
  • Paul Mercer, serial entrepreneur and conqueror of personal medical and business challenges, sincerely believes that a large part of the secret in founding and growing a successful business lies in the thinking. The crystalized vision, the strategy (both financial and operational), competitive and market strategy and planning; clear forward picture of what the business will look like in 5, 10 and more years into the future.

    Growth then occurs through passion and the confidence to deliver. Part of the secret sauce in his business is the education that the Portable Power Technology team provides to customers and prospects. For large clients they have become an extension of the R&D or technical department having built deep loyalty, and endeavoring to continually enhance knowledge in the market.

    Passion drives success for the entire team and the customers, and the confidence to deliver is founded in a good strategy, plans, cash availability, and fantastic people. Each accomplishment or hurdle overcome builds confidence and enhanced competence to handle the next one, which in turn feeds resilience and injects infectious joy.

    Seeing a potential future in community based energy storage and greener lifestyles, as well as ongoing explosion in portable power needs, Paul believes the future is exciting. Solving the challenge of achieving greater energy storage to feed more powerful loads, employing new minerals for onboard storage without taking away from the range of the vehicle, and developing increasingly creative applications will continue to engage his niche and potential.

    Tune in to hear about:

    The reason the pain and panic bought by pandemic lockdown became business thrive.What is business growth really and why should it be different.How large customers provide growth without purchasing more of your products.How growth in revenue and profit can be maintained above an annualized 25% despite market circumstances.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Portable Power Technology website

    Paul Mercer LinkedIn

  • Kavita Ganesan has assisted many clients to gain the advantage of split-second humanlike thinking, from a computer. Her secrets even assist when it is hard to get from concept to starting the project due to inadequate data.

    She cautious that in many situations AI is wasted, it does not work, and people believe they need AI but in fact do not. However, the examples of the potential value to be derived where AI is appropriately deployed are fascinating, and should spark initiative to identify places to apply AI in every business.

    Human-level thinking required? Not a problem. Whether applied broadly or in specifically targeted situations, large companies and small all potentially benefit from deploying AI. Don’t however look for immediate, directly consequential, or automatic positive impact on the bottom-line. Some will see it fast but for many it will evolve over time in financial results, staff or customer satisfaction, quality enhancements, etc.

    Use an off-the-shelf tool or build from scratch. The secret to avoid failure lies in adequate preparation … data, validation, resources. Replace part, or the entire, process or system currently deployed, but learn first from The Business Case for AI, A leader’s Guide to AI Strategies, Best Practices & Real-World Applications.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Ideas for where to consider artificial intelligence, or use automation.How to close the gap between management and data scientists.Why AI projects disappoint, and how to ensure success.Why all companies potentially derive significant value through technology investment.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Kavita Ganesa's website and book website

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  • Bryan Clayton used many of the lessons learned in his first business to grow the second, but he did find that the nature of the business has a big impact on how you achieve success. It was difficult to switch from growing a lawn care business to building a technology business because a tech business is mostly inventing something new; never seen or used before.

    One of the secrets to growing your business is to focus on one level at a time, and look to gain knowledge or experience from multiple sources in order to build your own ability. Progressively try to move towards working more on your business than in it, but be patient because the early years are a challenge. Success in a technology business can be developed through rapidly releasing a first product, which probably embarrasses the creators but delights the small customer base you have, and using the valuable feedback received to develop a product that the market truly wants.

    Employing his superpower – consistency – made Bryan show up every day and persevere on the one or two things his business was working on to get to the next milestone. By doing it over and over, enthusiastically, until successful GreenPal has grown large, and yet Bryan feels they are only getting started. Bryan counsels to stay enthusiastic as you pursue each milestone, do not get side tracked through the highs and lows, and for those who feel they have missed their opportunity in technology – remember what Marc Andreessen thought about his opportunities in technology!

    Tune in to hear about:

    The value of the first-year customer base.How to close the gap between founder logic and user logic.The double-edged sword of external funding.Finding a business soul-mate if you need a business co-founder.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    GreenPal app: Apple or Google

    Bryan Clayton on Instagram

  • John Cuomo planned to become an electrician, so how did he land developing a deep love for serving in, and developing leadership for, the fire service?

    It was in fire academy that John found his passion, and even competing for a job for two-and-a-half years did not deter him. Early in his career John noticed that the role of everyone in the fire service is about leadership – leading within the service and taking charge of situations that are overwhelming the community. He spent his career learning from as many business and community role models, and books, as possible and now retired has written his first book – Leadership Refined By Fire, a firefighter’s guide to develop leadership skills, motivate and inspire others, and deliver exceptional care for the public – to make the knowledge available to others.

