
  • Hi guys, welcome to my podcast once again! I’m here today to give you five phrases in order to agree and disagree in Italian conversations.

    First of all let me see an important thing: agreement or maybe disagreement depends on the level that you feel for something you are sharing to someone.

    In this episode I only want to give you five different ways to express that you agree or maybe disagree to someone for what they are saying to you. I’m going to share the phrases and I’m also going to give you a kind of translation but make sure that only the Italian phrases are authentic.

    Don’t forget to exercise your reading by using the transcription that I’m going to share in the description of this episode.

    Let’s go!

    agree and disagree - five phrases

    Let’s start with AGREE

    1. Sono d’accordo - I agree
    2. La penso come te - I’m thinking the same you think
    3. Hai ragione - You are right
    4. Condivido - I’m sharing your thoughts
    5. Siamo sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda - we are on the same wavelength

    Let’s continue with DISAGREE

    1. Non sono d’accordo - I don’t agree
    2. La penso diversamente - I think differently
    3. Io non credo che sia così - I don’t believe it’s going on that way
    4. Secondo me non è così - I guess it’s not on that way
    5. Non mi trovo d’accordo - I don’t find agreement on that

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi guys and welcome back to my podcast. In this episode I decided to read for you a novel’s plot of an important novel Italian writer; I’m going to read the plot three times: The first time it’s going to be very slow, the second one it will be in a kind of normal speed and the third one I’m going to try to read in a fast regular speed of conversation which is typical of native speakers ;)

    This is going to be a good opportunity for all of you to exercise your listening through three different steps!

    Don’t forget to keep an eye on the transcription! Enjoy

    Paolo Giordano
    “ la solitudine dei numeri primi”
    Novel’s plot (prima parte della trama del romanzo)

    “Alice ha sette anni ed odia la scuola di sci, ma suo padre la obbliga ad andarci. È una mattina di nebbia fitta, lei ha freddo e il latte della colazione le pesa sullo stomaco. In cima alla seggiovia si separa dai compagni e, nascosta nella nebbia, se la fa addosso. Per la vergogna decide di scendere a valle da sola, ma finisce fuori pista, spezzandosi una gamba. Resta sola, incapace di muoversi, al fondo di un canalone innevato, a domandarsi se i lupi ci sono anche in inverno...”

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

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  • Hi friends, my lovely friends! How are you today? What are you doing? I’m ready to share another wonderful episode of Vincent Italian teacher.

    Today I want to talk to you about the role of the subject in Italian. As we know in English is important to put the subject before the verb in every sentence so that the meaning of the sentence is completed. In other terms it’s a mistake to not put the subject. What about Italian language? Is it the same on that? No it’s not the same.

    Especially in conversation Italian people are not used to putting on the subject in the sentence as we are talking to each other. Just for the sake of clarifying this rule I’m going to share 5 sentences: the first one will be completed with subject, the second one will be the typical expression that Italian people used (no subject) and the third one will be the translation in English. Please remember that the second sentence is the typical one that Italian people say during their daily conversations .

    Don’t forget to practice even your reading as well as your speaking by using the transcription that I share every week.

    Let’s go!

    no subject no object - 5 sentences

    1. Io penso di andare a mare oggi; penso di andare a mare oggi; I think I’ll go to the beach today
    2. io vedo che tu sei convinto di quello che dici; vedo che sei convinto di quello che dici; I see you are sure about what you are saying
    3. tu leggi molti libri durante la settimana?; leggi molti libri durante la settimana?; do you usually read many books during your week?
    4. Io voglio sapere se voi avete visto il mio amico Francesco ieri; voglio sapere se avete visto il mio amico Francesco ieri; I want to know if you saw my friend Francesco yesterday.
    5. Loro hanno pensato che noi non saremmo stati capaci di fare questo; hanno pensato che non saremmo stati capaci di fare questo; they thought we wouldn't be able to do this.

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi guys, welcome to my podcast once again! I’m here today to teach you how to talk about your ordinary day in Italian.

    Obviously I’m gonna talk about my ordinary day so that you can learn something new regarding my life: this short paragraph will be useful for you to learn how to use connected words and linked phrases in order to explain your wonderful daily life so you will become even more confident on expressing yourself in Italian.

    Don’t forget to exercise your reading by using the transcription that I’m going to share in the description of this episode.

    Let’s go!

