
  • Hey there, you guys! Welcome back to another episode of "Becoming the CEO of Your Life" today, we're diving into a powerful topic that's incredibly close to my heart: transforming doubt into determination. This episode is all about embracing possibility and cultivating unwavering conviction, even when those nagging doubts creep in.

    Key Points Covered:

    1. Understanding Self-Doubt:

    How self-doubt surfaces and its inevitable presence in our lives. Why self-doubt never truly goes away and how to manage it effectively. Personal anecdotes about my own struggles with self-doubt and how I've overcome them.

    2. Embracing Possibility:

    The importance of dwelling in possibility and nurturing a positive mindset. Strategies to shift your focus from doubt to determination. How to create routines and practices that reinforce self-belief and conviction.

    3. Real-Life Examples:

    Stories of clients who faced significant doubts and transformed them into determination. Practical steps they took to embrace possibility and achieve their goals.

    4. Building Unwavering Conviction:

    Why conviction is the linchpin of success and how to cultivate it daily. The role of routines and self-care in maintaining a strong, positive mindset. Tips for fostering an inner sense of certainty and resilience.

    5. Addressing Financial Doubts:

    Discussing common financial fears and how to overcome them. Realistic strategies for managing financial uncertainties and building confidence in your decisions.

    6. Practical Exercises and Takeaways:

    Exercises to help you identify and challenge your doubts. Daily practices to reinforce your determination and keep you focused on your goals.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating and review. Your support helps me reach more people and grow our community. Also, don't forget to check out my 20-minute masterclass training at JaneenAlley.com/webinar. It's packed with insights and strategies to help you cultivate determination and achieve your dreams.

    Links and Resources:

    Watch the Masterclass: JaneenAlley.com/webinar Follow me on Instagram: @janeenalleycoaching Facebook Profile: Janeen Alley Facebook Business: Janeen Alley Coaching LinkedIn: Janeen Alley

    Thank you for tuning in! Let's continue this journey together, stepping into our power and becoming the CEOs of our lives. See you next time!

  • Welcome back, everyone! I’m Janeen Alley, and you're listening to Becoming the CEO of Your Life. In today’s episode, I dive into the exact soul-satisfying process to become the CEO of your life. If you’ve been feeling stuck or frustrated despite your hard work and dedication, this episode is for you.

    Episode Highlights:

    Understanding Inhibition Instinct:

    Explore why traditional success strategies might not be working for you. Learn how our conditioning from a young age impacts our ability to succeed.

    Developing Unapologetic Self-Trust:

    Discover the importance of trusting your own wisdom and experience. Practical steps to build self-trust and rely on your inner guidance.

    Raising the Floor:

    What it means to create a bigger foundation for sustainable growth. The significance of alignment between your intentions and actions.

    Fueling Your Creative Fire:

    How to activate and replenish your internal energy. Tips for maintaining mental, physical, and emotional well-being to support your creative process.

    Embodying Your Energetically Aligned Message:

    The power of showing up authentically and with conviction. How to communicate your unique message effectively and inspire others.

    Personal Anecdotes and Success Stories:

    I share my personal journey and experiences to illustrate the transformative power of these principles. Success stories from clients who have implemented these strategies and achieved remarkable results.

    Call to Action:

    If you’re ready to overcome your inhibition instinct and step into your role as the CEO of your life, book your Unwavering Woman Assessment with me today. Visit JaneenAlley.com/CEO to schedule your call.

    Connect with Me:

    Follow me on Instagram: @janeenalleycoaching Join me on Facebook: Janeen Alley Connect on LinkedIn: Janeen Alley

    Thank you for tuning in! If you found value in this episode, please rate, review, and share the podcast with friends. Let’s continue this journey together, stepping into our power and becoming the CEOs of our lives.

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  • Welcome back to another episode of "Becoming the CEO of Your Life." I’m your host, Janeen Alley, and today, I’m thrilled to share insights on moving from force to flow and how this can revolutionize your life and business. We’ll explore how to tap into the flow state, making everything from content creation to daily tasks feel effortless and enjoyable. If you’ve ever felt blocked or like you’re pushing a boulder uphill, this episode is for you.

