Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmcyoutube.com/univsolmc
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Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmcyoutube.com/univsolmc
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Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmcyoutube.com/univsolmc
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/univsolmc/message -
Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmcyoutube.com/univsolmc
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/univsolmc/message -
Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmcyoutube.com/univsolmc
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/univsolmc/message -
Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmc / univsolmc
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/univsolmc/message -
Radiowreck, LLC | True School Hip Hop since 2009 by Uni V. SolDo you really want this life? My name is Uni V. Sol and I'm going to give you the real truth about being an independent recording artist and record label owner. These are the stories I wish I had when I first got started; to understand that it truly takes 20 years to be an overnight success. #univsolmc These are my 25 rules for building a successful music career independently.Rule #1 (96) Never ever get drunk before or during your recording sessionRule #2 (97) Everyone’s ambition isn’t the same. Accept it.Rule #3 (98) Experiment to find your sound Rule #4 (99) If you think you got what it takes, Invest in yourself. Trust your process.Rule #5 (00) Write, record, publish. You need feedback.Rule #6 (01) Dream big. Keep your head in the sky and both feet on the groundRule #7 (02) Perform, perform, performRule #8 (03) No audience? Find one.Rule #9 (04) Are you competing with the market?Rule #10 (05) Double down on your efforts if you really want resultsRule #11 (06) Practice, practice, practice until it becomes automaticRule #12 (07) Age is not a factor when you’re running a marathonRule #13 (08) Do not neglect your home. Quality time with your family is everything.Rule #14 (09) Hire an attorney. It will save you 10 years of trial and error.Rule #15 (10) it doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. You can make money and have fun. Rule #16 (11) Put out your best work. It’s the only way to go.Rule #17 (12) Feeling stagnated. Change things up.Rule #18 (13) Local and regional touring is still touring.Rule #19 (14) Look at your career from different angles and learn how to be self sufficient. Rule #20 (15)Find mentors. Preferably ones that have actually done something in the business.Rule #21 (16) Making the music undeniable. The best version of you.Rule #22 (17) What do you absolutely love doing? Sell that experience.Rule #23 (18) Listen to the market and be flexible, if you want to surviveRule #24 (19) Don’t get too big for your britches. You’ll ruin all your hard work.Rule #25 (20) Stay sharp and remain profitable Bonus: Rule #26 (21) Take calculated riskRule #27 (22) Plan, Strategize and ExecuteLINKS:radiowreck.comunivsolmc.com fiverr.com/univsolmcinstagram.com/univsolmctiktok.com/univsolmc / univsolmc
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Went out for my usual break from the studio and enjoyed some fresh air on my 4-mile walk, which is one of my favorite hobbies. On my journey I have some thoughts I decide to share on getting started on whatever is in your head.
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Download these acapellas and more at univsolmc.com
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Walking and talking about my love 😍 affair of being an independent recording artist
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Looking for acapellas for your music production. I’m licensing vocal only tracks I’ve created, to artists, DJs, and producers to use in their music. Here’s a quick mix - 1. Computing 2. BoxHead 3. Audio Assassin You can find these acapellas and more at store.voclio.com/univsolmc #univsolmc
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Up early and at it. Some entrepreneurs, freelancers, business people, employees have the tendency to wait last minute to do the work. Don’t! All im saying is, don’t give yourself extra stress. Get your work done as it comes in and lower your stress.
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Getting a bunch done, but now I think I need a nap. This is me talking to myself before napping. I’ve been working crazy hard on making a system for myself where I’m super-efficient and have maximum output. You’re probably thinking … what the heck are you talking about? See I’m trying to make songs really quickly, but make them still sound good. In that process, I want to film it and bust it down for content. Problem is I’m still a novice with video, and working on my skills for music production. Vocals and voiceovers I got in the bag, so I’m trying to take what I learned there and transfer those skills. Makes sense?
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I think the trying here is to not be concerned with perfection. Instead focus on output. See you business, career, skills, even your life is a constant work in progress. So why not develop in front of your audience so you can get instant feedback.
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Making a health breakfast for myself and my lady. Just recording my thoughts on how to navigate my career and business.
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You can license this vocal track and more at my store.voclio.com/univsolmc #rapacapella #rapvocals #malevocal #univsolmc #vocaltrack #vocalonly
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Just walking, thinking and talking
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VO work is slow coming in so I’m using the time to develop my other streams of income. Really get them going so I can make a big o’ cushion for my family.
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It’s official. The economy is down. It’s been about 7 months and I’ve been hoping things would turnaround but now I’m desperate. I gotta do something to make myself recession proof. To see what I’m doing go to https://youtube.com/c/univsolmc
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Im over here trying to work on my health and image and realizing it’s hard work just like every other part of being an independent artist. Counting macros and doing the numbers is just like staying on top of how your business is doing. Omg…I feel like i just gave myself more work. Later on in the day I got to kick with my youngest daughter Zora about her music taste and how she discovers new bops.
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