    My ordinary day

    La mia giornata si svolge più o meno sempre così: mi alzo la mattina alle 6:30 naturalmente faccio colazione mi lavo e mi preparo per andare al lavoro. Sono un insegnante, dunque raggiungo la mia scuola per l’ora di lezione che non sempre è alla stessa ora. Terminate le mie lezioni a scuola rientro a casa, preparo il pranzo e mangio. Vivo in un paese di mare quindi spesso se il tempo è bello vado a trascorrere un paio d’ore in spiaggia per rilassarmi e continuare a lavorare con il mio computer sotto il sole! Nel pomeriggio specialmente in alcuni giorni della settimana vado in palestra e mi alleno: faccio sollevamento pesi ed a volte corro. Dopo la doccia rientro a casa leggo qualche pagina del mio libro preferito e preparo la cena. Dopo cena arriva l’ora di Netflix! Mi piace guardare le mie serie preferite e se non sono troppo stanco guardo almeno tre puntate. Vado a letto di solito a mezzanotte o giù di lì. Dopo un sonno riposante la mia giornata è pronta a ricominciare!

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi my dears! How are you today? What are you doing? I’m very excited today because I’m going to share with all of you a fresh conversation with my friend Michela who used to live in the north of the Italy but actually she decided to spend the rest of her life here in the south! She is going to explain us when and why she decided to change her life.

    I just marked this episode as C1 level because I think that probably advanced learners are going to pick up phrases rather than expressions but at the same time I’m sure that all of you will enjoy this chat because you like Italian people and you are into listening to their natural conversations.

    Before to start I want to point out something: in order to do this interview I prepared five questions for Michela that I have to say is both excited and worried about this chat. As a will talk I’m going to introduce each question by saying “domanda 1, domanda 2....” You can find these questions in the description of this episode so that you can review the questions to improve your level of listening as well as to understand as much as possible the answers that Michela is going to give us.

    Last but not least we are recording outside because it’s a wonderful day here; probably you will hear some noises but, you know what, this is part of real conversations guys!

    7 questions

    Domanda 1
    Ciao Michela, intanto presentati!

    Domanda 2
    Hai vissuto per tanto tempo al Nord. Adesso sei qui al sud. Intanto dicci, come mai hai deciso di cambiare la tua vita e quando sei approdata qui a sud.

    Domanda 3
    Siamo amici da molto tempo e so che sei appassionata di fotografia, è vero?

    Domanda 4
    Qual è la cosa che ti piace di più del vivere qui al sud?

    Domanda 5
    Come tutti gli esseri umani che hanno una grande sensibilità e sognano sono convinto anche tu avrai dei grandi sogni per la tua vita. Quali sono?

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi my dears! What is up!? Vincent Italian teacher here...

    We will talk today about conditional: since we have four different types of conditional in English, I thought to use this four types of conditional to talk about how to do conditional in Italian:

    * The Zero Conditional (used for present real situations)
    * The First Conditional (used for future real situations)
    * The Second Conditional (used for present or future unreal rather than imaginary situations)
    * The Third Conditional (used for past unreal rather than imaginary situations)

    I just marked this episode as B1 level because conditional is a tense that can boost your level up, allowing you to use even more complex sentences

    You can find these sentences in the description of this episode so that you can review them one by one, improving your reading skills as well

    Conditional - 4 types

    - If the water gets to 100° it boils
    - Se l’acqua raggiunge 100°, bolle
    - If it is sunny outside, I will go for a walk
    - Se è bello fuori andrò a fare una passeggiata
    - If she was rich enough, she would spend much more time abroad.
    - Se lei fosse abbastanza ricca, spenderebbe molto più tempo all’estero.
    - If they had booked the ticket online, they would have avoided the line
    - Se loro avessero comprato il biglietto online, avrebbero evitato di fare la fila

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi my friends! Vincent Italian teacher here, how are you? Let’s talk about conjunctive today! This is not easy, even for Italian people. I decided to share with you nine sentences that people usually say. I’ll read the sentences a couple of times trying to make the correct intonation and then I will give you the meaning of the phrase.

    As usual I’m going to share in the description of the episode the transcription of what I’m going to say in Italian. Don’t forget to keep an eye on that just for the sake of exercise not only your listening but both your pronunciation and reading.

    conjunctive - 9 phrases

    1 Credo che non venga con noi in vacanza (I think she won’t come with us on vacation)

    2 Speravo che vincessero i nostri.
    (I hoped our team could be able to win)

    3 Dovunque andasse si divertiva.
    (Whenever she went she had fun)

    4 Se cambiassi idea, fammelo sapere.
    (If you changed your mind please let me know)

    5 Penso che valga la pena di tentare.
    (I think it’s worth it to give it a shot)

    6 Desidero che partecipiate alle gare di atletica della scuola della città.
    (I hope you will take part to the athletic city’s race)

    7 Dubitavamo che ripulissi così bene il salone.
    (we didn’t think you were able to thoroughly clean up the living room)

    8 Sospettiamo che il testimone non dica la verità.
    (We think the witness is not saying the truth)

    9 Eravate convinti che non raccogliessimo tante adesioni.
    (You thought we didn’t get so many consents)

    Okay we did it! Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday so that you can improve your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, bye!

