
  • This week provides us with endless opportunities to shift our perspectives. So we are breaking down the spiritual and practical implications of making mistakes. Kabbalistically speaking, every action does have a consequence, not as punishment but as a return of what was invested. When we view our mistakes as lessons rather than failures, and embrace temporary discomfort as a chance for spiritual growth, we realize that every perceived consequence can be an elevator, taking us to our next level in life.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • This week, we’re unveiling a step-by-step guide to discovering and fully embracing your purpose:
    Begin each day with a clear intention to express your deepest desire—to give, to contribute, and to create value in alignment with your true calling. Seek out opportunities to transform ordinary moments into meaningful ones by consciously asking yourself how you can make a difference. And rather than resisting feelings of jealousy or comparison, recognize them as signposts, guiding you toward what truly matters to you. When approached with awareness, even these emotions can accelerate the revelation of your purpose.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
    he highest version of yourself—the one your soul is destined to become—already exists within you! The LIMITLESS: Manifest Your Highest Self Through the Wisdom of Kabbalah course is designed to help you experience breakthroughs, so your ability to access it becomes LIMITLESS. This 10 week journey with Eitan & Elisheva starts Tuesday, March 4th on Zoom, are you ready to delve deep into the Kabbalistic teachings direct from their source to unlock more of your soul’s potential? Join us: discover.kabbalah.com/limitless

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

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  • Our days are full of opportunities to give, so how do we know when the right time is to give, or how to give in the best way? How do we balance giving with setting healthy boundaries, avoiding people-pleasing behaviors, and recognizing when giving is driven by personal agendas. Whether you’re selfish or selfless, this week is the opportunity to increase the blessings we experience as a result of our giving, in small and great ways.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    he highest version of yourself—the one your soul is destined to become—already exists within you! The LIMITLESS: Manifest Your Highest Self Through the Wisdom of Kabbalah course is designed to help you experience breakthroughs, so your ability to access it becomes LIMITLESS. This 10 week journey with Eitan & Elisheva starts Tuesday, March 4th on Zoom, are you ready to delve deep into the Kabbalistic teachings direct from their source to unlock more of your soul’s potential? Join us: discover.kabbalah.com/limitless

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • As spiritual people, we endeavor to make the world a better place through our presence, actions and effort to transform ourselves. At the same time, it’s natural to struggle with the same existential questions as non-spiritual folk: why is there so much suffering in the world? If I’m shining my light so much more brightly than everyone else, why am I still struggling? Why does it seem like others have it so much easier than me? This week the Creator broadcasts the answers to our own personal “whys” and we’re talking about how to be truly open to the answers.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Listening is a skill, an artform, and this is the week to cultivate it! More than ever, we live in a time that demands us to listen without bias and to be receptive to both internal and external guidance. We discuss how to avoid selective listening, how to balance listening to guidance and taking ownership of life decisions, as well as how to use this week's energy to grow against our self-focused nature. The Creator's messages come through various forms of communication, and this week we're opening ourselves to them all.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Are you ready to split your own sea? This week is all about accessing and harnessing the power of miracles in our lives. Kabbalah teaches that connecting to the unlimited blessings and Light of the Creator, our main work is to expand our mindset and perception to live in an unlimited reality. But don't worry, we're also sharing the practical steps and spiritual principles for inviting more miracles into our lives, combining wisdom and tools into a recipe for miracle-making!

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Leading in uncertainty is all about the maintaining an elevated mindset and trust in the unknown. In this month of Capricorn, the heavier energy awakens the need for strength and guidance. So this is the week to shift from ego-driven control to trusting the Creator, as well as becoming comfortable making unpopular decisions and facing opposition. If we can maintain internal stability and trust, especially in times like these when external conditions are uncertain, we create greater potential to navigate life's challenges effectively in the long run.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • We’re all great at changing when life requires it. External pressure demands adjustment and altering our course, and when the external pressure ends, it’s also easy to go back to the way we were. Kabbalistically speaking, the most powerful and profound change actually takes place when we have the leisure and freedom of time and comfort. This week we’re offering practical advice on maintaining spiritual urgency and the importance of internal desires over external ones, and how to maintain mindfulness and spiritual growth during both good and bad times.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • This week, we begin a six-week spiritual voyage of redefining personal stories and breaking free from repetitive patterns. This period offers us an opportunity to address unlearned life lessons and transform long standing emotional challenges. Discover the techniques and mindsets that can support you in taking advantage of the energy available. This is the week to commit to change and transformation - for yourself and for the world!

