) left in the first group to Mussoorie, India. She ended up in LA and NM for a couple years back and forth. She was fully " out" at 13. Her dad stayed in until he died 16 years ago. Her mom left when she was 15 and she continued to work at the Golden Temple and stayed dressed in her turban while she worked. She died 7 years ago.

    Her whole life in 3HO was her life via her dad and friends. She didn't choose to “be cut” out. Until she was 40, she considered herself a Sikh. Only in the past two years did she finally recognize that she wasn't a Sikh. She was raised in a cult.

    Song : This is Me by Kesha (from The Greatest Showman)

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: https://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg

    LISTEN TO MY NEW PODCAST AT THIS LINK: Uncomfortable Conversations on Predators in Business, Community and Culture - https://gurunischan.substack.com/

  • Speaking on "1st Generation" Fragility: The impact it has on our lives in 3HO present day and historically. Listen to "Second Generation" perspective on how to listen and hear US in real time.


    Group therapy with the Trauma Healing Project

    Email: [email protected]


    For Somatic Therapy:


    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:


  • Goldie found her first Kundalini class at 10 years old in 2001 and by age 12 was regularly attending KY classes at her local community college in rural Utah. She then started going to 4AM sadhana and started a 40 day practice.

    At age 17, she attended her first Summer Solstice and went every year for the next 5+ years and participated in the setup crew. Gradually, Goldie sank deeper into the lifestyle and was fully immersed in it until her early-mid 20s. Eventually, she left the KY community after finding abuse allegations from previous cases online and practiced Sikhism only for a period of time before leaving it altogether.

    Song Credit: Smoke by BRYDGS (pronounced Bridges) This is my song that I wrote and recorded.. it's about coping mechanisms to deal with trauma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc6GSi-OUjE

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:


  • Pritam Hari Kaur born in Germany and grew up in Indonesia and Spain, of German post-war parents who wanted nothing better than to head out into fresh and new horizons.

    After being kicked out of her house by father and step-mom at 19 years old, she felt orphaned, and eventually met Yogi Bhajan in 1981 at age 21; fully embraced the ashram lifestyle.

    Comforted under YB’s tutelage and guidance at the European regional center in Hamburg. She was the European Regional Secretary from 1981 - 1987, co-organized the Annual Yoga Festival in France, the European Tantric Yoga Events and YB’s visits, as well as traveled to New Mexico every year during this time frame 81 - 87.

    In 1986 he asked her if she wanted to join his staff in Espanola, NM. She declined with much sadness at the time, knowing that she would literally combust if she was there 24/7. YB introduced and arranged her marriage to Har Bhajan from South Africa and sent her to “develop” the area there in 1987.

    In 1997, YB sent an African American ‘Khalsa’ to South Africa, a Sikh Dharma Minister, purportedly to support the ‘mission’. This teacher was a sex offender addict and seduced (women) in the name of “counseling” and moon center healing” people under the banner of KY, right under our noses at the ashram and on his “duty” as a minister of SD. They brought this to YB’s attention at Solstice two years later (1999), and ensured the man didn't come back; and that he was NOT sent onward to another African country, Mozambique, which YB had wanted to do.

    Apparently, EPS, the ethics bureau, was created after this major and tragic scandal that never actually got recognized, reconciled, or resolved. It was said at the time that YB 'corrected' the man. However, the abusive transgressions were not conclusively dealt with via counseling and rehabilitation, being left in limbo for two decades beyond the original offenses.

    At the time, the South African Ashram moved on and did the best they could to continue focusing on teaching, growing their community and sharing the Yogic lifestyle. Their son Hari Bhajan left for school in India in 1999 at the age of 10.

    In 2004 when YB passed away, she went into deep grief. During this process she began taking a serious look at her own spiritual life and mental, emotional health. She noticed that despite decades of sadhana and so many tantrics and daily yoga, she was a high functioning depressive with little capacity for happiness, which made her feel flawed and ashamed.

    At this time, she started very deliberately working with herself to undo her own numbness and pain. She began to feel very different, not chasing elusive goals and keying herself up in spiritual bypass as a routine way of being. Her relationship with yogi bhajan came to feel settled and at peace.

    When the ‘Premka book’ came out in 2020, she already had some emotional tools for the complexity of it all, the abuses that were being revealed, despite the occasional sense of dissociation or disbelief.

    She’s in a place where she still loves yoga and also holds the voices of the many persons who were harmed in her heart. There continue to be many local discussions around this and it remains an ongoing topic of transparency within our community.

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist:


  • Beth joined the Los Angeles Kundalini Yoga community in 2007 while at grad school earning her MFA in production design for film and TV at the American Film Institute. She discovered Golden Bridge Yoga studio in Hollywood and soon became a regular student there, then quickly a sevadar, then a part-time front desk manager, and ultimately a full-time front desk manager, teacher, and sadhana leader.