    Show Notes:


    I’m excited to dive into how to shift from force to flow. This concept has profoundly impacted my life, and I believe it will do the same for you.

    Recognizing Force vs. Flow:

    The frustration of feeling blocked and how to identify when you’re forcing things. Personal anecdotes about struggling with content creation.

    Personal Story:

    Sharing a recent example of how shifting to a flow state transformed my productivity. The difference between creating content in a state of force versus flow.

    Daily Routines to Activate Flow:

    Practical strategies and routines to help you get into a flow state. Importance of self-care practices like yoga and meditation.

    Understanding the Nervous System:

    How the sympathetic nervous system affects our ability to access flow. Techniques to soothe and settle your nervous system for better creativity.

    Trust and Inner Wisdom:

    The crucial role of self-trust and listening to your inner wisdom. Moving beyond cultural conditioning to find your true voice.

    Real-Life Success Stories:

    Examples of clients who have successfully shifted from force to flow. The transformative results they’ve experienced.


    Recap of the key points and the importance of embracing the flow state. Encouragement to practice these strategies and transform your daily life.

    Resources Mentioned:

    For more insights and strategies on moving from force to flow, join my 20-minute masterclass available at janeenalley.com/webinar Book your Unwavering Woman Assessment: https://www.janeenalley.com/ceo Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janeenalleycoaching/ Read the complete article on my blog: http://janeenalley.com/shift-from-force-to-flow-activate-flow-state/

    Call to Action:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, rate, and review the podcast. It helps more people discover this content and join us on this journey of transformation. Don’t forget to book your Unwavering Woman Assessment to uncover how you can step into your flow state and achieve your highest potential.

  • Welcome to "Becoming the CEO of Your Life." In this episode, I invite my amazing friend, Amy Rossi Gall, to discuss Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT). Discover how RTT can help you unlock your subconscious mind and create profound, rapid changes in your life.

    Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction and welcome 1:00 - Meet Amy Rossi Gall: Background and journey 2:00 - What is Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT)? 3:00 - The power of subconscious beliefs 4:00 - Personal stories of transformation 5:00 - Practical applications of RTT 6:00 - How RTT complements life coaching 7:00 - Amy’s personal RTT journey 8:00 - How RTT can help you 9:00 - Conclusion and call to action Links: Book a session with Amy Rossi Gall Join my coaching program

    If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review, and share the podcast. Your support helps us reach more people and continue providing valuable content. Thank you for listening!

    Connect with Me: Instagram: @janeenalleycoaching Facebook: Janeen Alley LinkedIn: Janeen Alley
  • Hey there, you guys! Welcome back to another episode of "Becoming the CEO of Your Life." I am beyond excited to celebrate a major milestone with you today—200 episodes! Reflecting on this journey, I've distilled the top five most important lessons I've learned since I started podcasting. These insights are crucial for anyone looking to put their message out into the world and make a meaningful impact. So, let's dive into these transformative lessons together!

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    The importance of developing self-trust to confidently share your message. How to let go of the outcome and focus on personal growth. The power of positive self-talk and its impact on your relationship with yourself. Why fueling your creative fire is a strategic move, not an afterthought. The significance of keeping your word to yourself to build unwavering integrity.


    0:00 - Introduction: Celebrating 200 episodes and setting the stage for today's topic.

    1:00 - The journey of podcasting and the value of sharing wisdom and learning.

    2:00 - Developing self-trust: Building a relationship with yourself and regulating your nervous system.

    4:00 - Personal story: The identity game exercise with clients.

    6:00 - Letting go of the outcome: Focusing on who you become in the process.

    8:00 - Metaphor: Earning versus being given a million dollars.

    10:00 - The power of positive self-talk: Transforming your inner dialogue.

    12:00 - Personal example: Shifting from harsh self-talk to self-love.

    14:00 - Fueling your creative fire: Prioritizing self-care as a power move.

    16:00 - Practical tips: Systems for eating, moving, drinking, sleeping, and maintaining your environment.

    18:00 - Keeping your word to yourself: Running your life with integrity and efficiency.

