Listen to the whole NLT or GNT Bible in 365 20-minute-long podcasts!
Join host Brooke Snow in conversations that will encourage you to look forward with faith. Faith in yourself, faith in God, and faith in living your own divine mission and purpose.
Looking Within is a podcast to help you quiet your mind, settle your body, and see God’s presence in your everyday life. Julie Stevens leads this program with the hope your time together will help you to feel more grounded, whole, and filled with a growing desire to be a conduit of God’s love and presence to the world around you.
Have you ever gotten tired of all of the foolishness and religious rules that bad religion inevitably adds to New Testament Christianity? If so, this is the podcast for you. Spotting bad religion, practicing the presence of God, New Testament Christianity, relationship not religion, love instead of rules, realizing who God made you to be, being the person God made you to be, tolerance, acceptance, love, enlightened, the keys of Christianity, open-minded, unlocking the power of God inside of you,
Planted in 2015 out of the Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham NC, our core team of 60 people uprooted their lives to bring the gospel message to the city of Charlotte. We are one church with multiple campuses. Our mission is to make disciples who love God, love each other, and love our world, and we aim to see a gospel awakening in the city of Charlotte that is carried to the ends of the earth! We'd love for you to join us! Visit to learn more about us and how you can get involved!
Pappina Sveitsissä podcast avaa kuulijalle ikkunan Sveitsissä tehtävään kirkon ulkosuomalaistyöhön. Miltä papin arki näyttää Sveitsissä? Keitä ovat Sveitsissä asuvat suomalaiset? Meneekö papilta hermo, kun matka lapsen kastetilaisuuteen tai messuun kestää viisi tuntia suuntaansa?
Tule mukaan yhteiselle matkalle, jossa mukana mielenkiintoisia haastateltavia, sekä Sveitsissä toimivien pappien omia aatoksia papin työstä, elämän merkityksellisyydestä ja hengellisestä etsinnästä! -
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day. -
Maailmanpuu – joogaan ja maailman viisausperinteisiin keskittyvät podcast. Isäntinä joogaopettaja Miska Käppi ja tietokirjailija Matti Rautaniemi.
Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery. Learn more about Nicole's work at, and check out her YouTube channel The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW. (
Ready to dive into all things manifestation? From the Law of Attraction to self-help and spirituality, Aligned Abundance by Emma Mumford covers it all. With new episodes released every Monday, expect to get deep and personal as Emma welcomes you into her world and shows you what’s truly possible with the power of manifestation.
As the UK’s leading manifestation expert, award-winning life coach, renowned speaker, and four-time bestselling author of Positively Wealthy, Hurt, Healing, Healed, and Manifesting Rituals, with over a decade of manifesting experience Emma knows her stuff - and you’re about to get a front-row seat.
Expect deeply relatable topics, advice, and inspirational guest conversations, as well as access to Emma’s proven methods and tools to help you turn your dream life into an abundant reality. Tune in and get ready - because you’re about to supercharge your manifestation powers and live a life beyond your wildest dreams!
Learn more about Emma
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Join Emma's FREE Law of Attraction Support Group on Facebook -
Watch Emma's YouTube videos -
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A weekly podcast about Christianity and leftist politics. The Magnificast is hosted by Dean Dettloff and Matt Bernico. Each week's episode focuses on a unique or under-realized aspect of territory between Christianity and politics that no one taught you about in sunday school.
Listen to Greg Boyd share his wisdom and insight 3 times per week. Recognized in 2010 as one of the 20 most influential living Christian scholars, Greg's teachings have enlightened people all over the world in their search for God. Get to know Greg and his profound theology through these short, impactful episodes.
Start at the beginning (episode #1)....this is an audio-Journey of someone who hit life's bottom later in life, re-programmed his fundamental Christian upbringing, and found an entirely new way of living successfully and fulfilled. This is an on-going story, with twists, turns, victories, bumps, and always lessons. It explores the Subconscious Mind's impact on our lives and how it controls outcomes without us having to lift a finger. This is about Energy, Subconscious Programming, the Law of Attraction, Intuition, Parallel Universe Shifting, Reality Shifting, Desired Realities, and new ways of living! The message of this podcast is never too late to make massive changes in your life and start living a new life now! Thomas is also the narrator of over 30 audiobooks for author Fred Dodson and astrologer Steven Forrest. Join Thomas Miller as we "Enjoy the Journey!"Intro music by special commission © 2013-2024.
Codka waayaha Cusub wuxuu qayb ka yahay hay’ad dadka barta Kitaabka Qodduuska ah, oo loo yaqaanno (Thru-the Bible) ama Dhexmarka kitaabka Qodduuska ah. Taxanahan waxaa isku dubbariday horraan Ditoor J.Vernon McGee, waxaana lagu turjumay, oo lagu jaangooyey in ka badan 100 luuqadood iyo lahjado. Waxaa loo qaabeeyey barnaamijyo ka kooban 30 daqiiqo oo isku xig-xiga, kuwaasoo dhegaystaha uu ku baranayo Baybalka oo dhan. Iminka barnaamijyadaas oo dhan, waxay kugu jiraan internetka.
Waxaanan ku faraxsan nahay in aad dooratay bal inaad wax badan ka barato Hadallada Ilaah adigoo dhegaysanaya barnaamijyadaas. Waxaa haddaba lagugu adkaynayaa inaad haatan dhegaysato ugu yaraan hal barnaamij maalintiiba, ka billaabata Isniinta ilaa iyo Jimcaha. Haddii aad sidaa yeesho toddobaad waliba, ayaa shanta sannadood ee soo socota ku baran doontaa qisooyinka kitaabka Qodduuska ah.
Waxaanan ku faraxsan nahay in aad dooratay bal inaad wax badan ka barato Hadallada Ilaah adigoo dhegaysanaya barnaamijyadaas. Waxaa haddaba lagugu adkaynayaa inaad haatan dhegaysato ugu yaraan hal barnaamij maalintiiba, ka billaabata Isniinta ilaa iyo Jimcaha. Haddii aad sidaa yeesho toddobaad waliba, ayaa shanta sannadood ee soo socota ku baran doontaa qisooyinka kitaabka Qodduuska ah. -
The Follow Me Out of Debt podcast is an easily-digestible show that's a unique peek into Tom's personal strategies that will show you what works (and what doesn't) to get out of debt and get into prosperity.
This isn't your typical get-out-of-debt show like others you may have heard before from other well-known authors and show hosts, including Dave Ramsey, Clark Howard, and others.
Instead, Tom is taking only the best and most recent and relevant information that's out there and distilling this into his own exclusive brand of successful and time-tested strategies that will help you to get out of debt and get into prosperity. -
A weekly program dedicated to teaching Bible prophecy, discussing world headline news, and proclaiming the return of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
⚠️DISCLAIMER: This enneagram podcast contains highly charged elements. Contents may cause unexpected states of psychological depth and trigger unconventional insight. Listener discretion is advised. Hosted by John Luckovich, Emeka Okorafor, David Gray, Alexandra Arroyo-Acevedo
Janoinenlammas podcast paneutuu elämän isoihin kysymyksiin rohkeasti ja ytimekkäästi. Pääset jyvälle kristinuskon perusasioista sekä Raamatun keskeisistä opetuksista. Toivomme että se sytyttää sinussa innon lukemaan tätä ainutlaatuista kirjaa, jossa voit kohdata itse elävän Jumalan!
Keskustelua ajankohtaisista asioista ja ilmiöistä teologian valossa. Vaihtuvia vieraita ja kiinnostavia aiheita.