In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
No, South Africa’s Department of Basic Education is not planning to introduce ‘grade 13’ in high schools. https://bit.ly/sa_grade13
Does this video show a sinkhole at the ‘Harties tunnel’ in South Africa? Nope. https://bit.ly/sa_sinkhole
Can a mixture of turmeric and ginger ‘reduce the growth of fibroids’? Of course not. https://bit.ly/cure_fibroids
‘Corpus Christi’: the Frankenstein hoax that keeps on giving. https://bit.ly/christi_corpus
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Reports of more deaths of South African children from spaza shop poisonings are not true, ignore engagement bait. https://bit.ly/sa_poisonings
Can dried pawpaw seeds cure fibroids? Of course not. https://bit.ly/fibroids_remedy
ZOMBIE CLAIM: Drug dealers aren’t trying to lure kids with ‘strawberry meth’. https://bit.ly/strawberry_drugs
Has South African president Cyril Ramaphosa been arrested in Nigeria? No! https://bit.ly/ramaphosa_arrest
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Ignore the widely shared claim that 100% of South Africa’s HIV/Aids funding comes from the United States, it’s mostly funded by the SA government. https://bit.ly/hiv_funding
Has South Africa raised its retirement age to 70? Nope. https://bit.ly/sa_retirement
Don’t believe this old claim: South Africa hasn’t barred white-owned farms from agricultural export permits. https://bit.ly/sa_farms
Can hot water infused with cloves provide a wide range of reproductive health benefits? No! https://bit.ly/clove_water
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
This widely shared video of a school child assaulted by a teacher is from Nigeria, not South Africa. https://bit.ly/video_nigeria
Does this video show South African firefighters travelling to the United States in January 2025 to assist with wildfire response? Nope! https://bit.ly/southafrica_wildfires
No, China has not declared a state of emergency (https://bit.ly/hmpv_emergency) or closed any schools (https://bit.ly/hmpv_schools) due to HMPV infections.
SCAM: Is Stagwell offering ‘an easy way to earn extra money from home’ in South Africa? No! https://bit.ly/stagwell_money
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On this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?” we take a deep dive into three top tools for verifying information in 2025:
Using Google's About this tool: How and why.
The Wayback Machine: An internet time capsule.
InVid and WeVerify’s verification plugin: Speedy video debunks.
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In our last episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?” for 2024, we look at 3 viral claims and share some tips for avoiding false information this festive season:
Does this video show the pillars of a bridge cut near their bases by “illegal foreigners” in South Africa? No, they’re part of the original design! https://bit.ly/sa_bridge
The South African Police Service has rubbished a “special public announcement for the festive season”. https://bit.ly/saps_statement
Do these dodgy-looking links offer ‘cash prizes’ through the rewards programme of South African retailer Spar? Nope. https://bit.ly/spar_rewards
What should you look out for when debunking crap on WhatsApp this holiday season? We’ve got some tips!
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Was there a nationwide product recall issued for a batch of Yaz Plus, a hormonal birth control pill in South Africa? Surprisingly, yes! https://bit.ly/yaz_southafrica
Don’t try these home remedies for detoxifying heavy metals from the body. https://bit.ly/metals_heavy
Can this “herbal tea” cure glaucoma, cataracts and other eye conditions? Of course not. https://bit.ly/tea_eyes
No, Spar South Africa is still not hiring part-time workers for “this December”. https://bit.ly/hiring_spar
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Did US president-elect Donald Trump make a controversial speech about Africans, called “rise up Africans”? Nope. https://bit.ly/trump_africans
Beware: This child kidnapping warning is a variation on an old hoax. https://bit.ly/child_kidnapping🫚
Can basil leaf and ginger cure all infections? Of course not. https://bit.ly/basilleaf_cure
No, Pepsi has still not been contaminated with HIV. https://bit.ly/pepsi_hiv
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Folic acid is vital during pregnancy, ignore widely shared claims to throw the nutrient “in the trash”. https://bit.ly/folicacid_folate
Do these videos show the secretary general of South Africa’s largest political party, criticising president Cyril Ramaphosa? No! https://bit.ly/fikile_mbalula
Did South African political party the Democratic Alliance hoist a giant Israeli flag on Cape Town’s iconic Table Mountain? Nope. https://bit.ly/capetown_flag
Don’t worry, you STILL won’t fall victim to phishing if you share greeting messages on WhatsApp. https://bit.ly/greeting_messages
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Was this photo of a Somali man with a gun taken in South Africa? No! https://bit.ly/somalia_southafrica
No, the South African Social Security Agency is not giving grants to chronically ill South Africans aged over 70. https://bit.ly/sassa_grant
SCAM: ‘Phase 5’ of South Africa’s presidential youth employment initiative is not open. https://bit.ly/sa_phase5
Can this miracle formula cure chronic kidney disease? No, an expert warns people not to look for solutions on social media. https://bit.ly/cure_kidney
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On this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?” we take a deep dive into the current health emergency, mpox:
What is mpox? Revisiting what we know about the contagious virus.
Quick debunks of common myths.
Tips on fact-checking during disease outbreaks.