    One of John’s core beliefs is that leadership is about personal responsibility; to be a good leader you also have to be a good follower. His book is an excellent description and demonstration of the many qualities that make exceptional leaders, illustrated with entertaining and inspirational stories. The book arms leaders to create a workplace fueled by meaning and during our conversation John had special encouragement for firefighters, “Never let the downs get too low, keep your chin up. It is a wonderful thing you are doing.” Listen as he discusses some of the content and provides a glimpse into his next book on mental health.

    Tune in to hear about:

    A missile on the beach, thanksgiving dinner cooked for an estranged family, and other stories.Which do we need more - good managers or good leaders?What is, or what are, the most important leadership quality/ies?How to find a mentor when the company is too small.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Website https://www.fdleadership.com/

  • Why would a senior executive interpreter in American Sign language with Spanish and English want to leave and start a new career, as a single parent to small children, on the other side of the country? Well, because she sees it as an opportunity, and because most people would not do that. Cici drove herself hard, burnt out a few times, and had to learn to plan personal activities and business tasks in her calendar, but still achieve what she set her mind to.

    Through implementing her three step process of Identify, Influence, and Implement Cici now leads her teams, and coaches professionals and intrapreneurs to improve their own achievements, through mindset, productivity and performance.

    Being an executive in travel and hospitality at an exciting time presented a new opportunity to participate on the taskforce to restart operations. The down time during the global pandemic also instigated the start of writing her book and coaching business. Cici feels strongly that when people work on what they are passionate about they grow more, and faster, but she also practices cross-training of her team members to facilitate learning new skills and working as a tightknit family to achieve together.

    She wants them all to achieve a balanced career and life. She teaches how to benefit by doing what others can’t, won’t or do not do.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Stories - what happened when she was working in China when the Covid-19 pandemic started.How to build loyal, high performing teams.The importance of respecting and following a well-balanced scheduler.Not settling for anything less than extraordinary.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:


  • After four successful years in business Stacey Brown Randall learned a hard lesson. Without the right approach to business development the business has no future. You cannot hope your business into success and being in all the places all of the time, constant networking, is exhausting.

    It would be magic if the sales pipeline could fill itself as you do what you do best. Well with the right referral strategies it can! Referrals that flow naturally and consistently. When not attached to compensation they work especially well is a relational business, where there is a sizeable client investment.

    With just three secrets – get organized, follow the methodology, and trust the process – your relationships will generate referrals without you asking, paying, reciprocating, or manipulating.

    Tune in to hear about:

    When compensation for a referral does and does not work, and why.Three alternative approaches to generating referrals – depending on your starting point.The value of metrics and discipline.The most important reason growth tactics picked up from others often do not work.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Stacey Brown Randall website


  • Purush Cannane creatively combined his engineering skill, passion for solving environmental problems, and his drive to help vulnerable communities when he founded Greenii to create paper bags from waste paper. Avoiding post-consumer paper in order to bypass the need for additional environmentally unfriendly chemicals and processes, he sources high quality paper, offers employment to recently immigrated women, and has now sold thousands of carrier bags in Canada and the USA to replace single-use plastic bags.

    Not stopping yet, Purush has gone on to invent equipment to facilitate growth in production volumes, and is expanding into box packaging as well. While handmade bags may continue to form a part of the product offering, it is the raw materials used that ensures bags will always remain unique. He even affords customers the opportunity to convert their unused, expired marketing materials and paper products into new packaging products for use by themselves or another environmentally conscious and creative business.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Why common paper bags are actually worse than plastic bags for the environment.How a piggy bank start led to a college binding service.Always having five to ten alternative solutions to a problem.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Greenii website
    Greeni email: [email protected]

  • Thinking and questioning originated in Carol Sanford’s childhood; through influences from indigenous, white supremacist, and even fundamentalist Christian customs and beliefs. How we are in, and view, the world drives our engagement and impact. From the contradictory, perhaps clashing, cultural influences Carol developed a drive to think, question, and write.

    Influenced also by studying and observing the success of basketball coach Phil Jackson’s model that cultivated role models and excellence through indirect work Carol wrote her latest, sixth book, Indirect Work. She seeks to stimulate thinking and develop inquiry; to encourage readers to overcome paradigms, to escape the chains and shadows (as described by Plato). Thinking not about the book content as a template or instruction, but about the influence on the reader - their own opinions about what is raised in the book, how they can argue with that content, and work to form their own opinions and ideas. Then test them.