  • Hi my friends! Vincent Italian teacher year, how are you? Sorry for the last week I’ve been busy but you know what? We got the episode number nine! Today I decided to share with you a little story about making plans by using the future tense! We use future tens to describe situations that we want to realize in the future but actually we are not sure they will happen.

    As usual I’m going to share in the description of the episode the transcription of what I’m going to say in Italian. Don’t forget to keep an eye on that just for the sake of exercise not only your listening but both your pronunciation and reading.

    a plan for the future

    L’anno prossimo compirò quarant’anni: organizzerò una grande festa, inviterò molti amici! Mio fratello sicuramente mi aiuterà, prepareremo il pranzo insieme mentre i nostri amici porteranno da bere. Potrete vedere l’evento live perché trasmetteremo la festa su Instagram! E tu, tu che stai ascoltando, verrai alla festa?

    Okay we did it! I want to share with all of you that I’m going to start some days off! I’ll release the episode number 10 on September the 6th

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi my lovely friends! How are you today? Welcome to the episode number eight of my podcast Vincent Italian teacher. Today I decided to share with you five useful phrases with the verb “sentire”.

    This is an interesting verb indeed because it can be used in three different ways, with three different meanings: “sentire” means to listen, to hear and to feel.

    That said, I’m going to share the phrase in Italian and then the translation in English so that you can practice as much as possible to acquire this lovely phrases for your wonderful vocabulary.

    5 useful phrases

    - Sento un po’ di musica
    - Sento che sei preoccupato
    - Sento che domani andremo a mare
    - Sento freddo
    - Ti sento, puoi continuare a parlare!

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi my dears! How are you today? What are you doing? I’m very excited today because I’m going to share with all of you a fresh conversation with my friend Francesco who is completely down for basketball. He is going to explain us when and why he started playing basketball, eventually trying to become a basketball teacher.

    I just marked this episode as C1 level because I think that probably advanced learners are going to pick up phrases rather than expressions but at the same time I’m sure that all of you will enjoy this chat because you like Italian people and you are into listening to their natural conversations.

    Before to start I want to point out something: in order to do this interview I prepared seven questions for Francesco and as a will talk I’m going to introduce each question by saying “domanda 1, domanda 2....” You can find these questions in the description of this episode so that you can review the questions to improve your level of listening as well as to understand as much as possible the answers that Francesco is going to give me.

    7 questions

    Domanda 1
    Ciao Francesco, intanto presentati!

    Domanda 2
    Ok, come i nostri amici sanno, questa chiacchierata è ispirata dalla tua passione per il basketball, in italiano diremmo pallacanestro. Come è nata questa passione? Quando hai cominciato a giocare?

    Domanda 3
    Poi io so che per un lungo periodo tu non hai più praticato perché hai cominciato a lavorare. Quando e perché hai ripreso a giocare?

    Domanda 4
    ti piace guardare la pallacanestro anche in tv?

    Domanda 5
    Poi ad un certo punto c’è stata un’altra svolta: hai deciso di diventare allenatore di pallacanestro. Come mai? Quali sono state le cose che hai fatto?

    Domanda 6
    Cosa stai preparando adesso? Cosa ti riserva il futuro per la pallacanestro?

    Domanda 7
    Mi piace chiudere quest’intervista chiedendoti di dare un consiglio a tutti quelli che ascoltano questo podcast. Sono tutte persone che vogliono imparare a parlare italiano. Che consiglio potresti dare a loro per approcciare nella maniera più naturale questa lingua?

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi my dears! How are you today? In this episode I’m going to share with you “one minute news” that I found on YouTube: Andrea Camilleri, One of the most important writer in Italy, passed away a couple of days ago.

    So I’m going to share a short comment by using slow Italian phrases and then you are gonna hear the president of the senate of the Republic Mrs Elisabetta Casellati, that talker to senators and asked them to do one minuto silence in memory of the great writer.

    This is going to be a good opportunity for all of you to exercise your listening through two different voices and speeds!

    Don’t forget to keep an eye on the transcription! Enjoy

    Mrs. Elisabetta Casellati
    President on the Senate of the Italian Republic

    The transcription
    “ Signori Senatori, si è spento questa mattina all’ospedale Santo Spirito di Roma il maestro Andrea Camilleri: nonostante la malattia che da tempo l’aveva colpito Camilleri ha voluto fino all’ultimo regalarci opere indimenticabili che rappresentano un’eccellenza assoluta della letteratura contemporanea; nella sua vita è stato tante cose: scrittore autore televisivo sceneggiatore insegnante divulgatore e sempre tratti dell’unicità della fantasia e della originalità ne hanno caratterizzato le opere. Ha fatto conoscere al mondo la sua Sicilia: i profumi i sapori le atmosfere le atmosfere uniche di Licata e del commissario Montalbano rappresentano un vero e proprio filone culturale che ha giustamente avuto negli anni un ineguagliabile successo sia in libreria sia in televisione; le sue prese di posizione anche relative al dibattito pubblico hanno sempre messo in primo piano l’amore per l’Italia e per il suo territorio a partire dalla difesa dell’ambiente e del patrimonio storico e culturale, e proprio la sua impronta costituirà il tassello della cultura italiana.
    Vi invito ad un minuto di raccoglimento. “