    20:00 - Conclusion: Summarizing the top five lessons and encouraging listeners to implement them.

    Links and Resources:

    Ready to unlock your full potential and embrace these lessons? Book your Unwavering Woman Assessment: https://www.janeenalley.com/ceo

    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @janeenalleycoaching Facebook Profile: Janeen Alley Facebook Business: Janeen Alley Coaching LinkedIn: Janeen Alley

    Read the Complete Article:

    Top 5 Lessons I Learned After 200 Podcast Episodes

    Thank you for tuning in to celebrate this milestone with me! If you found value in this episode, please rate, review, and share the podcast. Your support helps others discover our content and join us on this journey. Remember, you have the power to become the CEO of your life. Have a beautiful rest of your week, and I’ll talk to you soon. Take care!

  • Hey there, you guys! Welcome back to another episode of "Becoming the CEO of Your Life." Today, we’re diving into a topic that can truly transform your life and business—how to unblock your capacity to receive. If you feel like you're not satisfied with the results you're getting, you might be blocking the flow of abundance and success without even realizing it. In this episode, I share personal stories, practical strategies, and powerful insights to help you open up to all the good things life has to offer.

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    The importance of simplifying your systems to make room for new opportunities. How overcomplicating things can prevent you from achieving your full potential. Why creating physical and mental space is crucial for attracting abundance. The impact of believing in infinite possibilities and trusting the process. How to value yourself and your services to create a flow of value and abundance. The significance of embracing vulnerability and self-trust in your journey.


    0:00 - Introduction: Understanding the need to unblock your capacity to receive for greater success.

    1:00 - Imagine a life filled with opportunities and successes.

    2:00 - Overcomplicating things: A personal story of turning down clients.

    3:00 - The importance of simple systems for receiving abundance.

    4:00 - Contracting energy: Doing all the things and feeling stuck.

    5:00 - Analogy: Navigating a grocery cart full of groceries over speed bumps.

    6:00 - Example of doubling down on a strategy and hustling.

    7:00 - Understanding that not being open to receive is an internal problem.

    8:00 - Simplifying the process: How to make room for what you desire.

    9:00 - Recent example of offloading tasks and feeling more creative.

    10:00 - The importance of believing in infinite possibilities and opportunities.

    11:00 - Letting go of control and trusting the process.

    12:00 - Believing in your value and charging for your services.

    13:00 - Example: Helping a new coach understand her value.

    14:00 - Creating space for what you desire: Minimalist approach in the office.

    15:00 - Balancing input and output days on your calendar.

    16:00 - Embracing vulnerability and self-trust.

    17:00 - Understanding how to handle vulnerabilities and uncertainties.

    18:00 - Exploring limiting beliefs and bringing success into the present moment.

    19:00 - Conclusion: Encouraging listeners to share, rate, and review the podcast.

    20:00 - Invitation to book the 15-minute Unwavering Woman Assessment.

    Links and Resources:

    Ready to unblock your capacity to receive and embrace your full potential? Book your Unwavering Woman Assessment: https://www.janeenalley.com/ceo

    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @janeenalleycoaching Facebook Profile: Janeen Alley Facebook Business: Janeen Alley Coaching LinkedIn: Janeen Alley

    Read the Complete Article:

    Want Better Results? Unblock Your Capacity to Receive

    Thank you for tuning in! If you found value in this episode, please share, rate, and review the podcast. Let’s continue this journey together, stepping into our power and becoming the CEOs of our lives. Have a beautiful rest of your week, and I’ll talk to you soon.

  • In this episode of "Becoming the CEO of Your Life," I delve into the art of conflict resolution and its crucial role in personal and professional growth. Discover how to transform conflict into connection, enabling you to play a bigger game and realize your vision. I also share insightful strategies, personal anecdotes, and practical tips for handling difficult conversations with grace and assertiveness.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Understanding Inhibition Instinct:

    How societal conditioning leads women to avoid conflict and play small. The impact of conflict avoidance on personal growth and vision realization.

    Embracing Conflict as a Growth Opportunity:

    The importance of handling conflict constructively. Examples of how addressing conflict can propel projects forward.

