Living With Flavor is a podcast for all of your family. Heba shares with you scientific knowledge, psychological theories, and her coaching experience related to simply all aspects of life!
Karen Millon, is a Certified Professional Coach and the Author of An Amazing Divorce, who inspires you to heal IN to achieve higher levels of satisfaction in every area of your life by introducing you to all the different healing modalities and inspirational healing stories.
A podcast to help navigate the who, what, where, and how of mental health and mental health care for children and adolescents. This podcast is geared for youth, families, and those who support youth in identifying and navigating mental health needs.
Dr. K is a board certified child/adolescent psychiatrist who has worked with youth and families to address and manage their mental health care for over a decade.
This podcast is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented is not a replacement for seeing a trained professional for your mental health needs.
New episodes will be released every week. -
Are you a new postpartum mom struggling to find yourself amid extreme fatigue and sleep deprivation?
Do you find yourself rocking your baby late at night, googling to see if your baby’s sleeping, eating, and pooping are “normal” - and finding yourself even more confused?
Do you worry that you’re doing everything wrong as a new mom and wish you could trust that you are the best mom for your baby?
You’re in the right place. Say goodbye to the late-night panic searches about sleep patterns and nursing questions, and welcome to the New Mom Naturopath podcast!
In this podcast, we’ll explore how to find - and feel like - yourself again in the busy, beautiful world of being a new mom. I’ll answer your postpartum questions about sleep patterns, nursing and feeding, caring for your baby, yourself, and your needs.
I am Dr. Kailyn Galloway, a mom and naturopath who loves everything postpartum. My son was diagnosed with clubfeet while I was pregnant. He was a healthy baby, but my postpartum experience was nothing like I thought it would be. Despite my education, I still felt anxious about whether I could be the mom my son needed me to be.
To find peace, I tried everything - researching, meditating, and journaling. No matter what I did, I worried I wasn’t enough. But here’s the thing: postpartum anxiety is a reality for many, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. You’re not alone. Through focusing on my mental health, doing lots of research, and trial and error, I was able to create a practical plan for post-baby life that worked for me. And now I’m excited to share it with you!
If you want to feel calmer, more patient, and confident as a mom...
If you’re interested in practical stress-reduction techniques that fit your hectic schedule…
If you want to understand your body’s changes in postpartum, use that to be more energetic and attentive…
Then you’ve found your sanctuary in the New Mom Naturopath podcast.
Grab a snack and lots of water—nursing cover optional—and let’s discover how to be the mom you’ve always wanted to be.
Want a personalized plan for finding who you are as a mom? Sign up for a free coaching call today. Click here: -
بهدوء مع كريم اسماعيل
الهدف الأساسي من البودكاست هو إكسابك حريه التصرف وفقًا للمعتقدات الأنسب لذاتك الحقيقيه وأهدافك لأن مش كل الناس تقدر تختبر رحله علاج نفسي مع معالج، فأعتبر ده اجتهاد مني اني اساعدك تطلع أو تطلعي لقدام في حياتك : )
ياللا بينا نغير حياتنا و نبتدي بدايه صح💪💪
بداية تغيير حياتنا للاحسن و نعترف بعادتنا الغلط اللي محتاجين نعدلها علشان نعيش حياه صحيه و نبعد شويه عن ضغوط الحياه او بمعنى اصح نحول كل الضغوط اللي حوالينا لحاجات ايجابيه تسعدنا و تشجعنا على الاستمرار فى الحياة بشكل ايجابى🤩 خلينا نبدأ و نحكي حكاياتنا و نبتدي سلسلة بود كاست نيللي و حكايات الدايت🧚♀️
يلا نحقق اهدافنا
حياة صحية❤
وزن صحى🧜♀️
أكلات صحية 🍒🍎🍇
وحنرفع مع بعض شعار الدايت مش ورقة وميزان 👻
وحقدر اوصل لاكبر عدد ممكن للناس اللى عايزة تستفيد وتفهم وتغير حياتها ان شاء الله👩⚕️
حقدر انشر تصحيح لمفاهيم كتير غلط منتشرة فى سوق الدايت من غير المتخصصين وده بمساعدتكم👩💻
مع نيللى وحكايات الدايت حياتك صحية وسعيدة ومثالية ان شاء الله 🧚♀️🧚♀️
بسم الله ✍✍
#نيللى_وحكايات_الدايت -
بودكاست أسبوعي مع حنان عزالدين مؤسسة ذا فاميلي هاب (@thefamilyhub__) بنتكلم فيه على كل المواضيع العائلية مثل التربية الإيجابية والدراسة والتعليم وتنظيم الوقت وغيرها من المواضيع إلي بتشغلنا عشان نربي أولاد سوية في زمن مختلف وسريع ومحتاجنا نتعلم عشان صحة اولادنا.