    Learning is as much about how one engages with new information and experience as it is about the information itself. Carol encourages listeners and readers neither to accept nor reject anything she, or anyone else, says or demonstrates without first working it through with their own experience, reflection, and disagreements. Society needs to stimulate its own enquiring mind and then develop a methodology of learning to think.

    Tune in to hear about:

    A glimpse at the book Indirect Work.How Phil Jackson became the winningest coach in the NBA, and elevated the value and attractiveness of the sport, without coaching (including discussion not included in the book).What to do instead of setting goals, and what billiard balls have to do with it.How Colgate in South Africa rapidly transformed their results, their structure, retained the employee team, and benefitted society through indirect work.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Carol Sanford website

  • Darby Vannier would never have imagined his career could have taken him through human resources, operations management, coaching and so much more. He certainly never dreamed the experience could be gained in industries as diverse as movie theatres, print and copy, and even alpaca livestock.

    Through his diverse experience Darby observed effective and ineffective business leaders. People are naturally more inclined to be either a manager or visionary but, as further explored in his book “The Indispensable Leader”, the two are never mutually exclusive. Most people are naturally stronger in one than the other, but the best leaders strive to have a mix of the best characteristics from each and to play down or let go all less desirable characteristics. Indispensable Leaders exhibit traits within the intersection on a Venn diagram, having pulled in desirable and let go undesirable traits and tendencies of both visionaries and leaders.

    Becoming indispensable requires active effort – observation of others with characteristics you need, surrounding yourself with good people to provide honest feedback while you develop strengths and eliminate weaknesses, and intentionally changing habits that need to go or be learned. Progressively moving through unconscious to conscious incompetence, and on to conscious competence to attain unconscious competence of the indispensable characteristics.

    It is necessary to guard against the inclination, under stress, to revert to your natural tendency. Lean on strong trusting relationships to help you “see and correct”, and manage excessive stress by controlling what you can control and letting go what you cannot. As a leader it is your task to encourage and coach people to develop their indispensable leader characteristics; be aware of your own impact and role as you shift someone’s career.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Darcy’s four-point advice for all leaders.What are the best and worst characteristics of each of visionaries and detail-oriented managers.Stories: Movie print flying around a projection booth. Petitions lobbying for your removal during a major event you are hosting. A food service managers demanding sick employees attend work sick.Learning through experience and the way leaders model and develop behaviour in their team.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Be Indispensable Website

  • Devin Durrant believes talent, drive and having the right coaching helped him to achieve his childhood dream of playing in the NBA. But a year later he was cut and this was what allowed him to start his real life’s work - adding value to real estate, and lives.

    Well grounded, supported, challenged and encouraged in his youth provided a foundation to call on in order to reassess, stretch and grow through the difficult time. He leaned on what was important and valued in his life, used values learned in athletics, and applied them in life.

    His work has proved that by putting more focus and effort into your personal values, as they impact or intersect the people and things you value, you can create increasing delta to improve life and experience for all. This v-effect is achieved using the simple process described during our conversation.

    With multi-generational appeal, stories and applicability The Values Delta is interesting.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Why gratitude and optimism are values that work well together.What is a Values Delta.Two questions that create large impact in life.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Values Delta website - https://thevaluesdelta.com

  • Julie Broad harnessed her entrepreneurial fabric to succeed in real estate investing even when circumstances were not idea, and then told the stories in a self-published overall #1 bestseller.

    That experience now makes the road smoother for other self-published non-fiction authors. Two wins. The authors keep 100% of their book sale proceeds. And the upfront marketing plan ensures the book is more successful from the start - sells more copies, included in more libraries, nominated for and wins more book awards, and appears on more podcasts and live events.

    Julie reminds all aspiring authors that writing a book does not have to be intimidating, but the book must be written for the reader, not the author. Write for the audience, include what they need, and do include stories, case studies, anecdotes that make the book engaging,

    Also remember that patience pays in everything – when the book is published it is like a baby and needs to be nurtured and allowed time to grow. Knowing, upfront, what you want to achieve with the book is more likely to ensure it is successful.

    Tune in to hear about:

    How to allow magic to produce the title and cover of your book.The marketing plan required for book success.The way large publishing houses bait and switch authors.How artificial intelligence will help authors.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Book Launchers website

    7 Steps guide to planning and writing your own book

  • Kelly Ruta decided she would not become a statistic after her early life sexual abuse. Instead she works on her own success, and became first a psychotherapist helping adolescents, and then followed her calling into raising the bar in coaching limitless entrepreneurs. Although she works with clients of all genders Kelly has a special focus in helping smart, driven, women entrepreneurs in the interface between mind, emotion and behaviours.