    The Unwavering Woman Approach:

    Connecting to your core values and vision. Fueling your inner fire to stay motivated and resilient. Embodying your energetically aligned message with confidence.

    Techniques for Constructive Conflict Resolution:

    Self-reflection to understand your emotional state. Active listening and assertive communication. Cultivating empathy and self-confidence.

    Overcoming Fear of Conflict:

    Addressing societal conditioning and fear of rejection. Practical steps for managing physiological and emotional responses.

    Practical Steps for Conflict Resolution:

    Assessing safety and calming your mind. Preparing mentally and engaging calmly. Following up and learning from the experience.

    Actionable Takeaways:

    Embrace conflict as an opportunity for growth and empowerment. Practice active listening, assertive communication, and empathy in conflict situations. Cultivate unwavering self-confidence by allowing and processing your emotions.

    If you found value in this episode, please share, rate, and review the podcast.

    To stop playing small and embrace your full potential, book your Unwavering Woman Assessment today at janeenalley.com/ceo.

    Let’s continue this journey together, stepping into our power and becoming the CEOs of our lives.

  • You want to get to the heart of your message, who you are, how to teach effectively, and influence people? You have to learn how to embrace slow thinking.

    Not only do I share some examples of fast thinking gone wrong today, but how to slow yourself down to think deeply.

    Do not miss this episode! I'll see you inside. xo, Janeen

    Have you booked your Unwavering Woman Assessment? www.janeenalley.com/ceo


    SUGGESTED VIDEOS Don't forget to watch my other videos on this topic here:

    194. The Quiet Revolution https://youtu.be/L-HO__9rIys

    184. Going Beyond Your Why https://youtu.be/Exw0ZZHCb7I

    183. Playing Bigger by Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom https://youtu.be/uxUZY8XzyJM


    00:00 Welcome to Becoming the CEO of Your Life

    00:29 The Three Pillars of Unwavering Conviction and Self-Trust

    01:32 Exploring the Power of Slow Thinking

    04:27 The Pitfalls of Fast Thinking and Its Impact

    07:00 Benefits of Slow Thinking: Problem Solving and Creativity 10:19 Personal Experiences and Lessons in Slow Thinking

    22:23 Practical Steps to Cultivate Slow Thinking

    28:21 Conclusion and Invitation to Connect

  • Book your free Unwavering Woman Assessment here - https://www.janeenalley.com/ceo

    Have you ever had the experience of following a system or process really well - almost to a 'T" - and not getting the results you were hoping for? If this has happened to you, you are definitely not alone.

    Too often, though, we think the problem we are trying to solve is external. We think we have a problem with a system or a strategy so we spend a lot of time and energy working to "fix it."

    But the problem isn't external. How do I know? Because if it were an external issue it would have been fixed by now! (Clearly because you've done the work, right?!)

    What's happening is there is something out of alignment and we need to make the shift from being problem-focused (external) to being POWER-focused (internal) and learn how to embody a more elevated version of YOU!

    I'm sharing all the details this week in the podcast! I'll see you inside!

    xo, Janeen


    SUGGESTED VIDEOS Don't forget to watch my other videos on this topic here:

    188. The 10 Essential Characteristics of Becoming Unwavering


    184. Developing Unshakeable Conviction to Overcome Self-Doubt and Becoming The Unwavering Woman


    183. Playing Bigger by Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom


    180. Speaking From the Heart - What Self-Trust Feels Like



    00:00 Welcome to Becoming the CEO of Your Life

    00:26 Embodying Your Energetically Aligned Message

    04:28 The Importance of Alignment in Life and Business

    13:44 Embodiment: Living Your Truth and Trusting Yourself

    20:00 Redefining Success and Connecting with Your Core

    24:49 Closing Thoughts and Next Steps

  • In this episode, I'm diving deep into the frenzy of rushing towards deadlines and how it's sabotaging our journey to success. I share personal anecdotes and practical strategies to help you break free from the cycle of stress and frustration that often accompanies goal-setting.

    From questioning the need for deadlines to staying present in the moment, I'll guide you through steps to develop unapologetic self-trust and unwavering conviction in yourself and your message.