Your friends and family can sign up for our show! Tell them to save our number (+27 82 709 3527) and send us a WhatsApp message to confirm. You can send us any WhatsApp message that you need fact-checked! Forward videos, pictures and links to this number.
In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four viral claims:
Can a common type of grass reverse kidney failure? Nope. https://bit.ly/kidney_failure
Should those with candidiasis avoid sugar, wheat and dairy? No! https://bit.ly/candidiasis_treatment
SCAM: Be wary of ‘R6,000’ vacancies for Capitec advertised in unverified social media posts. https://bit.ly/capitec_scam
SCAM: Ignore these posts claiming several South African retailers are hiring. https://bit.ly/southafrica_jobscam
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four claims doing the rounds:
These old photos have been used to inflame tensions after a South African mayor’s controversial proposal to hire ‘foreigners’. https://bit.ly/sa_protest
Has the World Health Organization ordered countries to prepare for ‘mega lockdowns’ over the mpox outbreak? No! https://bit.ly/mpox_lockdown
‘Deliberate misinformation’ – watermelon and cuttlebone are not a remedy for high blood pressure. https://bit.ly/highblood_pressure
Can guava leaves cure ulcers? Nope. https://bit.ly/guava_ulcers
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four claims doing the rounds:
There’s no evidence that 'Jinja Herbal Extracts' can cure various diseases and conditions, seek verified medical attention instead. https://bit.ly/jinja_herbalextracts
Does the British monarch own all the land in England? Britain’s land laws are no model for expropriation in South Africa. https://bit.ly/uk_laws
Can soursop leaf tea cure cancer, depression, and diabetes? Nope, there is no scientific evidence to support this. https://bit.ly/soursop_cure
Will Eskom give you R5,000 for reporting illegal electricity connections? No, Eskom said there is no reward programme. https://bit.ly/eskom_reward
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four claims doing the rounds:
Does this screenshot show a post about “digital and medical IDs” by Western Cape premier Alan Winde? Nope, it’s a parody account. https://bit.ly/winde_post
There’s no proof that South Africa’s new home affairs minister Leon Schreiber is ‘a Zimbabwean foreigner’. https://bit.ly/schreiber_foreigner
Did a South African politician really write that black people in the Democratic Alliance party ‘are just experiments’? Of course not! https://bit.ly/da_mazzone
Scam: Don't be duped by ‘official’ letters guaranteeing admission to South African universities for a fee. https://bit.ly/university_fee
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four claims doing the rounds:
No, don’t use a mixture of salt, sugar and dry gin as a remedy for cholera. Seek medical attention instead. https://bit.ly/mixture_cholera
Has Bill Gates hasn’t launched maggot milk? Thankfully, this claim is false. https://bit.ly/maggot_milk
Do not use tomato leaf juice to treat cataracts. See a doctor to avoid making the condition worse. https://bit.ly/cataracts_tomatoleaf
Deepfake layer cake: These poorly made Barbara O’Neill impersonations are as bad as some of her health claims. https://bit.ly/deepfake_impersonation
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On this episode of *“What's Crap on WhatsApp?”* we take a deep dive into post-election misinformation:
Quick debunks of widely-shared myths.
Harmful effects of election misinformation & tips to avoid it.
What's next for South Africa?
Your friends and family can sign up for our show! Tell them to save our number (+27 82 709 3527) and send us a WhatsApp message to confirm. You can send us any WhatsApp message that you need fact-checked! Forward videos, pictures and links to this number.
In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four claims doing the rounds:
FALSE: South Africa’s electoral commission has debunked claims around ‘changing’ vote numbers on the results dashboard. https://bit.ly/sa_votes
Does this video show boxes of ‘hidden’, ‘uncounted’ votes cast in South Africa’s 2024 elections? Of course not. https://bit.ly/uncounted_ballotboxes
Is a “memo” by the Democratic Alliance saying it intended to undermine a ‘coalition’ government real? Nope! https://bit.ly/da_memo
This video shows a 2022 twister in the USA, not a tornado in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province. https://bit.ly/sa_tornado
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four claims doing the rounds:
Will the US security agency start a war in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province and frame the uMkhonto weSizwe party? Of course not! https://bit.ly/cia_southafrica
There’s no evidence that South Africa’s two biggest political parties bribed the electoral commission to rig the election. https://bit.ly/southafrica_bribery
Is the fruit drink brand Maaza and other soft drinks infected with Ebola? No! https://bit.ly/ebola_drinks
Ignore this false #ZombieClaim that people who got vaccinated against Covid ‘are no more humans’. https://bit.ly/covid_vaccinated
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In this episode of “What's Crap on WhatsApp?”, we look at four election-related claims doing the rounds:
FALSE: South Africa’s electoral commission has dispelled claims of ‘destroyed’ ballot boxes in South Africa’s Limpopo province. https://bit.ly/iec_ballotboxes
Were ‘mystery’ ballot papers ‘discovered’ pre-filled with votes for South Africa’s ruling party? Nope! https://bit.ly/anc_iec
No, person dressed in South Africa’s ruling party colours does not also work for electoral commission. https://bit.ly/anc_southafrica
Does this image show a confidential letter from a US intelligence official to a member of South Africa’s main opposition party? No. https://bit.ly/us_letteranc
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