    She tookLevel 1 Teacher's Training in 2013-14 with Gurmukh and Gurushabd, and also attended Level 1 Yoga Therapy training with Guru Dharam (of England/Sweden/NY) in 2014 at Golden Bridge. She also assisted 3 other Level 1 TTs (2 at Golden Bridge Santa Monica, 1 at Golden Sol), and taught at Golden Sol studio in LA from 2014-2019. She also organized a Level 2 Yoga Therapy module with Guru Dharam at Guru Ram Das Ashram in 2015. She attended Summer Solstice in NM every year from 2013 through 2019, where she managed the Tent Setup Crew.

    In 2020, she ended a 5+ year-long personal seva commitment for Gurmukh. She also no longer practices or teaches KY. Today, she has a radical and fulfilling career working as a set decorator, creative carpenter, artist, and designer in Hollywood and beyond.

    IG: @beth.vandam Fb: @ElizaBeth Van Dam (https://facebook.com/elizabeth.j.van.dam)

    Website: www.bethvandam.com

    Song: Energy by Sampa the Great (with Nadeem Din-Gabisi) https://open.spotify.com/track/1bj5ZFpxGFP5ooQcctNVB4?si=e1453baae2204b02

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg

  • Part Two with Jules Hartley.

    We go into detail of her personal story of emotional/psychological abuse from her Teacher Tej Kaur (Los Angeles; Nine Treasures), other 3HO experiences including White Tantric Yoga for both Winter and Summer Solstice, Los Angeles, as well as the highly "coveted" position and privilege of volunteering at the SSS Cabin to serve the subtle body of YB and the "WTY Facilitators" who were the live in-person representatives of the Mahan Tantric himself.

    Lots of details and stories revealed in this episode.


    Jules Hartley joined 3HO in 2011, changed her name to Amrita Kaur, and actively participated as a kundalini yoga teacher, worked for WTY (Health&Humanology), Golden Bridge Yoga, Nine Treasures Yoga, and performed work exchange for KRI and 3HO, and did seva at the RaMa Institute as well as the Guru Ram Das Ashram in LA through the end of 2018.

    She grew up in San Diego and Northern Virginia, and then went to college in New York City where she began her career as an actress and producer in the film & TV industry. Upon the suggestion of her manager at the time, she moved to Hollywood, where she lived for over a decade––Much of which was defined by her life in 3HO, serving the community.

    She has lived back in San Diego since leaving LA in 2018, and is currently finishing up her fourth year rotations & classes of medical school. A second career in naturopathic medicine has given her a fresh perspective and the chance at a new start in my life since leaving the 3HO cult.

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomforta...

    To be a guest on the podcast, please send an email to [email protected]. You can Subscribe, follow, and support work at GuruNischan.com

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lE...

  • Jules Hartley joined 3HO in 2011, changed her name to Amrita Kaur, and actively participated as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, worked for White Tantric Yoga (Health&Humanology), Golden Bridge Yoga, Nine Treasures Yoga, and performed work exchange for KRI and 3HO, and did seva (selfless service) at the RaMa Institute as well as the Guru Ram Das Ashram in LA through the end of 2018.

    She grew up in San Diego and Northern Virginia, and then went to college in New York City where she began her career as an actress and producer in the film & TV industry. Upon the suggestion of her manager at the time, she moved to Hollywood, where she lived for over a decade––Much of which was defined by her life in 3HO, serving the community.

    She has lived back in San Diego since leaving LA in 2018, and is currently finishing up her fourth year rotations & classes of medical school. A second career in naturopathic medicine has given her a fresh perspective and the chance at a new start in my life since leaving the 3HO cult.

    You can DONATE to this broadcast at:


    To be a guest on the podcast, please send an email to [email protected]. You can Subscribe, follow, and support my provocative truth-telling work at GuruNischan.com

    Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg

  • Siri Om was born Ivan Sanchezin Mexico City in 1971, graduated from the National University of Plastic Arts with a degree in Graphic Communication. Being a restless seeker of answers and in the midst of incessant alcoholism and deep depression he begins taking regular kundalini classes in February 2006. Making great changes in his life, he takes his practice to the next level with TT at RaMa Mexico City in 2009. By 2010 he dedicates himself to teaching Kundalini classes, and by 2017 he graduated as a Level II teacher. During those years teaching kundalini classes and along with his work as a graphic designer, he developed his dream of becoming a Lead Trainer or “teacher of future kundalini yoga teachers” in association with 3HO and KRI Kundalini Research Institute. In 2019 he starts an internet radio show called ComoUnidad Radio where he shares his yogic lifestyle grounded in daily life. The Premka book release in 2020 sent him into confusion; But it wasn’t until 2021 that he finally cut ties with the RaMA Mexico City/3HO) base, TT Organization and 3HO altogether. Today he is the founder of the Ganesha Espacio Community, has changed his name to Siri Ganesha and is bringing yoga and meditation to low- and middle-income people. He currently spends most of his time teaching classes online and is passionate about music and cinema. You can DONATE to this broadcast at: http://www.gurunischan.com/uncomfortableconversations To be a guest on the podcast, please send an email to [email protected]. Uncomfortable Conversations Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lEfcoaDgbCCmztPZ4XIuN?si=vH-cH7HzRs-qFxzEuogOqg