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Download the Zohar app for android: https://bit.ly/4j7LHGp

    Download the Zohar app for iPhone: https://apple.co/4agxgvB

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Delve with us into the spiritual significance of endings. Kabbalah teaches that endings are not negative but can be opportunities for new beginnings. While its normal and natural to see end as a kind of death or loss, when we tap into our higher consciousness, we can more easily recognize the hidden opportunities for growth and expansion that lie on the other side of completion. Discover best practices for navigating endings, such as being honest with oneself, avoiding regret and facing the unknown with excitement.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • This week, the new year coincides with the new moon of Capricorn, so we're looking at all of the newness that 2025 will shine upon us. We take a deep dive into the astrological significance of Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus moving into new signs, an impactful transition from earth and water elements to air and fire. This all indicates a shift for humanity from stability and predictability into an era of innovation, rapid change, deeper spiritual and familial connections, and infinite opportunities to overcome division and upheaval. Grab a pen and paper - this is the week to close the gaps between us and others, while embracing a new path paved with Light and blessings.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and Kabbalistic astrologer @MiriamAshkenazi. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Use coupon code BOOST20 (valid until 1/6/25) for a 20% discount on your cabalistic astrology reading with Miriam Ashkenazi here : https://guidance.kabbalah.com/teachers/miriam-ashkenazi

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • The wisdom of Kabbalah provides us with tools to harness the spiritual energy of every hour, day, week and month. And we aim to provide that wisdom in every episode of Weekly Energy Boost, together with practical examples, anecdotes and opportunities to learn more. This wisdom and these tools can enhance our personal growth journey and connect us more deeply to our purpose. This week offers us a combination of weekly and monthly energy that is unparalleled. We'll break down the ease and simplicity with which we can connect this week, and shine more Light on how to bring more Light and significance to your own spiritual practice.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Practicing the art of waiting requires an attitude of surrender, trust and spiritual maturity, rather than reacting out of ego. With practice, you can learn to navigate challenges with more patience, wisdom and faith in the perfection of the universe. This week the universe pushes us to keep the big picture in mind and even if you can't see the divine plan unfolding, it is working for your highest good. Be patient, as justice and balance will be served in the right time.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at www.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • The kabbalists teach this secret to greater success in anything that we do: before any endeavor in the physical reality, the potential for success lies in our asking for spiritual support - in the form of angels, righteous souls, the Lightforce of the Creator - to begin (and sometimes finish) the work for us! Because everything in our world has its roots in the spiritual worlds, it’s always more efficient and fruitful to start with the spiritual side. This helps us access and manifest the limitless possibilities and experience more miracles daily.
    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • If perception creates reality, how can we cultivate the belief and trust needed to achieve our unlimited potential? What practical tools can we use to reframe our desires and connect to the unlimited reality? How can we shift our mindset from seeking relief to accessing greater possibilities? We'll answer these questions and more as we delve into the topic of Perception vs.Reality.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Each one of us is a collage of our past experiences, past lifetimes and unlimited potential. The impact of past family trauma can affect our individual healing processes and prevent us from fulfilling our infinite purpose. This week we're exploring how generational healing differs from individual healing, how unresolved trauma can be passed down through spiritual and physical DNA and the role of free will in ending generational patterns. Bring your baggage with you on a deep exploration of the ways our past informs our future - and how we can keep it from blocking our path.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Discover how the tool of Tikkune Healing can support you on your spiritual journey: https://guidance.kabbalah.com/book/tikkune-healing

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • This week we are focusing on the ways that major life events, such as illness, addiction, and financial crises, can be an instrumental part of a spiritual journey. Facing these storms with radical acceptance is the first step in learning to shift from panic to trust in the divine process, no matter how big or small the storm. Join us in a discussion about the transformative potential of adversity and the importance of resilience in both daily and major life upsets as well as how to support others when they face their own storms.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • Throughout this week, as well as the month of Scorpio, we are given a heightened opportunity to embrace the unexpected in life. Learning to detach from preconceived plans and trusting the universe's guidance sounds easier said than done - and we’re breaking down the practical ways to welcome things that would otherwise be surprising and even disappointing. Join us as we discover how to build the spiritual muscles of trust and openness, resulting in a greater capacity to experience blessings and goodness in life.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • According to Kabbalah, while our gifts and our growth opportunities are predetermined, we can access better destinies through free will. This week we have the ability to tap into parallel destinies to shift to a more fulfilling life, as long as we're willing to embrace honesty, humility, and trust in the divine plan for us. Although certain challenges may part of our soul's journey, when we seek short-term solutions and temporary relief, we push away those greater potentials for joy, fulfillment and living in purpose.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

  • According to the Kabbalists, every week of the year provides us with a unique opportunity for growth and transformation. This week invites us to tap into to our personal strength by embracing vulnerability and authentic connections for true expansion. Whether the impetus comes from external influences or the inner drive to overcome our shortcomings, we can utilize our true self - our soul - to exercise greater impact in both our personal and professional lives.

    Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week.

    You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.