    Unlearning social paradigms and gender learned biases that don’t allow being the best version of themselves activates the entrepreneurs to lead themselves, their teams and the business to greater impact and revenue. But confronting biases and doing better requires bravery!

    Kelly advises that there are two places one can start to identify the subconscious baggage to be removed:

    Look at your life and business as a mirror – it will reflect back to you your pain points.Acknowledge where you know better and continue to do the same things or make the same decisions that sabotage you, your team and business, perhaps in revenue, schedule and other ways.

    Subconscious beliefs will override intellect nine times out of ten and cause immense frustration, spinning wheels, overwork, overwhelm, and burnout. Most people continue investing in strategy and tactics instead of working on themselves.

    Your business needs you to be in command, not in control. Do the uncomfortable skill building work now, when it is more manageable. Become responsive, not reactive!

    Tune in to hear about:

    The –ation people are craving instead of the information received most of the time.How can smart companies learn from medicine and psychotherapy to arm their teams with the skill for truly succeeding in online meetings in the future? The three core reasons entrepreneurs and their business succeed, or don’t.What is so different about what women and men talk about in business?And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Invisible Saboteur Assessment – www.invisiblesaboteur.com

  • Chemical poisoning from her work in the industry she loved, including in her own studios, drove Ryan Margolin’s mother into early retirement. This was the catalyst that spurred his family to found Professional Hair Labs and substantially improve the industry. Today so much more is driving their growing success – their safety first, people first model finds additional niche expansion and growing enthusiasm from their team.

    It has not always been without challenge - in 2011 their international expansion failed dramatically, in 2017 counterfeit started and expanded rapidly. But they have pivoted and escalated when required, and today Ryan and his family lead a highly accomplished, multi-industry, multi-million dollar, international company on a path to a further five-fold expansion this year.

    In speaking with Ryan you see why he has been successful. He sees every challenge as an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive; there is no learning in wins, it is the challenges and failures that allow for growth. Always focused on the future, never an opportunity for complacency – he comments that when you start to feel more comfortable the pain may be right behind! When you find success or start to hit your goals it may be time to run a little faster, and stay ahead. The challenges, and hence skills and techniques required, in going from $1 million to $10 million are very different to going from $10 million to $50 million, and more.

    Ryan is energized by what is in store for the future of both the company and his team. In turn, we as listeners can learn from his safety first, people first success.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Why a USA company does their principal manufacturing in Ireland … it may not be what you think!Inventory management is a major challenge in manufacturing – how did a move from contract to in-house manufacturing impact this?Ryan’s evolution from learning, improving and developing in the early days, to the current empowering.What is different about a truly “family” business?And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Pro Hair Labs website

    Ryan Margolin LinkedIn

    Professional Hair Labs LinkedIn

    Look for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest

  • Kristina Shea had her life changed, or even turned upside down, a few times through events in her work and personal life. Then, collapsing in the Toronto financial district was the wake-up call she needed. Kristina worked to address serious health conditions, and her own holistic wellness. She found natural replacements for chemicals and drugs. She studied CBD and continues to engage with groups to bring positive change for women, breaking down barriers and stigmas. The culmination of much of this was Kristina’s launching BlueSkys Life to focus on women’s natural health and wellness.

    Non-toxic thinking, natural and sustainable products, and a new line of CBD and natural ingredient skincare products combine to elevate women and their wellness. The goal is to help women step into their skin with confidence, literally and figuratively, and to improve mental and physical wellness.

    Kristina has also launched a content platform, Making HerStory, with the goal of helping women share their stories and amplify their voices. Wishing to promote embracing people of all ages, genders, races, sizes, or even passions to work together rather than compete. Turn women from victim to victor.

    Kristina sees a future filled with positive change: society welcoming a return to ancient medicine and plant-power, clean beauty, the digital creator economy, innovation in payment solutions, longevity and a skincare focus. She encourages women to surround themselves with those who inspire them and not allow people to poison their thinking. Women hold tremendous value for society.

    Tune in to hear about:

    How does the endocrine system feature in the mix of replacing “traditional” skincare products with healthier alternatives?Do CBD products produce a “high”? What does CBD oil do to the skin?Why is BlueSkys Life spelt with a “y” (not –ies)?Why Kristina is not a member of, but has a close personal connection to the challenges experienced by people in the LGBTQ community. And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    BlueSkys Life website – see also cheat sheet to learn ingredients that interrupt and disrupt the endocrine system.