    Plus, I reveal how finding balance between forward momentum and flexibility can lead to breakthroughs you never thought possible.

    So if you're tired of feeling like you're constantly racing against the clock, tune in now for some powerful insights and actionable tips that will transform the way you pursue your dreams.

    I'll see you inside! xo, Janeen


    Book your free Unwavering Woman Assessment here - https://www.janeenalley.com/ceo


    Don't forget to watch my other videos on this topic here:

    189. How to Allow Your Work to Unfold With More Ease https://youtu.be/DcMEzrpsNmI

    166. Unlocking the Power of Simplicity: How Streamlining Your Life Can Supercharge Your Success! https://youtu.be/UeT69OmxiJ4

    143. How to Let Go of Guilt https://youtu.be/LxyHRLJ6A2g

    128. Learning to surrender https://youtu.be/Sxu0ti-GaQk

  • Today, we're diving deep into the transformative power of stillness and quality quiet. Join me as we explore how embracing moments of silence can lead to unapologetic self-trust and unwavering conviction in your vision.

    In this episode, I share personal anecdotes, practical tips, and actionable advice on how to cultivate inner peace amidst life's chaos. From regulating your nervous system to embracing the rebel within, we'll uncover one of the powerful keys to becoming the CEO of your own life.

    Tune in now to discover how to quiet the noise, connect with your inner wisdom, and pave the way for a life filled with clarity, confidence, and abundance.

    Don't miss out on this empowering conversation! I'll see you inside! xo, Janeen


    Have you booked your Unwavering Woman Assessment? Grab your spot here: janeenalley.com/ceo

    More episodes & SUGGESTED VIDEOS:

    Don't forget to watch my other videos on this topic here:

    180. What Self-Trust Feels Like https://youtu.be/iZzYLiV3dVQ?si=rtcbLh5HfDF2-Gi2

    167. Cultivating Self-Trust: Empower Your Journey From Within https://youtu.be/GJil1KsLfwU?si=z2_1nsuP2MdvrzhF

    150. Becoming the CEO of Your Life https://youtu.be/g0-bVA1r-NE?si=D3tDfzP6TRG6gZJH

    139. How to Like You https://youtu.be/MH4PRzFy-1Q?si=jTS8uzcAWJ9OGPGh

  • Hey there! Welcome back to Becoming the CEO of Your Life. This week we're diving deep into the joys and challenges of life, parenthood, and entrepreneurship.

    As a parent and entrepreneur, I'm talking about the whirlwind of emotions that comes with watching your kids leave home while trying to keep up with the demands of life and business.

    Join me as I share my personal journey through empty nest syndrome, from the initial shock to finding peace and purpose in this new chapter of life. Whether you're facing empty nest syndrome yourself or simply looking for inspiration to navigate life's challenges, this episode is for you.

    Tune in for candid conversations, relatable anecdotes, and a healthy dose of encouragement. See you inside! xo, Janeen


    Book your free Unwavering Woman Assessment here - https://www.janeenalley.com/ceo

    00:20 The Unspoken Challenges of Motherhood and Personal Growth
    02:16 Embracing the Pain and Joy of Letting Go
    05:22 Finding Healing Through Awareness and Self-Care
    08:00 The Power of Listening to Your Body
    12:44 Creating Space for Healing and Self-Discovery
    28:29 Conclusion: Embracing Change and Becoming the CEO of Your Life



    Don't forget to watch my other videos on this topic here:

    113. How to Get Things Done When Your Life Turns Upside Down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CiOiXryJDM&t=2s

    138. Emotional Marathons (& Rest) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU5GusakqB8

    145. Getting Things Done When You're in Pain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKmpg-63Q2k&t=16s

    177. The Ease Equation - The Secrets of Compounding Nervous System Regulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOazZU8w6xM

  • Today, I'm diving into a topic that's super close to my heart – how to use fitness and movement to fuel your journey towards success in all areas of life.

    I've seen first hand how prioritizing fitness and self-care can actually help us become more productive and energized to tackle our big dreams. That's why I'm so passionate about sharing these insights with you on the show this week.

    Whether you're running a business, raising a family, or juggling a million different projects, finding ways to support yourself through fitness and lifestyle choices is key.

