Kuuntele Mimmit sijoittaa -podcastia ja audioartikkeleita!
Mimmit sijoittaa -media puhuu sijoittamisesta, ihmisistä ja taloudesta. Käsittelyssä ajankohtaisuudet, sijoittaminen, säästäminen, ura ja raha.
Lue artikkeleita osoitteessa ja seuraa meitä Instagramissa, LinkedInissä, TikTokissa ja Facebookissa!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
Every company has a story.
Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor. -
Sijoituskaverit on podcast rahasta, sijoittamisesta, asumisesta ja elämästä. Podihostit Julia Thurén ja Merja Mähkä jakavat omat vinkkinsä, onnistumisensa ja mokansa rehellisesti ja hauskasti.
Näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia asuntosijoittamisesta ja vuokranantajana toimimisesta
Vieraina asuntosijoittajia ja vuokranantajia erilaisilla strategioilla, kokemuksilla ja näkemyksillä, joista voit saada uusia ajatuksia ja oppeja. Isäntänä Harri Huru. -
A weekly reality check on sensible investing and financial decision-making, from three Canadians. Hosted by Benjamin Felix, Cameron Passmore, and Dan Bortolotti, Portfolio Managers at PWL Capital, and Mark McGrath, Associate Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital.
En podd om aktier, börs och marknad där våra förvaltare, mäklare och analytiker pratar om allt ifrån stora till små bolag och marknader. Med Alexander Gustafsson som din värd, tar vi dig med på en djupdykning in i börsvärlden varje torsdag.
I vår podd pratar vi om allt från de största bolagen till de mest lovande uppstickarna. Vi diskuterar aktuella case utifrån en fundamental syn om och med bolagsledningar, aktieprofiler och börsproffs samt delar våra åsikter inom våra expertisområden. För dig som vill lära dig mer om fundamental aktieanalys, är Penserpodden den perfekta platsen att vara på. -
Täältä löydät kaiken olennaisen, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää sijoittamisesta: ajankohtaiset sijoitusideat, vinkkejä sijoittamiseen sekä tietoa taloudesta ja markkinoista. Julkaisemme kahden viikoin välein Pörssipuhetta-podcastia, jossa OP:n kokeneet asiantuntijat puhuvat sijoittamisesta, taloudesta ja markkinoista.
Aktiesnack är en av Sveriges mest populära finanspoddar med över 10 000 lyssnare per avsnitt. Podden syftar till att vara värdefull för dig som:
Vill bli en bättre investerare och personSöker inspiration för investeringsidéerVill öka kunskapen avseende investeringar, börs och ekonomiPoddens programvärdar heter Magnus Skog och Peter Westberg. Magnus har tidigare arbetat som aktieanalytiker på Redeye och Erik Penser Bank, och Peter jobbar på och är delägare i Quartr och har tidigare arbetat som aktieanalytiker på Kalqyl där han även är medgrundare.
För att komma i kontakt med oss:
[email protected] | +46737324044
[email protected] | +46700420134
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Heather Bayer, author of Renting Your Recreational Property for Profit, former CEO of a highly successful cottage rental agency, and a popular blogger, hosts the Vacation Rental Success podcast. With many years experience of owning and managing multiple vacation rental properties, Heather brings her knowledge and views on every aspect of the business, together with interviews with vacation homeowners and industry experts. Heather has appeared as a guest on CTV Canada, CBC Radio, Rogers TV, and Chex TV and is frequently interviewed on real estate and travel topics by magazines and daily newspapers.
Keeping you ahead of the curve on Bitcoin price and fundamentals analysis, news and economics. - | @BTCMRKTS
RahaRaadios räägime rahast, säästmisest, investeerimisest, finantsvabadusest, tuludest ja kuludest ning kõigest sellega seonduvast.
Ühtlasi vastame kuulajate küsimustele ja õpime tehtud vigadest, mille tegijateks nii saatejuht Taavi Pertman kui ka saatekülalised.
RahaRaadio on sinu investeerimisteekonnal usaldusväärseks abimeheks ja asendamatuks kaaslaseks. -
The GTM Podcast interviews well-known tech executive, VC, and founders - the expert operators in the trenches who have ‘been there, done that’ to build some of the fastest-growing software companies. Every week, a guest joins Scott Barker to dissect their stories, revealing expert insights around what worked, what didn’t, and how things actually went down.
This podcast is produced by GTMnow, the media brand of GTMfund - sharing insight on go-to-market from working with hundreds of portfolio companies backed by over 350 of the best go-to-market executives. GTMfund is an early-stage VC fund focused on investing in the most exciting, up-and-coming B2B SaaS companies across the world. The LP network consists of VP and C-level Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success leaders from companies like DocuSign, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Snowflake, Okta, Zoom, and many more.
Visit for more details and to sign up for our newsletter and other content resources. -
Money Metals Exchange's Weekly Market Wrap Podcasts | Helping Precious Metals Investors during These Treacherous Times
Discover how to make great money investing in real estate in a way that helps people, doesn't require a lot of risks, and leaves plenty of room for you to live your life. The REtipster Podcast is the best source of insight and inspiration for new and experienced real estate investors! Seth Williams pulls back the curtain to reveal the inner workings of how he runs his land investing business and rental property portfolio. In each episode, Seth explains the most essential real estate investing strategies and business essentials you can use to stay ahead of the curve in your real estate profession. Discover how to skyrocket your income, replace your day job and earn your financial freedom WITHOUT risking your life savings. Seth dishes out real-world guidance about what works and what doesn’t in today’s business environment. Seth Williams is a land investor, rental property owner, online educator, and skilled communicator who has been a student of the real estate investing game for over a decade. Join him in the next episode and learn how to crush it in your real estate business!
Vas a encontrar consejos, herramientas y tips para administrar, correctamente, tu tiempo y tu dinero. Ambos recursos son muy complicados de manejar. Pero la experta, Mónica Quirós, comunicadora, periodista, administradora de empresas y asesora en finanzas personales, te llevará a otro nivel en el manejo de ambos temas.
Delivering insights into the people, places and products shaping the financial week ahead. Hear from the finest minds and freshest thinkers as they take you beyond the numbers and the hype to get to the heart of the day’s big issues.
Exploring how the most ambitious CEOs grow great companies. Each week we dive into the strategies and tactics that build transformative businesses with the operators doing it firsthand. Learn more at
Deep dives into the world of private equity investing with authoritative interviews from all corners of the industry.
There are many important topics in the world that you need to be informed about. The problem is, most people don’t have the time to explore these topics on their own.
My goal is to have easy-to-understand conversations with experts that will help give you the nudge to start digging into the subjects that are meaningful to you.
From economics, business, real estate, investing, bitcoin, politics, and much more - you’re going to hear me pick the brains of thought-leaders, CEO's, politicians and business experts about relevant topics that matter.
I look forward to learning and exploring alongside with you. -
Travis helps you navigate the insane world of student loans, especially if you owe $20,000 to $1 million. If you've ever spent too much time on the phone with your loan servicer, this is the show for you. Every week we share tips on loan forgiveness, investing, crushing debt, and how to get to financial freedom when you owe more than most people's mortgage.