In this Podcast, Monica and Dr. Farouk talk all things therapy, wellness, mental health and self discovery, with experts! Powered by O7 Therapy
بودكاست عن كل ما يتعلق بالسايكولوجي والسلامة النفسية مع مونيكا، د.فاروق ومتخصصين. -
بودكاست يهدف لإيصالك لشعور السلام؛ سواء مع نفسك أو مع علاقاتك وزواجك. تقديم الأخصائية زهره عبدالله النفيلي. الاخصائية زهره حاصلة على درجه ماجستير في العلاج الزوجي والأسري من أمريكا، ولديها خبرة عمل بين أمريكا والسعودية. تستقبل أستشارات للبالغين والمتزوجين عن طريق عيادتها الألكترونية. تركيز أهتمامها هو مساعدة الأفراد والمتزوجين للحصول على درجة من الطمأنينة والهدوء النفسي عن طريق النظر إلى حياتهم وعلاقاتهم بوعي وتقبل للتغيير إلى الأفضل
'Yalla Nehki' is a Monthly Podcast Hosted by Tala Al Kurd, A Psychotherapist that is passionate about starting the discussion about Mental Health, to increase awareness and help demystify its concepts. The core of the podcast is in the belief that the definition of mental health should go beyond the reduction of mental illness and incorporate the promotion of well-being.
الحياة السعيدة تبدأ بوعي
A podcast for busy working moms to help you have the mental and physical resources you need to effectively do all the things you need to do and stay sane. This show includes strategies to improve your physical and mental health as well as your relationships so you can work at maximum performance. You will also learn how to relax your mind with affirming meditations.
Master the part of basketball that is played with the mind.
If you’re a woman in medicine, by definition you are a badass. But juggling work and life responsibilities can be challenging. Join Psychologist and Success Coach, Dr. Sharon Grossman, each week as she shares practical tips to address the real-life struggles you are facing so that you can be unstoppable.
I created this podcast as a platform to talk about The SELF. I have learnt that you cannot master LIFE without a constant review of one's self . That's why i talk about ways in which we can encourage Self growth, Self awareness, Self love, Self improvement, Self empowerment and mental health alertness.. basically everything that affect our relationship with life...I encourage you to listen and l
📧 Email : [email protected]
Cover art photo provided by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash: -
Picture me this- a 20 year old gets an Eating Disorder, decides to go to treatment, makes amazing friends, has a TikTok about recovery blow up, and decides to start a podcast.
Sit down each week and have a meal with Lauren while she talks all things ED Recovery and more!
As she shares stories, dives into what recovery really looks like, and talks to friends about their experiences in recovery while actively recovering herself.
A feel good, inside look at how much fun recovery can really be while still being raw and vulnerable with the struggles that come along. -
Joyful and Gentle practices that help you cultivate and nourish Peace in your life and on the Planet. Support this podcast:
Suggestions and tips for parents on transitioning from one environment to another
A new kind of Pregnancy & Motherhood Podcast! If you used to pop champagne in the clurrrrb and now you’re popping prenatal vitamins, well, you’ve come to the right place. From the writer and creator of the comedy Instagram and Podcast “Big Kid Problems” comes a brand new show about the roller coaster of Pregnancy and new Motherhood!
For Pregnancy Episodes, scroll on down to the beginning of this podcast and you will find all 40 week-by-weeks of pregnancy with Sarah. Find your week OR start from the beginning and get ready to commiserate with your new preggo bestie!