    BlueSkys Beauty website

    Clubhouse – MakingHerStory

  • Justin Cochrane applied his knowledge and experience from the investment banking world, specifically in royalties and streaming, to create a vehicle for investors to target focus to creating a net-zero carbon future. The appetite of investors is large and in two years Carbon Streaming Corp has grown from around two-hundred thousand dollars to one-hundred-thirty million in next assets, and more.

    Investors are enthusiastic to advance and accelerate carbon-reduction and climate-advancement projects around the world. Justin’s team creates a cycle of benefit - invests capital in the projects, markets the greenhouse gas (GHG) credits and return the proceeds of the credits to further grow the project investments. Achieving climate abatement in the world will take decades but the GHG credits achieve a middle ground on that road.

    With a goal to become the largest player in the voluntary carbon market, Carbon Streaming also has strict criteria to be met for investments to qualify for funding and assistance. The projects under consideration are numerous but already Carbon Streaming’s investments are fascinating:

    Protecting 6,500 hectares of Indonesian peat swamp from being converted to palm oil, creating a sanctuary for orangutans, providing community assistance, advancing women’s business, and making available clean power and water.A blue carbon credit project: protecting 22,000 hectares of Mexican mangroves (which absorb up to 10 times the carbon of a terrestrial forest, and hold 75% of that carbon under water) , surrounded by 137,000 hectares of marine ecosystem from shrimp farming and aqua culture.

    Tune in to hear about:

    The Carbon Streaming investments are REDD certified – what is REDD?Two kinds of projects can be funded with the streaming and royalties model, what are they?How many metric tons of carbon equate to 1 carbon credit? How many tons are the projects removing?Which is the only project in the world verified to achieve all 17 United Nations sustainable development goals?How does volatility in the investment market change corporate investor relations?And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Carbon Streaming Corporation website

    [email protected]



  • Having entered the world of mining in part by accident Daniel Major has accumulated impressive experience in the operations, financing and management sides of the industry. Going full circle from uranium in Africa, through platinum, gold, mergers and acquisitions, and even investment banking in parts of Africa, Russia, South America, and Canada he returned to African uranium as CEO of GoviEx.

    GoviEx is well positioned to take advantage of the move to clean energy, and specifically nuclear energy, that is more reliable, cleaner, and safer than alternatives. Their first uranium mine, in Niger, West Africa, one of the most significant areas of producing sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the world, is forecast to begin producing by 2025.

    GoviEX’s culture is to add value for all stakeholders and focus on ESG. They utilize a 100% local employment strategy at all of their properties in Niger, Mali and Zambia, and work extensively with the communities they form a part of.

    Historically investors have derived the largest return when a mineral investment is acquired, or goes from developer to producer. GoviEx is poised to do exactly that with the development of the mine. The last time the market looked like it does now uranium went to $140 a pound (currently around $46) so do we expect history to repeat itself?

    Tune in to hear about:

    What career was Daniel Major asked to consider before he chose engineering?Why is international travel and work experience invaluable in business success?Why has exploration funding neglected Africa and why is that changing now?Just how small have nuclear reactors become? What scale is now possible?And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    GoviEX Website

    [email protected]

    TSX-V : GXU


  • Was it a “baptism of fire” as a new graduate, or a fortuitous start to a career that Mickie Kennedy took advantage of? Early in his career Mickie identified the need for smaller organizations and individuals to be able to access the media, but at an affordable price. Journalists, in turn, want news flow in a useful and timely format, and eReleases fills that gap. Press releases for smaller organizations at an affordable price.

    eReleases is the perfect fit for those in the niche from start-up to several million dollars in revenue. Using a couple of efficiency tools and a lot of personalized customer service this small team helps to get the word out, coaches clients on how to attract effective press, and even writes the press releases if clients prefer. Mickie encourages even the most “un-newsworthy” to attract attention, boost their credibility, and leverage it into valuable social media, client brag books, and website content. Prospects that find a supplier through a press release are ready to buy, and usually don’t price shop. The return for clients always beats paid advertising.

    Mickie’s artistic talent and interest in technology gave him the ability to innovate and scale. His willingness to persevere and try developed his analytical ability that is very helpful in this industry. What lies in the future of press releases and news distribution? Mickie predicts this from ample experience – listen for some fascinating and really fun comments.