    But let me be real for a second. I know it's not always easy to stay consistent with fitness, especially when life gets hectic. That's why I want to challenge you to think beyond traditional workout routines. Fitness isn't just about hitting the gym or going for a run. It's about finding movement that feels good and nourishes your body and soul.

    And here's the truth: slow and steady wins the race, every time. It's all about finding the balance between challenging yourself and honoring your body's needs.

    So, if you're ready to embrace a new approach to fitness – one that's fun, sustainable, and empowering – then you're in the right place. Tune in as I share personal stories, practical tips, and actionable advice to help you become the CEO of your fitness journey as well!

    I'll see you inside! xo, Janeen

    If you enjoyed today's show please rate, review, and share the podcast with a friend.

    Ready to book your Unwavering Woman Assessment? Just click here: janeenalley.com/ceo

  • In this week's episode of the podcast I'm emphasizing taking care of your health - it's 100% essential for sustaining creativity and making impactful ideas come to life.

    The secrets I'm sharing today guide you toward, not only achieving your goals, but help you prioritize your health and wellbeing as a necessary foundation for success.

    I'll see you inside!


    Are you ready to book your Unwavering Assessment? Go here: janeenalley.com/ceo

  • My business coach is always saying, "Your capacity to make sales has EVERYTHING to do with your capacity to receive."

    I have found this to be true with anything, not just sales: insights, breakthroughs, gratitude, freedom, time, joy - whatever you want more of!

    You might be wondering, HOW do you actually do this?

    On this week's show, I'm sharing some specific examples of how this has happened for me over the last several months and, more importantly, what I did to increase my capacity to receive.

    I'll see you inside! xo, Janeen

    Are you ready for your 15-minute Unwavering Woman Assessment? BOOK IT HERE: janeenalley.com/ceo

  • So often we relate success to hard work (there needs to be some blood, sweat, or tears involved for us to feel worthy of the success) OR we end up resisting or resenting things that come up...

    ... either option blocks the flow of what's trying to come through.

    When we're in a space of allowing we allow for more help to show up, detours that might lead to connections or solutions we were otherwise unaware of, or the flow of creative ideas or outcomes you weren't expecting that can surprise and delight you along the way.

    Too often we end up trying to force an outcome and we miss so many opportunities and blessings along the way.

    I'm talking all about how to do this on the show today. Join me!

    I'll see you inside! xo, Janeen

    If you're looking to connect with me on a 15-minute Unwavering Woman Assessment, here's the link to schedule: janeenalley.com/ceo

  • On this week's podcast, I am sharing 10 essential characteristics that are required to show up with unwavering conviction. THIS is the energy that attracts!

    The crazy thing is you can be doing or saying all the right things, but if you're not showing up with this energy you will continue to play small.

    I'm sharing all the details in the show.

    I'll see you inside!


    If you're ready to book your free, 15-minute Unwavering Woman Assessment CLICK HERE!

  • The value of what you bring to the table goes much deeper than what you know - it's WHO YOU ARE!

    We've got to leverage what makes us unique to truly become magnetic with our ideals and vision.

    Join me as I share one powerful tool to help you stand out!

    I'll see you inside!

    xo, Janeen

    PS. I'm only sharing 1 of 6 specific methods to really draw this out of you today. If you are interested in going deeper in this content, I want to invite you to book a free 15-minute Unwavering Woman Assessment with me! CLICK HERE to book your call: janeenalley.com/ceo

  • If you sense you're at a crossroads in your life or business I'm sharing how to quiet your self-doubt and fear to connect with your inner wisdom for guidance.

    I'll see you inside!

    xo, Janeen

    Ready to book your Self-Trust Assessment? janeenalley.com/ceo

  • One of the things you'll hear me say is, you don't have a self-doubt problem, you have a problem with Inhibition Instinct.

    If you feel like you have more to share, but your voice feels blocked tune in today to understand how to show up and speak your truth with unwavering conviction and confidence.

    I'll see you inside! xo, Janeen

    Ready to book your Unwavering Woman 15-Minute Call Assessment? Click here: janeenalley.com/ceo