    Remember that I’m used to sharing an episode every Friday just for the sake of improving your level! So thank you so much for tuning in to my podcast guys! See you next time, by for now

  • Hi guys and welcome back to my podcast. In this episode I decided to read for you a novel’s plot of an important novel Italian writer; I’m going to read the plot three times: The first time it’s going to be very slow, the second one it will be in a kind of normal speed and the third one I’m going to try to read in a fast regular speed of conversation which is typical of native speakers ;)

    This is going to be a good opportunity for all of you to exercise your listening through three different steps!

    Don’t forget to keep an eye on the transcription! Enjoy

    Margaret Mazzantini
    “Non ti muovere”
    Novel’s plot (trama del romanzo)

    The transcription
    Una mattina Angela ha un incidente con il suo scooter. Trasportata d'urgenza in ospedale, viene identificata da una rianimatrice come la figlia di un suo amico, un chirurgo dell'ospedale, Timoteo. Venuto a conoscenza della notizia, l'uomo ripensa al suo passato e si rivolge con un lungo monologo alla figlia, a cui racconta un periodo della sua vita fino ad allora tenuto segreto: la passione per una travagliata ragazza di borgata, Italia, che lo portò alla rinascita, alla scoperta di sé, quando ormai tutto sembrava non avere più alcun senso. Un amore nato come sfogo orrendo, tramontato quando era sul punto di divenire vita. La morte della donna in seguito ad una setticemia causata da un aborto lascerà un vuoto incolmabile in Timoteo, che si vedrà costretto a riprendere la propria strada e tornare alla sua arida esistenza familiare ed alla sua vita di facciata. Solo in seguito, la figura della figlia risanerà parzialmente la grande ferita.

  • hi guys! This is the fourth episode of my podcast. I’m going to share with you something regarding my life, in Italian though. Yes! This episode will be completely in Italian because as you probably know it is for intermediate learners, so stay comfortable and enjoy my little story

    The transcription
    Ciao a tutti! Come sapete mi chiamo Vincenzo. Questo è il mio nome. Sono nato a Como un paese del nord Italia ma in realtà vivo a sud in una città chiamata Monopoli. Faccio l’insegnante, mi sono laureato in fisica 20 anni fa e sono felicissimo di fare l’insegnante perché è un bellissimo mestiere. Sono sempre a contatto con gli studenti, insegno una materia interessante che a loro piace molto, anche se a volte la trovano un po’ difficile da studiare. Ho un fratello che è quattro anni più piccolo e che vive in Spagna, è sposato ed ha una bellissima bambina che si chiama Giulia. Sono anche musicista: ho studiato violino e da vent’anni dirigo un gruppo gospel con il quale facciamo concerti ogni Natale. Non ci crederete ma Sono anche uno YouTuber: due anni fa ho aperto un canale YouTube dedicato alla fisica ed alla matematica che ha raggiunto quasi 12.000 iscritti. Il canale ha un nome simpaticissimo: “la fisica che ci piace”. Non smetto mai di sognare perché credo che ogni giorno ognuno di noi possa realizzare progetti, semplicemente amando la vita!

  • Hi my friends and welcome back! I’m going to explain how to say hello rather than how to say goodbye in Italian. There are a lot of different phrases that you can use, I want to point out about five of them though. Enjoy! 😎👉🏼 FOR YOUR PRACTICE: ciao! Come stai? Come va? Che si dice? Da quanto tempo! Ciao ciao! Alla prossima! Arrivederci! Ci vediamo presto! Buona giornata! Buona serata!

  • Hi friends! Let’s discover today how to ask people to have a coffee together. I’m going to share with you three different questions and five different answers. Enjoy! 😎👉🏼 FOR YOUR PRACTICE: un caffè? Ti va un caffè? Posso offrirti un caffè? Sì. Sì, certo. Ok. Perché no! Magari!

  • Hi guys! This is my my first episode!! On my ...I’m so excited! I’m an Italian guy and I want to share with all of you my beautiful language: Italian 💜. In this first episode you’ll learn how to present yourself in a easy way 😎 👉🏼 FOR YOUR PRACTICE: ciao, mi chiamo Vincenzo, ho quarant’anni, sono un insegnante, sono un docente.