    Tune in to hear about:

    Is it more important to write press releases well or to be strategic in the message?.Do prospects that find business through a press release have higher value than those that find you through many other routes – yes! Listen for why.The highly effective tool that has got media attention for 100% of eReleases’ clients that have used it.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    eReleases website

    eReleases free masterclass

  • Jim Pakulis has turned his sights from successful corporate growth in the cannabis industry to plant-based protein. Seeing potential for significant growth in this industry, he and his team acquired and took Boosh Plant-Based Brands through initial public offering in 2021.

    Boosh’s plant-based, gluten-free and non-GMO heat-and-serve bowls and meals, mac & cheese, pate, and non-dairy cheese are well received by the health-conscious, special diets and flexitarians alike. This is just the beginning, this team has their sights set on dominating frozen, refrigerated and shelf stable categories.

    Jim believes in keeping the team as small as possible, with a true participation culture. But expansion plans are large - moving to new markets, acquisitions or mergers (one of each already complete in 2021), online delivery, and the food service industry.

    The best investments are identified by avoiding emotional decisions based on hype. Use strict metrics, identify an industry with significant upside potential, a growing sector within that industry, and excellent management. These will drive company success and hence growth in the market value.

    Tune in to hear about:

    The success of foodie Connie Marples that created the start for Boosh Foods.Just how big the plant-based protein industry is expected to be by 2050.How diets are changing, and consumers increasingly demanding healthier options.Advice for entrepreneurs and management to grow success and market value.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Boosh website

    CSE – VEGI


    Frankfurt - 77I

  • Max Porterfield started his career with an opportunity to work in global resource company investment, and then gold and uranium, before taking over Callinex Mines. A unique opportunity to explore for minerals in Canada, in areas well served by infrastructure, with no geopolitical risk, and potential to benefit remote communities.

    Because government policies are requiring a shift away from hydrocarbons and there are very large infrastructure projects ongoing or planned in the world, the demand for base metals is forecast to increase exponentially. However, minimal investment in new exploration over the past decade means the current mines are becoming end of life and new discovery is urgently required.

    Callinex Mines is exploring, with a well-respected technical team and a modern exploration approach, at properties in Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Manitoba. It is however the Manitoba, Flin Flon, property that exposed a rare base metal volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) rainbow deposit in 2021 that will receive most attention through 2022. The development may be urgent as it is in close proximity to an established mine that is due for closure in May 2022. This will eliminate jobs for this remote community, and trigger large reclamation liabilities.

    Max counsels that the best business decisions are made with a calm mind; there is significant value in meditation or in the potential that the research in psilocybin will deliver. Maturity has taught him to make decisions with a calm mind and patience rather than in a panic or driven by fear, and to let the world come to him rather than chasing it. Exploration is not for the faint of heart!

    Tune in to hear about

    Valuable lessons that can be learned from Steve Jobs, Mark Benioff, and Robert Friedland.How to know when the return on mining or exploration shares will start improving.How timely and important the Callinex exploration and discovery is.The benefit mining brings in long-term lasting job creation in remote communities, and strong focus on best practice social and environmental standards.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode

    Callinex Mines Inc. website


  • Pieter K de Villiers proved in his own business that automation could free up people to perform value added tasks. Macanta CRM evolved to remove the need for a person to perform certain repetitive, but business critical tasks, and in the process complete them more efficiently and consistently. The secret however is to ensure the tool fits the business, with functionality for data manipulation, interconnected relationships, email and SMS, notifications and more.

    The no-code Macanta software enables the business to easily create a bespoke CRM with full process and workflow automation without the need for costly, risky, custom software development. Identify the core business flow or delivery object (usually a customer, object, case file, etc.) accurately, and tell the software how the process works. It will create the automation to perform tasks at the correct trigger points.

    With the option for granular user permissions, and guaranteed GDPR and security compliance, Macanta also facilitates effective segregation of duties, can be self-serve or supported, and works well for work-from-anywhere teams.

    Could every business derive value from utilizing a small amount of time to explore new tools and be curious? Tools that allow constant forward momentum, or improvement? Is the value in “tak(ing) little bets, enjoy(ing) the process and the result” as Pieter suggests.

    Tune in to hear about:

    How a background in popular music performance and contracting as an electrician creates software.What is a two-minute task and why is it cancer.How relentless perseverance of an inflexible goal, but with a flexible approach pays.Painting with a hammer and an airplane with a tow hitch.And more.

    Mentioned in this episode

    Macanta CRM website - https://macantacrm.com/

    Pieter K de Villiers LinkedIn