Hver ukedag gir Forklart deg en grundig forklaring av én nyhet på bare 15 minutter. Aftenpostens journalister gir deg en rask oppdatering og hjelper deg med å forstå hvordan ting henger sammen.
Forklart er gratis, finnes overalt og er én av landets største podkaster.
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Mind of State is a podcast that exists at the intersection of politics and psychology. Each episode features lively commentary on current events, policymakers, and the body politic, and how we have arrived at this moment, as observed through both a political and psychological lens. We explore how "mind" impacts "state" — and vice versa. Tune in, as co-hosts Betty Teng and Jonathan Kopp engage in nuanced conversation with experts from the worlds of politics and psychology as well as others from related fields who have studied the complex dynamics between individual/group psychology and political processes. Mind of State is produced in NYC, by Betty Teng, Jonathan Kopp, Thomas Singer, Alletta Cooper and Jenny Woodward. [Mind of State wrapped Season One after Episode 15 and will return for Season Two after a brief hiatus.]
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This podcast covers topics in neuroscience, health and performance with the Carrick Institute
Trust in the media is at an all-time low. And there’s a reason—endless virtue signaling and manufactured outrage. Finally, there’s an alternative. Morning Wire is presented by Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief, John Bickley, and co-host Georgia Howe. Get daily coverage of the latest developments in politics, culture, education, sports, and more. Wake up with Morning Wire and get the facts first on the news you need to know.
Få perspektiv på de vigtigste og mest interessante aktuelle dagsordener med lyden af Jyllands-Posten. Følg med alle hverdage kl. 04.30. Hvis du vil vide mere.
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Velkommen til ROvolutionen – en podcast om at finde indre RO.
ROvolutionen handler først og fremmest om, hvordan vi finder indre ro – gennem yoga, ayurveda, spiritualitet, meditation, healing, mindfulness og andre spændende emner.
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On OMTimes’ flagship radio show, What Is Going OM, veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer conducts thought-provoking interviews with inspirational authors, artists, musicians, teachers, scientists, speakers and filmmakers who are working at the point where spirituality and science meet consciousness at the very Edge of OM.
Listen Live every Thursday at 7 PM EST on -
Der Podcast für alle, die Spiritualität und modernes Leben mit viel Lebensfreude und Leichtigkeit verbinden wollen. Madhavi plaudert über alltagstaugliche Spiritualität, Meditation, Yoga, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, ätherische Öle und Ernährung – kurz gesagt: alles, was unseren Alltag ein bisschen heller und freundlicher macht.
A podcast to connect you to your true nature and beauty.
Morgen på Radio 100 i dag
En snak om det der gør ondt
B.T.s debatredaktion sætter en tydelig og velargumenteret borgerlig dagsorden. Astrid Johanne Høg og Emilie Brovall Jäger skaber den borgerlige debat sammen med politisk kommentator Joachim B. Olsen, chefredaktør Simon Richard Nielsen og en gæst med indflydelse og noget på spil.
Konflikt og vold vinder frem verden over - og stabiliteten smuldrer.
Krig i Ukraine, vestlig oprustning, tiltagende stormagtsrivalisering over Taiwan og et polariseret USA i opløsning.
Konfliktzonen giver dig én, daglig historie fra en verden i oprør. -
“Alt det du mærker” er en hyldest til alle følelserne og fornemmelserne i kroppen. Uanset om du byder det velkommen eller ej, så mærker du livet på godt og ondt — og din frihed ligger ikke i kontrollen, men i nysgerrigheden og omsorgen for dig selv og alt hvad du sanser og føler. Krop- og psykoterapeut Simon Funder guider dig med kærlig hånd igennem Alt det du mærker.
In the world of structure, stress, and seemingly meaningless tasks, it can be easy for one to feel lost and empty. Move beyond career success and access true mental wellness and personal fulfillment as we take you through the landscape of the emotions and personal discoveries that shape who we are. The Observatory podcast, is a space for authentic discussions, dedicated to helping you discover or rediscover meaning in your life. Rooted in the wisdom of their own experiences, our hosts Scott and LaRae Wright started their journeys as accomplished executives, with their successful and lucrative 9-5 jobs with Fortune 100 companies and in the finance industry. Unsatisfied with restrictive environments that demanded a disconnected, curated self, these successes gave them meaningful insights into who they weren’t and led them to the path of truly empowered self-discovery. Their journeys have opened their eyes to the possibilities of their own futures and they want to help you do the same. Each week, join us in our commitment to helping you navigate everything from entrepreneurial dreams to personal transformation with stronger clarity of who you truly are.
Our Freedom From Fear podcast is all about making German New Medicine fun, easy to understand and accessible for everyone! We are passionate about teaching, sharing and applying GNM in a light and humorous way so you can let go of the fear of your symptoms and sink into trusting the ancient wisdom of your body. We are excited to have you here and look forward to your questions and feedback! Happy listening :)
Welcome to the Heart Centered Revolution podcast! We are Jen and Ramtin Pourvasei, and we aim to uplift and inspire you by sharing wisdom and techniques from Kudnalini Yoga and other consciousness practices. Listen to learn tools to feel connected to your true self, and to understand what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Each episode ends with a short pranayam, or breathing meditation. Learn more at
Welcome to the Mastering Diabetes Audio Experience, where we teach you how to sit in the driver’s seat of your diabetes health for the rest of your life. We’ll teach you how to reverse insulin resistance, achieve your ideal body weight, gain energy, and get your BEST A1c following almost 100 years of evidence-based research in the Mastering Diabetes Program.
Our program teaches you how to reverse prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, and how to simplify your life with type 1 diabetes by maximizing your insulin sensitivity using food as medicine.
We are on a bold mission to reverse insulin resistance in 1 million people. We’re glad to have you joining us. -
With amazing guests or solo, I explore the craft of teaching yoga, as its own practice. I’m seeking answers to the questions about why we teach something the way we do, how we could be more expansive and inclusive in our teaching, and how we can continue to grow and evolve in our teaching practice.
I’m so glad you are here because I believe the depth that arises in teaching comes from inquiry and relationship. Join me as I offer nourishing support to help you feel more confident in your teaching and realistic strategy to help you find more clarity on your career path.
Francesca Cervero (she/her) has been a full-time yoga teacher since 2005. Her teaching is inspired by her foundational training with Cyndi Lee at OM Yoga Center, the years she spent as a dancer and the subsequent years she spent in physical therapy. Her teaching is also influenced by her love of Buddhist teachings and a constant curiosity about anatomy and biomechanics. She is in private practice teaching a full schedule of 1x1 clients, mentors yoga teachers in The Science of the Private Lesson™, hosts the podcast, The Mentor Sessions: Support & Strategy for Yoga Teachers and is the founder of the adjoining community, The Mentor Sessions Sangha. -
Tara Hunkin is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, mother and founder of My Child Will Thrive a resource that shares with you the latest science, tips, resources and tools to help you on the path to health and happiness for your child with ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder, or learning disabilities. Tara's own experiences with her daughter -- combined with as much training as she can get her hands on, research she can dig into, and conferences she can attend -- have helped her to develop systems and tools for parents like you who feel overwhelmed trying to help their children thrive.